Tear Down WEB Dubois Monument's. He was a communist who supported Japan in WW2


May 23, 2014
Dubois was a member of the American Communist Party, and supported Japanese Empire during World War Two. That makes him a traitor against the United States of America. Same reason terrorist groups have been using to tear down Confederate statues and ban Confederate Battle Flag.

I would hope that the city of Dubois, PA would change its name. Its a great city, but named after a pro-Japanese communist is too much.
I would hope that the city of Dubois, PA would change its name. Its a great city, but named after a pro-Japanese communist is too much.
Dubois moved to Africa and continued his racist Marxist diatribes against the United States of America. The nation that gave him everything.
But WEB Dubois monument's and statues must come down.

That's up to the people that live in a community with such statuary to decide, but only through a due process and not some idiotic mob choice.

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