Teacher Wanting to Be on the Right Side of History Introduces 50 Shades of Gray Wordsearch to Kids

The Teacher or Teachers involved, deserve a good ole fashioned beat down. The parents should be allowed to 'meet' with them privately.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I suppose such thuggery and deviance is considered to be acceptable and desirable by most libertarians. If a person only hung out with other libertarians and similar deviants, that person might not ever learn that such behavior is considered to be totally unacceptable by decent society.

That's why I'm staging this intervention. Paulitiician, you're clearly dangerous and violent. You need to be put on a watch list and barred from living near decent people.

Piss off. These degenerates should never be allowed around children again. And to hell with you for defending them. So here's my intervention for you... I hope you get Ebola in your rectum real soon!!
Sadly, addicts usually don't recover until they hit rock-bottom. That includes hate-addicts like Paulitician. He's still got a good ways to fall.

Fortunately for him, he's got all of his well-worn Shades of Grey books to comfort him on the way down, as he raves about all the people he wants to see beaten and killed.
Just in case this gets lost on a back page...

Back to the topic...
...why did the teacher feel that handing out this word search puzzle was appropriate in the first place? My answer to that question is in the title: s/he simply felt s/he was on the "right side of history" doing so...
Why do you assume that a)the teacher felt handing out the puzzle was appropriate and b)you know the reason the teacher felt that way?
A. The teacher has a brain, I assume. The teacher knows the rules on pornography and children, I assume. And if the teacher doesn't have either of those two things, the teacher should not have made it through the credential program at his/her university. Unless of course one of the required courses for getting that credential is "neo-child psychology and how adult-child sex can be beneficial to the child 101" See this link & OP for details on that: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

B. If the teacher handed out material known to them (see A.) to be pornographic to middle-schoolers then the ONLY conclusion one could draw is that the teacher felt it was appropriate to do within society's constraints. Unlike the teacher in Philly who handed out 50 Shades of Gray to just one student (presumably to woo that student sexually), the teacher in this instance handed out the word search to at least 5 students according to reports. The teacher had to be thinking that at least one of those 5 students would be discussing that word search with other peers...which then would trickle up to adult ears; or that one of them would simply tell another adult. So the teacher was pushing the envelope on what was acceptable with kids sexually. I also assume in my deduction that the teacher wasn't trying to burn his/her job and wanted to keep it. So that bolsters my conclusion that the teacher, intelligent enough to get a college degree and a credential, handed out the word search to 5 students, logically-presumed such titillating material would cause a stir, and did so without reservations or fear of losing his/her job.

I'd like to hear your alternative explanations to A & B Montrovant.
Sadly, addicts usually don't recover until they hit rock-bottom. That includes hate-addicts like Paulitician. He's still got a good ways to fall.

Fortunately for him, he's got all of his well-worn Shades of Grey books to comfort him on the way down, as he raves about all the people he wants to see beaten and killed.

You should be fighting to get these pervert pedophiles out of the class room. But instead you're defending them. So spare me the high & mighty Bullshite. Shame on you.
You should be fighting to get these pervert pedophiles out of the class room. But instead you're defending them. So spare me the high & mighty Bullshite. Shame on you.
That would be a big fight indeed Paulitician. The point of this thread is that this is (or will be quite soon...think: Education Czar Jennings' "fisting" curriculum recently) the trend in ALL schools. Your private schools may be immune for a time, but they too will fall. Pretty soon it will be a tiny bastion of homeschoolers hiding their children forever from society at large where 13 year olds and younger are doing lap dances for business men and women after taking a course on "pleasing adults" in the 3rd grade.

Don't laugh. It happened this way and worse in Ancient Greece. Homosexuality had become so quietly and incrementally normalized in that culture; pedophilia the natural twin of that movement for some reason, that mothers willingly gave up their SIX YEAR OLD SONS to grown men to enter into a sexual relationship with them to give their sons a boost socially by networking that way. Those little sodomized boys grew up in turn to sodomize little boys and this was their culture. By and large this became the norm and nobody batted an eyelash in surprise.

THAT is the topic of this thread: the incremental normalizing of that which should be kept from children.
You should be fighting to get these pervert pedophiles out of the class room. But instead you're defending them. So spare me the high & mighty Bullshite. Shame on you.
That would be a big fight indeed Paulitician. The point of this thread is that this is (or will be quite soon...think: Education Czar Jennings' "fisting" curriculum recently) the trend in ALL schools. Your private schools may be immune for a time, but they too will fall. Pretty soon it will be a tiny bastion of homeschoolers hiding their children forever from society at large where 13 year olds and younger are doing lap dances for business men and women after taking a course on "pleasing adults" in the 3rd grade.

