teachers protesting to teach racisi, and marxisim


Might as well teach that the whole human race was a bad idea from inception and we should all self destruct.


They had the nerve to sign a pettion they would not teach lies. that is what they are fightining to teach is nothing but lies. This is the same that as treachers teaching nazism to children. craziness.

this is why you got to home teach. todays teachers are as a racist as shit. fools!
What's interesting is that Republicans are angry about the Marxist indoctrination that the kids are getting in public schools, yet keep demanding that the schools be opened for the students (to be further indoctrinated).

this is why you got to home teach. todays teachers are as a racist as shit. fools!
What's interesting is that Republicans are angry about the Marxist indoctrination that the kids are getting in public schools, yet keep demanding that the schools be opened for the students (to be further indoctrinated).
to be taugh correctly real lessons not lies.

this is why you got to home teach. todays teachers are as a racist as shit. fools!
Yeah! Why should we have to teach our history accurately when it comes to race when we should be just praising white people.
another racist who thinks their races better than anorther race. I got news for you we are all the same. real history does not praise one race over another and does not condim one over other and does not make one feel bAd, over other it tells the truth,. so we can learn from it. one race can not change it to their liking. this marxcist racist bs history blm touts does not belong in schools. it beloings in hitlers army.

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