Teen with "Super Human Strength" grabs officers gun with a different outcome

Here's some white Americans going to Chillis with Assault Rifles.
This cop is actually really nice to the open carry white folks.

So Swallow decides to spam the thread with anecdotal stories that prove nothing.

How can we lose against idiots like these?
hmmmm...the branch Dravidians might disagree,with your premise as would the family in Ruby Ridge.....

As would this white guy...

This cop is actually really nice to the open carry white folks.

1). Open carry is legal in that state...

2) they aren't breaking other laws,perhaps...

3) they aren't physically assaulting the officer...

Keep cherry picking from 300 million people...it keeps you out of the middle of the street...
This white kid ended up dead...he might disagree with your premise...

Black cop shoots kills white youth media race hucksters silent - BarbWire.com

Of course the officer was black...

On the surface, the cases appear nearly identical: Michael Brown and Dillon Taylor, two young, unarmed men with sketchy criminal pasts shot to death by police officers two days apart.

But while the world knows of the highly publicized situation involving 18-year-old Mr. Brown, whose Aug. 9 death in Ferguson, Missouri touched off violence, protests and an angry national debate, most people outside Utah have never heard of 20-year-old Mr. Taylor.

Call it Ferguson in reverse, but minus the noise.

Let’s examine the facts in the lesser known case. Taylor, who has been described as white and Hispanic (where have we heard that before?), met his death at the hands of a black cop on Aug. 11, two days after the now-infamous shooting death of Michael Brown. The Taylor incident occurred outside a 7-Eleven in South Salt Lake, Utah. According to a quote at the Inquisitr made by South Salt Lake Police Sgt. Darin Sweeten:

Hmmm...I'll have to check to see when the riot and looting is scheduled over this...I will go check social media now...
Yeah. Even I, and I am not one of you people, have had a positive contact with an officer when he walked up on us shooting where we should not have been.

Personally I dont understand why he did not have us all lie on the ground spread eagle tasting grass. But hey, it worked for him.
Sallow, a picture paints a thousand words but facts need paint only one...truth...

here are the stats on people killed by police...

Cop in the Hood Police kill white people too

I did a little research. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports from 2000 to 2004, police-involved “justifiable homicides” kill about 350 people a year, 99 percent by shooting. [Update: see below for 2014 links.] Virtually all police-involved killings, most for good reason, are categorized as justifiable. Of those killed by police, 32 percent are black and 64 percent are white. While the percentage of blacks killed is high compared with the black percentage in America (13%), it is low compared with other indicators of violence, such as the percentage of homicide victims and offenders believed to be African American (both 48%).
Charging him? Are we still going on with events that didnt happen and using that as a justification?

Brown was also further away than this guy, shot 6 times twice in the head and had regular strength.

Plus they werent perps of anything. The cop told them to get out the street. Maybe you are saying the cops had to draw down on two perps of Jaywalking.

Are you saying there was no contact or physical altercation between Brown and the officer?

He doesn't know what the fuck he is saying. They were perps in their mind,they had just robed a store,he knows it just stupid enough not to admit it. Two people rob a store moments later they are confronted by a cop,its really that simple.
hmmmm...the branch Dravidians might disagree,with your premise as would the family in Ruby Ridge.....

As would this white guy...

The Branch Davidians killed several atf agents and engaged in terrorism.
And did all the children in the compound engage in terrorism as well...or the children on Ruby Ridge?

Ruby Ridge - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Accounts differ at this point as to who first opened fire[36] but agree that DUSM Roderick shot and killed Weaver's dog and that Samuel Weaver returned fire at Roderick. After the Federal agents began firing, 14 year old Samuel Weaver was shot in the back while retreating,[37][38] and DUSM Degan was shot and killed by Harris.[39]
There were innocent Germans in Berlin and Dresden also. I bet a couple were even hiding jews from persecution.

Yeah it sucks but what can ya do.
And did all the children in the compound engage in terrorism as well...or the children on Ruby Ridge?

Ruby Ridge - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Accounts differ at this point as to who first opened fire[36] but agree that DUSM Roderick shot and killed Weaver's dog and that Samuel Weaver returned fire at Roderick. After the Federal agents began firing, 14 year old Samuel Weaver was shot in the back while retreating,[37][38] and DUSM Degan was shot and killed by Harris.[39]
You have a better case with Ruby Ridge. I agree that was a clusterfuck.

But Waco?


The ATF and the FEDs showed remarkable restraint.

Not all of these things are going to end well.
From wikipedia...
During the attack, a fire engulfed Mount Carmel Center and 76 people,[8][9] including David Koresh, died.

76 people died...if that is your idea of "remarkable restraint" why are you so upset about those other police shootings...I mean one dead guy vs. 76....hmmmm...
Charging him? Are we still going on with events that didnt happen and using that as a justification?

Brown was also further away than this guy, shot 6 times twice in the head and had regular strength.

Plus they werent perps of anything. The cop told them to get out the street. Maybe you are saying the cops had to draw down on two perps of Jaywalking.

Are you saying there was no contact or physical altercation between Brown and the officer?

Charging him? Where'd that info come from?
This guy killed 12 people.

And here he is in court.

Amazingly he wasnt shot despite killing all those people. But then again he's small and white. What problem could he be?

Interestingly enough thats probably the last words of his 12 victims too

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