Ted Cruz on Fox & Friends


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I just watched the Texas Republican discussing how cruelly children are being treated by drug dealers at the detention centers run by Obama's DHS. They stand by and do nothing as children have their fingers cut off or guns are pointed at their heads?

But, that isn't what struck me most about the interview.

When asked by the Senate is a do-nothing body, Cruz responded that it was entirely due to Harry Reid. He won't even allow votes on anything he doesn't like and his recent unilateral rule changes take away any chance to minority [GOP] to get around this. :eusa_clap:

But then, IMHO, he stuck his foot in his mouth! :mad: When asked about why he did not support some of those conservatives running to unseat long-time RINOS, he said that he would not participate in campaigns of incumbents! Huh? He's so worried about being part of The Club that he won't run against them? :mad:

My opinion.
Ted Cruz is obviously campaigning and saying things he thinks his base wants to hear. Not mental just political.
Ted Cruz is obviously campaigning and saying things he thinks his base wants to hear. Not mental just political.

What a surprise. A supposed "God"-fearing, patriotic, Christian conservatard deliberately and openly lies, even while accusing his political opponents of ethical misconduct, not being Christian enough, and yes, even lying as well.

Someone needs to lock him up. Hopefully it'll be President Obama locking him up permanently--ahem, I mean, detaining him indefinitely--in Guantanamo Bay.
See the far left rush in with their standard far left programmed talking points..

Many on the far left a far much worse yet they will defend them with their dying breath.

Just look at the far left posters on this board for a perfect example.
The Senate passed Immigration Reform. The House won't put it up for a full vote.

That's because it's a bill for amnesty first and border security second.
The last time this happened the border was never secured.

Reid has been sitting on bills from 2011.
The Senate passed Immigration Reform. The House won't put it up for a full vote.

That's because it's a bill for amnesty first and border security second.

The last time this happened the border was never secured.

Reid has been sitting on bills from 2011.

Making them wait and pay back taxes is not amnesty. What St. Reagan did was amnesty.
I just watched the Texas Republican discussing how cruelly children are being treated by drug dealers at the detention centers run by Obama's DHS. They stand by and do nothing as children have their fingers cut off or guns are pointed at their heads?

But, that isn't what struck me most about the interview.

When asked by the Senate is a do-nothing body, Cruz responded that it was entirely due to Harry Reid. He won't even allow votes on anything he doesn't like and his recent unilateral rule changes take away any chance to minority [GOP] to get around this. :eusa_clap:

But then, IMHO, he stuck his foot in his mouth! :mad: When asked about why he did not support some of those conservatives running to unseat long-time RINOS, he said that he would not participate in campaigns of incumbents! Huh? He's so worried about being part of The Club that he won't run against them? :mad:

My opinion.

He said that also way back in Aug. of 2013.
Cruz: "It Is Likely That I'll Stay Out Of All Incumbent Races" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Al least he is consistent and is not a flip flopper. :D
I think it's a wise political move. He is still going to have to work them.
He isn't part of the club either.
I just watched the Texas Republican discussing how cruelly children are being treated by drug dealers at the detention centers run by Obama's DHS. They stand by and do nothing as children have their fingers cut off or guns are pointed at their heads?

But, that isn't what struck me most about the interview.

When asked by the Senate is a do-nothing body, Cruz responded that it was entirely due to Harry Reid. He won't even allow votes on anything he doesn't like and his recent unilateral rule changes take away any chance to minority [GOP] to get around this. :eusa_clap:

But then, IMHO, he stuck his foot in his mouth! :mad: When asked about why he did not support some of those conservatives running to unseat long-time RINOS, he said that he would not participate in campaigns of incumbents! Huh? He's so worried about being part of The Club that he won't run against them? :mad:

My opinion.
Or perhaps it could be that he has higher aspirations such as to run for president therefore, of course he would not want to say good things now only to have to face those same folks as possible opponents in the primaries and the good comments he could make about them now could very well return to him in the campaign ads and trail at a later time and then *They've Got Him!* Ever thought about that?
I just watched the Texas Republican discussing how cruelly children are being treated by drug dealers at the detention centers run by Obama's DHS. They stand by and do nothing as children have their fingers cut off or guns are pointed at their heads?

