Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

So why not just use the motion detectors?

Changing your route From Guatemala to avoid the part with Trump's magnificent wall is not a big deal.

The French built a wall to keep the Nazi;s out. How did that work out?

Because if you just use motion detectors, by the time anybody gets there the intruders will be gone and then they have to spend time hunting them down. If they are alerted before they approach the wall, they can get to the area. By the time they breach the wall, it's likely somebody will be there for the apprehension.

But that's actually irrelevant because the main function of the wall is to act as a deterrent. It won't stop everybody, but it will stop most.
So, you want a wall only because it adds time to an illegal border crossing?

As I said, the main purpose of the wall is to act as a deterrent. It's kind of liking having a house alarm. It will stop most people, but some people will ignore it and try to do a smash and grab. Because that does happen from time to time, it's no reason to not have your house alarmed.

This country has been a refuge for people in trouble. People are fleeing drug cartels that hold sway in Central America and large swaths of Mexico. The border is not a house and has nothing to do with houses. It is about people who fear for their lives. One girl said "There are police here, in case something happens to us,".
The United States is not a social program. We aren't responsible for the problems of other countries. Let them solve their own problems. We can even help them, but there's no justification for relocating their population here.

We have always been a refuge for people who are in fear of their lives. The pilgrims came here to practice their religion without fear of the state. Maybe you need a course in US history.
Sure they will. They will spend money on anything they can get rid of if they ever get the presidency again. That's the reason they don't want a wall.
That's another reason I want more of the wall..........Would be hard for them to justify tearing it down.......They will not let the loopholes get closed.....so it makes the CBP do their job more efficiently...........

Most of the money is for areas where there is a problem of them coming across.........biggest area is the Rio Grande areas............Where they have better infrastructure arrests have gone down.........because it's more difficult to get across there. With the sensors and security measures added in.......they know when illegals are climbing the walls.

You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.

You are a typical Trump supporter clueless. Americans do not support a wall. The problems are at our POEs. That is where drugs and weapons are smuggled into. Trump supporters are the ones who cannot think for themselves. All they can do is repeat Trump's lies.
That isn't where illegals cross the border, moron. The problem is illegal aliens, not just drugs and weapons.

Border crossings are at a all-time low. A wall is not needed. You are the moron and a racist to boot.

Over 310,000 apprehended in 2017. I say a wall is needed.
Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

WATCH: Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address
Why does Nancy Pelosi NOT want the State of the Union? Because the State of the Union is an enormous platform for the president to speak directly to the American people, and she doesn’t want people focusing on the substance of this issue. She wants their information to come from the mainstream media rather than the president.
The long answer? I’ll let Cruz himself explain it.
Listen, it’s the same reason, You remember, back right before the shutdown, when the president met with Pelosi and Schumer in the Oval Office and it was a remarkable meeting. I thought the funniest and most revealing moment was when Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off? Can we get the reporters out of here” She didn’t want people to see that their position was objectively unreasonable. The president said he’s willing to compromise; he’s willing to negotiate but we need to secure the border. The president’s right. Their position is not defensible she’s trying to hide from the cameras and I don’t think we should let her.​
Right now, Pelosi and Trump are involved in a back and forth, with Pelosi closing off the House to Trump to deliver his SOTU address. Trump struck back by denying Pelosi the use of taxpayer-funded, military travel, as my colleague Strieff described:

The entire Democrat Party is left wing., they've been infiltrated by the Progressive Marxist Socialist DSA. The most extreme components do not hate Trump. They hate America.
Where does Pelosi get the authority to travel at our taxpayer expense as her travels were not job related to Speaker of US House a legislative role. She is not in charge of foreign policy nor military activity, Trump as head of Exec branch is.
The object of the trip to Brussels was to get some pointers from their EU Socialist globalist masters who are trying to destroy England. We used to call those trips political junkets... stupid and pointless wastes of taxpayer dollars.
When recently questioned by her fawning LSM, “Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off?” Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the DJT would’ve said that? The biased MSM would still be on it 24/7.
It is a good thing Trump killed that trip as it was nothing more than Pelosi strutting around as though she was a co-President meeting with foreign dignitaries. She wanted the visuals to augment her claim to power as the equivalent to the President. She surely needs to put back in her place.
One more reason that Senator Cruz has been consistently under-rated. He has a sharp mind and the intestinal fortitude to use it. His detractors are way off base.

Senator Cruz was a champion debater in college, he was my first choice for the Presidency in 2016.

The gentleman knows public speaking and he knows as well as anyone the effectiveness of Donald J. Trump as a speaker and as our President.

Ted Cruz is a bootlicker and nothing more. Unfortunately I voted for him in the primaries and I admit he conned me. We saw the effectiveness of Trump as a public speaker in his nationwide address. It was a huge bomb and more people trusted Pelosi and Schumer than they did Trump. There should not be a SOTU until Trump ends his shutdown.
The claim that you voted for Ted Cruz doesn't pass the laugh test.

I don't give a damn whether you believe it or not. Your IQ doesn't pass the laugh test. The fact is that President Reagan would not belong to the Trump Republican Party.
Of course President Trump did offer that Speaker "Blinkie" Pelosi could always fly on a commercial flight on her own dime, since there are 1000s of government employees working without being paid. I love how this president stirs up the Democraps into a frenzy by playing their own rules back at them....
And who paid for Melania's little vacation in Florida?

Because it sure as fuck wasen't Trump. Not when he can stick the taxpayers with the bill!

Trump is a vile pile of shit. A real shitbag.

And who paid for fat ass Michelle when she wanted to get out of the White House?
Nice to have a beautiful classy First Lady instead of a phoney racist fat ass arrogant bitch.

She has about as much class as a hooker.
Ten times more than Moochelle.

