Ted Cruz; More-Crazy Every Day....

Gosh, banks act as the "middle man" for home loans, car loans, and a zillion other loans. That's what banks do!

But acting as the "middle man" for college loans is suddenly a bad thing?

What magical unicorn property do college loans possess which warrants their being made a special case?

The money is used to indoctrinate people for the politicians.
Mr. Shaman, you're aware that the Federal Reserve is a Private Central Bank, that is neither owned nor subservient to the United States?

By allowing the Federal Reserve to take over the student loan industry, you have put giant International Banks (with no meaningful oversight) in charge of student loans.

Since the International Banks don't' give two shits how much money they loan out (since they print the money), the colleges and universities start raising their fees and tuition, since the Federal Reserve will loan out that money regardless (high demand --> raised tuition prices + stagnant wages = bad).

The result is that higher education costs have soared through the roof, since smaller banks can no longer complain to the universities to lower their fees (so the smaller banks didn't have to loan out so much money).
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I get the feeling that if college loan applicants were left to the tender mercies of banks, their interest rates would invariably increase. What say you?

As to the OP, every time I hear Cruz speak I think of McCarthy & the am radio hypocrite- oxyRush.

And College tuition would necessarily drop like a rock.
And yet…

He is in an elected government office. I guess that most Americans that he represents do NOT find him wacko. More Americans are realizing we have been hoodwinked every day. His way may not be the correct way – that is still to be determined – but the way we are handling things currently sure is not.

He's from Texas, right? That explains a lot.

So you're saying that texans approve of smaller less intrusive government.

Sounds like you wish you were texan, just sayin

Mother was born and raised in Texas...couldn't wait to get out. I spent several years stationed in Texas....couldn't wait to get out.

BTW...why hasn't Texas seceded yet? What's taking so long?
Gosh, banks act as the "middle man" for home loans, car loans, and a zillion other loans. That's what banks do!

But acting as the "middle man" for college loans is suddenly a bad thing?

What magical unicorn property do college loans possess which warrants their being made a special case?

they're guaranteed by the government.

so with no risk to the bank we guarantee them profit. of course we also do that with the VA and HUD but to a much lesser extent. i also don't know about any government programs that guarantee a car loan - but i'm probably mistaken.

sounds like a pretty sweet business though. no risk, guaranteed profit...
I get the feeling that if college loan applicants were left to the tender mercies of banks, their interest rates would invariably increase. What say you?

I guess then we should not leave college loans to the sweet mercy of banks and, instead, introduce them to the harsh realities of the privet markets. That way we can watch college rates drop like a rock or institutions will go out of business (to be replaced by others that are affordable).
I'm very sure if you could show him where the federal government has the Constitutional authority to act as a lender he would have no problem with it. Unlike most politicians Cruz takes his oath of office seriously.

Too bad most Americans don't take him seriously. #wacko.

Most Americans are probably complete unaware of him.

I don't see what's wacko about upholding your oath of office.

The question isn't "upholding his oath of office"...it's legislative activism, which is wacko, on his part.
I get the feeling that if college loan applicants were left to the tender mercies of banks, their interest rates would invariably increase. What say you?

As to the OP, every time I hear Cruz speak I think of McCarthy & the am radio hypocrite- oxyRush.

And College tuition would necessarily drop like a rock.

Interesting theory

Is there any data supporting college tuition dropping once student loans are restricted?
So you're saying that texans approve of smaller less intrusive government.

Sounds like you wish you were texan, just sayin

Please. Rick Perry disproves that every day of his governorship.

His state is in the best fiscal condition of all states, thus proving you're ignorance and hatred


BS. Evidence? Links? Sources? Hatred? Texas is a backwards, fucked up red state...what can I tell you? It's the state where James Byrd Jr. was dragged to his death and dismemberment from the back of a pick up truck by 3 rednecks. So who is really guilty of hate?
I get the feeling that if college loan applicants were left to the tender mercies of banks, their interest rates would invariably increase. What say you?

As to the OP, every time I hear Cruz speak I think of McCarthy & the am radio hypocrite- oxyRush.

And College tuition would necessarily drop like a rock.

Interesting theory

Is there any data supporting college tuition dropping once student loans are restricted?

Do you have any evidence showing that the current system is driving down higher education costs?
So you're saying that texans approve of smaller less intrusive government.

Sounds like you wish you were texan, just sayin

Please. Rick Perry disproves that every day of his governorship.

His state is in the best fiscal condition of all states, thus proving you're ignorance and hatred


most states would be doing well fiscally if they had the exploited oil resources of texas.
Less than three months in office and Cruz has the far lefties heads exploding can you say Cruz Derangement Syndrome.

Can YOU say.....

The Reincarnation Of Joe McCarthy?


Ah classic far left try and demonize one you disagree with will the Hitler comparison be far behind? Can you look in the mirror and say partisan hack?
Less than three months in office and Cruz has the far lefties heads exploding can you say Cruz Derangement Syndrome.

Ah classic far left try and demonize one you disagree with will the Hitler comparison be far behind? Can you look in the mirror and say partisan hack?

Ted Cruz and Joe McCarthy are eerily similar in appearance and political tactics
Gosh, banks act as the "middle man" for home loans, car loans, and a zillion other loans. That's what banks do!

But acting as the "middle man" for college loans is suddenly a bad thing?

What magical unicorn property do college loans possess which warrants their being made a special case?

Durbin, Harkin: Congress Must Remove Loophole that Encourages For-profit Colleges to Target Veterans - Press Releases - Press Office - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin
"Over the past year, the HELP Committee has uncovered widespread predatory practices and dismal student outcomes at many for-profit colleges,” said Harkin. “The legislation we are introducing today is one of many important steps we will take in the coming months toward holding for-profit colleges accountable to the taxpayers who invest 30 billion dollars in their institutions annually. It will close a loophole that has made veterans and active duty military major targets of deceptive marketing and aggressive recruitment, rather than students treated with the respect their service deserves."
I get the feeling that if college loan applicants were left to the tender mercies of banks, their interest rates would invariably increase. What say you?

As to the OP, every time I hear Cruz speak I think of McCarthy & the am radio hypocrite- oxyRush.

Again, what special unicorn properties do college loans have that home and auto loans do not?
The reason the Democrats want control over college loans is because that is another political power they can abuse the living shit out of to get votes. They will keep interest rates unnaturally low on those loans for votes. Thus luring people into them who have no business getting a loan they cannot possibly afford.

It's the worst sort of corruption of the free market there is.
I'm very sure if you could show him where the federal government has the Constitutional authority to act as a lender he would have no problem with it. Unlike most politicians Cruz takes his oath of office seriously.

So the problem is that he doesn't know that the George Washington administration occurred? lol
Joe McCarthy was right. So is Ted Cruz.

Democrats are pissed because all they have are tired old men. The Republicans have the young good looking ones.

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