Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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Natural might be stupid to you but anal sex is not natural. Nature didn't provide for it. An simply categorizing it as an alternative is an extreme disservice. Thanks for the post, you proved what I've been saying. And kids don't know what oral and anal sex is? Are you high?

The anus and colon are naturally designed for the last phases of digestion. The colon, which gays use as an artificial vagina, evolved over millions of years to resorb large dissolved particles and fluids directly back into the bloodstream in times of famine or drought. The colon is loaded with dangerous bacteria and it is a superhighway into the bloodstream. Children who are notoriously poor at using condoms in the heat of the moment, no matter how much it is drilled into their head, are the WORST demographic to suggest that anal sex "might be a good alternative" or "something you should try" or "normal, natural and a way of expressing closeness". They are the ones most likely to DIE from that MISINFORMATION aimed at coercing them into the seedy world of deviant sex cults at inappropriate ages.

The only thing we should be teaching our youth at the youngest of ages about anal sex is to NEVER ENGAGE IN IT EVER, FOR ANY REASON. But, if like boys who dare each other to jump off of rooftops, they are foolhardy enough to try it out, they should be told that the only thing between them and certain death is the 100% use of condoms each and every time they seek to use the anus as an artificial vagina, instead of the real thing.

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC
I said normalizing it, for the 50th time now. You keep dancing around it claiming it's just condom use and they're going to do it anyway. My point is not so much what they are doing but what they should be doing, teaching the hazards of things like anal sex. They won't get that online if they see porn.

And how are schools 'normalizing' anal and oral sex? By acknowledging they exist?

What schools are doing is teaching condom use so kids can better protect themselves. What about that do you oppose?
Post where I condemned condom education? You can't. That means you're a moron for repeating it. Schools just "acknowledge" other practices? You haven't read this thread or the others or you're just a filthy liar.

School Uses Planned Parenthood Curriculum to Teach Kids Oral Sex
Parents could tell something was wrong with the children when they came home from school. They were quiet and withdrawn, embarrassed, and didn’t want to talk about what had happened. When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their young daughter, they discovered that her elementary school principal had instructed her that day in how to perform oral and anal sex. The traumatizing instruction was delivered as a part of state approved sex education that was orchestrated, developed, pushed, and policed by Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, SIECUS, and a host of other agencies.

Though parents in the small town of Onalaska, Washington, are furious that their children have been violated and traumatized by the highly inappropriate sex instruction, the superintendent defended the principal’s delivery of graphic instruction in aberrant sex to the elementary school students, telling local media, “I think the principal handled it appropriately at the time; she only gave factual information, no demonstrations.” In another interview, he indicated that she “stuck to the curriculum.”

Your bullshit so-called news article is a lie. This is what they use in Washington, one of the few states that require sex ed to be medically accurate.


You mean that Life News, an anti-abortion, fundamentalist Christian wordpress blog can't be trusted to be accurate?

Color me shocked.

Can you imagine having a sex ed class lead by Silly Sil, Weasel, or Tilly? You'd be better educated skipping the class.
Natural might be stupid to you but anal sex is not natural. Nature didn't provide for it. An simply categorizing it as an alternative is an extreme disservice. Thanks for the post, you proved what I've been saying. And kids don't know what oral and anal sex is? Are you high?

The anus and colon are naturally designed for the last phases of digestion. The colon, which gays use as an artificial vagina, evolved over millions of years to resorb large dissolved particles and fluids directly back into the bloodstream in times of famine or drought. The colon is loaded with dangerous bacteria and it is a superhighway into the bloodstream. Children who are notoriously poor at using condoms in the heat of the moment, no matter how much it is drilled into their head, are the WORST demographic to suggest that anal sex "might be a good alternative" or "something you should try" or "normal, natural and a way of expressing closeness". They are the ones most likely to DIE from that MISINFORMATION aimed at coercing them into the seedy world of deviant sex cults at inappropriate ages.

The only thing we should be teaching our youth at the youngest of ages about anal sex is to NEVER ENGAGE IN IT EVER, FOR ANY REASON. But, if like boys who dare each other to jump off of rooftops, they are foolhardy enough to try it out, they should be told that the only thing between them and certain death is the 100% use of condoms each and every time they seek to use the anus as an artificial vagina, instead of the real thing.