She is just like her husband Donald. Trash.
Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

WATCH: Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address
Why does Nancy Pelosi NOT want the State of the Union? Because the State of the Union is an enormous platform for the president to speak directly to the American people, and she doesn’t want people focusing on the substance of this issue. She wants their information to come from the mainstream media rather than the president.
The long answer? I’ll let Cruz himself explain it.
Listen, it’s the same reason, You remember, back right before the shutdown, when the president met with Pelosi and Schumer in the Oval Office and it was a remarkable meeting. I thought the funniest and most revealing moment was when Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off? Can we get the reporters out of here” She didn’t want people to see that their position was objectively unreasonable. The president said he’s willing to compromise; he’s willing to negotiate but we need to secure the border. The president’s right. Their position is not defensible she’s trying to hide from the cameras and I don’t think we should let her.​
Right now, Pelosi and Trump are involved in a back and forth, with Pelosi closing off the House to Trump to deliver his SOTU address. Trump struck back by denying Pelosi the use of taxpayer-funded, military travel, as my colleague Strieff described:

The entire Democrat Party is left wing., they've been infiltrated by the Progressive Marxist Socialist DSA. The most extreme components do not hate Trump. They hate America.
Where does Pelosi get the authority to travel at our taxpayer expense as her travels were not job related to Speaker of US House a legislative role. She is not in charge of foreign policy nor military activity, Trump as head of Exec branch is.
The object of the trip to Brussels was to get some pointers from their EU Socialist globalist masters who are trying to destroy England. We used to call those trips political junkets... stupid and pointless wastes of taxpayer dollars.
When recently questioned by her fawning LSM, “Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off?” Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the DJT would’ve said that? The biased MSM would still be on it 24/7.
It is a good thing Trump killed that trip as it was nothing more than Pelosi strutting around as though she was a co-President meeting with foreign dignitaries. She wanted the visuals to augment her claim to power as the equivalent to the President. She surely needs to put back in her place.
One more reason that Senator Cruz has been consistently under-rated. He has a sharp mind and the intestinal fortitude to use it. His detractors are way off base.

Senator Cruz was a champion debater in college, he was my first choice for the Presidency in 2016.

The gentleman knows public speaking and he knows as well as anyone the effectiveness of Donald J. Trump as a speaker and as our President.

Ted Cruz is a bootlicker and nothing more. Unfortunately I voted for him in the primaries and I admit he conned me. We saw the effectiveness of Trump as a public speaker in his nationwide address. It was a huge bomb and more people trusted Pelosi and Schumer than they did Trump. There should not be a SOTU until Trump ends his shutdown.
The claim that you voted for Ted Cruz doesn't pass the laugh test.

I don't give a damn whether you believe it or not. Your IQ doesn't pass the laugh test. The fact is that President Reagan would not belong to the Trump Republican Party.

Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?

He was promising more Liberalism for America. Too much Liberalism is America's problem. You want Liberalism to soften up Americans to make it easier to slide us further to the Left and over the edge into the abyss. You want America to fail.

And as far as the stupid Liberals are concerned, they don't realize the cost of their folly until it is too late to rescue.

And those are the ones you are still preaching to, I'd guess.

And I am still waiting for you to explain BHO's forged Birth Certificate.

Rush Limbaugh - I Hope Obama Fails (The Original)

Published on Jan 17, 2009


And in the end Obama did.



What legacy?

First non-American President?
First gay President?
First White House same-sex marriage?

He needs to be indicted for AT LEAST the same mishandling of confidential government info charge that Hillary is guilty of, imho.

Obama was guilty of aiding and abetting.

Clinton–Obama Emails: The Key to Understanding Why Hillary Wasn’t Indicted


If Clinton had been charged, Obama’s culpable involvement would have been patent. In any prosecution of Clinton, the Clinton–Obama emails would have been in the spotlight.

Clinton–Obama Emails: The Key to Understanding Why Hillary Wasn’t Indicted

By Andrew C. McCarthy
January 23, 2018 9:25 PM


Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton talk during the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena April 14, 2012. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

New FBI texts highlight a motive to conceal the president’s involvement.

From the first, these columns have argued that the whitewash of the Hillary Clinton–emails caper was President Barack Obama’s call — not the FBI’s, and not the Justice Department’s. (See, e.g., here, here, and here.) The decision was inevitable. Obama, using a pseudonymous email account, had repeatedly communicated with Secretary Clinton over her private, non-secure email account.

These emails must have involved some classified information, given the nature of consultations between presidents and secretaries of state, the broad outlines of Obama’s own executive order defining classified intelligence (see EO 13526, section 1.4), and the fact that the Obama administration adamantly refused to disclose the Clinton–Obama emails.

If classified information was mishandled, it was necessarily mishandled on both ends of these email exchanges.

If Clinton had been charged, Obama’s culpable involvement would have been patent. In any prosecution of Clinton, the Clinton–Obama emails would have been in the spotlight.

For the prosecution, they would be more proof of willful (or, if you prefer, grossly negligent) mishandling of intelligence. More significantly, for Clinton’s defense, they would show that Obama was complicit in Clinton’s conduct yet faced no criminal charges.

That is why such an indictment of Hillary Clinton was never going to happen. The latest jaw-dropping disclosures of text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, illustrate this point.


Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama Emails: Key to Lack of Clinton Indictment | National Review

Sorry. Right wing trash sites do not prove anything except they are cuckoo.
That's another reason I want more of the wall..........Would be hard for them to justify tearing it down.......They will not let the loopholes get closed.....so it makes the CBP do their job more efficiently...........

Most of the money is for areas where there is a problem of them coming across.........biggest area is the Rio Grande areas............Where they have better infrastructure arrests have gone down.........because it's more difficult to get across there. With the sensors and security measures added in.......they know when illegals are climbing the walls.

You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.

You are a typical Trump supporter clueless. Americans do not support a wall. The problems are at our POEs. That is where drugs and weapons are smuggled into. Trump supporters are the ones who cannot think for themselves. All they can do is repeat Trump's lies.
That isn't where illegals cross the border, moron. The problem is illegal aliens, not just drugs and weapons.

Border crossings are at a all-time low. A wall is not needed. You are the moron and a racist to boot.

Over 310,000 apprehended in 2017. I say a wall is needed.

Americans don't agree with you. They say a wall is not needed.
And who paid for Melania's little vacation in Florida?

Because it sure as fuck wasen't Trump. Not when he can stick the taxpayers with the bill!

Trump is a vile pile of shit. A real shitbag.

And who paid for fat ass Michelle when she wanted to get out of the White House?
Nice to have a beautiful classy First Lady instead of a phoney racist fat ass arrogant bitch.

She has about as much class as a hooker.
Ten times more than Moochelle.

She is just like her husband Donald. Trash.

Melania is a classy broad, she knows 5 languages you know.

