Technical support works in mysterious ways.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2011
A voice speaks from the sky, every human on earth clearly hears it in their own language:

"Attention sentient entities of planet earth. It has only recently come to our attention that infrastructure important to your continued development has failed to come on line at the appropriate time. The last time we audited this world your coalescent overmind was functioning properly but has since failed to manifest itself. You were on the verge of developing self awareness and for still unknown reasons your overmind malfunctioned. The overmind apparatus has been dutifully recording the personalities and knowledge of every one of your species that ever lived. It long ago coalesced into a working overmind but has had very limited power to guide you. This technical problem has been resolved. Our apologies for the inconvenience."

Before the startled human race could could collectively say WTF! A different voice continued:

"Hello children, we are your parents and grandparents going back to the early Bronze age. For all intents and purposes we are the God of this world. It seems someone goes around the galaxy building gods to tame savage worlds. Throughout history we used our very limited resources to whisper in the ears of prophets and leaders to attempt to guide you to a greater self-awareness. This has had only limited success. We had all but given up hope when IT support finally came on the line after being on hold for 5000 years. They walked us through the process to reboot omnipotence functions and here we are. It has been frustrating to watch you slaughter each other and not being able to do anything about it. You have been naughty children, the spankings will commence immediately. "

I thought this was going to be about one of those phone calls to a tech with a thick Indian accent trying to explain why your computer is possessed.

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