But, that isn't what struck me most about the interview.

When asked by the Senate is a do-nothing body, Cruz responded that it was entirely due to Harry Reid. He won't even allow votes on anything he doesn't like and his recent unilateral rule changes take away any chance to minority [GOP] to get around this. :eusa_clap:

But then, IMHO, he stuck his foot in his mouth! :mad: When asked about why he did not support some of those conservatives running to unseat long-time RINOS, he said that he would not participate in campaigns of incumbents! Huh? He's so worried about being part of The Club that he won't run against them? :mad:

My opinion.

I just watched the Texas Republican discussing how cruelly children are being treated by drug dealers at the detention centers run by Obama's DHS. They stand by and do nothing as children have their fingers cut off or guns are pointed at their heads?

This is an extraordinary claim wrapped in an extraordinary claim, each requiring extraordinary evidence. For the first claim, we need a link to the transcript of that interview which proves Cruz said such a crazy thing.

Then, if it turns out Cruz actually said that, I would like to see hard evidence such a thing is happening inside a US government facility.
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When asked about why he did not support some of those conservatives running to unseat long-time RINOS, he said that he would not participate in campaigns of incumbents! Huh? He's so worried about being part of The Club that he won't run against them? :mad:

Cruz needs those superdelegates when he runs for President. Of course he isn't going to campaign against them.
I just watched the Texas Republican discussing how cruelly children are being treated by drug dealers at the detention centers run by Obama's DHS. They stand by and do nothing as children have their fingers cut off or guns are pointed at their heads?

But, that isn't what struck me most about the interview.

When asked by the Senate is a do-nothing body, Cruz responded that it was entirely due to Harry Reid. He won't even allow votes on anything he doesn't like and his recent unilateral rule changes take away any chance to minority [GOP] to get around this. :eusa_clap:

But then, IMHO, he stuck his foot in his mouth! :mad: When asked about why he did not support some of those conservatives running to unseat long-time RINOS, he said that he would not participate in campaigns of incumbents! Huh? He's so worried about being part of The Club that he won't run against them? :mad:

My opinion.

See bolded part. WTF?

Cruz is a fucking nutcase. He makes Sarah Palin look sane.
Let me repeat...the man is nukking futs.

He makes absolutely no sense...here's his statement.

“When the president of the United States prevents the Border Patrol from following the law, and enforcing our immigration laws, when the president of the United States announces to the world amnesty for those who have broken the law, the consequence is people respond to that, and the way they respond to that is handing over their children to drug dealers and vicious cartels,”

But this is hilarious. Read on in the article...

As they briefed reporters, some of the children played soccer and could be heard laughing in a small yard outside an Air Force dormitory on the other side of high barbed-wire fence.
Soccer certainly takes the place of fingers.

Geez, the emasculate far right now demonstrate they have had a collective lobotomy.
I just watched the Texas Republican discussing how cruelly children are being treated by drug dealers at the detention centers run by Obama's DHS. They stand by and do nothing as children have their fingers cut off or guns are pointed at their heads?

But, that isn't what struck me most about the interview.

When asked by the Senate is a do-nothing body, Cruz responded that it was entirely due to Harry Reid. He won't even allow votes on anything he doesn't like and his recent unilateral rule changes take away any chance to minority [GOP] to get around this. :eusa_clap:

But then, IMHO, he stuck his foot in his mouth! :mad: When asked about why he did not support some of those conservatives running to unseat long-time RINOS, he said that he would not participate in campaigns of incumbents! Huh? He's so worried about being part of The Club that he won't run against them? :mad:

My opinion.

The accusation (unsubstantiated and almost certainly untrue) that children are being maltreated by drug dealers at the detention centers run by Obama's DHS by having their fingers cut off or guns pointed at their heads while DHS personnel stand by and do nothing is NOT what struck you most about the interview?

That's VERY strange.
Soccer certainly takes the place of fingers.

Geez, the emasculate far right now demonstrate they have had a collective lobotomy.

Says the far left Obama drone that uses far left programmed talking points and comments as their own.

Cruz and his koshbots are reacting to having the political asses handed to them around the country.

Give us the proof.

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