Teen Vogue’s Lauren Duca rips ‘evil’ Rev. Billy Graham: ‘Have fun in hell’


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
What more can be said about someone like her? I saw her on Tucker Carlson a couple of years ago and I'm starting to think she is legitimately loose a few screws. She writes for a young audience and they wonder why the world has little faith in the next generation?

I can't even get it within me to pray for her. God can decide without my input on this one.

Teen Vogue’s Lauren Duca rips ‘evil’ Rev. Billy Graham: ‘Have fun in hell’

A controversial Teen Vogue columnist known for throwing verbal bombs has topped herself with an especially vile tweet about beloved evangelist Billy Graham, who died Wednesday at 99.

“The big news today is that Billy Graham was still alive this whole time. Anyway, have fun in hell, bi--h,” Lauren Duca tweeted.

Duca went on to say “’Respecting the dead’ only applies to people who weren’t evil pieces of sh-t while they were living.”

Graham, who had been in ill health for a number of years, was regularly listed in polls as one of the "Ten Most Admired Men in the World."
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Just a loudmouth leftist asshole looking for attention and shock value. Much like some of them on the thread about Graham passing on here yesterday. They think themselves clever and cute...while normal people look at them with disgust and disdain

See? Another one chimed in below
Graham had unpleasant views. That might have been a generational thing but it is worth noting that his kids hold the same disgusting views.
What more can be said about someone like her? I saw he on Tucker Carlson a couple of years ago and I'm starting to think she is legitimately loose a few screws. She writes for a young audience and they wonder why the world has little faith in the next generation?

I can't even get it within me to pray for her. God can decide without my input on this one.

Teen Vogue’s Lauren Duca rips ‘evil’ Rev. Billy Graham: ‘Have fun in hell’

A controversial Teen Vogue columnist known for throwing verbal bombs has topped herself with an especially vile tweet about beloved evangelist Billy Graham, who died Wednesday at 99.

“The big news today is that Billy Graham was still alive this whole time. Anyway, have fun in hell, bi--h,” Lauren Duca tweeted.

Duca went on to say “’Respecting the dead’ only applies to people who weren’t evil pieces of sh-t while they were living.”

Graham, who had been in ill health for a number of years, was regularly listed in polls as one of the "Ten Most Admired Men in the World."

So much of what the left says these days, is what we used to consider "fighting words".
Graham had unpleasant views. That might have been a generational thing but it is worth noting that his kids hold the same disgusting views.

Whispering those disgusting views into the ears of every president for the past 60 years..

Standing by johnson through vietnam, nixon, through watergate etc...etc..

a widely loved and respected shill, who helped bring the country to its current state of conflict where fundamentalist religious nutjobs have come to believe that their deranged views of the world are morally superior to any other based on their collective willingness to set aside divine law and worship a human being.
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Graham had unpleasant views. That might have been a generational thing but it is worth noting that his kids hold the same disgusting views.

Whispering those disgusting views into the ears of every president for the past 60 years..

Standing by johnson through vietnam, nixon, through watergate etc...etc..

a shill, who helped bring the country to its current state of conflict where fundamentalist religious nutjobs have come to believe that their deranged views of the world are morally superior to any other by their collective willingness to set aside divine law and worship a human being.

Hogwash ^^^
Graham had unpleasant views. That might have been a generational thing but it is worth noting that his kids hold the same disgusting views.

Whispering those disgusting views into the ears of every president for the past 60 years..

Standing by johnson through vietnam, nixon, through watergate etc...etc..

a shill, who helped bring the country to its current state of conflict where fundamentalist religious nutjobs have come to believe that their deranged views of the world are morally superior to any other by their collective willingness to set aside divine law and worship a human being.
I wasnt aware of all that. I knew that he held extremist views on equality but I think many of his generation did as well.
As we see they are dying out.
Leftist vs. Conservatives

When a conservative doesn't like someones opinion, they stop listening.
When a prog leftist doesn't like an opinion, they want to stop the person from ever speaking again.

When a conservative doesn't like what someone wrote, they throw the paper away.
When a prog leftist doesn't like a written opinion, they seek to ban the publication from being offered again.

When a conservative doesn't believe in God, they don't go to church.
When a prog leftist is an Atheist, they seek to ban all religious speech and emblems and punish those who dare express either.

And on and on... who is the fascist?
Graham had unpleasant views. That might have been a generational thing but it is worth noting that his kids hold the same disgusting views.

Whispering those disgusting views into the ears of every president for the past 60 years..

Standing by johnson through vietnam, nixon, through watergate etc...etc..

a shill, who helped bring the country to its current state of conflict where fundamentalist religious nutjobs have come to believe that their deranged views of the world are morally superior to any other by their collective willingness to set aside divine law and worship a human being.
I wasnt aware of all that. I knew that he held extremist views on equality but I think many of his generation did as well.
As we see they are dying out.

Neither one of you know what Graham was about, you're just a couple of hate filled lunatics bashing Christianity
Graham had unpleasant views. That might have been a generational thing but it is worth noting that his kids hold the same disgusting views.

Whispering those disgusting views into the ears of every president for the past 60 years..

Standing by johnson through vietnam, nixon, through watergate etc...etc..

a shill, who helped bring the country to its current state of conflict where fundamentalist religious nutjobs have come to believe that their deranged views of the world are morally superior to any other by their collective willingness to set aside divine law and worship a human being.
I wasnt aware of all that. I knew that he held extremist views on equality but I think many of his generation did as well.
As we see they are dying out.

Yeah, sure, they're dying out ...while kicking and screaming and burning the house down.....

I'm sure that seeing the nation drift towards a more free and equitable society, with gay marriage, women's rights, minorities demanding equal justice under the law, legal pot, titties on TV, and even a black president, :eek-52: , working globally to insure peace, it must have seemed to them like evil had taken over the country and it was the end of the world....Thanks to evangelical madness.

So what did they do? Elect the most despicable person out there to lead them committing fraud and treason to do it, all in the name of their deep and abiding love for Jeeesus..

fucking idiots.
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Leftist vs. Conservatives

When a conservative doesn't like someones opinion, they stop listening.
When a prog leftist doesn't like an opinion, they want to stop the person from ever speaking again.

When a conservative doesn't like what someone wrote, they throw the paper away.
When a prog leftist doesn't like a written opinion, they seek to ban the publication from being offered again.

When a conservative doesn't believe in God, they don't go to church.
When a prog leftist is an Atheist, they seek to ban all religious speech and emblems and punish those who dare express either.

And on and on... who is the fascist?
Not sure why you think is relevant to this thread.
Graham had unpleasant views. That might have been a generational thing but it is worth noting that his kids hold the same disgusting views.
One notes that his views likely stepped on some toes, leading to those stepped on lashing out.
Oh chit.

Graham did rip on Jews though so there's that.

I heard about this after he passed (on state run CBC, where all things Christianity are evil), but they said he apologized for the comments and made amends, whatever that means.

No human is perfect, not even Billy Graham. I heard once while on the road, he locked himself in a hotel room, one of those doors with a lock on both sides; and he threw the key off his hotel balcony as he was tempted by a particular lady of leisure. He didn't want to succumb to his own emotions of the moment so he took control is the most unusual way.
We can understand #3's indignance. Graham maintained the dupage of quite a massive population during his time. The Saturnian fascism of Graham's father is an interesting study in psychopathology.
Taking control in a most unusual way, then, points to Graham's father's once-and-for-all extremism with both genders of his offspring.

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