Probably the smartest gal every to serve as our first lady.
So I should build a wall along the one side of my property to keep the cats out?

If it makes you happy. But a cheaper more effective way to keep the cats off your property is quit giving them things they want, and eventually they will quit coming around.
The illegals come here for a better life , escape violence in their home country.
If it is Democrats giving them a better life then it is Democrats that make our country so desirable,

All you assfucks do is lie,. What do Democrats give illegals? I mean other than they don't steal their children.

I will give your posting opponents an advantage here. This is a video with salient facts and pertinent information they will be able to use to wipe the floor with you.

Your only hope is to become familiar with the information and use it to devise some defense for it.

Your argument is ticking down to being known by all as bull crap making you a laughing stock.

In 5:20 seconds your argument is neutralized.

Watch this or not.

It's your choice.

I think you will stay stuck on stupid.

Immigration Gumballs (Short Version)

Mystic Maya
Published on Mar 8, 2014

Immigration Gumballs with Roy Beck from NumbersUSA

Maybe they need to stop breeding? Stop suffering, stop gorbal warming, stop overpopulation...stop it there. If we welcome this over-breeding, non-conscient animals here, we will overwhelm our own systems intended to accommodate our own over-breeders. Oh, wait, it is impolitic to suggest that people stop spawning offspring they cannot, or will not, support on their own...without someone else paying for their excess.

The point I hope is gained from the video is an understanding that whatever we decide to do about the desperately poor should be done in THEIR countries or not at all.

We are not talking about economics. We are talking about people who are in fear of their lives. You cannot do anything when the home country is controlled by drug cartels.
When are you people going to finally figure out that doesn't work and never has?

When are you going to figure out Trump doesn't work & never has?

He’s worked harder than you ever did. You don’t become a success by not working, you become a Democrat instead.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Trump was a millionaire at age 8. I guess he worked hard for that.

The fat assed piece of shit doesn't show up for work until after 11:00 AM & watches TV most of the day.

No, people who know him say Trump is up well before 4:00 am every day. He is not much of a sleeper.

If you have money, you do have to work hard to keep or grow it. Not everybody can handle money. In fact there have been books written on lottery winners who's good fortune totally ruined their lives. I happen to know one of those people.

Working with industry all day long, I can tell you I've seen plenty of companies handed down to the children, and closed up after a couple of years. Those kids only knew how to spend Dad's money--not make it like Dad did.

You don't have to be pounding spikes into the ground with a sledge hammer all day to say one is working.

He gets to work after 11 AM.

Trump had his father bail him out a few times.

Trump is a crook. He cheated his contractors. He lies to attract investors. There is a reason he had to run to Russia to get loans.

During the recession, he was tapped out, but he didn't get loans from Russia.

Trump had 5 bankruptcies during his career of owning or operating over 500 companies. That''s less than one bankruptcy for every 100 businesses he was in charge of. So don't tell me he wasn't successful as a businessman. I know nothing about his father bailing him out of anything. Even if he did, so what?
You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
Oh? Where was that devotion to the president from you rightards between January, 2008 and January, 2017?
"Devotion"??? If you're devoted to a politician, you have some serious identity issues.
Yes, devotion...

”Please consider anyone who bashes Donald Trump and America as would-be enemies at war with America.

Do you really expect we don't recognize that this country is sailing through gale force winds, heavy seas and mines all around.

Our Captain needs to have as much support as we can give him.

Greenwald schools mutineers. The Caine Mutiny 1954

If it makes you happy. But a cheaper more effective way to keep the cats off your property is quit giving them things they want, and eventually they will quit coming around.
The illegals come here for a better life , escape violence in their home country.
If it is Democrats giving them a better life then it is Democrats that make our country so desirable,

All you assfucks do is lie,. What do Democrats give illegals? I mean other than they don't steal their children.

I will give your posting opponents an advantage here. This is a video with salient facts and pertinent information they will be able to use to wipe the floor with you.

Your only hope is to become familiar with the information and use it to devise some defense for it.

Your argument is ticking down to being known by all as bull crap making you a laughing stock.

In 5:20 seconds your argument is neutralized.

Watch this or not.

It's your choice.

I think you will stay stuck on stupid.

Immigration Gumballs (Short Version)

Mystic Maya
Published on Mar 8, 2014

Immigration Gumballs with Roy Beck from NumbersUSA

Maybe they need to stop breeding? Stop suffering, stop gorbal warming, stop overpopulation...stop it there. If we welcome this over-breeding, non-conscient animals here, we will overwhelm our own systems intended to accommodate our own over-breeders. Oh, wait, it is impolitic to suggest that people stop spawning offspring they cannot, or will not, support on their own...without someone else paying for their excess.

The point I hope is gained from the video is an understanding that whatever we decide to do about the desperately poor should be done in THEIR countries or not at all.

We are not talking about economics. We are talking about people who are in fear of their lives. You cannot do anything when the home country is controlled by drug cartels.

Sure you can.

Those governments can be persuaded to stop the cartels and we will help because it is less costly in lives, money, incarceration and addiction than not helping and letting the fruit of that inattention spill out onto our streets.
If it were not the case, why are they fighting to keep their sanctuary cities and now states? Why did the Democrat Senate stop Kate's law, a common sense law that had harsh penalties for felons who return back to the US after deportation? Why do lib states issue illegals drivers licenses so they can get to work or school?

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

I see you have no clue what sanctuary cities are all about. Just the typical dumbass Trumpette. Kate's Law is a joke. It would do nothing but fill up our federal prisons with non violent people. Illegals that live here are driving - you want a bunch of unproven drivers running around driving?

Your ignorance is not surprising. Any jackass who thinks pointing a gun makes him a tough guy just ain't too swift.

I'm swift enough to know that Kate's Law would have stopped many of those people who killed Americans from coming back here. And actually, if it were up to me, Kate's Law would apply to any illegal. Then we wouldn't need a wall, extra border patrol, drones or fences. Plus if we changed the law, many of the people who have been here for years would be heading to the border to get the hell out.

Illegals should not be driving period. And if they did drive and get caught, immediate deportation.

You can't complain about the stray cat problem in your yard if you keep putting out a huge bowl of milk on the patio every night. Democrats want these people here and more of them.

So I should build a wall along the one side of my property to keep the cats out?

