Ted Nugent Says Democrats Should Be Shot Like Coyotes

Is Nugent right about shooting liberals, progressives, democrats

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • No

    Votes: 11 35.5%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pineapple

    Votes: 7 22.6%

  • Total voters
Nugent continued: “So come to that realization. There are rabid coyotes running around. You don’t wait till you see one to go get your gun. Keep your gun handy, and every time you see one, you shoot one.”

Nugent says Democrats should be shot like "coyotes"

This isn't the first time he's advocated death to the opposition. He's just extrapolated to include everybody who doesn't think like him.

Of course I'm going to run a poll. Of course I'm NOT going to expect you to answer honestly.

But I'll ask anyway.

Oh. And are there more grades of it? Like it'd be okay to shoot kids like Hogg, but probably not your next door neighbor, family member or small town politicians, but definitely okay if there's a black man in the white house that needs hanging?

Or do you only slander them year after year after year and hope that somebody with bigger balls than yours picks up a gun and follows Nugent's wishful thinking.

Because in case nobody's noticed? He doesn't have the balls to do it, either.

I don't think we need to shoot them.

Maybe we could just hold them somewhere. Put them on display. They do so like attention.

Nugent continued: “So come to that realization. There are rabid coyotes running around. You don’t wait till you see one to go get your gun. Keep your gun handy, and every time you see one, you shoot one.”

Nugent says Democrats should be shot like "coyotes"

This isn't the first time he's advocated death to the opposition. He's just extrapolated to include everybody who doesn't think like him.

Of course I'm going to run a poll. Of course I'm NOT going to expect you to answer honestly.

But I'll ask anyway.

Oh. And are there more grades of it? Like it'd be okay to shoot kids like Hogg, but probably not your next door neighbor, family member or small town politicians, but definitely okay if there's a black man in the white house that needs hanging?

Or do you only slander them year after year after year and hope that somebody with bigger balls than yours picks up a gun and follows Nugent's wishful thinking.

Because in case nobody's noticed? He doesn't have the balls to do it, either.

I don't think we need to shoot them.

Maybe we could just hold them somewhere. Put them on display. They do so like attention.


I don't either The ammo would cost way too much to make it worthwhile.
Nugent continued: “So come to that realization. There are rabid coyotes running around. You don’t wait till you see one to go get your gun. Keep your gun handy, and every time you see one, you shoot one.”

Nugent says Democrats should be shot like "coyotes"

This isn't the first time he's advocated death to the opposition. He's just extrapolated to include everybody who doesn't think like him.

Of course I'm going to run a poll. Of course I'm NOT going to expect you to answer honestly.

But I'll ask anyway.

Oh. And are there more grades of it? Like it'd be okay to shoot kids like Hogg, but probably not your next door neighbor, family member or small town politicians, but definitely okay if there's a black man in the white house that needs hanging?

Or do you only slander them year after year after year and hope that somebody with bigger balls than yours picks up a gun and follows Nugent's wishful thinking.

Because in case nobody's noticed? He doesn't have the balls to do it, either.

Nowhere did he say to shoot democrats. He said to shoot a coyote in your house about to piss on your couch.

This lie has already been debunked before. He compared democrats and republicans to rabid coyotes.

His sentiments about shooting anyone who is willing to take away your rights is no different than the founding fathers who wrote and adopted the second amendment, for the very purpose of shooting tyrannical assholes who want to take away your rights.
Nowhere did he say to shoot democrats. He said to shoot a coyote in your house about to piss on your couch.
This lie has already been debunked before. He compared democrats and republicans to rabid coyotes.
His sentiments about shooting anyone who is willing to take away your rights is no different than the founding fathers who wrote and adopted the second amendment, for the very purpose of shooting tyrannical assholes who want to take away your rights.

They've already constantly "re-interpreted" the US Constitution to support their anit-2nd agenda.....

Lies are no surprise from these closet Commie, Dictator boot lickers
Nugent continued: “So come to that realization. There are rabid coyotes running around. You don’t wait till you see one to go get your gun. Keep your gun handy, and every time you see one, you shoot one.”

Nugent says Democrats should be shot like "coyotes"

This isn't the first time he's advocated death to the opposition. He's just extrapolated to include everybody who doesn't think like him.

Of course I'm going to run a poll. Of course I'm NOT going to expect you to answer honestly.

But I'll ask anyway.

Oh. And are there more grades of it? Like it'd be okay to shoot kids like Hogg, but probably not your next door neighbor, family member or small town politicians, but definitely okay if there's a black man in the white house that needs hanging?

Or do you only slander them year after year after year and hope that somebody with bigger balls than yours picks up a gun and follows Nugent's wishful thinking.

Because in case nobody's noticed? He doesn't have the balls to do it, either.