Don't laugh. It happened this way and worse in Ancient Greece. Homosexuality had become so quietly and incrementally normalized in that culture; pedophilia the natural twin of that movement for some reason, that mothers willingly gave up their SIX YEAR OLD SONS to grown men to enter into a sexual relationship with them to give their sons a boost socially by networking that way. Those little sodomized boys grew up in turn to sodomize little boys and this was their culture. By and large this became the norm and nobody batted an eyelash in surprise.

THAT is the topic of this thread: the incremental normalizing of that which should be kept from children.

I hear ya. Hope you're not proven correct though. I still think things can change for the better. I'm an optimist. But it starts with getting the perverts and political zealots out of the class room.

I mean, Teachers preying on children and constantly ranting & raving about 'Global Warming' in the class room, has become all-too common. The curriculum is a mess. So until things change, i would advise Parents to definitely seek education alternatives.
Just in case this gets lost on a back page...

Back to the topic...
...why did the teacher feel that handing out this word search puzzle was appropriate in the first place? My answer to that question is in the title: s/he simply felt s/he was on the "right side of history" doing so...
Why do you assume that a)the teacher felt handing out the puzzle was appropriate and b)you know the reason the teacher felt that way?
A. The teacher has a brain, I assume. The teacher knows the rules on pornography and children, I assume. And if the teacher doesn't have either of those two things, the teacher should not have made it through the credential program at his/her university. Unless of course one of the required courses for getting that credential is "neo-child psychology and how adult-child sex can be beneficial to the child 101" See this link & OP for details on that: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

B. If the teacher handed out material known to them (see A.) to be pornographic to middle-schoolers then the ONLY conclusion one could draw is that the teacher felt it was appropriate to do within society's constraints. Unlike the teacher in Philly who handed out 50 Shades of Gray to just one student (presumably to woo that student sexually), the teacher in this instance handed out the word search to at least 5 students according to reports. The teacher had to be thinking that at least one of those 5 students would be discussing that word search with other peers...which then would trickle up to adult ears; or that one of them would simply tell another adult. So the teacher was pushing the envelope on what was acceptable with kids sexually. I also assume in my deduction that the teacher wasn't trying to burn his/her job and wanted to keep it. So that bolsters my conclusion that the teacher, intelligent enough to get a college degree and a credential, handed out the word search to 5 students, logically-presumed such titillating material would cause a stir, and did so without reservations or fear of losing his/her job.

I'd like to hear your alternative explanations to A & B Montrovant.

First, good job once again bringing up the Prince's Trust Index that you have linked so often and misquoted or lied about so often! :clap:

For the first point, unlike you, I'm willing to entertain the possibility that handing out the puzzles was a mistake. An unforgivable mistake, perhaps, but still potentially a mistake. Even if it was intentional, just because it was done doesn't mean the teacher felt that it is acceptable in society or in that particular school to do so. Do you honestly believe that people only do things they feel are accepted by society at large?

Which brings us to the second point. Because the first point is still open to question, the second becomes an impossibility. How can we know the motivations of an act that we aren't even certain was intentional? And again, even assuming it was intentional, you make some strange assumptions regarding intent. How do you know the teacher wanted to keep his/her job? Maybe this was some sort of lashing out by a person having mental problems. Maybe they thought they could hide it from the rest of the school. Maybe they didn't think the parents would actually notice. You give an awful lot of credit to the intelligence of teachers, as though they cannot make bad or irrational decisions, as though getting a teaching degree automatically means one lives a logical life. This is a middle school teacher we're talking about.

As usual, you see what you want to push your own views and ignore all other possibility. ;)
I hear ya. Hope you're not proven correct though. I still think things can change for the better. I'm an optimist. But it starts with getting the perverts and political zealots out of the class room.

I mean, Teachers preying on children and constantly ranting & raving about 'Global Warming' in the class room, has become all-too common. The curriculum is a mess. So until things change, i would advise Parents to definitely seek education alternatives.

You will have ZERO success "getting the perverts ..out of the classroom" if you do not first elimate their coup on the bedrock of social mores: marriage. If they gain that foothold, all the legal chasms that will open up for their litigious army (by virtue of being the first sexual lifestyle EVER to gain special constitutional protections) will be too vast and too extensive. You will be pissing in the wind by that time.