If it makes you happy. But a cheaper more effective way to keep the cats off your property is quit giving them things they want, and eventually they will quit coming around.
The illegals come here for a better life , escape violence in their home country.
If it is Democrats giving them a better life then it is Democrats that make our country so desirable,

All you assfucks do is lie,. What do Democrats give illegals? I mean other than they don't steal their children.

I already told you what they give illegals. Obviously you have a short memory.

Yes, they come here for a better life. Most people around the world would like to do the same. But our world population is 7.5 billion people. How many of those 7.5 billion should we let in?

Of course Democrats make our country so desirable to them. They are for letting them in; they are for stopping a wall; they are for not telling federal authorities when they are here and break the law. Why do you suppose California is the largest welfare state in the union?
We donl't need a 30' concrete wall. When the fuck are you assfucks going to admit it.

When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Americans do not support Trump, they support Democrats. You want dead Americans so you can use them to play politics.

Yeah, they support Democrats. I guess that's why we have a Republican President in the White House and gained seats in the Senate.

The Republicans very much underperformed in the Senate elections. The Republicans had the best map in many years to make big gains. They gained only 2 seats. That included losses in Arizona and Nevada. Trump won because voters hated him the least. That is why he has never been at or above 50% in approvals.

No, it's because the media reports over 90% negative on Trump. The media controls weak minds. So is it any wonder why it's not 30%?

Anybody who disagrees with this economy, all that Trump has done, all that he's trying to do knows little to nothing about what's going on around them and are people loaded with hate. The President losing leadership of the House is quite normal and historical. We still gained seats in the Senate, and it's about time politicians perform according to their promises instead of according to rigged polls.

You are so stupid. If Trump told you to drink poisoned Kool-Aid, you would. The media is not responsible for Trump's bad poll numbers. Only Trump.

The fact is that Trump was a major factor in Democrats winning the House. Democrats won the Governor's race in Kansas. The Senate seat in Arizona. The fact is that Republicans had the best map they have had in a long time yet they only picked up 2 Senate seats. Voters are actually smarter than you think they are. That is why they are turning on Trump. Of course a rigged poll is one that disagrees with you.
When you admit the entire plot by the Democrats is to keep illegals flowing in for political advantage and screw the Americans who are raped, robbed or killed by these people. Just say it--Democrats don't care about Americans.

Americans do not support Trump, they support Democrats. You want dead Americans so you can use them to play politics.

Yeah, they support Democrats. I guess that's why we have a Republican President in the White House and gained seats in the Senate.

The Republicans very much underperformed in the Senate elections. The Republicans had the best map in many years to make big gains. They gained only 2 seats. That included losses in Arizona and Nevada. Trump won because voters hated him the least. That is why he has never been at or above 50% in approvals.

No, it's because the media reports over 90% negative on Trump. The media controls weak minds. So is it any wonder why it's not 30%?

Anybody who disagrees with this economy, all that Trump has done, all that he's trying to do knows little to nothing about what's going on around them and are people loaded with hate. The President losing leadership of the House is quite normal and historical. We still gained seats in the Senate, and it's about time politicians perform according to their promises instead of according to rigged polls.

You are so stupid. If Trump told you to drink poisoned Kool-Aid, you would. The media is not responsible for Trump's bad poll numbers. Only Trump.

The fact is that Trump was a major factor in Democrats winning the House. Democrats won the Governor's race in Kansas. The Senate seat in Arizona. The fact is that Republicans had the best map they have had in a long time yet they only picked up 2 Senate seats. Voters are actually smarter than you think they are. That is why they are turning on Trump. Of course a rigged poll is one that disagrees with you.

Nobody is turning on Trump. The Republicans and Democrats both had historical turnouts; the most voters for midterms since the 1930's. So you got more of your people out, but that doesn't mean any turned against Trump. If anything, his support grew stronger. Your people were propelled by hate that was yes, promoted by the MSM.

Yes, the MSM does control minds. In the book 1984, it was referred to as re-programming people.
Americans do not support Trump, they support Democrats. You want dead Americans so you can use them to play politics.

Yeah, they support Democrats. I guess that's why we have a Republican President in the White House and gained seats in the Senate.

The Republicans very much underperformed in the Senate elections. The Republicans had the best map in many years to make big gains. They gained only 2 seats. That included losses in Arizona and Nevada. Trump won because voters hated him the least. That is why he has never been at or above 50% in approvals.

No, it's because the media reports over 90% negative on Trump. The media controls weak minds. So is it any wonder why it's not 30%?

Anybody who disagrees with this economy, all that Trump has done, all that he's trying to do knows little to nothing about what's going on around them and are people loaded with hate. The President losing leadership of the House is quite normal and historical. We still gained seats in the Senate, and it's about time politicians perform according to their promises instead of according to rigged polls.
The media reports 90% bad on Trump because 90% of the shit he does is bad.

1) He lies constantly
2) He lied about his wall by lying about terrorism, refugees, drugs, etc
3) He stole children & lied & claimed it wasn't his fault.
4) He lied about the Moscow Trump tower
5) He offers the Democrats a stupid deal - is the press supposed to say how wonderful it is?

Is the press NOT supposed to report the stuff Trump does or be like dumbass you & only go by what he says.

Right. They gloss over manufacturing job creation, they ignore increased GDP, they don’t report record low unemployment numbers for all minorities, they don’t report on new trade deals more favorable to the US. They don’t report on record consumer and business confidence. Instead, they report on his wife’s shoes or how she didn’t hold his hand somewhere.

You people are disgusting.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

You gloss over the fact that manufacturing jobs were returning to the US when Obama was President. Unemployment was already low when Trump took office.
The fact that GDP is falling closer to he Obama numbers as the sugar highs recede, ignore the fact that trade deals like TPP would have removed many trade barriers in Asia. Essentially anything good and Trump is responsible, anything bad is Obama's fault.

You people are disgusting.
When are you going to figure out Trump doesn't work & never has?

He’s worked harder than you ever did. You don’t become a success by not working, you become a Democrat instead.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Trump was a millionaire at age 8. I guess he worked hard for that.

The fat assed piece of shit doesn't show up for work until after 11:00 AM & watches TV most of the day.

No, people who know him say Trump is up well before 4:00 am every day. He is not much of a sleeper.

