Teacher killed a rabbit? This one drowned raccoons.

I think police stations AND schools need to put more effort into checking those they hire BEFORE they put them in the public.
deanrd is right - Its not just teachers.

I've rehabbed wild animals and rescued domestic all my life and I've seen this everywhere.

Its the tine of year to rescue baby possums from their dead jill's pouches and I have heard of many people who kill the babies on purpose - even though they know the good that ;possums do.

I once saw a car in front of me swerve to hit a huge covey of tiny baby quail being herded across the road by their mom and dad. Why? I don't know.

And, almost everyone I know is against cruelty to animals but almost everyone I know eats them. Is there anyone who doesn’t know of the horrendous cruelty to so-called “food” animals? That's the easiest cruelty to stop but people are just too apathetic. People do not care about animals - except the ones they choose as companions.

If you can figure out how to stop mindless cruelty, let me know.
The puppy and the turtle was the worst story I heard on the news about a teacher and a science project.

I consider puppies and kittens to be just like humans, and dogs and cats like people.
I kill animals, spiders, flies, skeeters...and others et al.
I practice a policy of catch and release for spiders and flies.

I can catch flies with my bare hands.

For spiders I use a clear plastic beer cup since they bite.

I kill mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas on sight however.

I also hate leeches too.
The puppy and the turtle was the worst story I heard on the news about a teacher and a science project.

I consider puppies and kittens to be just like humans, and dogs and cats like people.
But not for sex.
Moses said that children and animals may not be used for sex, correct.

Nor people of your same gender.

Those are all ancient Hebrew laws supposedly coming directly from Jehovah (English/Irish spelling).
Moses said that children and animals may not be used for sex, correct.

Nor people of your same gender.

Those are all ancient Hebrew laws supposedly coming directly from Jehovah (English/Irish spelling).
I believe we can assume that by "children" Moses was talking about pre-pubescent persons rather than those who are sexually mature, which is when Nature determined them to be ready.
Probably a Republican.

Mike Huckabee's son kills dogs.

Details of Huckabee Son’s Dog Torture Episode Coming Out

Don't forget, Mike Huckabee said the Obama's were bad parents.

Iowa Poll: Huckabee attack on Obama parenting went too far

Every time you turn around, Republicans get even more nasty.

Since it was a teacher more likely Democrat.
It's scientists that are more likely to be a Democrat.
But in a place like Kentucky for instance, the teachers are probably Republican.

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