Teacher Wanting to Be on the Right Side of History Introduces 50 Shades of Gray Wordsearch to Kids

I'm still waiting to see where the education czar set standards involving fisting and the joys of anal sex. All I can come up with is an incident that occurred over a decade ago involving a group that Jennings was director of. Even if the accusations against him are true, that certainly is not the same as setting education standards for the country involving fisting and the joys of anal sex.

Maybe here?

Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings was the founder, and for many years, Executive Director of an organization called the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN started essentially as Jennings’ personal project and grew to become the culmination of his life’s work..these are the books that GLSEN’s directors think all kids should be reading: gay kids should read them to raise their self-esteem, and straight kids should read them in order to become more aware and tolerant and stop bullying gay kids. Through GLSEN’s online ordering system, called “GLSEN BookLink,” featured prominently on their Web site, teachers can buy the books to use as required classroom assignments, or students can buy them to read on their own…
What we discovered shocked us. We were flabbergasted. Rendered speechless.....We were unprepared for what we encountered. Book after book after book contained stories and anecdotes that weren’t merely X-rated and pornographic, but which featured explicit descriptions of sex acts between pre-schoolers; stories that seemed to promote and recommend child-adult sexual relationships; stories of public masturbation, anal sex in restrooms, affairs between students and teachers, five-year-olds playing sex games, semen flying through the air. One memoir even praised becoming a prostitute as a way to increase one’s self-esteem. Above all, the books seemed to have less to do with promoting tolerance than with an unabashed attempt to indoctrinate students into a hyper-sexualized worldview.Fistgate Barack Obama s Safe Schools Czar s 2000 Conference Promoted Fisting to 14 Year-Olds Illinois Family Institute

In other words, exactly the thing I already mentioned, an incident over a decade ago. Certainly nothing like the man setting education policy for the country using fisting or the joys of anal sex, as you have repeatedly claimed.
Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings was the founder, and for many years, Executive Director of an organization called the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN started essentially as Jennings’ personal project and grew to become the culmination of his life’s work..these are the books that GLSEN’s directors think all kids should be reading: gay kids should read them to raise their self-esteem, and straight kids should read them in order to become more aware and tolerant and stop bullying gay kids. Through GLSEN’s online ordering system, called “GLSEN BookLink,” featured prominently on their Web site, teachers can buy the books to use as required classroom assignments, or students can buy them to read on their own…

What we discovered shocked us. We were flabbergasted. Rendered speechless.....We were unprepared for what we encountered. Book after book after book contained stories and anecdotes that weren’t merely X-rated and pornographic, but which featured explicit descriptions of sex acts between pre-schoolers; stories that seemed to promote and recommend child-adult sexual relationships; stories of public masturbation, anal sex in restrooms, affairs between students and teachers, five-year-olds playing sex games, semen flying through the air. One memoir even praised becoming a prostitute as a way to increase one’s self-esteem. Above all, the books seemed to have less to do with promoting tolerance than with an unabashed attempt to indoctrinate students into a hyper-sexualized worldview.Fistgate Barack Obama s Safe Schools Czar s 2000 Conference Promoted Fisting to 14 Year-Olds Illinois Family Institute

In other words, exactly the thing I already mentioned, an incident over a decade ago. Certainly nothing like the man setting education policy for the country using fisting or the joys of anal sex, as you have repeatedly claimed.

Is Kevin Jennings no longer the education czar?
Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings was the founder, and for many years, Executive Director of an organization called the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN started essentially as Jennings’ personal project and grew to become the culmination of his life’s work..these are the books that GLSEN’s directors think all kids should be reading: gay kids should read them to raise their self-esteem, and straight kids should read them in order to become more aware and tolerant and stop bullying gay kids. Through GLSEN’s online ordering system, called “GLSEN BookLink,” featured prominently on their Web site, teachers can buy the books to use as required classroom assignments, or students can buy them to read on their own…

What we discovered shocked us. We were flabbergasted. Rendered speechless.....We were unprepared for what we encountered. Book after book after book contained stories and anecdotes that weren’t merely X-rated and pornographic, but which featured explicit descriptions of sex acts between pre-schoolers; stories that seemed to promote and recommend child-adult sexual relationships; stories of public masturbation, anal sex in restrooms, affairs between students and teachers, five-year-olds playing sex games, semen flying through the air. One memoir even praised becoming a prostitute as a way to increase one’s self-esteem. Above all, the books seemed to have less to do with promoting tolerance than with an unabashed attempt to indoctrinate students into a hyper-sexualized worldview.Fistgate Barack Obama s Safe Schools Czar s 2000 Conference Promoted Fisting to 14 Year-Olds Illinois Family Institute

In other words, exactly the thing I already mentioned, an incident over a decade ago. Certainly nothing like the man setting education policy for the country using fisting or the joys of anal sex, as you have repeatedly claimed.

