Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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Carla danger mouse:

'Study shows that Christian girls who take the abstinence pledge are now having more oral and anal sex,

Because you libtard degenerates taught them it's 'normal', acceptable, safe, desirable. That's why it's on the increase.

Dear idiot, who does not know how to use the quote button, if they had listened to lefties, they would be using condoms, and the teen pregnancy rate would be down in red states, however, this is not the case.

Research shows that more liberal states, like Mass., tend to have the lowest divorce rates. And the highest teen birth rates tend to be in more conservative states.

Family Values In Red States Vs. Blue States
Dear dumber, they wanted to remain virgins and you reprobates taught them that taking it up the anus was a great alternative. Shame on you.

You keep telling yourself that, dingbat. We wanted to show them how to use condoms, and now they're pregnant.

The highest pregnancy rate as of 2008 was in New Mexico, where 93 out of 1,000 teens became pregnant. Mississippi, Texas, Nevada, Arkansas and Arizona rounded out the top six states for teen pregnancy.

The State With The Highest Teen Pregnancy Rate Is ...
Carla danger mouse:

'Study shows that Christian girls who take the abstinence pledge are now having more oral and anal sex,

Because you libtard degenerates taught them it's 'normal', acceptable, safe, desirable. That's why it's on the increase.

Dear idiot, who does not know how to use the quote button, if they had listened to lefties, they would be using condoms, and the teen pregnancy rate would be down in red states, however, this is not the case.

Research shows that more liberal states, like Mass., tend to have the lowest divorce rates. And the highest teen birth rates tend to be in more conservative states.

Family Values In Red States Vs. Blue States
Dear dumber, they wanted to remain virgins and you reprobates taught them that taking it up the anus was a great alternative. Shame on you.

You keep telling yourself that, dingbat. We wanted to show them how to use condoms, and now they're pregnant.
The abstainers were taught it's a great idea to indulge in anal and oral sex. Are you saying the abstainers who were taught to indulge in anal and oral sex became pregnant as a result? Did you degenerates also teach them to use a condom for oral sex? Lol@carladangermousesdeflections :)
Carla danger mouse:

'Study shows that Christian girls who take the abstinence pledge are now having more oral and anal sex,

Because you libtard degenerates taught them it's 'normal', acceptable, safe, desirable. That's why it's on the increase.

Dear idiot, who does not know how to use the quote button, if they had listened to lefties, they would be using condoms, and the teen pregnancy rate would be down in red states, however, this is not the case.

Research shows that more liberal states, like Mass., tend to have the lowest divorce rates. And the highest teen birth rates tend to be in more conservative states.

Family Values In Red States Vs. Blue States
Dear dumber, they wanted to remain virgins and you reprobates taught them that taking it up the anus was a great alternative. Shame on you.

You keep telling yourself that, dingbat. We wanted to show them how to use condoms, and now they're pregnant.
The abstainers were taught it's a great idea to indulge in anal and oral sex. Are you saying the abstainers who were taught to indulge in anal and oral sex became pregnant as a result? Did you degenerates also teach them to use a condom for oral sex? Lol@carladangermousesdeflections :)

I know it's hard for you to follow the conversation, so I'll type this real slow for ya.

These kids who come from extremely religious homes, know nothing about sex. The kids that take the pledge are engaged in oral and anal sex so they will remain virgins, as shown in the links I provided.

Their parents taught them that they are nothing more than worthless chewed up chewing gum, unless they remain a virgin. And when they give in to sexual desires and do have sex, they don't use condoms, because they have not been educated on the subject.
Carla danger mouse:

'Study shows that Christian girls who take the abstinence pledge are now having more oral and anal sex,

Because you libtard degenerates taught them it's 'normal', acceptable, safe, desirable. That's why it's on the increase.

Dear idiot, who does not know how to use the quote button, if they had listened to lefties, they would be using condoms, and the teen pregnancy rate would be down in red states, however, this is not the case.

Research shows that more liberal states, like Mass., tend to have the lowest divorce rates. And the highest teen birth rates tend to be in more conservative states.

Family Values In Red States Vs. Blue States
Dear dumber, they wanted to remain virgins and you reprobates taught them that taking it up the anus was a great alternative. Shame on you.

You keep telling yourself that, dingbat. We wanted to show them how to use condoms, and now they're pregnant.
The abstainers were taught it's a great idea to indulge in anal and oral sex. Are you saying the abstainers who were taught to indulge in anal and oral sex became pregnant as a result? Did you degenerates also teach them to use a condom for oral sex? Lol@carladangermousesdeflections :)

I know it's hard for you to follow the conversation, so I'll type this real slow for ya.