If you have money, you do have to work hard to keep or grow it. Not everybody can handle money. In fact there have been books written on lottery winners who's good fortune totally ruined their lives. I happen to know one of those people.

Working with industry all day long, I can tell you I've seen plenty of companies handed down to the children, and closed up after a couple of years. Those kids only knew how to spend Dad's money--not make it like Dad did.

You don't have to be pounding spikes into the ground with a sledge hammer all day to say one is working.

He gets to work after 11 AM.

Trump had his father bail him out a few times.

Trump is a crook. He cheated his contractors. He lies to attract investors. There is a reason he had to run to Russia to get loans.

During the recession, he was tapped out, but he didn't get loans from Russia.

Trump had 5 bankruptcies during his career of owning or operating over 500 companies. That''s less than one bankruptcy for every 100 businesses he was in charge of. So don't tell me he wasn't successful as a businessman. I know nothing about his father bailing him out of anything. Even if he did, so what?

And let's take this into consideration, too:

An ever-constricting ring of competition from legalized casinos in nearby states (Connecticut, 1993; Delaware, 1996; New York, 2004; Pennsylvania 2006; Maryland, 2011) choked off the supply of gamblers, leading to a decade of still-ongoing decline. Last year, Atlantic City’s gaming win was down to $2.6 billion. Since 2006, five of the city’s casinos have closed. This morning, the Taj made it six.

Donald Trump wasn't the only one who made a bad bet on Atlantic City
He’s worked harder than you ever did. You don’t become a success by not working, you become a Democrat instead.

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Trump was a millionaire at age 8. I guess he worked hard for that.

The fat assed piece of shit doesn't show up for work until after 11:00 AM & watches TV most of the day.

He took a small sum and built it into a HUUUUGE sum.

He learned the construction business from the ground up at the feet of the hard edged, tough, strong, smart, no nonsense men who worked on his father's construction sites.

Can you read a set of blueprints? Can you read and understand a quarterly or year end report or a P& L statement?

You could probably get a job as a janitor at one of his properties.

Good honest work.

You would be in good company along with 35,000 other daily Trump Org. employees.


He was handed tens of millions of dollars and all of Daddy's business & banking contacts & had to have daddy bail him out several times.

There have been millions of millionaires and billionaires in history.

How many of their sons ever did what DJT has done?





WTF?? You cultists are brainwashed. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, just to name a few; all have many times the wealth of trump and started with far less than what Trump’s father gave him to get started.

You do know that they are liberals right? Why do they have so much more thank you guys? Arent you mad at them for the "income inequality"? Or are you only mad at President Trump because he isnt a Dimwitocrap anymore?
If it makes you happy. But a cheaper more effective way to keep the cats off your property is quit giving them things they want, and eventually they will quit coming around.
The illegals come here for a better life , escape violence in their home country.
If it is Democrats giving them a better life then it is Democrats that make our country so desirable,

All you assfucks do is lie,. What do Democrats give illegals? I mean other than they don't steal their children.

I will give your posting opponents an advantage here. This is a video with salient facts and pertinent information they will be able to use to wipe the floor with you.

Your only hope is to become familiar with the information and use it to devise some defense for it.

Your argument is ticking down to being known by all as bull crap making you a laughing stock.

In 5:20 seconds your argument is neutralized.

Watch this or not.

It's your choice.

I think you will stay stuck on stupid.

Immigration Gumballs (Short Version)

Mystic Maya
Published on Mar 8, 2014

Immigration Gumballs with Roy Beck from NumbersUSA

Maybe they need to stop breeding? Stop suffering, stop gorbal warming, stop overpopulation...stop it there. If we welcome this over-breeding, non-conscient animals here, we will overwhelm our own systems intended to accommodate our own over-breeders. Oh, wait, it is impolitic to suggest that people stop spawning offspring they cannot, or will not, support on their own...without someone else paying for their excess.

The point I hope is gained from the video is an understanding that whatever we decide to do about the desperately poor should be done in THEIR countries or not at all.

We are not talking about economics. We are talking about people who are in fear of their lives. You cannot do anything when the home country is controlled by drug cartels.

Then let me ask you, WTF would these people do if there was no United States to run to? Let's say we never formed a country here, and it was no different than any other S/C American countries today. What would they do then? Canada sure as hell wouldn't let them in.

Don't you understand that it's not the countries these people come from, but the people themselves? What kind of people would have children in a place so destitute? And you want to bring those very same people who allowed their country to go to hell over here? What do you think our country will end up being like?

We are not the worlds dumping grounds.
Yeah, they support Democrats. I guess that's why we have a Republican President in the White House and gained seats in the Senate.

The Republicans very much underperformed in the Senate elections. The Republicans had the best map in many years to make big gains. They gained only 2 seats. That included losses in Arizona and Nevada. Trump won because voters hated him the least. That is why he has never been at or above 50% in approvals.

No, it's because the media reports over 90% negative on Trump. The media controls weak minds. So is it any wonder why it's not 30%?

Anybody who disagrees with this economy, all that Trump has done, all that he's trying to do knows little to nothing about what's going on around them and are people loaded with hate. The President losing leadership of the House is quite normal and historical. We still gained seats in the Senate, and it's about time politicians perform according to their promises instead of according to rigged polls.
The media reports 90% bad on Trump because 90% of the shit he does is bad.

1) He lies constantly
2) He lied about his wall by lying about terrorism, refugees, drugs, etc
3) He stole children & lied & claimed it wasn't his fault.
4) He lied about the Moscow Trump tower
5) He offers the Democrats a stupid deal - is the press supposed to say how wonderful it is?

Is the press NOT supposed to report the stuff Trump does or be like dumbass you & only go by what he says.

Right. They gloss over manufacturing job creation, they ignore increased GDP, they don’t report record low unemployment numbers for all minorities, they don’t report on new trade deals more favorable to the US. They don’t report on record consumer and business confidence. Instead, they report on his wife’s shoes or how she didn’t hold his hand somewhere.

You people are disgusting.

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You gloss over the fact that manufacturing jobs were returning to the US when Obama was President. Unemployment was already low when Trump took office.
The fact that GDP is falling closer to he Obama numbers as the sugar highs recede, ignore the fact that trade deals like TPP would have removed many trade barriers in Asia. Essentially anything good and Trump is responsible, anything bad is Obama's fault.

