Teleprompter at RNC had results even before it was announces

Shouldn't you moonbats, and Obama, be talking about all the wonderful things Obama has accomplished at this point rather than tax returns and TelePrompTers?
Aw what's wrong your god mein fuhrer willard getting shown for the fraud and dictator he is...
Aw what's wrong your god mein fuhrer willard getting shown for the fraud and dictator he is...

Until you criticize Obama for his dictator-like actions (and there are tons of them) STFU hypocrite.

Having to much fun with willard....Obama is a fucking idiot but willard would be worse. Plus willard and his nazi party cheated to win...Obama has done nothing to the liberty movement...
So here is what I think about the whole delegate thing and rules changes and whatnot.

First, the end results would have been identical even if the vociferous Ron Paul moblet had everything their way, though those results would have taken longer to occur, thus introducing unnecessary, nay..stupid delays in the process.

Second, the behavior of the party bosses is not surprising. I have long recognized they have no honor or integrity and are just hollow Republican shells.

We are rapidly approaching the nadir of the party before its glorious rebirth. Hang in there.

So here is what I think about the whole delegate thing and rules changes and whatnot.

First, the end results would have been identical even if the vociferous Ron Paul moblet had everything their way, though those results would have taken longer to occur, thus introducing unnecessary, nay..stupid delays in the process.
I believe that to be incorrect. Not on all the things.

Second, the behavior of the party bosses is not surprising. I have long recognized they have no honor or integrity and are just hollow Republican shells.
I'm late to the party on that one. Until this year I knew they were low on it... But... This takes the cake.

We are rapidly approaching the nadir of the party before its glorious rebirth. Hang in there.


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