Nope, if you care about what children will be learning in classrooms public and private across the nations, you will care first about the torpedo heading right at the heart of society: marriage. Return that question to the states and your battle is half-won.
This should be fun.......

Do you have any statistics or other evidence to show that public schools have become 'a playground for the pervs'? Has there been an increase in parental complaints about sexual content in lesson plans, an increase in criminal charges against school employees for sexual behavior to/around kids, etc.?

Or is it that you've read a few news stories like this and decided it is a national trend in public schools?

Hey, you're free to drop your child off into the Public School unknown for 8hrs a day. That's your call. But Parents need to have other options available. Who are these Teachers? They're complete strangers. Having so much faith they'll do the right thing when it comes to your child, seems to be a pretty frightening gamble. Why take the chance? Probably best to seek alternatives at this point.

Hah! Great non-answer.

I guess I'll just assume you have no actual evidence for your claim.

Why was it ok for parents to drop their kids in school for 8 hours a day with complete strangers in the past? What do you think has changed so drastically that public schools have gone from safe to danger zones? Let me guess....something along the lines of 'schools are filled with pervs now' with no actual evidence, right? ;)

The past is the past. Times have changed. But like i said, you wanna have absolute faith that complete strangers are always gonna do the right thing when it comes to your child, than so be it. That's all on you. But others are gonna choose alternatives. So don't try to take those alternatives away. You do what you wanna do. But leave others alone.

So again......you have no answer, you will just make shit up. Got it, that's your usual M.O.

But please, continue to put words in my mouth as though you are making a coherent argument! :lol:

Can't make it any clearer for you. You're free to have absolute faith in complete strangers always doing the right thing when it comes to your child. So just go ahead and drop em off with the strangers for 8hrs a day. I won't stop you. You make your own decisions. But don't feel you can make others' decisions. Parents have every right to be deeply worried about what's going on in Public Schools these days. They're completely justified in seeking education alternatives.

I never said anything about having absolute faith in strangers. I never said anything about making decisions for others about what they do in raising their children.

You can't make it any clearer that you have no basis on which to make your claims about the perversion in public schools. You have not provided one jot of evidence, not even any anecdotal evidence, that public school classrooms are dangerously perverse now where they were not in the past. All you have done is taken my question and tried to turn it into an extreme position so as to avoid giving any of that evidence while maintaining your claim.

Since that is how you generally do things, I won't feign surprise. :D
I hear ya. Hope you're not proven correct though. I still think things can change for the better. I'm an optimist. But it starts with getting the perverts and political zealots out of the class room.

I mean, Teachers preying on children and constantly ranting & raving about 'Global Warming' in the class room, has become all-too common. The curriculum is a mess. So until things change, i would advise Parents to definitely seek education alternatives.

You will have ZERO success "getting the perverts ..out of the classroom" if you do not first elimate their coup on the bedrock of social mores: marriage. If they gain that foothold, all the legal chasms that will open up for their litigious army (by virtue of being the first sexual lifestyle EVER to gain special constitutional protections) will be too vast and too extensive. You will be pissing in the wind by that time.

Nope, if you care about what children will be learning in classrooms public and private across the nations, you will care first about the torpedo heading right at the heart of society: marriage. Return that question to the states and your battle is half-won.

Why am I not surprised that you believe this stupid and idiotic word search is the fault of gays getting married. You're becoming more unhinged by the day but it does provide a well needed dose of comedy.
Just in case this gets lost on a back page...

Back to the topic...
...why did the teacher feel that handing out this word search puzzle was appropriate in the first place? My answer to that question is in the title: s/he simply felt s/he was on the "right side of history" doing so...
Why do you assume that a)the teacher felt handing out the puzzle was appropriate and b)you know the reason the teacher felt that way?
A. The teacher has a brain, I assume. The teacher knows the rules on pornography and children, I assume. And if the teacher doesn't have either of those two things, the teacher should not have made it through the credential program at his/her university. Unless of course one of the required courses for getting that credential is "neo-child psychology and how adult-child sex can be beneficial to the child 101" See this link & OP for details on that: Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

