Teacher made to apologize for saying, "Hello girls"

How old were you when someone told you that you were retarded?

Nobody had to tell me,.. I just knew. Unlike you who has been told that millions of times and still doesn't get it so at least I have that going for me.


Imagine if you will, being a teacher at an all girls school and saying, "Hello girls" and being made to apologize later because some of the students go by "they/them".

Shouldn't there be a they/them school? Why are they at a girls school?
That would be my last day and no apology. Private schools are booming. Let the woke eat the woke
I have a question.

Do parents expect their children to go to a school to learn how to read, write, do math or to become experts on pronouns? The kids use the pronouns to describe themselves and we the people don't even question if the pronoun is being used correctly.We seem to be afraid to correct their grammar or we will be classified as genderphobic.

Here is a list of pronouns and if you catch one of these bubble brains using them incorrectly, please feel free to correct them.

There are also lists of gender pronouns and how to use them so not to offend or hurt their tender little feelings.

Something has definitely gone wrong with our society. Yesterday, I ordered a pizza. It was stinking horribly. I threw it away. I didn’t eat it. I didn’t ask for refund because I didn’t want to be labeled homophonic. The dude who served was gay. Today I ordered a sandwich, I took one bite and couldn’t eat anymore because it tasted horrible. I faced the same dilemma. The girl who served was black.
What do I give a crap about a private school? Yes ridiculous but not my monkey not my circus. The parents if they disagree can remove their children.

PS. Payments due in pounds so not even in the US. Super not my monkey not my circus. Find stuff that actually effects you to be upset about.

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