Teacher made to apologize for saying, "Hello girls"

We konw, anyone that disagrees with the woke agenda is a fascist hate filled racist.

We get it.

God forbid we refer to girls as girls. What's next? Referring to puppies as puppies? :omg:

A school for GIRLS? Apparently. A private schools for Girls. I question why THEY, THEM are allowed to attend the school if it/that is not a girl. How can an it/that/they/them be subjected to the utter humiliation of being "educated" in a puke/choke/cough school for girls?
A school for GIRLS? Apparently. A private schools for Girls. I question why THEY, THEM are allowed to attend the school if it/that is not a girl.

Hmmm,.. I wonder if I can identify as a seven year old little girl so I can finally get back into Chuck E. Cheese's!! :D (I mean that basically makes just as much sense LOL XD)
Why? I seem to live in a time in history full of assholes that literally think they're serving jesus but are really the most judgemental [sic and nasty pieces of shit this world has ever known. You people are children of the goddamn devil. Your heart is full of hatred.

Say a fucked-up freak that can't decide whether he's a man or a woman or something else.

It has nothing to do with anyone else being hateful or judgmental or bigoted or anything.

It ahs everything to do with you being a mentally- and morally-fucked up nutcase.
God forbid we refer to girls as girls. What's next? Referring to puppies as puppies? :omg:

My partner's daughter graduated Cal University at Santa Barbara convinced she could raise a female bulldog as a male. She named the little girl Thor. The pup, being smarter than the graduate never cared. She continued to squat to pee.
I don't know how you stop "crazy" when everyone buys into the crazy

The world often buys into crazy. Only just a year or so ago, the entire world locked themselves in their houses and wouldn't go out unless they were suited up like a surgeon because they were terrified of getting flu.

The world economy is still reeling from that temporary insanity.

But, the good news is, being insane requires effort. Most people are way too lazy or distracted by real life to act crazy for very long.

Most people will only engage in crazy until it becomes boring and tedious.
Why? I seem to live in a time in history full of assholes that literally think they're serving jesus but are really the most judgemental and nasty pieces of shit this world has ever known. You people are children of the goddamn devil. Your heart is full of hatred.
You’re pretty judgemental yourself there, kiddo.
So let me get this straight,.. you can't say hello to girls at an all girls' school because it's now considered offensive?

You can SAY anything you want and someone will ALWAYS be offended by it.

But, it up to us how we chose to deal with someone else's hurt feelings.

Everyone cannot be pleased and someone will always feel hurt (even if they're only hurting themselves).

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