Is Kevin Jennings no longer the education czar?

Do you have even a shred of actual evidence that he has introduced fisting or the joys of anal sex into public school curriculum?

All you have is an incident which perhaps argues that he shouldn't be the education czar, not that he's actually implemented any sort of policy regarding fisting or the joys of anal sex, as you've claimed on multiple occasions.
No, my argument is that if this gay education czar, who still holds that position, is pushing sex between kindergarteners, fisting and the like is holding a position of authority on teaching, this MIGHT BE where this teacher that is the topic of this thread might have figured it was OK to pass out 50 shades of gray word search to her/his students in Jr. High.
No, my argument is that if this gay education czar, who still holds that position, is pushing sex between kindergarteners, fisting and the like is holding a position of authority on teaching, this MIGHT BE where this teacher that is the topic of this thread might have figured it was OK to pass out 50 shades of gray word search to her/his students in Jr. High.

Really? So when you said this :
OK, let me put it this way: a simple direct question. Do you, Montrovant, agree with gay education czar Kevin Jennings' curriculum of teaching kids "fisting" and "joys of anal sex". A simple yes or no will suffice.

you weren't saying that Kevin Jennings has implemented a curriculum of teaching kids fisting and the joys of anal sex?

Do I really need to go find the various other times you said the same thing, or made other similar claims about what Kevin Jennings, as education czar, as caused to be implemented in public schools?

You can backtrack or try to change your arguments midstream if you like, but it doesn't take much to see what you've been saying. Hell, a simple search of you saying 'gay education czar' will bring up a ton of examples of you making claims about Jennings implementing various sexually-oriented plans for young public school students without you offering a bit of evidence.

So sure, it's possible this teacher took some sort of queue from Kevin Jennings. There's no real reason to expect that to be the case, however, and it is pure supposition on your part.
You can build your strawman all day long but the fact remains that Jennings example to his lowerlings (teachers/educators) is that of tolerance of exposing youngsters to deviant/inappropriate sex topics.

That, BTW, is what pedophiles do when they are grooming their targets..incrementally...right under the noses of those targets' guardians..
Firm stop to what? That one person....That should be easy since they are so blatently stupid

Read the full title of this thread and post #3 and stop trying to pretend this isn't a trend. Want me to launch into Kevin Jennings' "fisting" curriculum for kids or do you want to shut up and take your lying self to another thread?
Nice guy, Jennings. NOT! He's an absolute demented freak. But, that's the kind of guy obummer wants to represent him in his administration. Go figure!
Pedophiles progress the same way...they introduce the idea of the eventual act in little incremental ways...making each new step "fun" for the child...

Parents in a Pennsylvania school district are turning 50 shades of red over word search puzzles given to their middle school students based on an erotic novel and movie.
At least five students at Monessen Middle School were given puzzles based on 'Fifty Shades of Grey', the graphic bondage book by E.L. James that was recently adapted to a film.
The puzzles contained terms including 'spanking,' 'submissive,' 'leather cuffs' and 'bondage'. Fifty Shades of Grey crossword puzzle handed out to Monessen Middle School students Daily Mail Online

The more explicit words are blacked out...


Can you imagine the curriculum in 20 years from now if we don't get together and put a firm stop to this?
The teacher is a nut case and should be fired.
You can build your strawman all day long but the fact remains that Jennings example to his lowerlings (teachers/educators) is that of tolerance of exposing youngsters to deviant/inappropriate sex topics.

That, BTW, is what pedophiles do when they are grooming their targets..incrementally...right under the noses of those targets' guardians..

There's no strawman here. I've shown a quote from you, and can easily get more, in which you claim that Jennings did more than just act as an example, you say he set a curriculum based on fisting and the joys of anal sex. Those are two very different things.

And in either case you have shown not a single iota of evidence that this teacher in question intentionally passed out the 50 Shades sheets, that it was done with the belief that handing such work sheets out would be accepted, or that the reason the teacher believed it would be accepted was because of Kevin Jennings' example.

So while it is possible you are correct, given your history of misrepresentations, outright lies, and completely incorrect conclusions, I'm certainly not going to take your word for it. :p
The teacher is a nut case and should be fired.
Only to be replaced by another and another following gay education czar Kevin Jennings' lewd examples "as todays educational environment". That this disgusting curriculum is his life's work says it all.
The teacher is a nut case and should be fired.
Only to be replaced by another and another following gay education czar Kevin Jennings' lewd examples "as todays educational environment". That this disgusting curriculum is his life's work says it all.
Your post is absolute nonsense and illustrates that you apparently didn't pay much attention in school because you are sorely lacking in critical thinking skills.
The teacher is a nut case and should be fired.
Only to be replaced by another and another following gay education czar Kevin Jennings' lewd examples "as todays educational environment". That this disgusting curriculum is his life's work says it all.
Your post is absolute nonsense and illustrates that you apparently didn't pay much attention in school because you are sorely lacking in critical thinking skills.

