Teenage Palestinian girl 'executed in cold blood,' witnesses say

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An impassioned bystander confronted Israeli police, shouting: “Why do you continue to tell lies? What did that girl do? What did she do? Do you actually want peace?
All the witnesses said pretty much the same thing.
Ah, they must have planted a weapon on her. That's it!

Works every time...

You're quite the antisemitic asshat, aren't you?
No, not at all. I justr prefer proof as opposed to the words of people with a history of lying.

It's called common sense (although oddly, not that common).

Okay, tells us EXACTLY what "proof" you would require to believe that woman was armed when shot by the police.

Or, can you accept the possibility that they used reasonable force. Any possibility at all...or are all Jews liars?
Okay, tells us EXACTLY what "proof" you would require to believe that woman was armed when shot by the police.
Something at least similar to what would be accepted in a just court of law.

Well, when the police produce a weapon and tell their side of the story, juries overwhelmingly find with the cops.

If you're not an anti-Semite, you sure as hell come off as ridiculously biased.
Ah, they must have planted a weapon on her. That's it!

Works every time...

You're quite the antisemitic asshat, aren't you?
No, not at all. I justr prefer proof as opposed to the words of people with a history of lying.

It's called common sense (although oddly, not that common).

You poor, dear. Always the clown.

As usual, you dismantle your own attempt at argument in just a few short outbursts.

It's just comical how you babbled on in an earlier post in response to a question about whether she had a weapon. You babbled:

"Just the claim by the jewish murderers."

In this most recent nonsense babbling of yours, you rattle on with:

"No, not at all. I justr prefer proof as opposed to the words of people with a history of lying."

I'm sure you won't see the laughable contradiction. That's why I must insist that you limit your posting to only material you routinely plagiarize and try to pass off as your own.
Well, when the police produce a weapon and tell their side of the story, juries overwhelmingly find with the cops.
As seen in the OP. Not one eyewitness saw any weapon or her as a threat in any way. All say she was simply murdered in cold blood. Cops freak out and fuck up sometimes. When they do, they generally lie. We have seen this countless times from the israelis.
Well, when the police produce a weapon and tell their side of the story, juries overwhelmingly find with the cops.
As seen in the OP. Not one eyewitness saw any weapon or her as a threat in any way. All say she was simply murdered in cold blood. Cops freak out and fuck up sometimes. When they do, they generally lie. We have seen this countless times from the israelis.

What "countless times" would those be?
Well, when the police produce a weapon and tell their side of the story, juries overwhelmingly find with the cops.
As seen in the OP. Not one eyewitness saw any weapon or her as a threat in any way. All say she was simply murdered in cold blood. Cops freak out and fuck up sometimes. When they do, they generally lie. We have seen this countless times from the israelis.

You've made "sometimes" your default position.

You're assuming the cops murdered and lied about it. It's human nature that when people, upon seeing one of their own taken down sometimes lie about what they saw. For example, Eric Holder's own report made it undeniably clear that Michael Brown was NOT peacefully surrendering with his hands in the air when the cop shot him. Yet that's what the folks from his neighborhood told us.

Not saying a cop can't act irresponsibly, but geez, how about a little perspective?
You're assuming the cops murdered and lied about it.
I haven't and I hope you aren't yet another illiterate on here. You still have the benifit of the doubt at this point.

All I said was that when claim something that results in what all the eyewitnesses describe as cold blooded murder, that you better have proof.

None so far.
You're assuming the cops murdered and lied about it.
I haven't and I hope you aren't yet another illiterate on here. You still have the benifit of the doubt at this point.

All I said was that when claim something that results in what all the eyewitnesses describe as cold blooded murder, that you better have proof.

None so far.

Nice logical fallacy. That's called an ad hominem attack. Doesn't help your case. You should look it up.

You're back to proof. Again, other than the normal judicial process finding no evidence the cops lied, EXACTLY what proof are you looking for?

Cuz if there isn't any proof that could possibly be produced, we're back to 'all Jews lie'.

What's it to be?
You're assuming the cops murdered and lied about it.
I haven't and I hope you aren't yet another illiterate on here. You still have the benifit of the doubt at this point.

All I said was that when claim something that results in what all the eyewitnesses describe as cold blooded murder, that you better have proof.

None so far.

Nice logical fallacy. That's called an ad hominem attack. Doesn't help your case. You should look it up.

You're back to proof. Again, other than the normal judicial process finding no evidence the cops lied, EXACTLY what proof are you looking for?

Cuz if there isn't any proof that could possibly be produced, we're back to 'all Jews lie'.

What's it to be?
OK, you're another illiterate on here to simply lie, argue and derail threads.

Welcome aboard.

Once again, the leftist anti-Semite has but one retort, a logical fallacy. I see you've gone once more with the old classic, an ad hominem attack.

So sad.
Do see the irony in the fact that the first ad hominem came when you attempted to stifle the discussion with your attempt to slur me as anti-Semite?

Not a drop.

I'm happy to debate the evidence you say you need to tell if the cops murdered this woman for no reason.

