Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

Tell that to dumbass Donnie because he said the wall was about drugs & weapons.

You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?
Oh I dont know, when he said "To Fundamentally Transform America into a 3rd world country", not my president. When he said "we should share the wealth", not my president. When he said "You will save $2,500 on healthcare and didnt", not my president. When he left 4 US citizens to die in Benghazi, while he jetted off to Las Vegas to fund raise. Not my president. When he said "Energy prices must necessarily skyrocket", not my president. When he said "we will bring in millions more Muslims from the middle east", not my president. When he allowed Mexican Cartel drug lords to buy fully automatic weapons with the blessings of his DOJ and had 10,000 innocent Mexican citizens murdered along with a border agent, not my president. Fuckers like you kept your head up your ass, which is why the 1/2 white fagot was able to get away with what he did, and there is still so much more.

View attachment 241525

Since when do you morons care when a president lies??

You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?

He was promising more Liberalism for America. Too much Liberalism is America's problem. You want Liberalism to soften up Americans to make it easier to slide us further to the Left and over the edge into the abyss. You want America to fail.

And as far as the stupid Liberals are concerned, they don't realize the cost of their folly until it is too late to rescue.

And those are the ones you are still preaching to, I'd guess.

And I am still waiting for you to explain BHO's forged Birth Certificate.

Rush Limbaugh - I Hope Obama Fails (The Original)

Published on Jan 17, 2009


And in the end Obama did.



What legacy?

First non-American President?
First gay President?
First White House same-sex marriage?

He needs to be indicted for AT LEAST the same mishandling of confidential government info charge that Hillary is guilty of, imho.
You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?
"Devotion"??? If you're devoted to a politician, you have some serious identity issues.
Yes, devotion...

”Please consider anyone who bashes Donald Trump and America as would-be enemies at war with America.
You really should get a dictionary. You're confused.
You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?

He was promising more Liberalism for America. Too much Liberalism is America's problem. You want Liberalism to soften up Americans to make it easier to slide us further to the Left and over the edge into the abyss. You want America to fail.

And as far as the stupid Liberals are concerned, they don't realize the cost of their folly until it is too late to rescue.

And those are the ones you are still preaching to, I'd guess.

And I am still waiting for you to explain BHO's forged Birth Certificate.

Rush Limbaugh - I Hope Obama Fails (The Original)

Published on Jan 17, 2009


And in the end Obama did.



What legacy?

First non-American President?
First gay President?
First White House same-sex marriage?

Peek into the disturbed mind of a conservative and that’s ^^^ what you’ll find. :ack-1:
Tell that to dumbass Donnie because he said the wall was about drugs & weapons.

You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?
Oh I dont know, when he said "To Fundamentally Transform America into a 3rd world country", not my president. When he said "we should share the wealth", not my president. When he said "You will save $2,500 on healthcare and didnt", not my president. When he left 4 US citizens to die in Benghazi, while he jetted off to Las Vegas to fund raise. Not my president. When he said "Energy prices must necessarily skyrocket", not my president. When he said "we will bring in millions more Muslims from the middle east", not my president. When he allowed Mexican Cartel drug lords to buy fully automatic weapons with the blessings of his DOJ and had 10,000 innocent Mexican citizens murdered along with a border agent, not my president. Fuckers like you kept your head up your ass, which is why the 1/2 white fagot was able to get away with what he did, and there is still so much more.

View attachment 241525
The idea you started out with a lie is proof what a dick you are.

And Benghazi? I see you continue to lie about the deaths of 4 Americans for political gain.

You have no clue what redistribution of wealth means.

Of course, you think AGW is a hoax so you would be too fucking stupid to comprehend what was said about energy prices.

Obama did not OK Fast & Furious. It was a local program that did not kill 10,000 Mexicans.

No wondser you voted for Trump. Dumbasses tends to vote for dumbasses & you are aout as dumb as they come.
The Trumps are known tax evaders. That is worse than being on 'the dole".

Please show the factual evidence not hyperbole and lies.....
Ask the State of New York.
In other words, you can't support your moronic claim. State income taxes are always based on your federal return, moron.
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father
If what he did was illegal, then why wasn't he charged with tax evasion?
Not all evaders are caught.

Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

WATCH: Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address
Why does Nancy Pelosi NOT want the State of the Union? Because the State of the Union is an enormous platform for the president to speak directly to the American people, and she doesn’t want people focusing on the substance of this issue. She wants their information to come from the mainstream media rather than the president.
The long answer? I’ll let Cruz himself explain it.
Listen, it’s the same reason, You remember, back right before the shutdown, when the president met with Pelosi and Schumer in the Oval Office and it was a remarkable meeting. I thought the funniest and most revealing moment was when Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off? Can we get the reporters out of here” She didn’t want people to see that their position was objectively unreasonable. The president said he’s willing to compromise; he’s willing to negotiate but we need to secure the border. The president’s right. Their position is not defensible she’s trying to hide from the cameras and I don’t think we should let her.​
Right now, Pelosi and Trump are involved in a back and forth, with Pelosi closing off the House to Trump to deliver his SOTU address. Trump struck back by denying Pelosi the use of taxpayer-funded, military travel, as my colleague Strieff described:

The entire Democrat Party is left wing., they've been infiltrated by the Progressive Marxist Socialist DSA. The most extreme components do not hate Trump. They hate America.
Where does Pelosi get the authority to travel at our taxpayer expense as her travels were not job related to Speaker of US House a legislative role. She is not in charge of foreign policy nor military activity, Trump as head of Exec branch is.
The object of the trip to Brussels was to get some pointers from their EU Socialist globalist masters who are trying to destroy England. We used to call those trips political junkets... stupid and pointless wastes of taxpayer dollars.
When recently questioned by her fawning LSM, “Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off?” Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the DJT would’ve said that? The biased MSM would still be on it 24/7.
It is a good thing Trump killed that trip as it was nothing more than Pelosi strutting around as though she was a co-President meeting with foreign dignitaries. She wanted the visuals to augment her claim to power as the equivalent to the President. She surely needs to put back in her place.
One more reason that Senator Cruz has been consistently under-rated. He has a sharp mind and the intestinal fortitude to use it. His detractors are way off base.
Either the SOTU from the House or from the Super Bowl with a band.
I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?
"Devotion"??? If you're devoted to a politician, you have some serious identity issues.
Yes, devotion...

”Please consider anyone who bashes Donald Trump and America as would-be enemies at war with America.
You really should get a dictionary. You're confused.


  1. love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.

If the quote I posted doesn’t sound like loyalty to you, that’s because you’re a brain-dead conservative.​
If it were not the case, why are they fighting to keep their sanctuary cities and now states? Why did the Democrat Senate stop Kate's law, a common sense law that had harsh penalties for felons who return back to the US after deportation? Why do lib states issue illegals drivers licenses so they can get to work or school?

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

I see you have no clue what sanctuary cities are all about. Just the typical dumbass Trumpette. Kate's Law is a joke. It would do nothing but fill up our federal prisons with non violent people. Illegals that live here are driving - you want a bunch of unproven drivers running around driving?

Your ignorance is not surprising. Any jackass who thinks pointing a gun makes him a tough guy just ain't too swift.

I'm swift enough to know that Kate's Law would have stopped many of those people who killed Americans from coming back here. And actually, if it were up to me, Kate's Law would apply to any illegal. Then we wouldn't need a wall, extra border patrol, drones or fences. Plus if we changed the law, many of the people who have been here for years would be heading to the border to get the hell out.

Illegals should not be driving period. And if they did drive and get caught, immediate deportation.

You can't complain about the stray cat problem in your yard if you keep putting out a huge bowl of milk on the patio every night. Democrats want these people here and more of them.

So I should build a wall along the one side of my property to keep the cats out?

If it makes you happy. But a cheaper more effective way to keep the cats off your property is quit giving them things they want, and eventually they will quit coming around.
The illegals come here for a better life , escape violence in their home country.
If it is Democrats giving them a better life then it is Democrats that make our country so desirable,

All you assfucks do is lie,. What do Democrats give illegals? I mean other than they don't steal their children.

I will give your posting opponents an advantage here. This is a video with salient facts and pertinent information they will be able to use to wipe the floor with you.

Your only hope is to become familiar with the information and use it to devise some defense for it.

Your argument is ticking down to being known by all as bull crap making you a laughing stock.

In 5:20 seconds your argument is neutralized.

Watch this or not.

It's your choice.

I think you will stay stuck on stupid.

Immigration Gumballs (Short Version)

Mystic Maya
Published on Mar 8, 2014

Immigration Gumballs with Roy Beck from NumbersUSA

He’s worked harder than you ever did. You don’t become a success by not working, you become a Democrat instead.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Trump was a millionaire at age 8. I guess he worked hard for that.

