Teen pregnancies down except in red states

to the leftist retards REPEATING - stop sloganeering and tell me how many of those pregnancies are at 15-16-17 yo and how many happen to be pregnancie of the ADULT women of 18 or 19?

How many of those pregnancies happen to MARRIED women who PLANNED children?

ah, you obviously DON"T KNOW.

And so I thought.

Then - stop sloganeering.

Because those stats are worthless.
End all welfare.
That will automatically reduce the rates of unwed teen mothers


But we don't even know - maybe all those pregnancies happen to young happily married adult women.

There is absolutely NO PROOF that those do not include 2 pregnancies of 15-16 unmarried 15 and 16 y olds and the very rest - to married 19 year olds :D

there is no distinction in the stats, so they are useless.

I bet if there was a map for teen abortions the blue states would have the highest.

Would that make Luddy proud?

I was thinking the same thing. Is this all pregnancies including abortions,still births and miscarriages or is this only pregnancies sucessfully brought to term? If it doesn't include all pregnancies even the ones that don't come to term,it's an inaccurate study. There could be equal pregnancies in both regions of the country with different ways to deal with unwanted pregnancies. Northern women chose abortion while Southern women chose to give birth.

the picture is from the CDC link I have provided.
( links from the OP are media garbage).

Those are the BIRTH rates, so at least those are the children brought to term.
Number of stillbirths in the US is so small that you don't have to even mention it.
Abortions are definitely NOT included in the picture and in the stats I have provided link to.

Abortions are actually sky high exactly in the blue states - so you are absolutely right in your conclusions.

I can provide the link :D
Those wild and crazy Republicans! They'll do anything to ensure that they'll run the country for decades. They try gerrymaking, oppressive voter laws and now they are trying to make more and more Republicans via teen age pregnancies within their turf. It's all within their plan to rule the world. What's next? I'm shaking in my boots wondering when the next shoe will drop. :eek:

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