B. If the teacher handed out material known to them (see A.) to be pornographic to middle-schoolers then the ONLY conclusion one could draw is that the teacher felt it was appropriate to do within society's constraints. Unlike the teacher in Philly who handed out 50 Shades of Gray to just one student (presumably to woo that student sexually), the teacher in this instance handed out the word search to at least 5 students according to reports. The teacher had to be thinking that at least one of those 5 students would be discussing that word search with other peers...which then would trickle up to adult ears; or that one of them would simply tell another adult. So the teacher was pushing the envelope on what was acceptable with kids sexually. I also assume in my deduction that the teacher wasn't trying to burn his/her job and wanted to keep it. So that bolsters my conclusion that the teacher, intelligent enough to get a college degree and a credential, handed out the word search to 5 students, logically-presumed such titillating material would cause a stir, and did so without reservations or fear of losing his/her job.

I'd like to hear your alternative explanations to A & B Montrovant.

Hi Silhouette:
A. I would agree with you if such teacher intended, felt it was appropriate, and never considered a problem with such material. I don't think anyone would argue with that, and if they did, they need to be corrected not you!
Such errors can't be reversed after the damage is done, so it is important to have teachers with sense who can see the difference and not make such poor judgments. If that is what happened here, of course.

However, there are other possible scenarios:
1. the teacher had this kind of adult material as their personal literature, and didn't mean to slip it into the classroom

I would argue this is close to scenario A where it is "ill advised" to have a teacher where this can too easily go wrong.
Such as having a teacher who is a porn star, and it disrupts the class and school, even though they are supposedly
"keeping their private life separate from school"; that isn't going to happen.

2. the teacher does not subscribe to such literature, but happened to have used some source that had this in it,
didn't pay attention, and somehow copied inappropriate material and passed it out until it was caught after 5 handouts.

Scenario 1 I would agree with you are NOT worth the risk of exposing the kids
to adult things the parents don't approve of. Scenario 2 is forgivable if the parents/school agree, but if they
don't, they should have discretion to replace the teacher for a negligent mistake that is too hard to explain to others.

But there are other scenarios as well:
2. the material came from some other source, like another teacher where it was assumed to be prescreened,
and the teacher normally doesn't keep such material.
But it accidentally got mixed in and photocopied and passed around by the teacher

3. Some other student/joker slipped in copies of their own material as a joke on the class or the teacher who didn't notice the swap and started passing it around.

So Silhouette
YES I can think of at least TWO (or 2.5) scenarios where I would agree with you.
but the other 2 (or 2.5) involve carelessness or problems from other people besides just the teacher doing this intentionally.

If a student did this, and the teacher caught it fairly quickly, are you going to punish the teacher or the student who did this?

Just a hypothetical.

Just to show that although I agree with you, there are other reasons not to jump to conclusions.
I hear ya. Hope you're not proven correct though. I still think things can change for the better. I'm an optimist. But it starts with getting the perverts and political zealots out of the class room.

I mean, Teachers preying on children and constantly ranting & raving about 'Global Warming' in the class room, has become all-too common. The curriculum is a mess. So until things change, i would advise Parents to definitely seek education alternatives.

You will have ZERO success "getting the perverts ..out of the classroom" if you do not first elimate their coup on the bedrock of social mores: marriage. If they gain that foothold, all the legal chasms that will open up for their litigious army (by virtue of being the first sexual lifestyle EVER to gain special constitutional protections) will be too vast and too extensive. You will be pissing in the wind by that time.

Nope, if you care about what children will be learning in classrooms public and private across the nations, you will care first about the torpedo heading right at the heart of society: marriage. Return that question to the states and your battle is half-won.

Sorry Silhouette
I agree that the marriage issue will open up the dialogue and force parties to reach a consensus,
so that is a key pivotal focus, but it is not the direct issue itself.

The REAL issue that needs to be addressed is that homosexuality involves a spiritual condition and process.

So the people who have successfully HEALED of either homosexual or other unwanted sexual attractions
did so through spiritual therapy of forgiveness, acceptance and healing.

this NEVER works in an environment of rejection and judgment.

So you are shooting yourself in the foot by rejecting gay marriage for others.

What you CAN do which IS correct is to defend your OWN views in marriage being a private and personal
spiritual commitment between husband and wife and keep it out of the state. That part is correct and defensible.

If you really want to do more to end the confusion over homosexuality,
read the book "Homosexuality: Can it be healed" by Francis MacNutt who explains it the best I've seen anybody,
and he and his wife and ministry have experience in what it takes someone to heal of their homosexual past.