A California Democrat member of Congress joked about killing Trump last week.
So......nuff said.
Why’s does Ted always have to demonstrate how low class ignorant he is?
Nugent continued: “So come to that realization. There are rabid coyotes running around. You don’t wait till you see one to go get your gun. Keep your gun handy, and every time you see one, you shoot one.”

Nugent says Democrats should be shot like "coyotes"

This isn't the first time he's advocated death to the opposition. He's just extrapolated to include everybody who doesn't think like him.

Of course I'm going to run a poll. Of course I'm NOT going to expect you to answer honestly.

But I'll ask anyway.

Oh. And are there more grades of it? Like it'd be okay to shoot kids like Hogg, but probably not your next door neighbor, family member or small town politicians, but definitely okay if there's a black man in the white house that needs hanging?

Or do you only slander them year after year after year and hope that somebody with bigger balls than yours picks up a gun and follows Nugent's wishful thinking.

Because in case nobody's noticed? He doesn't have the balls to do it, either.

Your poll is invalid just as you are because apparently both of you are too stupid to understand Nugent's statement was a metaphor. He spoke of shooting Coyotes---- nowhere did he ever say anything about actually shooting people (or democrats, which are sort of like people) which makes the entire premise of your thread a lie.

Nope. Not even a little bit of a metaphor. "Every time you see one, you shoot one." There is no metaphor. There is no "like" or "as." There is no excusing or explaining his insane rantings. The fact that you're even trying makes you look even crazier than him.

Total metaphor. He was talking about coyotes (which you shoot) ---- READ THE WORDS ---- and comparing them to democrats who metaphorically pee on your couch, which you destroy, remove from office, eliminate from affecting your life as an active politician. He was obviously addressing an audience way smarter and with greater integrity than you. You are a liar and a kook for trying to put words in his mouth any more than he really said, and do so only because he supports the NRA. I dare you to show me a single occurrence where he or any other officer of the NRA ever told anyone to go out and shoot people in word or print! You're just another Leftist FRAUD. Totally BUSTED.
Nugent continued: “So come to that realization. There are rabid coyotes running around. You don’t wait till you see one to go get your gun. Keep your gun handy, and every time you see one, you shoot one.”

Nugent says Democrats should be shot like "coyotes"

This isn't the first time he's advocated death to the opposition. He's just extrapolated to include everybody who doesn't think like him.

Of course I'm going to run a poll. Of course I'm NOT going to expect you to answer honestly.

But I'll ask anyway.

Oh. And are there more grades of it? Like it'd be okay to shoot kids like Hogg, but probably not your next door neighbor, family member or small town politicians, but definitely okay if there's a black man in the white house that needs hanging?

Or do you only slander them year after year after year and hope that somebody with bigger balls than yours picks up a gun and follows Nugent's wishful thinking.

Because in case nobody's noticed? He doesn't have the balls to do it, either.

Your poll is invalid just as you are because apparently both of you are too stupid to understand Nugent's statement was a metaphor. He spoke of shooting Coyotes---- nowhere did he ever say anything about actually shooting people (or democrats, which are sort of like people) which makes the entire premise of your thread a lie.

Nope. Not even a little bit of a metaphor. "Every time you see one, you shoot one." There is no metaphor. There is no "like" or "as." There is no excusing or explaining his insane rantings. The fact that you're even trying makes you look even crazier than him.

Total metaphor. He was talking about coyotes (which you shoot) ---- READ THE WORDS ---- and comparing them to democrats who metaphorically pee on your couch, which you destroy, remove from office, eliminate from affecting your life as an active politician. He was obviously addressing an audience way smarter and with greater integrity than you. You are a liar and a kook for trying to put words in his mouth any more than he really said, and do so only because he supports the NRA. I dare you to show me a single occurrence where he or any other officer of the NRA ever told anyone to go out and shoot people in word or print! You're just another Leftist FRAUD. Totally BUSTED.

Totally FULL OF IT. He didn’t allude to any of that shit, and most assuredly he did not advocate you wait until November to vote against them or oh hell, even run yourself. No. He said see it, shoot it.

And what YOU’RE ATTEMPTING is plausible deniability ahead of the game, so that when someone drives a vehicle into a crowd or opens fire in a high school or just physically attacks someone for being the wrong color, or religion, or political party, or is LGBTQ, you can clutch your fucking pearls and announce Oh, heavens no! You certainly didn’t expect THAT to happen!
Nugent continued: “So come to that realization. There are rabid coyotes running around. You don’t wait till you see one to go get your gun. Keep your gun handy, and every time you see one, you shoot one.”

Nugent says Democrats should be shot like "coyotes"

This isn't the first time he's advocated death to the opposition. He's just extrapolated to include everybody who doesn't think like him.

