Teacher reinstated

Kids can be cruel but teachers should know better.

A very large % of teachers just do what ever Union they belong to tells them to do...

Not all teachers are stupid, I just wish more would apply common sense in their curriculum...

after refusing to use 'WOKE' terminology.

"20th Circuit Judge James E. Plowman Jr. found that the Loudoun County Public Schools system had taken "an unconstitutional action" in disciplining teacher Tanner Cross."

Works for me.

Will it now go to SCOTUS?
The teacher is a dick, you call people what they want you to call them. Period. If the tranny legally changed their name would he still refuse?
From now on, I want you, and only you, to refer to me as YOUR lord grand emperor and magnificent hope for intellectual salvation.

. . . if you refer to me by anything else? You, by your own admission, are a dick.
No problem my lord grand emperor and magnificent hope for intellectual salvation. See that didn't hurt me at all. I hope it helped with your identity and esteem issues.
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
Honesty = cruelty? My goodness
I guess you're the guy who goes up to fat women to tell them they're fat.
No but if a woman asks me to call her skinny when she weighs 300 pounds, then I wont do that.
What if some fairly good looking air head asked you to tell her she was brilliant when you knew she wasn't? :dunno:
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
Honesty = cruelty? My goodness
I guess you're the guy who goes up to fat women to tell them they're fat.
No but if a woman asks me to call her skinny when she weighs 300 pounds, then I wont do that.
So, if it makes her feel better and doesn't cost you anything you'll still refuse? What a nice guy you are.
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
Honesty = cruelty? My goodness
I guess you're the guy who goes up to fat women to tell them they're fat.
No but if a woman asks me to call her skinny when she weighs 300 pounds, then I wont do that.
What if some fairly good looking air head asked you to tell her she was brilliant when you knew she wasn't? :dunno:
Who am I too judge? She is indeed brilliant!
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
Honesty = cruelty? My goodness
I guess you're the guy who goes up to fat women to tell them they're fat.
No but if a woman asks me to call her skinny when she weighs 300 pounds, then I wont do that.
So, if it makes her feel better and doesn't cost you anything you'll still refuse? What a nice guy you are.
Lying makes someone feel better? If you’re a teacher and a kid gets a D on a test but says he will kill himself if you don’t make it an A, would you make it an A? If not you’re an insensitive SOB.
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
Honesty = cruelty? My goodness
I guess you're the guy who goes up to fat women to tell them they're fat.
No but if a woman asks me to call her skinny when she weighs 300 pounds, then I wont do that.
So, if it makes her feel better and doesn't cost you anything you'll still refuse? What a nice guy you are.
Lying makes someone feel better? If you’re a teacher and a kid gets a D on a test but says he will kill himself if you don’t make it an A, would you make it an A? If not you’re an insensitive SOB.
Or married.
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.
Honesty = cruelty? My goodness
I guess you're the guy who goes up to fat women to tell them they're fat.
No but if a woman asks me to call her skinny when she weighs 300 pounds, then I wont do that.
So, if it makes her feel better and doesn't cost you anything you'll still refuse? What a nice guy you are.
Lying makes someone feel better? If you’re a teacher and a kid gets a D on a test but says he will kill himself if you don’t make it an A, would you make it an A? If not you’re an insensitive SOB.
Or married.

My point is some white lies are of course fine. But in the end honesty is the best policy.
after refusing to use 'WOKE' terminology.

"20th Circuit Judge James E. Plowman Jr. found that the Loudoun County Public Schools system had taken "an unconstitutional action" in disciplining teacher Tanner Cross."

Works for me.

Will it go to SCOTUS?
it’s got a long way to get to SCotUS.

i think it will end here
Even if he has that right he is still being cruel and the reason for that cruelty is???

A sane person is under no obligation whatsoever to play along with the delusions of someone who is mentally fucked-up. Not ever.

Claiming that it is “cruel” to refuse to play along with such madness changes nothing.
after refusing to use 'WOKE' terminology.

"20th Circuit Judge James E. Plowman Jr. found that the Loudoun County Public Schools system had taken "an unconstitutional action" in disciplining teacher Tanner Cross."

Works for me.

Will it now go to SCOTUS?
The teacher is a dick, you call people what they want you to call them. Period. If the tranny legally changed their name would he still refuse?
I watched the teacher being interviewed on TV today. He said that he would call everyone by their preferred name. In other words, he will call a boy Sue, but he will not use female pronouns to refer to a boy.
Even if he has that right he is still being cruel and the reason for that cruelty is???
If a mental patient is under the delusion that he is Napoleon Bonaparte or Jesus H. Christ, is it standard psychiatric procedure to address the person according to their delusion?

If not, why would it be if a man is under the delusion he is a broad?
Teachers are not psychologists, they are not trained to make such decisions. If the teacher made a big deal in class and the kid went home and killed themselves I'd say he contributed to the death.
And of course you would totally absolve the teacher of blame if his calling the student by unique pronouns that no one else is using highlighted his differences and caused the other students to bully him into killing himself. You wouldn't want that.
I wouldn't want that but I wouldn't feel the teacher contributed to the bullying.

Ya know what's cruel

You're not talking about some fat retard not even a compatible comparison

What complete bullshit ....

Being a phony with the youngsters don't help em out ....of the young kids and adults with this mental issue ....those who detransition....WHO didn't commit suicide ! all say the same thing ...

".no one pushed back "or asked to just stop and question what they were doing to themselves.... everyone lied to them
They're just so nice and supportive though ...pfffft lol

...including the so called professionals from the retards that prescribed them hormones ....to the idiot shrinks who ok it...

You can't be honest cause moronic leftards scream I'm offended and don't feel safe.....AND now this guy has to stand before a judge ....

It's not being cruel ,bigoted , or homophobic at all to call a biological male a male ...

The bullshit what's the big deal doesn't really fly on this one ya nazi dorks

The teacher is a dick, you call people what they want you to call them.

When I was in school, I repeatedly asked to be called by my preferred moniker, Johnny Storm.

The teachers weren't having it.

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