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC

Teaching condom use helps prevent HIV infections. Making your opposition to teaching condom use all the more bizarre.
I said normalizing it, for the 50th time now. You keep dancing around it claiming it's just condom use and they're going to do it anyway. My point is not so much what they are doing but what they should be doing, teaching the hazards of things like anal sex. They won't get that online if they see porn.

And how are schools 'normalizing' anal and oral sex? By acknowledging they exist?

What schools are doing is teaching condom use so kids can better protect themselves. What about that do you oppose?
Post where I condemned condom education? You can't. That means you're a moron for repeating it. Schools just "acknowledge" other practices? You haven't read this thread or the others or you're just a filthy liar.

School Uses Planned Parenthood Curriculum to Teach Kids Oral Sex
Parents could tell something was wrong with the children when they came home from school. They were quiet and withdrawn, embarrassed, and didn’t want to talk about what had happened. When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their young daughter, they discovered that her elementary school principal had instructed her that day in how to perform oral and anal sex. The traumatizing instruction was delivered as a part of state approved sex education that was orchestrated, developed, pushed, and policed by Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, SIECUS, and a host of other agencies.

Though parents in the small town of Onalaska, Washington, are furious that their children have been violated and traumatized by the highly inappropriate sex instruction, the superintendent defended the principal’s delivery of graphic instruction in aberrant sex to the elementary school students, telling local media, “I think the principal handled it appropriately at the time; she only gave factual information, no demonstrations.” In another interview, he indicated that she “stuck to the curriculum.”

Your bullshit so-called news article is a lie. This is what they use in Washington, one of the few states that require sex ed to be medically accurate.


You mean that Life News, an anti-abortion, fundamentalist Christian wordpress blog can't be trusted to be accurate?

Color me shocked.

Can you imagine having a sex ed class lead by Silly Sil, Weasel, or Tilly? You'd be better educated skipping the class.

"This is a sheet. This is a sheet with a hole cut in it. Class dismissed."
And how are schools 'normalizing' anal and oral sex? By acknowledging they exist?

What schools are doing is teaching condom use so kids can better protect themselves. What about that do you oppose?
Post where I condemned condom education? You can't. That means you're a moron for repeating it. Schools just "acknowledge" other practices? You haven't read this thread or the others or you're just a filthy liar.

School Uses Planned Parenthood Curriculum to Teach Kids Oral Sex
Parents could tell something was wrong with the children when they came home from school. They were quiet and withdrawn, embarrassed, and didn’t want to talk about what had happened. When Curtis and Jean Pannkuk began questioning their young daughter, they discovered that her elementary school principal had instructed her that day in how to perform oral and anal sex. The traumatizing instruction was delivered as a part of state approved sex education that was orchestrated, developed, pushed, and policed by Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, SIECUS, and a host of other agencies.

Though parents in the small town of Onalaska, Washington, are furious that their children have been violated and traumatized by the highly inappropriate sex instruction, the superintendent defended the principal’s delivery of graphic instruction in aberrant sex to the elementary school students, telling local media, “I think the principal handled it appropriately at the time; she only gave factual information, no demonstrations.” In another interview, he indicated that she “stuck to the curriculum.”

Your bullshit so-called news article is a lie. This is what they use in Washington, one of the few states that require sex ed to be medically accurate.


You mean that Life News, an anti-abortion, fundamentalist Christian wordpress blog can't be trusted to be accurate?

Color me shocked.

Can you imagine having a sex ed class lead by Silly Sil, Weasel, or Tilly? You'd be better educated skipping the class.

"This is a sheet. This is a sheet with a hole cut in it. Class dismissed."

If you touch that hole, throw yourself off the highest building.
There's no more pedophile "grooming" going on than there is Christian anti-abortion terrorist "grooming" going on.
Actually......pro-abortion activists are a product of grooming by the left.

Nobody is pro-abortion. The left actively seeks alternatives so that abortion is not necessary, and one way is better educating our children...something the right is not interested in.
Driving a car is not natural. But we teach kids how to drive cars. Hell starting a fire isn't natural- but we teach kids how to start fires safely- and how to put fires out.