Of course I'm going to run a poll. Of course I'm NOT going to expect you to answer honestly.

But I'll ask anyway.

Oh. And are there more grades of it? Like it'd be okay to shoot kids like Hogg, but probably not your next door neighbor, family member or small town politicians, but definitely okay if there's a black man in the white house that needs hanging?

Or do you only slander them year after year after year and hope that somebody with bigger balls than yours picks up a gun and follows Nugent's wishful thinking.

Because in case nobody's noticed? He doesn't have the balls to do it, either.

Your poll is invalid just as you are because apparently both of you are too stupid to understand Nugent's statement was a metaphor. He spoke of shooting Coyotes---- nowhere did he ever say anything about actually shooting people (or democrats, which are sort of like people) which makes the entire premise of your thread a lie.

Nope. Not even a little bit of a metaphor. "Every time you see one, you shoot one." There is no metaphor. There is no "like" or "as." There is no excusing or explaining his insane rantings. The fact that you're even trying makes you look even crazier than him.

Total metaphor. He was talking about coyotes (which you shoot) ---- READ THE WORDS ---- and comparing them to democrats who metaphorically pee on your couch, which you destroy, remove from office, eliminate from affecting your life as an active politician. He was obviously addressing an audience way smarter and with greater integrity than you. You are a liar and a kook for trying to put words in his mouth any more than he really said, and do so only because he supports the NRA. I dare you to show me a single occurrence where he or any other officer of the NRA ever told anyone to go out and shoot people in word or print! You're just another Leftist FRAUD. Totally BUSTED.

Totally FULL OF IT.!

Took a hell of a big woman to admit that. I respect you for being honest with yourself finally!
Yes YES. Yes

Treat them like any pest any other kind of vermin.

Okay, that absolutely begs the question: How many democrats have you shot?

Just as many as Ted. Most of the people who talk that sort of shit won't actually DO anything. But they sure like to sound tough.

I havent shot any Dims, but it was a matter of coulda been so very easy.

I have put two in the hospital, roflmao.

Republicans dont have the balls to actually fight, unless they are veterans.
I disagree...I know many normal Democrats.
Liberals and neo-Cons should be shot.
Normal Democrats don't really exist anymore.

I disagree...I know many normal Democrats.
Liberals and neo-Cons should be shot.
Well here is a gun toting democrat you all are more than welcome to come try! I am a democrat yes, bleeding hart liberal no!! Come for my guns or come to try and shoot me better expect return fire! Sorry to let you all down but most democrats I know are second ammendment supporters. Many are avid hunters. The democratic ranks are still filled with blue coller, union salt of the earth people who still hunt. The dems you speak of are typically young.Not to sound age bias but the young tend to be pretty unwise! I take offence when you start spouting crap like all dems are out to take your guns. I assure you that is not the case!!!!
Nugent says Democrats should be shot like "coyotes"

This isn't the first time he's advocated death to the opposition. He's just extrapolated to include everybody who doesn't think like him.

Of course I'm going to run a poll. Of course I'm NOT going to expect you to answer honestly.

But I'll ask anyway.

Oh. And are there more grades of it? Like it'd be okay to shoot kids like Hogg, but probably not your next door neighbor, family member or small town politicians, but definitely okay if there's a black man in the white house that needs hanging?

Or do you only slander them year after year after year and hope that somebody with bigger balls than yours picks up a gun and follows Nugent's wishful thinking.

Because in case nobody's noticed? He doesn't have the balls to do it, either.

Your poll is invalid just as you are because apparently both of you are too stupid to understand Nugent's statement was a metaphor. He spoke of shooting Coyotes---- nowhere did he ever say anything about actually shooting people (or democrats, which are sort of like people) which makes the entire premise of your thread a lie.

Nope. Not even a little bit of a metaphor. "Every time you see one, you shoot one." There is no metaphor. There is no "like" or "as." There is no excusing or explaining his insane rantings. The fact that you're even trying makes you look even crazier than him.

Total metaphor. He was talking about coyotes (which you shoot) ---- READ THE WORDS ---- and comparing them to democrats who metaphorically pee on your couch, which you destroy, remove from office, eliminate from affecting your life as an active politician. He was obviously addressing an audience way smarter and with greater integrity than you. You are a liar and a kook for trying to put words in his mouth any more than he really said, and do so only because he supports the NRA. I dare you to show me a single occurrence where he or any other officer of the NRA ever told anyone to go out and shoot people in word or print! You're just another Leftist FRAUD. Totally BUSTED.

Totally FULL OF IT.!

Took a hell of a big woman to admit that. I respect you for being honest with yourself finally!

I see you couldn’t counter the rest of my post. I feel good about the outcome of our debate. :)

Have a good night.

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