Ted Cruz doesn't trust republicrats either.


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Wednesday that he doesn’t trust members of his own party to negotiate a budget conference report.

Cruz's remark came after Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he thought it was “bizarre” that a member of his own party was objecting to forming a conference committee with the House to work out a budget.

McCain said the objections suggested Senate Republicans didn’t trust House Republicans to hold the party line in negotiations.

“Isn’t it a little bizarre, this whole exercise?” McCain said after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) objected to going to conference. “What we’re saying is that we don’t trust our colleagues on the other side of the Capitol.”

Cruz responded that he doesn't trust Republicans.

“The senior senator of Arizona urged senators to trust House Republicans ... and frankly, I don’t trust Republicans,” Cruz said. “It’s the leaders of both parties that got us in this mess. ... A lot of Republicans were complicit in this spending spree.”
Read more: Sen. Ted Cruz: 'I don?t trust Republicans' - The Hill's Video
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This is one of the reasons Ted Cruz isn't just reviled by the elitist repuke RINOs. It's also one of the reasons he's adored by those of us who despise bed wetting RINOs like Mclame.

I've held McCain in contempt for a long time. Since his intentional failure in 2008 at least. Now I literally hate the man. He must have been brainwashed by the VC in that prison, and I have to wonder if there wasn't truth to the claims he was a "prison snitch" of sorts.

John McCain is an embarrassment to conservatives. He did everything he could to pretend to be one of us, just long enough to loose to the moonbat messiah of all people, and then resume interfering with efforts to reign in federal power.

Another indication that Ted Cruz is a good man, and probably the only adult in the room if Rand Paul isn't around, is the seething hatred the left has for him. You know a person has virtue and good character if liberals hate them.

It's one of the reasons I still love Sarah Palin. Even if she has said the things the moonbats say she said, (and she didn't, that was Tina Fey,) they don't even compare to the complete blithering stupidity of the things the moonbat messiah has said.

I still love that "breathalyzer" speech obozo gave regarding healthcare. No politician in my memory has sounded as stupid as the moonbat messiah did that day, except of course Hank Johnson (D) asking an Admiral about the island of Guam capsizing due too too much military presence.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxxxGUeZtno]Obama Asthma Teleprompter Gaffe - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cesSRfXqS1Q]Guam will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean Hank Johnson - YouTube[/ame]

Put that in your crack pipes and smoke it bed wetters. Your political hacks are eaten up by stupidity.
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Some republicans agree with democrats and will compromise with them. Those republicans cannot be trusted. They are one ass kiss from betrayal.
I knew I voted for the right guy. GO TED GO!!!!!!
Some republicans agree with democrats and will compromise with them. Those republicans cannot be trusted. They are one ass kiss from betrayal.

I completely agree.

Furthermore, conservatives generally hold the right positions, at least on issues where there is clearly a right .vs wrong. The moonbats are universally wrong. On every issue. Even where they're kinda right, it's not for the sake of virtue or personal freedom.

Therefore "compromising" with a liberal will never allow you to be more than half-right.
Warms my heart to know that guys like Cruz are telling RINO fossils like McLame to go pound sand. :thup:
Warms my heart to know that guys like Cruz are telling RINO fossils like McLame to go pound sand. :thup:

Saw a story to day that tells of how the old line GOP establishment is pissed off at the younger more conservative minded conservatives in DC.
Those old wrinkly dionosaur's time has elapsed into OT...Time to kick them out.
I listened to the hearing today with that being discussed by McCain & Feinstein. Oh my!
McCain has been in the senate too long. He's known and worked with democrats for decades. They are his friends and he wants to get along with them. Cruz has no such personal loyalties.
I listened to the hearing today with that being discussed by McCain & Feinstein. Oh my!
As big a shit biscuit that Juan McQusling is, Dianne Frankenstein shouldn't even be occupying the same city as him, let alone the same room.
I listened to the hearing today with that being discussed by McCain & Feinstein. Oh my!
As big a shit biscuit that Juan McQusling is, Dianne Frankenstein shouldn't even be occupying the same city as him, let alone the same room.

It was funny. I had it in the background and McCain was making his spiel, and it was monotonous. Then suddenly this crackling rant started, had to look to see who in the world was making all that noise! I should have known without looking!
Cruz just doesn't trust McCain. Nobody in the republican party does.

If that were true, he wouldnt have been the nominee in 2008.

That was then. This is now. Things have changed. Dramatically. Leading up to the 2008 election, the old guard RINO's ruled the party. Now the RINO's just yip like chicks being booted out of the nest for the first time.
People like Mc Cain may as well caucus with the democrats.

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