Teacher Wanting to Be on the Right Side of History Introduces 50 Shades of Gray Wordsearch to Kids

More :rofl:
What I find so funny is you, Sil. Your ability to tie any act that you have decided is immoral to homosexuality is quite amusing. Your belief that you know the motivations of every person who does something you think is wrong is amusing. Your misquoting, your poor understanding of what is or is not a quote, your spamming of a survey which does not say most of the things you claim it says, your constant deflection, your attributing thoughts or reasons to people who have said nothing of the sort, are all amusing.
It is no more pronounced than your ability to deny any act that is immoral to homosexuality.

You approve of Kevin Jennings' (gay education Czar: emphasis on "gay" and "education") curriculum on "fisting" and the "joys of anal sex"? Yes or no?

Here: let me help you come to a decision on that question:

Look what happened as Kevin Jennings' curriculum took root in the same years...

Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
More :rofl:
What I find so funny is you, Sil. Your ability to tie any act that you have decided is immoral to homosexuality is quite amusing. Your belief that you know the motivations of every person who does something you think is wrong is amusing. Your misquoting, your poor understanding of what is or is not a quote, your spamming of a survey which does not say most of the things you claim it says, your constant deflection, your attributing thoughts or reasons to people who have said nothing of the sort, are all amusing.
It is no more pronounced than your ability to deny any act that is immoral to homosexuality.

You approve of Kevin Jennings' (gay education Czar: emphasis on "gay" and "education") curriculum on "fisting" and the "joys of anal sex"? Yes or no?

Here: let me help you come to a decision on that question:

Look what happened as Kevin Jennings' curriculum took root in the same years...

Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.

What does Kevin Jennings have to do with this case of a teacher giving out 50 Shades work sheets? Where did anyone other than you mention Kevin Jennings?

Your ability to project is pretty impressive.
A teacher is in a school, believing deviant sex material/lessons are appropriate for students, the five of them s/he handed the material out to.

Kevin Jennings, the gay education czar, believes deviant sex materials/lessons are appropriate for students; 10s of millions of them.

See the correlation? What's impressive is your refusal to see the obvious connection..
A teacher is in a school, believing deviant sex material/lessons are appropriate for students, the five of them s/he handed the material out to.

Kevin Jennings, the gay education czar, believes deviant sex materials/lessons are appropriate for students; 10s of millions of them.

See the correlation? What's impressive is your refusal to see the obvious connection..

Ah. So all sexual 'deviancy' is equivalent?

And this still hinges on you knowing the motivations of people that, as is apparent from your post, you don't even know the gender of.

Once more with :rofl:
So you find the sexualizing of children hilarious and not worth people caring about or investigating? Noted, for the record..
OK, let me put it this way: a simple direct question. Do you, Montrovant, agree with gay education czar Kevin Jennings' curriculum of teaching kids "fisting" and "joys of anal sex". A simple yes or no will suffice.
OK, let me put it this way: a simple direct question. Do you, Montrovant, agree with gay education czar Kevin Jennings' curriculum of teaching kids "fisting" and "joys of anal sex". A simple yes or no will suffice.

I am unwilling to accept that this person has promoted what you say they have without looking into it myself.

Do I agree with teaching children fisting as part of public school curriculum? Of course not. Does the case in question in this thread have anything to do with fisting, or homosexuality, or Kevin Jennings? Not that I've seen, other than your own deluded ramblings. ;)
I am unwilling to accept that this person has promoted what you say they have without looking into it myself.

Do I agree with teaching children fisting as part of public school curriculum? Of course not. Does the case in question in this thread have anything to do with fisting, or homosexuality, or Kevin Jennings? Not that I've seen, other than your own deluded ramblings. ;)

Where the teacher in question in this thread MIGHT have gotten the idea that handing out a "50 Shades of Gray" wordsearch to 5 kids in his/her class is directly related to the curriculum Kevin Jennings approves of. Kevin Jennings is the EDUCATION CZAR for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The whole country. So s/he might have assumed that wordsearch was completely fair game. I can see why that would be the rationale. For instance, it wasn't about "the joys of anal sex" or "fisting"...it was about bondage sex. Do you see a clear or distinct difference between the two curriculums?
I am unwilling to accept that this person has promoted what you say they have without looking into it myself.