Francis: The sad thing is that conservative Christians often don't offer homosexuals anything except condemnation. It takes six months of weekly individual counseling and an intense changing and building up of the individual. Shouting about it doesn't help very much. It just makes things worse.

Interview - Francis Judith MacNutt - Mastering Life

David: Someone has suggested that homosexuals need to have their confused orientation healed before they are allowed into the priesthood. What do you think about that?

Francis: Unfortunately, I don't think there is that much known among the clergy as a whole about healing the homosexual. That is why we are trying to bring healing back into the church. Even with physical healing, it's not fully understood in the population of priests that it can take place.

David: You've had a lot of success in your ministry with healing the homosexual. What do you do? How do you pray for a homosexual?

Francis: We've had some and Judith's had more actually. She had 20 clients when she was seeing patients in Clearwater who were either homosexual or lesbian in orientation, and they were all healed. Now, it took time. I think that really needs to be said. It is mostly over a period of time and in some depth.

David: Tell a story or two of people that you minister to, Judith, in this area to illustrate how you try to help the homosexual.

Judith: The first thing that has to be said is that they must want to be healed. By and large there are a lot of homosexuals and lesbians that are very happy with their lifestyle. They have found someone that they really care about, and they want to remain in that lifestyle. So, the first thing in coming for healing is saying, Lord Jesus, help me. As in any area of our lives whether it's weakness, sin, or whatever, we have to ask for the help of Jesus.

David: And how would you actually pray for them?

Judith: The actual prayer itself is not that much different than it would be for anybody else who is wounded in any area of their life. So many of us struggle with broken sexuality because of the way we were raised, the way we were taught, the ways our parents modeled or didn't model healthy sexuality, because so much of our sexuality is tied up in our identity, and identity issues need to be healed in most people. Very few of us really know the true-self that God created. Most of us function out of a false-self, so getting back to the true-self and the real true sexual identity is pretty much the same process for any issue that we would work with in inner healing. It involves going back to the childhood, and finding out was the person wanted. So many people say I didn't want a boy, I wanted a girl, or I didn't want a girl, I wanted a boy, and so there was a rejection of their very sexual identity from the time they were born.

I was reading somewhere yesterday where it was so important to a certain couple that they have a boy, and they had eight girls, and they kept trying and trying and trying, and finally they had to adopt a boy. Well, what message did that give to the eight daughters? You have no value and you were just a mistake. So there are all kinds of identity issues in childhood; there is rejection, there is wounding, there is sexual abuse, perhaps incest, perhaps someone outside the family. But so many of the people that I worked with had real broken identities - they just didn't know who they were in God or why they were here or where they were going. It would usually take about six months of psychotherapy, inner healing and generational healing for the person to come to a fullness of their identity.

David: It is quite common that male homosexuals haven't had a positive or strong father figure to call them into masculinity. How do you pray for that situation?

Judith: I found it took a multifaceted approach. We would do the inner healing work with God as father and Jesus as brother coming into the masculine identity that God had already created within them. In a deep father wound we would do the prayers of God the Father becoming their father, which He is, and then healing the brokenness that relates to the earthly father - the deep longing for Abba, with the daddy figure holding and loving them, accepting rather than rejecting them, having conditional love for them. We would have them sit with God the Father and let Him hold them during the inner healing prayer. I would have them listen to the voice of God - “What is He saying to you? Is He rejecting you?” And they would always with great tears of joy say, "No. He's telling me He loves me, but wants more for me," and God would speak all these beautiful words of love to them, and they would start having healing dreams and healing images and visions. Once the Spirit started working in them, that would start this whole healing process.

I also asked for help within the Christian community wherever I've been, especially in private practice, I would ask for men from the community to come and take them under wing and take them out to dinner or take them fishing, take them biking, do whatever, have them in their home and embrace them as part of a Christian loving family. So it's not just prayer. This is where the church needs to respond. It's men and women stepping forward, parenting, what we would call re-parenting in psychology, and bringing them along. And the ones that were able to go through that experience were all healed.

David: When whatever has gone wrong is finally healed -- whether it's the masculine or the feminine identity or whether it's the trauma from child abuse -- what then happens to the homosexual identity versus the heterosexual identity?

Judith: The homosexual identity cannot coexist with a God-given identity so it just starts to go away. Now the struggle that some would have that were very active sexually, in pornography or in being very promiscuous, those images took longer to go away. It's just like anybody addicted to pornography - the images sometimes remain. That's where discipline and prayer had to come in for the individual to reject those images and to bring in the cross and the blood of Jesus to cover them, and then to put positive images in their place.