These kids who come from extremely religious homes, know nothing about sex. The kids that take the pledge are engaged in oral and anal sex so they will remain virgins, as shown in the links I provided.

Their parents taught them that they are nothing more than worthless chewed up chewing gum, unless they remain a virgin. And when they give in to sexual desires and do have sex, they don't use condoms, because they have not been educated on the subject.
Kids who wanted to simply abstain have been taught by you reprobates to indulge in anal and oral sex. You've taught them how to use condoms up the bottom, and presumably for regular 'normal' sex. So you've got them indulging in anal sex and they're still ending up pregnant. Epic fail for you then.
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Kids who wanted to simply abstain have been taught by you reprobates to indulge in anal and oral sex. You've taught them how to use condemns up the bottom, and presumably for regular 'normal' sex. So you've got them indulging in anal sex and they're still ending up pregnant. Epic fail for you then.

No, we're not teaching them to condemn, moron, we're teaching them how to use condoms.
Kids who wanted to simply abstain have been taught by you reprobates to indulge in anal and oral sex. You've taught them how to use condemns up the bottom, and presumably for regular 'normal' sex. So you've got them indulging in anal sex and they're still ending up pregnant. Epic fail for you then.

No, we're not teaching them to condemn, moron, we're teaching them how to use condoms.
Predictive text, mega moron :)
All their doing is trying to make it easier for future Dhimmicrats to put their heads where it will normally remain for the rest of their lives.
What they're doing is exactly what the OP said they're doing. They're using the health education curriculum in order to promote their deviant sex to the youngest ages of kids possible. It's the same thing a sexual predator does with a child he intends to molest. It's called in law enforcement circles who deal with these predators regularly "Grooming".

This is the truth of what's going on. And society, you've been duped.
What they're doing is exactly what the OP said they're doing.

With the OP being you...citing yourself?

They're using the health education curriculum in order to promote their deviant sex to the youngest ages of kids possible. It's the same thing a sexual predator does with a child he intends to molest. It's called in law enforcement circles who deal with these predators regularly "Grooming".

This is the truth of what's going on. And society, you've been duped.
Teaching condom use isn't 'promoting deviant sex'. Ending your latest insane conspiracy theory.
Because experience has shown that teaching kids to just say no has been so effective.......and of course if you tell kids its 'unnatural'- that stops them every time.

Between 5-7% of 15-17 old Americans have tried anal sex. I would prefer none of them have any sex- but pretending that every teen will stay a virgin might make you feel better- but doesn't help teens.
You're trying to twist the argument, which is what liberals always do, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. You want to normalize a filthy practice because some kids have sex. That makes no sense.

The point was that it isn't natural, nature did not provide for it. The point wasn't that no kid will never do unnatural things. If public-ed is normalizing the behavior they are doing an extreme disservice to the community. Brainwashing is not what they are payed to do.

Driving a car is not natural. But we teach kids how to drive cars. Hell starting a fire isn't natural- but we teach kids how to start fires safely- and how to put fires out.

Around 40% of adult Americans have tried anal sex- Between 5-7% of 15-17 old Americans have tried anal sex. I would prefer none of them have any sex- but pretending that every teen will stay a virgin might make you feel better- but doesn't help teens.

Informed kids have a better chance of making smart decisions- why are you against that?
Comparing anal sex to driving cars? WTF? Computers aren't natural either,.

Yep- which is why you bringing up what is 'natural' is such a stupid argument.

Teaching kids biology- and that includes teaching them about sex- even sex you don't approve of- that Americans are engaging in.
We weren't taught about blowjobs, anal sex or whatever. We, being everybody on Earth prior to your arrival. Somehow we managed.

You also had a lot more STDs than kids have now. With all of the major STDs peaking in the past.

'Ignorance is strength' may be a conservative axiom. But outside the right wing echo chamber, it doesn't actually protect kids from STDs. But instead makes them more vulnerable.
[]What does what some married couples have to do with teaching kids? Those kids need to learn the dangers, not that it's a replacement form of sex.
Because hopefully at some point 'these kids' will be married couples.

Do you believe that teenagers should be taught the risks and dangers of sex- encourage delay in first sex- and also taught the most accurate information on how to have sex without getting pregnant and without catching STD's?

If you do- then we generally have no disagreement.

If you don't believe teens should be taught the risks and dangers of sex0 - and also taught the most accurate information on how to have sex without getting pregnant and without catching STD's- why not?
Like I said, the safety should come first. I oppose teaching anal/oral sex as a viable alternative to what nature intended as wrong and not the schools' place. I never opposed teaching them about condoms but pretending condoms will solve health/pregnancy issue is wrong.