The fat assed piece of shit doesn't show up for work until after 11:00 AM & watches TV most of the day.

He took a small sum and built it into a HUUUUGE sum.

He learned the construction business from the ground up at the feet of the hard edged, tough, strong, smart, no nonsense men who worked on his father's construction sites.

Can you read a set of blueprints? Can you read and understand a quarterly or year end report or a P& L statement?

You could probably get a job as a janitor at one of his properties.

Good honest work.

You would be in good company along with 35,000 other daily Trump Org. employees.


He was handed tens of millions of dollars and all of Daddy's business & banking contacts & had to have daddy bail him out several times.

There have been millions of millionaires and billionaires in history.

How many of their sons ever did what DJT has done?





WTF?? You cultists are brainwashed. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, just to name a few; all have many times the wealth of trump and started with far less than what Trump’s father gave him to get started.

Making them better in what way?
Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?
"Devotion"??? If you're devoted to a politician, you have some serious identity issues.
Yes, devotion...

”Please consider anyone who bashes Donald Trump and America as would-be enemies at war with America.
You really should get a dictionary. You're confused.


  1. love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.

If the quote I posted doesn’t sound like loyalty to you, that’s because you’re a brain-dead conservative.​

Start @1:25.

At 1:58 "...You don't work with a Captain because you like the way he parts his hair. You work with him because HE'S got the job or you're no good..."

Greenwald schools mutineers. The Caine Mutiny 1954

Last edited:
I see you have no clue what sanctuary cities are all about. Just the typical dumbass Trumpette. Kate's Law is a joke. It would do nothing but fill up our federal prisons with non violent people. Illegals that live here are driving - you want a bunch of unproven drivers running around driving?

Your ignorance is not surprising. Any jackass who thinks pointing a gun makes him a tough guy just ain't too swift.

I'm swift enough to know that Kate's Law would have stopped many of those people who killed Americans from coming back here. And actually, if it were up to me, Kate's Law would apply to any illegal. Then we wouldn't need a wall, extra border patrol, drones or fences. Plus if we changed the law, many of the people who have been here for years would be heading to the border to get the hell out.

Illegals should not be driving period. And if they did drive and get caught, immediate deportation.

You can't complain about the stray cat problem in your yard if you keep putting out a huge bowl of milk on the patio every night. Democrats want these people here and more of them.

So I should build a wall along the one side of my property to keep the cats out?

If it makes you happy. But a cheaper more effective way to keep the cats off your property is quit giving them things they want, and eventually they will quit coming around.
The illegals come here for a better life , escape violence in their home country.
If it is Democrats giving them a better life then it is Democrats that make our country so desirable,

All you assfucks do is lie,. What do Democrats give illegals? I mean other than they don't steal their children.

I will give your posting opponents an advantage here. This is a video with salient facts and pertinent information they will be able to use to wipe the floor with you.

Your only hope is to become familiar with the information and use it to devise some defense for it.

Your argument is ticking down to being known by all as bull crap making you a laughing stock.

In 5:20 seconds your argument is neutralized.

Watch this or not.

It's your choice.

I think you will stay stuck on stupid.

Immigration Gumballs (Short Version)

Mystic Maya
Published on Mar 8, 2014

Immigration Gumballs with Roy Beck from NumbersUSA

Maybe they need to stop breeding? Stop suffering, stop gorbal warming, stop overpopulation...stop it there. If we welcome this over-breeding, non-conscient animals here, we will overwhelm our own systems intended to accommodate our own over-breeders. Oh, wait, it is impolitic to suggest that people stop spawning offspring they cannot, or will not, support on their own...without someone else paying for their excess.
I'm swift enough to know that Kate's Law would have stopped many of those people who killed Americans from coming back here. And actually, if it were up to me, Kate's Law would apply to any illegal. Then we wouldn't need a wall, extra border patrol, drones or fences. Plus if we changed the law, many of the people who have been here for years would be heading to the border to get the hell out.

Illegals should not be driving period. And if they did drive and get caught, immediate deportation.

You can't complain about the stray cat problem in your yard if you keep putting out a huge bowl of milk on the patio every night. Democrats want these people here and more of them.

So I should build a wall along the one side of my property to keep the cats out?