Do I agree with teaching children fisting as part of public school curriculum? Of course not. Does the case in question in this thread have anything to do with fisting, or homosexuality, or Kevin Jennings? Not that I've seen, other than your own deluded ramblings. ;)

Where the teacher in question in this thread MIGHT have gotten the idea that handing out a "50 Shades of Gray" wordsearch to 5 kids in his/her class is directly related to the curriculum Kevin Jennings approves of. Kevin Jennings is the EDUCATION CZAR for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The whole country. So s/he might have assumed that wordsearch was completely fair game. I can see why that would be the rationale. For instance, it wasn't about "the joys of anal sex" or "fisting"...it was about bondage sex. Do you see a clear or distinct difference between the two curriculums?

5 word search papers handed out now equals a curriculum, does it?

I'll grant the possibility, however small, that this teacher somehow decided that because of Kevin Jennings and an incident that occurred a number of years ago, it was OK to hand out 50 Shades material. Does that make you feel any better?

On the other hand, I think it's possible this teacher wouldn't even know who you are talking about if you brought up the name Kevin Jennings to them.

Do I see a distinct difference between what I've been lead to believe is heterosexual sex involving some bondage with 50 Shades of Gray and your repeated description of the joys of anal sex and fisting? Yes. Do you think they are one and the same?

And while we are at it, could you direct me to where Kevin Jennings has stated that the joys of anal sex or fisting should be part of the curriculum of public school children, or how such a curriculum has been implemented in US public schools? :popcorn:
A teacher hands out an inappropriate word search and clearly the gays are to blame. Too funny.
A teacher hands out an inappropriate word search and clearly the gays are to blame. Too funny.
Teacher feels comfortable handing out perverted wordsearch because the gay education czar set the standards for teaching other perverted sexual material in schools on a national "approval" level.

How does teaching kids about "fisting" and the "joys of anal sex" (when the numbers of young men and boys coming down with HIV from gay sex experimenting are skyrocketing) set the right example for other teachers to follow? You are aware that Kevin Jennings is gay, right?

I'm saying the teacher isn't necessarily to blame: instead, that the leader of the teaching community is.
A teacher hands out an inappropriate word search and clearly the gays are to blame. Too funny.
Teacher feels comfortable handing out perverted wordsearch because the gay education czar set the standards for teaching other perverted sexual material in schools on a national "approval" level.

How does teaching kids about "fisting" and the "joys of anal sex" (when the numbers of young men and boys coming down with HIV from gay sex experimenting are skyrocketing) set the right example for other teachers to follow? You are aware that Kevin Jennings is gay, right?

I'm saying the teacher isn't necessarily to blame: instead, that the leader of the teaching community is.

Has it been established that the teacher felt comfortable?
A teacher hands out an inappropriate word search and clearly the gays are to blame. Too funny.

To Silhouette credit, it is true that the liberal media is pushing sensitivity of gay and gender issues too far to the other extreme, to overcompensate for when these were excessively rejected at the opposite extreme. The point is for society and culture to be NEUTRAL and not emotionally or politically charged for or against. For example, we don't go crazy with MANDATORY laws over being either vegetarian or carnivorous,though many religiously biased groups do take a stand on this. this is NOT a political issue dividing public schools.

If the vegan groups were to get such hype behind them they started pushing their agenda onto other people and insulting rejecting anyone who disagreed where the media and public and schools started ostracizing meat-eaters, then you would see the SAME complaints of why is this agenda being pushed into every school???

So Silhouette is using this to launch into what's wrong with that whole agenda as biased against opponents of this agenda who are suddenly made the bad guyinstead of treated respected andincluded equally.

I understand this is a problem with public schools, policy and govt.

HOWEVER THIS STORY is a POOR example to use.

It is not as clear as other stories where gay or liberal sexual culture was pushed into the public realm.

Silhouette because this story happens to be a weak example
this is HARMING your credibility and making it look like YOU have an agenda
and aren't sticking to the case at hand.