Around 40% of adult Americans have tried anal sex- Between 5-7% of 15-17 old Americans have tried anal sex. I would prefer none of them have any sex- but pretending that every teen will stay a virgin might make you feel better- but doesn't help teens.

Informed kids have a better chance of making smart decisions- why are you against that?
Comparing anal sex to driving cars? WTF? Computers aren't natural either,.

Yep- which is why you bringing up what is 'natural' is such a stupid argument.

Teaching kids biology- and that includes teaching them about sex- even sex you don't approve of- that Americans are engaging in.
We weren't taught about blowjobs, anal sex or whatever. We, being everybody on Earth prior to your arrival. Somehow we managed.

LOL- really? No one was teaching you about blowjobs or anal sex or sex or whatever.

But since most adult males- some 95% of us have enjoyed blowjobs from our partners- someone is teaching about blowjobs.

You would prefer that the teaching be left to teens teaching each other- you know how they used to teach each other that you couldn't get pregnant the first time you had sex- or that oral sex is not really sex........

yeah- we all managed- but when I was a teen no one knew of HIV or HPV or herpes- as long as the girl was on the pill, we were pretty safe.......now going by your 'less information is better' model just ensures that kids are ignorant about things that could get them sick.
You probably needed to be taught how to administer a blowjob, but for normal people it isn't rocket science and not a skill set I was ever after. Most guys can give a gal a crash course if they are up to it. Girls weren't taught how to do it and yet, many figured it out. Liberals make sex sound like building a space shuttle.

The mechanics of sex it isn't something schools should be teaching. Schools need to teach the consequences of sex.

You're another retard that's functionally illiterate. I said exactly the opposite of what you thought I said.

There you have it- you believe that teens should learn sex from other teens- rather than be taught safe sex.
Natural might be stupid to you but anal sex is not natural. Nature didn't provide for it. An simply categorizing it as an alternative is an extreme disservice. Thanks for the post, you proved what I've been saying. And kids don't know what oral and anal sex is? Are you high?

The anus and colon are naturally designed for the last phases of digestion. ]

And the mouth is designed for eating food and drinking liquids........

Meanwhile- who here believes kids should learn about sex from Silhouette?

And who here believes that the CDC provides a better curriculum?
[and certain death is the 100% use of condoms each and every time they seek to use the anus as an artificial vagina, instead of the real thing.]

Why would you want to lie to kids?

I certainly do not advocate that teens have any sex- not any sex of any kind.

But anal sex is not 'certain death'- making such a stupid claim is like telling teens that if they smoke a 'reefer' that they face certain heroin addiction.

Lying to teens is a surefire way to have them ignore you- teens have good BS detectors.
You're Teaching My Child What? The Truth About Sex Education
By Miriam Grossman, M.D.

The principles of sexual health education are not based on the hard sciences. Sex education is animated by a specific vision of how society must change, and because of this, sex ed curricula omit critical biological truths and endorse high-risk behaviors. The priority for SIECUS, Planned Parenthood, and Advocates for Youth is not the health and well-being of young people. These federally funded organizations are fighting “repression” and “intolerance,” not herpes or syphilis. But when sexual freedom reigns, sexual health suffers. Our children are being taught that you can play with fire, and we are obligated to inform them of the risks they face and to teach them biological truths, even when they are politically incorrect...

The principles of sexual health education are not based on the hard sciences. They don’t rest on what’s seen under the microscope. Sex education is animated by a dream, a specific vision of how society must change, and because of this, sex ed curricula omit critical biological truths and endorse high-risk behaviors...

I have read “Talk About Sex,” and in it there is no encouragement whatsoever to delay sexual behavior. It begins by informing kids that sexuality is a part of who you are and that everyone has their own way of expressing their sexuality. Then there are eight pages about sexual rights. Some quotes:

  • “Every human being has basic rights. Still, adults may say and do say things that make young people feel they don’t have rights. It’s important for you to know your rights so that you can stand up for yourself when necessary.”
  • “At every point in your life, you can choose if and how to express your sexuality.”
  • “It is up to you to determine how much risk you are willing to take.”
  • “Many teens choose to be sexually active, and many choose not to. You have the right to decide what behaviors, if any, you are comfortable participating in.”
On a Web site that’s recommended to teens by SIECUS, the former head of SIECUS’s board of directors tells teens, “The only way to know if you are gay or bisexual is to experience it and reflect carefully on the feelings that come up as a result of the experience.”