You people are disgusting.

Oh my.


President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List:


Trump signs First Step Act criminal justice reform into law
Trump signs Historic USMCA trade agreement replacing NAFTA
President Trump secures release of Pastor Brunson from Turkey
President Trump Approval Rating at 51 Percent
Justice Kavanaugh SWORN IN to Supreme Court
Trump Shrinks Government by 16000 Jobs since elected
US Cuts 300 Million In Aid To Pakistan
Trump Cut Off 200 Million in Aid to Palestinians
Trump ends 230 Million Dollar Rebuilding Payments to Syria
Trump has our soldiers remains returned home from Korean War
Trump signs Right to Try drug bill
US Embassy moved to Jerusalem by President Donald J Trump
Trump secures release of American Prisoners from North Korea
Trump Negotiates Peace between North and South Korea
Trump Signs Order Calling for Work Requirements for Welfare Programs
HISTORIC: Trump Nominates First Woman for Head of CIA
Feds collect record taxes in first month under Trump’s tax cuts; runs surplus in January
Trump signs sweeping two-year budget deal - MILITARY FUNDED
Trump proposes biggest civil service change in 40 years - 'Hire the best and fire the worst'
Trump signs bipartisan bill to combat synthetic opioids
Trump Shrinks Federal Bureaucracy by 16000
President Trump set a record for lifetime appointed judges in 2017
Trump Signed 96 Laws In 2017
Trump Administration Set to Roll Back $900 Million in Obama-Era Offshore Drilling Regulations
U.S. Imposes Sanctions on 52 People and Entities for Abuse and Corruption
Individual Mandate of Obamacare REPEALED
Senate Passes Historic Sweeping Tax Reform
Climate Change REMOVED from 'Threat List'
Trump Admin is a Deregulation Machine: Eliminating 22:1
Trump signs $700 billion defense bill, gives troops largest pay raise in 7 years
New Space Policy Directive Calls for Human Expansion Across Solar System
Trump Declares Jerusalem the Capital of Israel
Senate Passes Sweeping Tax Reform - 20% Corporate rate - Largest in 31 Years.
Trump Shuts Down CIA funding of Syrian Rebels
House Passes Tax Bill in Major Step Toward Overhaul
Senate Passes Budget Resolution Clearing the Way to pass Tax Reform with a Simple Majority
Trump's HHS defines life as beginning at conception
President Trump Declassifies and Releases JFK Files
Four Months into FY 2018, Refugee Admissions Plunge to Lowest Level in 15 Years
US increases vetting and resumes processing of refugees from 'high-risk' countries
US Delays Payment to UN for Palestinians
US Suspends $2 BILLION in security assistance to Pakistan
Global Magnitsky Act Signed: Targeting Global Corruption and Human Rights Abuse
North Korea Designated as 'State Sponor of Terrorism'
United States Announces a New Strategy on Iran
Trump Administration Announces 'Extreme Vetting' Plans
Trump cuts Obama’s refugee target in half, takes more Christians than Muslims
Trump: 'We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values'
Trump administration abandons the Obama-era clean power plan aimed at reducing global warming
School Choice tops the list of Priorities U.S. Education Department Grants
Trump Signs Healthcare Order, Expands Choice and Access through associations
US and Israel withdraw from UNESCO citing "anti-Israel bias"
Trump has written 46 Executive Orders
Treasury Deparment to target companies doing business with North Korea
Trump has signed 53 bills into law
New Order Indefinitely Bars Almost All Travel From Seven Countries
UN Security Council unanimously steps up sanctions against North Korea
Fewest Monthly Refugee Arrivals in August Since 2002
Trump to stop travel from countries that refuse to help Homeland Security
America has withdrawn almost $300 million in foreign aid to Egypt
Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Environmental Rules on Infrastructure
11,000 government jobs slashed under Trump - downsizing government
UN Security Council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea
Senate confirms 65 Trump nominees for various positions
U.S. Small Business Administration opens assistance center
800 Obama regulations cut - Saved over $200 billion
EPA's Pruitt moves to roll back over 30 environmental regulations in record time
Cut the White House budget - Saved taxpayers $22 million
Haley Tells Congress US Assuming More Assertive Role at UN
Trump’s EPA To Repeal Obama’s ‘Waters Of The US’ Rule
Eliminated 1200 man hours of wasteful paperwork requirements including Y2K preparedness
President Trump Announces “Massive Permit Reform" Push
Trump Lays Out Plan to Privatize Air Traffic Control System
Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord
Treasury to call for rolling back banking regulations
Trump orders a Voter Fraud Commission to investigate 2016 election
Fired corrupt and incompetent FBI Director James Comey
HHS to Rescind Birth Control Mandate in Obamacare
Appointed conservative Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court
Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion In Errors during Audit of Obama HUD
President Trump's executive order will undo Obama's Clean Power Plan rule
U.S. Will have Free but Fair and Balanced Trade: Mnuchin
Executive order to reduce operating costs of the Federal Government
Fired all 46 attorney generals hired by Obama
Tillerson to shutter war crimes focused State Dept. office: report
Rex Tillerson, Mediating Gulf Dispute, Signs Antiterrorism Pact With Qatar
Canceled Obama Era special immigration program for foreign entrepreneurs
Critical milestone in the global fight against ISIS
Tillerson to back up Trump efforts to bolster Eastern Europe against Russia
Tillerson Tightens Limits on Filling State Department Jobs
Report: Trump plans to cut foreign aid, merge State and USAID
US to make at least $285m cut to UN budget
Tillerson on North Korea: Military action is 'an option'
It's a bloodbath at the State Department
Purging the State Department of Obama loyalists
Fixing lobbying laws - 5 year lobbying ban on White House officials
Put a regulatory freeze on all federal agencies
Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1, take out 2)
45th PRESIDENT of the United States of America, DONALD J. TRUMP
Department of Justice
Trump DOJ Sues California For Interference With Immigration Enforcement
DOJ Halts Obama's Operation Chokepoint, Which Targeted Firearm Dealers
More than 1,000 arrests in sex trafficking operation
Four charged with leaks from Trump administration
Jeff Sessions announces new crackdown on 'so-called' sanctuary cities
Justice Department announces takedown of AlphaBay, the largest dark web market
Sessions's New Civil-Forfeiture Rules