Pick a better story to make your point so it at least makes clear sense.

This does not.

This is like picking Gary Graham to be the poster boy for abolishing the death penalty,
when Graham had committed forcible rape at gunpoint and ws violent. they should have picked a better example to make a point of what is wrong with the death penalty. But by rallying around a very poor case like Garry Graham, they embarrassed themselves, lost support of celebrities, and make it look like something was wrong with THEM.

Because you picked a story that isn't as clearly related, it makes it look like YOU have a problem not the school system that acknowledged something went wrong.

Otherwise your point would be right. the movie and media ARE pushing an openly gay agenda,
but this story is a poor example to use for that.
A teacher hands out an inappropriate word search and clearly the gays are to blame. Too funny.
Teacher feels comfortable handing out perverted wordsearch because the gay education czar set the standards for teaching other perverted sexual material in schools on a national "approval" level.

How does teaching kids about "fisting" and the "joys of anal sex" (when the numbers of young men and boys coming down with HIV from gay sex experimenting are skyrocketing) set the right example for other teachers to follow? You are aware that Kevin Jennings is gay, right?

I'm saying the teacher isn't necessarily to blame: instead, that the leader of the teaching community is.

I'm still waiting to see where the education czar set standards involving fisting and the joys of anal sex. All I can come up with is an incident that occurred over a decade ago involving a group that Jennings was director of. Even if the accusations against him are true, that certainly is not the same as setting education standards for the country involving fisting and the joys of anal sex.

Of course, you likely know all this and are, as usual, just exaggerating or outright lying to try and bolster your anti-gay marriage cause. That's particularly funny in this case since the offensive material in question was, so far as I'm aware, entirely heterosexual. :D
Has it been established that the teacher felt comfortable?

Yes it has. Given the teacher handed out the word search is the de facto proof that that teacher felt comfortable doing so. The only point up for debate therefore is whether or not that teacher was acting on behalf of a "comfort" bestowed upon her/him by the precedent-example set by gay education czar Kevin Jennings in his "fisting" and "the joys of anal sex" deviant-sex examples..
When the leader of all the teachers in the US says "go ahead and teach kids "fisting" and "the joys of anal sex" (as the HIV rate in experimental teens from trying gay sex skyrockets), then there is an excellent argument to expect more of this type of "educational material" in the future.

Bank on it.
I'm still waiting to see where the education czar set standards involving fisting and the joys of anal sex. All I can come up with is an incident that occurred over a decade ago involving a group that Jennings was director of. Even if the accusations against him are true, that certainly is not the same as setting education standards for the country involving fisting and the joys of anal sex.

Maybe here?

Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings was the founder, and for many years, Executive Director of an organization called the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN started essentially as Jennings’ personal project and grew to become the culmination of his life’s work..these are the books that GLSEN’s directors think all kids should be reading: gay kids should read them to raise their self-esteem, and straight kids should read them in order to become more aware and tolerant and stop bullying gay kids. Through GLSEN’s online ordering system, called “GLSEN BookLink,” featured prominently on their Web site, teachers can buy the books to use as required classroom assignments, or students can buy them to read on their own…
What we discovered shocked us. We were flabbergasted. Rendered speechless.....We were unprepared for what we encountered. Book after book after book contained stories and anecdotes that weren’t merely X-rated and pornographic, but which featured explicit descriptions of sex acts between pre-schoolers; stories that seemed to promote and recommend child-adult sexual relationships; stories of public masturbation, anal sex in restrooms, affairs between students and teachers, five-year-olds playing sex games, semen flying through the air. One memoir even praised becoming a prostitute as a way to increase one’s self-esteem. Above all, the books seemed to have less to do with promoting tolerance than with an unabashed attempt to indoctrinate students into a hyper-sexualized worldview.Fistgate Barack Obama s Safe Schools Czar s 2000 Conference Promoted Fisting to 14 Year-Olds Illinois Family Institute
Yeah, that's what I thought...You're as "rendered speechless" as the Illnois family group when they read what gay education czar Kevin Jennings' "lifelong work" was all about around the kiddies..

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