Who is 'teaching oral and anal sex as a viable alternative'? What schools are doing is acknowledging that oral and anal sex *merely exist*.
I said normalizing it, for the 50th time now. You keep dancing around it claiming it's just condom use and they're going to do it anyway. My point is not so much what they are doing but what they should be doing, teaching the hazards of things like anal sex. They won't get that online if they see porn.

And how are schools 'normalizing' anal and oral sex? By acknowledging they exist?

What schools are doing is teaching condom use so kids can better protect themselves. What about that do you oppose?
Because experience has shown that teaching kids to just say no has been so effective.......and of course if you tell kids its 'unnatural'- that stops them every time.

Between 5-7% of 15-17 old Americans have tried anal sex. I would prefer none of them have any sex- but pretending that every teen will stay a virgin might make you feel better- but doesn't help teens.
You're trying to twist the argument, which is what liberals always do, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. You want to normalize a filthy practice because some kids have sex. That makes no sense.

The point was that it isn't natural, nature did not provide for it. The point wasn't that no kid will never do unnatural things. If public-ed is normalizing the behavior they are doing an extreme disservice to the community. Brainwashing is not what they are payed to do.

Driving a car is not natural. But we teach kids how to drive cars. Hell starting a fire isn't natural- but we teach kids how to start fires safely- and how to put fires out.

Around 40% of adult Americans have tried anal sex- Between 5-7% of 15-17 old Americans have tried anal sex. I would prefer none of them have any sex- but pretending that every teen will stay a virgin might make you feel better- but doesn't help teens.

Informed kids have a better chance of making smart decisions- why are you against that?
Comparing anal sex to driving cars? WTF? Computers aren't natural either,.

Yep- which is why you bringing up what is 'natural' is such a stupid argument.

Teaching kids biology- and that includes teaching them about sex- even sex you don't approve of- that Americans are engaging in.
We weren't taught about blowjobs, anal sex or whatever. We, being everybody on Earth prior to your arrival. Somehow we managed.

LOL- really? No one was teaching you about blowjobs or anal sex or sex or whatever.

But since most adult males- some 95% of us have enjoyed blowjobs from our partners- someone is teaching about blowjobs.

You would prefer that the teaching be left to teens teaching each other- you know how they used to teach each other that you couldn't get pregnant the first time you had sex- or that oral sex is not really sex........

yeah- we all managed- but when I was a teen no one knew of HIV or HPV or herpes- as long as the girl was on the pill, we were pretty safe.......now going by your 'less information is better' model just ensures that kids are ignorant about things that could get them sick.
Just for the record, I distinctly remember being taught about dirty needles spreading AIDs and stuff when I was in HS.

I also remember that almost everyone in that class was rolling their eyes because at that time pot was legal and none of us had any interest in highly addictive dangerous drugs... ( I had to be excused during the "shooting up" scenes because I have an extreme phobia of needles, same with when they did the beekeeping section in biology heh )
You're trying to twist the argument, which is what liberals always do, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. You want to normalize a filthy practice because some kids have sex. That makes no sense.

The point was that it isn't natural, nature did not provide for it. The point wasn't that no kid will never do unnatural things. If public-ed is normalizing the behavior they are doing an extreme disservice to the community. Brainwashing is not what they are payed to do.

Driving a car is not natural. But we teach kids how to drive cars. Hell starting a fire isn't natural- but we teach kids how to start fires safely- and how to put fires out.

Around 40% of adult Americans have tried anal sex- Between 5-7% of 15-17 old Americans have tried anal sex. I would prefer none of them have any sex- but pretending that every teen will stay a virgin might make you feel better- but doesn't help teens.

Informed kids have a better chance of making smart decisions- why are you against that?
Comparing anal sex to driving cars? WTF? Computers aren't natural either,.

Yep- which is why you bringing up what is 'natural' is such a stupid argument.

Teaching kids biology- and that includes teaching them about sex- even sex you don't approve of- that Americans are engaging in.
We weren't taught about blowjobs, anal sex or whatever. We, being everybody on Earth prior to your arrival. Somehow we managed.

You also had a lot more STDs than kids have now. With all of the major STDs peaking in the past.

'Ignorance is strength' may be a conservative axiom. But outside the right wing echo chamber, it doesn't actually protect kids from STDs. But instead makes them more vulnerable.
You're a deranged retard since you can't grasp simple meanings. I didn't say keep them ignorant, said so many times. Pop your head out of your back pussy and read!
Kids who wanted to simply abstain have been taught by you reprobates to indulge in anal and oral sex. You've taught them how to use condemns up the bottom, and presumably for regular 'normal' sex. So you've got them indulging in anal sex and they're still ending up pregnant. Epic fail for you then.

No, we're not teaching them to condemn, moron, we're teaching them how to use condoms.
Yeah, it takes a master's degree to install a condom. LOL

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