:lmao: I got mostly As and Bs in school but on two occasions in college I got an A+ without any extra credit work. One was in psychology. The other was a class called "critical thinking".

You fail on that one.

Do you have anything to say about gay education czar Kevin Jennings' curriculum affecting the choice this teacher made to hand out 50 shades of gray word search to his/her students?
...you have shown not a single iota of evidence that this teacher in question intentionally passed out the 50 Shades sheets, that it was done with the belief that handing such work sheets out would be accepted, or that the reason the teacher believed it would be accepted was because of Kevin Jennings' example...

First of all, you expecting people to believe that a teacher didn't notice what s/he was handing out to students is preposterous and erodes your credibility here at USMB.

Second, the purpose of this thread, given that a teacher must have known what s/he was doing, is to muse about why that teacher felt there would be no repercussions for doing so?

So, either the teacher wanted to get fired or the teacher felt society would approve. Which do you think and why?
...you have shown not a single iota of evidence that this teacher in question intentionally passed out the 50 Shades sheets, that it was done with the belief that handing such work sheets out would be accepted, or that the reason the teacher believed it would be accepted was because of Kevin Jennings' example...

First of all, you expecting people to believe that a teacher didn't notice what s/he was handing out to students is preposterous and erodes your credibility here at USMB.

Second, the purpose of this thread, given that a teacher must have known what s/he was doing, is to muse about why that teacher felt there would be no repercussions for doing so?

So, either the teacher wanted to get fired or the teacher felt society would approve. Which do you think and why?

If you think I'm eroding my credibility, I'm probably doing something right. ;) I don't know if the teacher handed the sheets out, if a different teacher did it, a student, or what. Unlike you, I'm not willing to make assumptions about a situation for which I have so little facts or evidence.

Even if it was entirely intentional, I don't believe there are only two possibilities for reasoning where the teacher is concerned. Perhaps the teacher didn't expect to be caught. Perhaps the teacher didn't really think about what they were doing. Perhaps the teacher thought they would be able to successfully deny the act.

While you have shown yourself willing to assume you know not only what all the relevant facts of a situation are, but the thoughts of those involved, in this and other threads, I prefer to have a little bit more information than 'some parents claim that this happened'.
..Even if it was entirely intentional, I don't believe there are only two possibilities for reasoning where the teacher is concerned. Perhaps the teacher didn't expect to be caught. Perhaps the teacher didn't really think about what they were doing. Perhaps the teacher thought they would be able to successfully deny the act.

While you have shown yourself willing to assume you know not only what all the relevant facts of a situation are, but the thoughts of those involved, in this and other threads, I prefer to have a little bit more information than 'some parents claim that this happened'.

A teacher didn't think they'd get caught in a school distributing porn? A teacher didn't think about distributing porn to Jr. High students? A teacher thought that five witnesses (the kids s/he gave porn to) wouldn't be able to corroborate their stories independently under questioning?

Please elaborate.
..Even if it was entirely intentional, I don't believe there are only two possibilities for reasoning where the teacher is concerned. Perhaps the teacher didn't expect to be caught. Perhaps the teacher didn't really think about what they were doing. Perhaps the teacher thought they would be able to successfully deny the act.

While you have shown yourself willing to assume you know not only what all the relevant facts of a situation are, but the thoughts of those involved, in this and other threads, I prefer to have a little bit more information than 'some parents claim that this happened'.

A teacher didn't think they'd get caught in a school distributing porn? A teacher didn't think about distributing porn to Jr. High students? A teacher thought that five witnesses (the kids s/he gave porn to) wouldn't be able to corroborate their stories independently under questioning?

Please elaborate.

First, describing the work sheets as porn may be extreme. Depending on what was blacked out, it didn't seem pornographic, merely inappropriate.

Sure, the teacher might not have expected to be caught. Maybe the sheets were given to kids that don't have good relationships with their parents, or that the teacher thought wouldn't mind the material; if we're going to attribute nefarious motives anyway, why limit those motives?

Absolutely the teacher might have felt they could deny giving out the work sheets. Blame a student, blame another teacher, maybe even claim ignorance of the material involved.

And people do stupid things all the time, or things which they don't consider the consequences of thoroughly. Again, unlike you, I would like to see a little more information before I assume I have all the answers.
The teacher is a nut case and should be fired.
Only to be replaced by another and another following gay education czar Kevin Jennings' lewd examples "as todays educational environment". That this disgusting curriculum is his life's work says it all.
Your post is absolute nonsense and illustrates that you apparently didn't pay much attention in school because you are sorely lacking in critical thinking skills.