If it makes you happy. But a cheaper more effective way to keep the cats off your property is quit giving them things they want, and eventually they will quit coming around.
The illegals come here for a better life , escape violence in their home country.
If it is Democrats giving them a better life then it is Democrats that make our country so desirable,

All you assfucks do is lie,. What do Democrats give illegals? I mean other than they don't steal their children.
Hmmm, wrong. Allowing them in doesn't make the country better. Americans made the country what it is, not a bunch of scumbag politicians. Illegals come here to cash in when they have contributed nothing.

Democrats give illegals access to the country, protection from our immigration laws, and access to $billions in social services.
You really can't read.
I obviously can read, but I have a well-tuned nose for bullshit.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?
"Devotion"??? If you're devoted to a politician, you have some serious identity issues.
Yes, devotion...

”Please consider anyone who bashes Donald Trump and America as would-be enemies at war with America.
You really should get a dictionary. You're confused.


  1. love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.

If the quote I posted doesn’t sound like loyalty to you, that’s because you’re a brain-dead conservative.​

Start @1:25.

At 1:58 "...You don't work with a Captain because you like the way he parts his hair. You work with him because HE'S got the job or you're no good..."

Greenwald schools mutineers. The Caine Mutiny 1954

Why no answer to my question?

Where was this devitiin when Obama was president?
I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?

He was promising more Liberalism for America. Too much Liberalism is America's problem. You want Liberalism to soften up Americans to make it easier to slide us further to the Left and over the edge into the abyss. You want America to fail.

And as far as the stupid Liberals are concerned, they don't realize the cost of their folly until it is too late to rescue.

And those are the ones you are still preaching to, I'd guess.

And I am still waiting for you to explain BHO's forged Birth Certificate.

Rush Limbaugh - I Hope Obama Fails (The Original)

Published on Jan 17, 2009


And in the end Obama did.



What legacy?

First non-American President?
First gay President?
First White House same-sex marriage?

He needs to be indicted for AT LEAST the same mishandling of confidential government info charge that Hillary is guilty of, imho.

Obama was guilty of aiding and abetting.
"Devotion"??? If you're devoted to a politician, you have some serious identity issues.
Yes, devotion...

”Please consider anyone who bashes Donald Trump and America as would-be enemies at war with America.
You really should get a dictionary. You're confused.


  1. love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.

If the quote I posted doesn’t sound like loyalty to you, that’s because you’re a brain-dead conservative.​

Start @1:25.

At 1:58 "...You don't work with a Captain because you like the way he parts his hair. You work with him because HE'S got the job or you're no good..."

Greenwald schools mutineers. The Caine Mutiny 1954

Why no answer to my question?

Where was this devitiin when Obama was president?

You are an ingrate.

With all he did that he shouldn'ta and all he didn't do that he shoulda, it is a miracle he was not indicted. But there'll be time enough for counting, when the dealin's done.

He used up all the respect for the office that I had in me. And he played it that close to the edge, too. He calculated just how far he could take us to the Left and his calculations were right.

He was able to leave on his terms.

But wait and see.
Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?
"Devotion"??? If you're devoted to a politician, you have some serious identity issues.
Yes, devotion...

”Please consider anyone who bashes Donald Trump and America as would-be enemies at war with America.
You really should get a dictionary. You're confused.


  1. love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.

If the quote I posted doesn’t sound like loyalty to you, that’s because you’re a brain-dead conservative.​
Yeah, devoted to a person? You're devoted to a politician. You lefties get emotionally involved with your politicians. That's your problem. It's a job. Either do it or get out. You're emotional attachment is a problem.
Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?

He was promising more Liberalism for America. Too much Liberalism is America's problem. You want Liberalism to soften up Americans to make it easier to slide us further to the Left and over the edge into the abyss. You want America to fail.

And as far as the stupid Liberals are concerned, they don't realize the cost of their folly until it is too late to rescue.

And those are the ones you are still preaching to, I'd guess.

And I am still waiting for you to explain BHO's forged Birth Certificate.

Rush Limbaugh - I Hope Obama Fails (The Original)

Published on Jan 17, 2009


And in the end Obama did.



What legacy?

First non-American President?
First gay President?
First White House same-sex marriage?

He needs to be indicted for AT LEAST the same mishandling of confidential government info charge that Hillary is guilty of, imho.

Obama was guilty of aiding and abetting.

Clinton–Obama Emails: The Key to Understanding Why Hillary Wasn’t Indicted


If Clinton had been charged, Obama’s culpable involvement would have been patent. In any prosecution of Clinton, the Clinton–Obama emails would have been in the spotlight.