Read whole article here:

You're Teaching My Child What? The Truth About Sex Education
On a Web site that’s recommended to teens by SIECUS, the former head of SIECUS’s board of directors tells teens, “The only way to know if you are gay or bisexual is to experience it and reflect carefully on the feelings that come up as a result of the experience.”....Read whole article here: You're Teaching My Child What? The Truth About Sex Education

Jesus Christ! :disbelief:

Grooming. It's what I've always said and what I said in the OP. "here, try this dangerous life threatening behavior so we'll have more young meat to pound.." "Try it. Graft your imprinting this way".

Folks, these are predators grooming your kids. And they don't care if it will kill them...
On a Web site that’s recommended to teens by SIECUS, the former head of SIECUS’s board of directors tells teens, “The only way to know if you are gay or bisexual is to experience it and reflect carefully on the feelings that come up as a result of the experience.”....Read whole article here: You're Teaching My Child What? The Truth About Sex Education

Jesus Christ! :disbelief:

Grooming. It's what I've always said and what I said in the OP. "here, try this dangerous life threatening behavior so we'll have more young meat to pound.." "Try it. Graft your imprinting this way".

Folks, these are predators grooming your kids. And they don't care if it will kill them...

Says the lass that is insisting we don't teach kids how to use condoms to protect themselves.

Its almost like you want more kids to get STDs.
Oh dear. It gets worse. Only 19 states require that:

"... if provided, sex education must be medically, factually or technically accurate. State definitions of “medically accurate" vary, from requiring that the department of health review curriculum for accuracy, to mandating that curriculum be based on information from “published authorities upon which medical professionals rely.”

State Policies on Sex Education in Schools
Oh dear. It gets worse. Only 19 states require that:

"... if provided, sex education must be medically, factually or technically accurate. State definitions of “medically accurate" vary, from requiring that the department of health review curriculum for accuracy, to mandating that curriculum be based on information from “published authorities upon which medical professionals rely.” State Policies on Sex Education in Schools

So, in 31 states, children can be encouraged in schools without parental input or oversight, by the LGBT cartel, to "try gay sex a few times (while you're impressionable and susceptible to sexual imprinting) to see if it suits you, then make up your "mind"...about your newly habituated orientation.."
Oh dear. It gets worse. Only 19 states require that:

"... if provided, sex education must be medically, factually or technically accurate. State definitions of “medically accurate" vary, from requiring that the department of health review curriculum for accuracy, to mandating that curriculum be based on information from “published authorities upon which medical professionals rely.” State Policies on Sex Education in Schools

So, in 31 states, children can be encouraged in schools without parental input or oversight, by the LGBT cartel, to "try gay sex a few times (while you're impressionable and susceptible to sexual imprinting) to see if it suits you, then make up your "mind"...about your newly habituated orientation.."

Nope. The 'cartel', your hallucination. The lack of parental input or oversight in 31 states, your hallucination.

As teaching condom use has nothing to do with your increasingly batshit conspiracy theory.
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So, in 31 states, children can be encouraged in schools without parental input or oversight, by the LGBT cartel, to "try gay sex a few times (while you're impressionable and susceptible to sexual imprinting) to see if it suits you, then make up your "mind"...about your newly habituated orientation.."


35 States allow for opt out, 3 states require parental approval (that's 38 right there) meaning only 12 do not allow input, oversight, or opt out.

State Policies on Sex Education in Schools

So, in 31 states, children can be encouraged in schools without parental input or oversight, by the LGBT cartel, to "try gay sex a few times (while you're impressionable and susceptible to sexual imprinting) to see if it suits you, then make up your "mind"...about your newly habituated orientation.."


35 States allow for opt out, 3 states require parental approval (that's 38 right there) meaning only 12 do not allow input, oversight, or opt out.

State Policies on Sex Education in Schools


Do you think Sil cares about the actual numbers? She's making this up as she goes along.

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