David: And in some, I would imagine, the true-self, the true heterosexual identity began to flower.

Judith: Oh, yes. The beautiful image starts to emerge within them of the way God created them to be, and they would come to such life in their identity and such joy in being the one that God created them to be. Many of them would say to me, “I always felt like I was living a lie when I was in this lifestyle. I was always full of shame. I was always full of a sense that it really wasn't me. It felt like someone else.” It was kind of like an alter-identity or an alter-ego, because when God starts in a therapeutic process, basically what He is doing is dismantling the ego that has developed, and replacing it with what is originally there, which is still there, but it's under this alter-ego/alter-identity.

Francis: The sad thing is that conservative Christians often don't offer homosexuals anything except condemnation. It takes six months of weekly individual counseling and an intense changing and building up of the individual. Shouting about it doesn't help very much. It just makes things worse.
Hey, you're free to drop your child off into the Public School unknown for 8hrs a day. That's your call. But Parents need to have other options available. Who are these Teachers? They're complete strangers. Having so much faith they'll do the right thing when it comes to your child, seems to be a pretty frightening gamble. Why take the chance? Probably best to seek alternatives at this point.

Hah! Great non-answer.

I guess I'll just assume you have no actual evidence for your claim.

Why was it ok for parents to drop their kids in school for 8 hours a day with complete strangers in the past? What do you think has changed so drastically that public schools have gone from safe to danger zones? Let me guess....something along the lines of 'schools are filled with pervs now' with no actual evidence, right? ;)

The past is the past. Times have changed. But like i said, you wanna have absolute faith that complete strangers are always gonna do the right thing when it comes to your child, than so be it. That's all on you. But others are gonna choose alternatives. So don't try to take those alternatives away. You do what you wanna do. But leave others alone.

So again......you have no answer, you will just make shit up. Got it, that's your usual M.O.

But please, continue to put words in my mouth as though you are making a coherent argument! :lol:

Can't make it any clearer for you. You're free to have absolute faith in complete strangers always doing the right thing when it comes to your child. So just go ahead and drop em off with the strangers for 8hrs a day. I won't stop you. You make your own decisions. But don't feel you can make others' decisions. Parents have every right to be deeply worried about what's going on in Public Schools these days. They're completely justified in seeking education alternatives.

I never said anything about having absolute faith in strangers. I never said anything about making decisions for others about what they do in raising their children.

You can't make it any clearer that you have no basis on which to make your claims about the perversion in public schools. You have not provided one jot of evidence, not even any anecdotal evidence, that public school classrooms are dangerously perverse now where they were not in the past. All you have done is taken my question and tried to turn it into an extreme position so as to avoid giving any of that evidence while maintaining your claim.

Since that is how you generally do things, I won't feign surprise. :D

Read a newspaper. Perverts preying on children in the class room is an all-too common reality at this point. It seems all the Communists/Progressives do these days is perv on the children and screech about 'Global Warming.' Hell of a curriculum, huh? I can't blame Parents for seeking education alternatives. It makes perfect sense.
Just to show that although I agree with you, there are other reasons not to jump to conclusions.

Sure, in this day and age with lawsuits flying all over the place involving teachers and students, this teacher "accidently" gave 5 students 50 shades of gray word search right on the eve of 50 shades of gray debuting in theatres...

...yeah..wow.. I'd say it was done in full knowledge of what was done. When you year hoofbeats, think horses and not zebras, OK?
Just to show that although I agree with you, there are other reasons not to jump to conclusions.

Sure, in this day and age with lawsuits flying all over the place involving teachers and students, this teacher "accidently" gave 5 students 50 shades of gray word search right on the eve of 50 shades of gray debuting in theatres...

...yeah..wow.. I'd say it was done in full knowledge of what was done. When you year hoofbeats, think horses and not zebras, OK?

Sorry you don't believe in due process to prove someone guilty of charges first.

Do you believe in the Golden Rule?

Or do you expect people to treat you innocent until proven guilty,
while you don't enforce that for others, only yourself?

If you don't mind being assumed guilty and judged before it's been proven,
that's fine. but I haven't met one human being who enjoyed being treated that way.