Clinton–Obama Emails: The Key to Understanding Why Hillary Wasn’t Indicted

By Andrew C. McCarthy
January 23, 2018 9:25 PM


Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton talk during the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena April 14, 2012. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

New FBI texts highlight a motive to conceal the president’s involvement.

From the first, these columns have argued that the whitewash of the Hillary Clinton–emails caper was President Barack Obama’s call — not the FBI’s, and not the Justice Department’s. (See, e.g., here, here, and here.) The decision was inevitable. Obama, using a pseudonymous email account, had repeatedly communicated with Secretary Clinton over her private, non-secure email account.

These emails must have involved some classified information, given the nature of consultations between presidents and secretaries of state, the broad outlines of Obama’s own executive order defining classified intelligence (see EO 13526, section 1.4), and the fact that the Obama administration adamantly refused to disclose the Clinton–Obama emails.

If classified information was mishandled, it was necessarily mishandled on both ends of these email exchanges.

If Clinton had been charged, Obama’s culpable involvement would have been patent. In any prosecution of Clinton, the Clinton–Obama emails would have been in the spotlight.

For the prosecution, they would be more proof of willful (or, if you prefer, grossly negligent) mishandling of intelligence. More significantly, for Clinton’s defense, they would show that Obama was complicit in Clinton’s conduct yet faced no criminal charges.

That is why such an indictment of Hillary Clinton was never going to happen. The latest jaw-dropping disclosures of text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, illustrate this point.


Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama Emails: Key to Lack of Clinton Indictment | National Review
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I'm swift enough to know that Kate's Law would have stopped many of those people who killed Americans from coming back here. And actually, if it were up to me, Kate's Law would apply to any illegal. Then we wouldn't need a wall, extra border patrol, drones or fences. Plus if we changed the law, many of the people who have been here for years would be heading to the border to get the hell out.

Illegals should not be driving period. And if they did drive and get caught, immediate deportation.

You can't complain about the stray cat problem in your yard if you keep putting out a huge bowl of milk on the patio every night. Democrats want these people here and more of them.

So I should build a wall along the one side of my property to keep the cats out?

If it makes you happy. But a cheaper more effective way to keep the cats off your property is quit giving them things they want, and eventually they will quit coming around.
The illegals come here for a better life , escape violence in their home country.
If it is Democrats giving them a better life then it is Democrats that make our country so desirable,

All you assfucks do is lie,. What do Democrats give illegals? I mean other than they don't steal their children.

I will give your posting opponents an advantage here. This is a video with salient facts and pertinent information they will be able to use to wipe the floor with you.

Your only hope is to become familiar with the information and use it to devise some defense for it.

Your argument is ticking down to being known by all as bull crap making you a laughing stock.

In 5:20 seconds your argument is neutralized.

Watch this or not.

It's your choice.

I think you will stay stuck on stupid.

Immigration Gumballs (Short Version)

Mystic Maya
Published on Mar 8, 2014

Immigration Gumballs with Roy Beck from NumbersUSA

Maybe they need to stop breeding? Stop suffering, stop gorbal warming, stop overpopulation...stop it there. If we welcome this over-breeding, non-conscient animals here, we will overwhelm our own systems intended to accommodate our own over-breeders. Oh, wait, it is impolitic to suggest that people stop spawning offspring they cannot, or will not, support on their own...without someone else paying for their excess.

The point I hope is gained from the video is an understanding that whatever we decide to do about the desperately poor should be done in THEIR countries or not at all.
Actually, shit for brains, Democrats would rather sped 5.7 billion on actions that actually would stop illegals and not some fat assed orange POS's dream of a God damn wall.

Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
That's another reason I want more of the wall..........Would be hard for them to justify tearing it down.......They will not let the loopholes get closed.....so it makes the CBP do their job more efficiently...........

Most of the money is for areas where there is a problem of them coming across.........biggest area is the Rio Grande areas............Where they have better infrastructure arrests have gone down.........because it's more difficult to get across there. With the sensors and security measures added in.......they know when illegals are climbing the walls.

You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.

You are a typical Trump supporter clueless. Americans do not support a wall. The problems are at our POEs. That is where drugs and weapons are smuggled into. Trump supporters are the ones who cannot think for themselves. All they can do is repeat Trump's lies.
That isn't where illegals cross the border, moron. The problem is illegal aliens, not just drugs and weapons.

Border crossings are at a all-time low. A wall is not needed. You are the moron and a racist to boot.

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