Ted Cruz/Scott Walker.Could This Be The Conservative "Dream Ticket"


Judging from the Boehner vote yesterday, the Tea Party may still have significant sway in the GOP.

If that's the case, one of the two people on the ticket will surely have to be Tea Party pure, I'd imagine.

I'd think the most palatable person nationally would be Paul, is he Tea Party approved?

I can never keep track.


Judging from the Boehner vote yesterday, the Tea Party may still have significant sway in the GOP.

If that's the case, one of the two people on the ticket will surely have to be Tea Party pure, I'd imagine.

I'd think the most palatable person nationally would be Paul, is he Tea Party approved?

I can never keep track.

you have to assume that in the end the ticket will be any combination of the top 3 candidates, I am not ruling out Rand Paul.

Judging from the Boehner vote yesterday, the Tea Party may still have significant sway in the GOP.

If that's the case, one of the two people on the ticket will surely have to be Tea Party pure, I'd imagine.

I'd think the most palatable person nationally would be Paul, is he Tea Party approved?

I can never keep track.


Invoking the tea party name is a lame attempt to confuse the issues. What the tea party stands for and what the far left media says they stand for are two separate things.

Although there are many far left drones on this board who try and pass themselves off as "moderates". Al the while showing without question they are far left.

Boehner has always been like that, saying he is one way, but his actions say something different.

That is why it is important to look at ones voting record and what they vs what they say.

However I give props to the (R)'s as they have no problems criticizing their own, unlike the far left.
And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.

And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.
I hope so ,... then we dems would have the shoe in for sure...
Regarding Obama's Charisma? enough already, he needs a teleprompter to speak, so where is the charisma?

Every POTUS since the teleprompter was invented has used it, right back to Eisenhower. In fact everybody on TV uses it to this day. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that it only became an issue with the black guy though.
Walker is the man who can win. Kasich would make a good running mate. So would Cruz, maybe Rubio.

College drop out Walker has zero chance.
Kasich has a slightly better chance.
Cruz is the Democrat's dream opponent
Rubio has some strengths but just as many weaknesses

If I were a democrat, I'd be elated to have any of them on the opposition ticket.
Sure you would. That's why you're trying so hard to convince Republicans not to nominate them.
And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.

I agree. It's time for a Canadian President!

Walker is the man who can win. Kasich would make a good running mate. So would Cruz, maybe Rubio.

College drop out Walker has zero chance.
Kasich has a slightly better chance.
Cruz is the Democrat's dream opponent
Rubio has some strengths but just as many weaknesses

If I were a democrat, I'd be elated to have any of them on the opposition ticket.
Sure you would. That's why you're trying so hard to convince Republicans not to nominate them.

Trying hard?

A. This ain't hard.
B. This is an obscure message board with no stroke at all
C. I'm reporting the truth. Sorry.

Please nominate any combination of the people on the list. I'm begging you to.

Then you'll learn the hard way that I'm right.
And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.

I agree. It's time for a Canadian President!

How 'bout Jian Gomeshi? Comes pre-scandaled.
And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.

In EVERY SINGLE NATIONAL poll and in over 90% of all state polls, Cruz loses to Hillary by OVER 20 points.
In Florida and Ohio polling, Cruz loses by 15 points.

So, I think you have a good point!

Please, Republicans, nominate Ted Cruz!
Ted Cruz at the head of the ticket could be a dream, sure. If that dream was induced by a heroin overdose.
does anyone really believe all of these polls with Hillary ahead of all GOP contenders? really? and in what states were they polling in? New York? Cally? Rhode Island? and were they oversampling? Hillary can never fill a stadium. But we all know that Scott Walker can.
does anyone really believe all of these polls with Hillary ahead of all GOP contenders? really? and in what states were they polling in? New York? Cally? Rhode Island? and were they oversampling? Hillary can never fill a stadium. But we all know that Scott Walker can.

Too bad they're all carrying protest signs...
And why is the media so absorbed with Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney? A "President Ted Cruz" is rarely brought up in the mainstream media. Maybe they are just ignoring the most viable GOP Candidates? Go ahead Jeb Bush and enter the race, just wait till the likes of Ted Cruz and Scott Walker jump in, if anything, Jeb will eventually become yesterdays news once the polls start showing either Cruz or Walker way ahead of the other 24 candidates. A Cruz/Walker ticket would likely take a number of states Romney lost in 2012.

In that case…




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