400 medical professionals charged in largest health care fraud takedown
The Department of Justice Stands by Texas's Voter ID Law
Charges: Sex traffickers took hundreds from Thailand to US
AG Sessions is bringing back the harsher sentences for drug dealers
Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump; MSM Completely Ignores
DHS is planning on denying green cards to legal immigrants if they receive federal or state aid
Trump takes 'shackles' off ICE, which is slapping them on immigrants who thought they were safe
ICE raid hits 77 businesses in Northern California
End of Year Report: Deportations up 40% - Historically Low Crossings
DHS: Announces New Procedures for Refugee Admissions
Deportations Of Noncriminals Rise As ICE Casts Wider Net
Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1, take out 2)
Manufacturing Confidence at an ALL TIME HIGH
Construction Jobs up more than 300K compared to last year
Food Stamp usage declines for 8 straight months
Middle Class income rises to HIGHEST on record
Consumer Confidence 18 YEAR HIGH
America is now the worlds largest oil producer
Fastest growing pace in 14 years for manufacturers
Jobless claims lowest level since 1969
Trump secures 2026 World Cup for the USA
Consumer Confidence Highest in 18 years
Black Business Ownership Under Trump JUMPS 400 PERCENT in ONE YEAR
Youth Unemployment Hits 52 Year Low
Black Support for Trump DOUBLES to 29 percent
RECORD Number of Employed - 63 Percent labor participation
Worker pay rate hits highest level since 2008
Black and Hispanic Unemployment rates hit record low in April
Business Investments up 39 Percent Due to Tax Cuts
April 2018 Best Month in HISTORY for Budget according to CBO
Food Stamp Usage Drops Half Million in Single Month
Highest Ever Manufacturer Optimism over 94 Percent
Unemployment claims have fallen to a 45-year low
Trump Economy Explodes Record Number of Americans Employed Stocks Soar
GREAT AGAIN Household Net Worth Pushes Further Into Record Territory
U.S. Consumer Confidence Is at 17-Year High
US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007
Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in first quarter
Roaring: Economic Optimism Index hits 13-year high, credit to tax cuts
U.S. jobless claims drop to near 45-year low
Wages jump to highest level since 2009 - up 2.9%
U.S. Oil Production Tops 10 Million Barrels A Day, First Time Since 1970
Trump Decreases Debt to GDP Ratio - First Time in Over 50 Years!
Jobless claims drop to lowest level in nearly 45 years
Apple to Invest $350 BILLION in US citing Trump Tax Plan
Utilities cutting rates, cite benefits of Trump tax reform
Over 100 companies giving 'Trump Bonuses' after tax victory
Black unemployment rate falls to record low
Trump adds 184,000 manufacturing jobs and continues growth trend
Manufacturing in the U.S. Just Accelerated to Its Best Year Since 2004
Nikki Haley negotiates $285M cut in ‘bloated’ UN budget
WIC Welfare Participation Hits 17-Year Low
U.S. home sales hit 11-year high
Manufacturing Optimism Reaches Another All-Time High - 94.6%
Economy adds 228K jobs in November
Mining up 28.6% - Leads the Nation in Growth
Broadcom will move back to U.S. — and bring tax money with it
US private sector added 235,000 jobs in Oct - Beats Expectations
Consumer confidence highest level since December 2000
Q3 GDP at 3 Percent – Beats Expectations
Ivanka Trump creates new World Bank initiative to foster Entrepreneurship among Women
Consumer Sentiment in U.S. Surges to 13-Year High
63.1%: Participation Rate Reaches Trump-Era High
Unemployment down to 4.2, wages rise .5%
New entrants from outside the labor market made up 3.2
U.S. Factories Expanding at 13 Year high
Dow posting first eight-quarter winning streak in 20 years
Home builder confidence at 12-year high
Manufacturer confidence at a 20-year high
Tech giants pledge millions to Trump initiative
Q2 GDP up 3.1%
Sales of new U.S. homes rebounded in August
Federal Reserve: Household Wealth in America at record high of $1.7 trillion - Rising property values and Financial gain
Surging stock market powers U.S. wealth to $96.2 trillion
Food Stamp Usage Has Fallen Every Month Under Trump
Median Incomes Climbing for First Time Since 2007
Trump has signed a $15 billion relief package for Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey
Jobless claims drop to 240,000 - hottest streak in 43 years
U.S. Consumer Sentiment Rose in August
Recovery Is Finally Trickling Down to Least-Educated Workers
U.S. Job Satisfaction Highest Level Since 2005
American manufacturing expanded in August at fastest pace in six years
Donald Trump Ends Obama Effort to Waive Work Requirements for Welfare
Consumer confidence strengthens in August, second-highest level since late 2000
President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President
Pennsylvania coal company to open a SECOND coal mine
Summer Youth Unemployment Falls, Level Since 1969
In Trump era, American corporations are seeing their best earnings in 13 years
US trade deficit narrows as exports hit 2-1/2-year high
Milestone for Trump: 1 million new jobs in six months
National unemployment rate at 4.3% (lowest it's been in 16 years)
13,000 jobs being created in WI - largest job announcement in WI history (Foxconn)
Black Unemployment, Lowest Level in 17 Years
Gas prices at a 12-year low
Some states are experiencing their lowest unemployment rates in their histories
Trump Announces $200 Million in Apprenticeship Funding
U.S. has record 6 million job openings, 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs
CEO confidence highest since 2014
U.S. jobless rate falls to lowest level in 16 years
Trump signs bills that helps Veterans and Police officers by giving them Priority and Training
Government spending as percentage of GDP down
1000s of jobs being created through pact with Saudi Arabia
Executive Order on the Establishment of the American Technology Council
USA's small business confidence is spurring a hiring and spending spree
Alibaba Takes First Step To Fulfilling Jack Ma And President Trump's 'One Million U.S. Jobs' Promise
Slashing job-killing regulations left and right
Creating thousands of more jobs for immigration officers and border patrol
Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship and STEM
Executive ordered all federal agencies to create task forces to cut regulations that hurt the economy
US Manufacturing Index at a 33-year high
Coal Miners are WINNING. Cut Regulations/Create Jobs/New Plant
US Economic Confidence Surges To Highest Level Ever Recorded By Gallup
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From the Web
Poll: Should Trump Resign As President?