People are going to make mistakes, and some cannot be reversed.
But that is no excuse for judging people without defense and due process.
I'd rather teach kids to be civil, and solve problems in an AGREED process to accept responsibility for corrections.

Sorry to hear you don't believe in following due process.

You have "free speech" to express your opinion, but ought to take responsibility for that, and not just project blame and judgment onto others.

Otherwise, you also set a poor example.

"Respecting due process" is NOT the same as turning a blind eye and pretending there isn't a problem going on.

If you want to address the ROOT problem with the public schools, I agree
with Paulitician that the districts need to privatize and buy out the programs facilities and property and manage the schools themselves.

THAT'S a LONGTERM solution, not just projecting blame on any case you can find.

I'd rather teach both the kids and the parents how to own their own school programs, and manage them by conflict resolution and collaborative management, which includes how to handle due process and corrections/restitution for wrong. Your attitude obstructs this process. Sorry.
Sure, in this day and age with lawsuits flying all over the place involving teachers and students, this teacher "accidently" gave 5 students 50 shades of gray word search right on the eve of 50 shades of gray debuting in theatres...

...yeah..wow.. I'd say it was done in full knowledge of what was done. When you year hoofbeats, think horses and not zebras, OK?

Sorry you don't believe in due process to prove someone guilty of charges first.

Look, this isn't a thread about how things will be smoothed over for this teacher or the one in Philly, or the next one or the next one or the next one that is teaching fisting for Kevin Jennings to 6th graders or what have you. This is about a cumulative problem showing itself. It is about an insidious foreshadowing. Unless you also mean to suggest that the federal education czar also "made a mistake" directing a program to teach middle schoolers about "the joys of anal sex" or "fisting"?

It reminds me of a homosexual term I read about once called a "peg boy". It was a boy a sick ship's captain kept sitting on a peg, stretching his anus out wide enough in increments so the captain could have his way with him whenever he felt like it. These are nothing but introductory "stretchings" of our youth to prepare them to be sexually abused or used, it is the stretching of their innocence in more and more intrusive and deviant ways at younger and younger ages.

The point is, that if this teacher is found guilty, the reason s/he will plead mercy is "I thought it was OK to do??". And sadly enough, that's a viable excuse at this point.
Sure, in this day and age with lawsuits flying all over the place involving teachers and students, this teacher "accidently" gave 5 students 50 shades of gray word search right on the eve of 50 shades of gray debuting in theatres...

...yeah..wow.. I'd say it was done in full knowledge of what was done. When you year hoofbeats, think horses and not zebras, OK?

Sorry you don't believe in due process to prove someone guilty of charges first.

Look, this isn't a thread about how things will be smoothed over for this teacher or the one in Philly, or the next one or the next one or the next one that is teaching fisting for Kevin Jennings to 6th graders or what have you. This is about a cumulative problem showing itself. It is about an insidious foreshadowing. Unless you also mean to suggest that the federal education czar also "made a mistake" directing a program to teach middle schoolers about "the joys of anal sex" or "fisting"?

It reminds me of a homosexual term I read about once called a "peg boy". It was a boy a sick ship's captain kept sitting on a peg, stretching his anus out wide enough in increments so the captain could have his way with him whenever he felt like it. These are nothing but introductory "stretchings" of our youth to prepare them to be sexually abused or used, it is the stretching of their innocence in more and more intrusive and deviant ways at younger and younger ages.

The point is, that if this teacher is found guilty, the reason s/he will plead mercy is "I thought it was OK to do??". And sadly enough, that's a viable excuse at this point.

You think Kevin Jennings' fisting and "joys of anal sex" curriculum (as HIV cases in 13-24 year old impressionable adolescents skyrockets from gay anal sex) is something that makes you roll with laughter?

You're sick. Go get help. Quick.
You think Kevin Jennings' fisting and "joys of anal sex" curriculum (as HIV cases in 13-24 year old impressionable adolescents skyrockets from gay anal sex) is something that makes you roll with laughter?

You're sick. Go get help. Quick.

More :rofl:

What I find so funny is you, Sil. Your ability to tie any act that you have decided is immoral to homosexuality is quite amusing. Your belief that you know the motivations of every person who does something you think is wrong is amusing. Your misquoting, your poor understanding of what is or is not a quote, your spamming of a survey which does not say most of the things you claim it says, your constant deflection, your attributing thoughts or reasons to people who have said nothing of the sort, are all amusing.

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I don't think kids dying of aids is amusing, but you do apparently..
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