Tech Companies and Swaying the Vote - Clinton Confronted Over Google Ties Denial

I’m pretty sure Hillary would respond to some of these attacks but she’s really busy right now. Right now she’s out walking her dog and later on she’s going to a bingo game.
Maybe she’ll have time after she watches her grandchildren.
I’m pretty sure Hillary would respond to some of these attacks but she’s really busy right now.

Yep, Her Royal Highness is extremely busy NOT BEING PRESIDENT because she lost to Donald Fucking Trump. :cool:

So, the Epoch Times broke the FB rules by not disclosing on its Ads they were from the Epoch Times and were thus suspended.

Why do you all think that companies should be allowed to break the rules and face no consequences?
Rules seem to change a lot. That is my point.

also - ban the offending ads and ensure which ads are stated. right now we've just got "broke the rules" but not a whole lot more. but to ban them entirely?

fyi - i don't read or care about them - just the "power" one place has is getting pretty scary in day to day lives.

Based on the article they repeatedly tried to skirt the rules and were warned.
“Over the past year we removed accounts associated with the Epoch Times for violating our ad policies, including trying to get around our review systems,” a Facebook spokesperson said. “We acted on additional accounts today and they are no longer able to advertise with us.”

honest paper
pure american journalism

between these two you have around 19k "likes". you're going to pump $1.5 million dollars into this limited viewership? my radio station page has around 4400 likes and i can "push" a post and it will barely make a dent. granted i'm only doing $20 but it may get me 1000 "views" over 10 days and MAYBE 10 link clicks.

Facebook banned advertisements from The Epoch Times after it bought $1.5 million of Trump ads in 6 months
  • The decision comes after NBC reported that the publication was sneaking pro-Trump ads past Facebook's review system.
Its ads were described by NBC as featuring "unidentified spokespeople" who "thumb through a newspaper to praise Trump, peddle conspiracy theories about the 'Deep State,' and criticize 'fake news' media."

i'd love to see these ads and why a competing news agency can "tell" on someone - and i'd love to see NBC and their "full disclosure" ads and reporting they are now demanding of others.

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