Patriots Revolution
Pot Stocks About To Explode - U.S. Citizens Could Make Fortunes
Homeland Security
ICE arrests 364 criminal aliens and immigration violators in enforcement surge
US signs proclamation against Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting
DHS is planning on denying green cards to legal immigrants if they receive federal or state aid
Trump takes 'shackles' off ICE, which is slapping them on immigrants who thought they were safe
ICE raid hits 77 businesses in Northern California
End of Year Report: Deportations up 40% - Historically Low Crossings
DHS: Announces New Procedures for Refugee Admissions
Deportations Of Noncriminals Rise As ICE Casts Wider Net
DACA Renewals Drop 21%
30-foot concrete slab prototypes erected along border
ICE has conducted a MASSIVE raid on sanctuary cities this week - 498 illegal immigrants arrested
Trump has updated his travel ban, includes these 8 countries - Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Somalia - NO EXPIRATION DATE
Crossing The Border Illegally Is Harder Than It’s Been In 50 Years
Withholding Federal Funds from Sanctuary Cities - Must allow ICE access to jails and notify befor release
$1.6 billion down payment to start building the wall
Trump cuts off visas for countries that refuse deported immigrants
Rescinded DACA
Extreme Vetting' for some green cards
Deportation orders up 31% nationwide under Trump
Deportation Orders Up 30%
Miami has removed its "sanctuary" status
ICE raids targeting families net 650 arrests
Denver To ICE: Stop Arresting Illegal Immigrants At Courthouse. ICE To Denver: Not A Chance.
17 Texas sheriffs approved to partner w/ICE
ICE chief wants smuggling charges on leaders of sanctuary cities
New crackdown on 'so-called' sanctuary cities
Raids to target teenaged suspected gang members
Army Corps starts pre-construction work on border wall
Deportations in LA are up 60% alone
80% jump in illegal targets
Feds taking over Texas National Guard mission along border
Border Patrol Morale at Highest Level
Christian refugees admitted now outnumber Muslim refugees admitted
Bill allocates $1.6 billion for Trump's border wall
ICE crackdown scaring some families back to Mexico
No Sanctuary For Criminals Act - deny federal grants to sanctuary cities - Passed House and Senate
Kate's Law - harsher penalties for previously deported criminals - Passed House and Senate
Number of refugees taken in is down 50%
Rescinded DAPA
Workers install final panel in upgrade of border fence
Raids turn Oregon city into ghost town
Ending "catch and release" immigration policy
Silicon Valley Staffing Firm Charged in H1B Fraud
Unshackling ICE - told that they can take action against ALL illegal immigrants - increasing presence in sanctuary cities
Department of Defense
Trump signs new defense policy bill that rebuilds military, boosts troop pay
Top 5 ISIS Leaders Captured
Trump signs order to keep Guantanamo Bay prison open
US kills 150 ISIS terrorists in Syria airstrike during government shutdown
ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory - due to Trump admin
Pentagon Announces First-Ever Audit of the Department of Defense
U.S.-Backed Forces Capture Raqqa from ISIS
ISIS facing imminent collapse in Syria's Raqqa
Gen. Mattis breaks down New Afghanistan Strategy
US-backed fighters 'seize 80% of Raqqa from Islamic State'
Mattis sees need for new DOD space programs
Trump calls for Increased Military: Senate passes $700 billion defense bill
US shares technology with India. Enlisting them to fight in Afghanistan
Mattis vows US support for Ukraine against Russian 'aggression'
U.S. Cyber Command will be elevated to a "Unified Combatant Command"
Mattis decides to withhold U.S. cash from key Pakistani military fund
Mosul liberated from ISIS
Mattis: 'Annihilation Tactics' Being Used Against ISIS
US, Gulf countries form new group: 'TFTC' to stem flow of terror financing
NATO weighs new 'Counter Terrorism Post' following Trump's demands
ISIS leader 'admits DEFEAT in Iraq and orders militants to flee
Mattis Gives White House Tentative Plan for Rapid Defeat of ISIS
James Mattis threatens to ‘moderate’ US backing for Nato over budgets
Veterans Administration
Trump signs VA Mission Act
Enhancing Veteran Care Act
VA seeks partnerships to build and improve health-care facilities
VA announces Veterans Coordinated Access & Rewarding Experiences Act
VA, Ginnie Mae create task force to address mortgage refinancing issues
Telemedicine: An important tool for Veterans health
Trump Signs Bill to Streamline VA Disability Claims Appeals Process
Trump signs ‘Forever GI Bill,’ boosting aid to student vets
VA expands Tele-Health access
VA fires more than 500 feds under Trump, even before new accountability law
Trump signs VA accountability act into law, promises better care for veterans
Trump Administration Streamlines Veteran Medical Records
White House to launch veterans' complaint hotline
Accountability and Whistleblower Protection at VA
Trade Deals
Trump Signs Korean Trade Deal
Trump Blocks Chinese Purchase of Qualcomm due to National Security
Trump Slaps 30% Tariffs on Solar Panels imported from China
Japan Freezes North Korea’s Assets after Trump’s Visit
U.S. Trade Deficit falls to 11-month low
Trump Fights for ‘America First’ as 4th Round of NAFTA Negotiations End
Crude Oil Shipment to India Highlights Expanding Energy Partnership
Trump Blocks China from buying Semi-Conductor company, Lattice
Crude oil shipment from Texas opens new vistas in India-U.S. ties
Argentina agrees to allow first U.S. pork imports in 25 years
Trump orders probe of China's intellectual property practices
New memorandum to protect American IPs from China - Potentially save Billions of dollars and millions in jobs
Coal exports up 60%
China opens rice market for US exports for first time ever
U.S. makes final finding rebar exports from Taiwan
Renegotiating NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in order to make better trade deals - May terminate
United States and Mexico finalize sugar trade deal
First U.S. Natural Gas Shipped to Poland
Signed an Arms Deal worth more than $350 billion and various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia
China, U.S. reach trade agreement on beef, poultry and natural gas
Trump orders a study on abuses of U.S. trade agreements – WTO
Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian lumber imports
Increased tariffs on Canadian lumber by 20% (worth $1 billion)
China buys more U.S. coal, sends North Korea
Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) TERMINATED
Letter to Patriots

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