However, when you refuse to discuss the very premise you put forward, all the while saying Jews lie...I think it a reasonable conclusion to draw.

Now, if you're really not a bigot, tell me about this evidence you're seeking. And please, without the logical fallacies.
I haven't and I hope you aren't yet another illiterate on here. You still have the benifit of the doubt at this point.

All I said was that when claim something that results in what all the eyewitnesses describe as cold blooded murder, that you better have proof.

None so far.

Nice logical fallacy. That's called an ad hominem attack. Doesn't help your case. You should look it up.

You're back to proof. Again, other than the normal judicial process finding no evidence the cops lied, EXACTLY what proof are you looking for?

Cuz if there isn't any proof that could possibly be produced, we're back to 'all Jews lie'.

What's it to be?
OK, you're another illiterate on here to simply lie, argue and derail threads.

Welcome aboard.

Once again, the leftist anti-Semite has but one retort, a logical fallacy. I see you've gone once more with the old classic, an ad hominem attack.

So sad.
Do see the irony in the fact that the first ad hominem came when you attempted to stifle the discussion with your attempt to slur me as anti-Semite?

Not a drop.

I'm happy to debate the evidence you say you need to tell if the cops murdered this woman for no reason.

However, when you refuse to discuss the very premise you put forward, all the while saying Jews lie...I think it a reasonable conclusion to draw.

Now, if you're really not a bigot, tell me about this evidence you're seeking. And please, without the logical fallacies.
It troubles me that candy ass grown men cannot take a knife away from a little girl without killing her.

If you people really believe that that falls under the cover of "the jewish peoples' right to self determination®", than you are more gone than I imagined.
You're assuming the cops murdered and lied about it.
I haven't and I hope you aren't yet another illiterate on here. You still have the benifit of the doubt at this point.

All I said was that when claim something that results in what all the eyewitnesses describe as cold blooded murder, that you better have proof.

None so far.

Nice logical fallacy. That's called an ad hominem attack. Doesn't help your case. You should look it up.

You're back to proof. Again, other than the normal judicial process finding no evidence the cops lied, EXACTLY what proof are you looking for?

Cuz if there isn't any proof that could possibly be produced, we're back to 'all Jews lie'.

What's it to be?
OK, you're another illiterate on here to simply lie, argue and derail threads.

Welcome aboard.

Once again, the leftist anti-Semite has but one retort, a logical fallacy. I see you've gone once more with the old classic, an ad hominem attack.

So sad.

Sadly, the right-wing supporters of Israel prove the point. The oppressed take on the attributes of their former oppressors. The Israeli Jews have adopted the attributes of their Nazi oppressors and justify the killing of children.
Nice logical fallacy. That's called an ad hominem attack. Doesn't help your case. You should look it up.

You're back to proof. Again, other than the normal judicial process finding no evidence the cops lied, EXACTLY what proof are you looking for?

Cuz if there isn't any proof that could possibly be produced, we're back to 'all Jews lie'.

What's it to be?
OK, you're another illiterate on here to simply lie, argue and derail threads.

Welcome aboard.

Once again, the leftist anti-Semite has but one retort, a logical fallacy. I see you've gone once more with the old classic, an ad hominem attack.

So sad.
Do see the irony in the fact that the first ad hominem came when you attempted to stifle the discussion with your attempt to slur me as anti-Semite?

Not a drop.

I'm happy to debate the evidence you say you need to tell if the cops murdered this woman for no reason.

However, when you refuse to discuss the very premise you put forward, all the while saying Jews lie...I think it a reasonable conclusion to draw.

Now, if you're really not a bigot, tell me about this evidence you're seeking. And please, without the logical fallacies.
It troubles me that candy ass grown men cannot take a knife away from a little girl without killing her.

"Palestinians who witnessed..."

There's the problem with your whining, chuckles.
You're assuming the cops murdered and lied about it.
I haven't and I hope you aren't yet another illiterate on here. You still have the benifit of the doubt at this point.

All I said was that when claim something that results in what all the eyewitnesses describe as cold blooded murder, that you better have proof.

None so far.

Nice logical fallacy. That's called an ad hominem attack. Doesn't help your case. You should look it up.

You're back to proof. Again, other than the normal judicial process finding no evidence the cops lied, EXACTLY what proof are you looking for?

Cuz if there isn't any proof that could possibly be produced, we're back to 'all Jews lie'.

What's it to be?
OK, you're another illiterate on here to simply lie, argue and derail threads.

Welcome aboard.

Once again, the leftist anti-Semite has but one retort, a logical fallacy. I see you've gone once more with the old classic, an ad hominem attack.

So sad.

Sadly, the right-wing supporters of Israel prove the point. The oppressed take on the attributes of their former oppressors. The Israeli Jews have adopted the attributes of their Nazi oppressors and justify the killing of children.

Sadly, the Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailers have this need to parade dead bodies around like a trophy.

The Pom Pom flailers have adopted the attributes of their Death Cult heroes and rejoice in the death of those who have that lovely Death Cult slogan: "We love Death as you love life."

The Islamist oppressors are simply adhering to the writ of a desert Arab who invented the Cult 1,400 years ago.
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