:lmao: I got mostly As and Bs in school but on two occasions in college I got an A+ without any extra credit work. One was in psychology. The other was a class called "critical thinking".

You fail on that one.

Do you have anything to say about gay education czar Kevin Jennings' curriculum affecting the choice this teacher made to hand out 50 shades of gray word search to his/her students?
It's easy enough to get As and Bs without learning much. Just play the game the teachers want you to play. As far as a critical thinking class and a psychology class, it would depend on the content of the course what you got out of it, but as far as developing critical thinking skills, that is something you don't learn in one class. It is something developed over the course of your education. It is something that becomes an intrinsic part of someone and influences how they see and understand themselves and the world around them. It is not something you or anyone else gets a handle on in just one college course--probably community college at that.
Esmerelda, I'm not an ass kisser. Read some of my posts and get back to me. The A+ I received in Psyche was a grade I thought at the close of term was going to be a C-. I argued every day with the professor in class about his stance on whether or not animals had sentient awareness/feelings. He became flustered, red in the face, angry even. My classmates teased me before finals on how badly my grade was going to tear down my average. That's why I was stunned on the last day of class when the professor asked me to stay behind and instead of berating me as I was sure he would, he nearly got down on his knee and begged me to change my major to psychology. His grade put me on the honor roll that term..

First, describing the work sheets as porn may be extreme. Depending on what was blacked out, it didn't seem pornographic, merely inappropriate....Sure, the teacher might not have expected to be caught. Maybe the sheets were given to kids that don't have good relationships with their parents, or that the teacher thought wouldn't mind the material; if we're going to attribute nefarious motives anyway, why limit those motives?...Absolutely the teacher might have felt they could deny giving out the work sheets. Blame a student, blame another teacher, maybe even claim ignorance of the material involved....And people do stupid things all the time, or things which they don't consider the consequences of thoroughly. Again, unlike you, I would like to see a little more information before I assume I have all the answers.

You need to describe first how the material wasn't pornographic (the bar seems to be lowered in your assessment if you review the photo in the OP), and then you need to define how in your eyes it was "inappropriate" as you say?

The rest is you treading water and trying to cover for Jennings' part in all this by trying to make it seem like some random event that the teacher is alone to blame and not the standard set by Jennings.
Esmerelda, I'm not an ass kisser. Read some of my posts and get back to me. The A+ I received in Psyche was a grade I thought at the close of term was going to be a C-. I argued every day with the professor in class about his stance on whether or not animals had sentient awareness/feelings. He became flustered, red in the face, angry even. My classmates teased me before finals on how badly my grade was going to tear down my average. That's why I was stunned on the last day of class when the professor asked me to stay behind and instead of berating me as I was sure he would, he nearly got down on his knee and begged me to change my major to psychology. His grade put me on the honor roll that term..

First, describing the work sheets as porn may be extreme. Depending on what was blacked out, it didn't seem pornographic, merely inappropriate....Sure, the teacher might not have expected to be caught. Maybe the sheets were given to kids that don't have good relationships with their parents, or that the teacher thought wouldn't mind the material; if we're going to attribute nefarious motives anyway, why limit those motives?...Absolutely the teacher might have felt they could deny giving out the work sheets. Blame a student, blame another teacher, maybe even claim ignorance of the material involved....And people do stupid things all the time, or things which they don't consider the consequences of thoroughly. Again, unlike you, I would like to see a little more information before I assume I have all the answers.

You need to describe first how the material wasn't pornographic (the bar seems to be lowered in your assessment if you review the photo in the OP), and then you need to define how in your eyes it was "inappropriate" as you say?

The rest is you treading water and trying to cover for Jennings' part in all this by trying to make it seem like some random event that the teacher is alone to blame and not the standard set by Jennings.

Merely having words that are sexual in nature, or appear sexual in nature in context, on a work sheet is not pornographic. There was nothing explicit in the words which were not blacked out. Suggestive, sure, but not to the level of pornography.

Inappropriate in that the content was obviously sexual in nature and not in an educational fashion. Bondage is not an appropriate subject for the average middle school classroom. That doesn't mean any mention of sex or bondage is automatically pornography.

I'm not trying to cover for anything. Before you brought him up I may never have heard or seen Kevin Jennings name mentioned. You also have still not shown any evidence that this incident was the result of any standard set by him. As usual, you make leaps of judgement based on little to no evidence simply because they fit in with your preconceived notions of how homosexuals are destroying the country.
The blacked out words are worse. Here's what the teacher knew and for some reason did not fear handing out in Jr. High class:


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