Ted Cruz/Scott Walker.Could This Be The Conservative "Dream Ticket"

Well it will be interesting if all three Hispanic conservatives enter the race. But I still see either Cruz or Walker always within the top 4 or 5 right thru the primaries.

I think 4th or 5th is probably where you'd see both of them in any given primary race.
LOVE watching the subversives, and the scumbag RINO'S putting down the 5 good men mentioned in this thread..... And what do the Socialist DemocRATS have to offer as president?....




At last resort, they can go with an old pedophile!
The laugh here is that the Hard Right think if they get a hispanic candidate they will gather huge hispanic votes.
Someone forgot to mention to them, even though hispanics are catholics they hold more liberal views than the general population.

I don't think they get it, you actually have to represent there views...
Back a while ago there was that freshman senator with the funny name who wasnt born here. No one thought he'd be mainstream enough but one good speech and suddenly everyone thought he was presidential material. What was his name, Barry something?

The difference is context and the man. Obama, love him or hate him, has a natural charisma that served him well. He's obviously intelligent, gave off a calm reasoned demeanor as a candidate, and had a genuinely international appeal. His 'hope and change' campaign was masterfully executed, and the man is a natural grass roots organizer. And he can give one hell of a speech. He can come off as a tad detached, unemotional and even arrogant. But managed those well in 2007 and 2008.

Cruz....not so much. He comes off as an highly intelligent if vaguely smirky and unremarkably white guy. His speeches are....meh. His policy is unsophisticated. He doesn't come off as a man with a plan. He comes off as a man with convictions. With his idealism probably being his strongest personal draw. People admire his uncomprimising positions, that his values seem quite genuine rather than situation, and his willingness to publically voice views that others would be more tentative and careful about.

But the views he voices are pretty narrow. He's not much of a political strategist. And I don't think he has any widespread appeal.

And then there are the circumstances. Obama was elected in the midst of economic free fall. Our economy is stable at the moment and growing. There's not the same sense of urgency or uncertainty that there was in 2008. I think in this next election, experience is going to matter. And Cruz doesn't have anywhere near enough.
Back a while ago there was that freshman senator with the funny name who wasnt born here. No one thought he'd be mainstream enough but one good speech and suddenly everyone thought he was presidential material. What was his name, Barry something?

Ted Cruz. He's uh, part of the topic.

Interesting choice too, since he just made a total of ... let's count it up... two years in government as of Saturday. Could be a bit of a tough sell after you've been crying the blues about O'bama (who had 12) being "inexperienced".
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Conservatives only like those two because they piss off everyone who isn't a hard-core tea party nut-job. Not exactly presidential material if they do not appeal to the middle.
The laugh here is that the Hard Right think if they get a hispanic candidate they will gather huge hispanic votes.
Someone forgot to mention to them, even though hispanics are catholics they hold more liberal views than the general population.

I don't think they get it, you actually have to represent there views...
What's equally Hillary-us is that Dembulbsthink that nominating a woman will garner more female votes that, as a group, hold more conservative views than the gen pop
The laugh here is that the Hard Right think if they get a hispanic candidate they will gather huge hispanic votes.
Someone forgot to mention to them, even though hispanics are catholics they hold more liberal views than the general population.

I don't think they get it, you actually have to represent there views...
What's equally Hillary-us is that Dembulbsthink that nominating a woman will garner more female votes that, as a group, hold more conservative views than the gen pop

Certainly won't hurt...unless you're a rightie
Walker is the man who can win. Kasich would make a good running mate. So would Cruz, maybe Rubio.
Walker will have a tough time winning his state in a prez election with high turnout. Add to that his college background plus divisiveness and he is not a viable candidate. GOP needs someone who can reach out to the center and middle class. Its going to be all about class in the next election.
Walker will have a tough time winning his state in a prez election with high turnout. Add to that his college background plus divisiveness and he is not a viable candidate. GOP needs someone who can reach out to the center and middle class. Its going to be all about class in the next election.
If it's about class, Hillary is in trouble. :lol:
Walker will have a tough time winning his state in a prez election with high turnout. Add to that his college background plus divisiveness and he is not a viable candidate. GOP needs someone who can reach out to the center and middle class. Its going to be all about class in the next election.
Walker has won with wider margins every time he ran in WI. Only the thugs and entitlement junkies hate him.
I sorta like Cruz and Walker, but I don't see either as a "big tent" republican.
The GOP has to get more inclusive to stand a chance
Just give it some time, he has a lot of support, and we really need an hispanic on the ticket to give the GOP a better chance of winning, I also like Suzana Martinez.

Hahhaahaha.....Cruz is the "Uncle Tom" of Hispanics. Thanks for the laugh.
always nice to hear from the bigots

"uncle tome" translate to human as "darkie made and doesn't need the help of us leftist, so lets hate on him"
What's this obsession with Cruz????? He'll be beaten out of congress by the voters in the next election forever. The dude is a hack. He can't even negotiate with a farmer on how many chickens to give for a pig.
'Ted Cruz/Scott Walker.Could This Be The Conservative "Dream Ticket"'

Conservatives can dream all they want but if republicans are serious about winning the WH, these are the last two individuals they'd select.

Republicans need a ticket that will attract democrats, not drive them away.
'Ted Cruz/Scott Walker.Could This Be The Conservative "Dream Ticket"'

Conservatives can dream all they want but if republicans are serious about winning the WH, these are the last two individuals they'd select.

Republicans need a ticket that will attract democrats, not drive them away.
Yes! We need Republicans that get high Democratr and Independent support. Republicans like the maverick John McCain, the centrist Bob Dole, or a man like Mitt Romney who can work across the aisle. How did those candidates work out?
Walker is the man who can win. Kasich would make a good running mate. So would Cruz, maybe Rubio.

College drop out Walker has zero chance.
Kasich has a slightly better chance.
Cruz is the Democrat's dream opponent
Rubio has some strengths but just as many weaknesses

If I were a democrat, I'd be elated to have any of them on the opposition ticket.
'Ted Cruz/Scott Walker.Could This Be The Conservative "Dream Ticket"'

Conservatives can dream all they want but if republicans are serious about winning the WH, these are the last two individuals they'd select.

Republicans need a ticket that will attract democrats, not drive them away.
Yes! We need Republicans that get high Democratr and Independent support. Republicans like the maverick John McCain, the centrist Bob Dole, or a man like Mitt Romney who can work across the aisle. How did those candidates work out?

Shirley thinks that those with more narrow support across the electorate has a better chance than those with broader support.

Point, laugh, move on.
Regarding Obama's Charisma? enough already, he needs a teleprompter to speak, so where is the charisma?

You really think Obama is the ONLY President to use a teleprompter?
I bet you were a Bush fan weren't you? Bush tortured the English language. Teleprompter or not. Bush had a hard time speaking a coherent sentence most of the time.

But what the hell, it's only words.

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