Tell Me Who the Fascists Are

Fascists are those who demand absolute conformity and set out to hurt those who do not march in lock with them.

Fascists tend to try and get around the Constitution and the rule of law.

They have very different ideas about loyalty to dear leader rather than American principles.
Those in power tend to view laws as for the little man in general, which is why the more power you have the more dangerous you become.

Add to that people like Cuomo thumbing his nose up at the law for all to see, and you realize that entirety of the DNC is above the law, even when their own members insist Cuomo should step down.

To be a democrat is to be untouchable.

Where do you think Cuomo should have sent seniors who came from Assisted Living facilities and nursing homes? I'd like an answer.. These elderly people no longer had homes or apartments.

The military hospital ship that Trump sent to New idiot......cuomo didn't use it because he didn't want to give any credit to moron.

Hospital ship Comfort departs NYC, having treated fewer ...

Apr 30, 2020 · The Javits Center, which was initially envisioned as a 2,500-bed field hospital for non-COVID patients, converted to coronavirus-only hospital shortly after …
Fascists are those who demand absolute conformity and set out to hurt those who do not march in lock with them.

Fascists tend to try and get around the Constitution and the rule of law.

They have very different ideas about loyalty to dear leader rather than American principles.
Those in power tend to view laws as for the little man in general, which is why the more power you have the more dangerous you become.

Add to that people like Cuomo thumbing his nose up at the law for all to see, and you realize that entirety of the DNC is above the law, even when their own members insist Cuomo should step down.

To be a democrat is to be untouchable.

Where do you think Cuomo should have sent seniors who came from Assisted Living facilities and nursing homes? I'd like an answer.. These elderly people no longer had homes or apartments.

The military hospital ship that Trump sent to New idiot......cuomo didn't use it because he didn't want to give any credit to moron.
The military hospital ship refused Covid patients, you idiot.

Hey...dumb shit........they were supposed to put non-covid patients in the ship to make room for covid patients in the hospitals...but because cuomo the killer wanted to score political points......and molest women, he refused to use Trump's idiot.
Yeah, people with cancer and on dialysis can't just be thrown into a cab to take them to the ship docks. Dumbass. was democrat party brown shirts in blm and antifa who burned and looted American cities for 7 months and murdered 30 Americans....... was White supremacists infiltrating BLM and Antifa peaceful marches to stir up trouble. This has already been proven again and again.

No, it hasn't. But it is nice to see you doing your best to protect the actual fascists.
You dumbass motherfucker.

Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter
Fascists are those who demand absolute conformity and set out to hurt those who do not march in lock with them.

Fascists tend to try and get around the Constitution and the rule of law.

They have very different ideas about loyalty to dear leader rather than American principles.
Those in power tend to view laws as for the little man in general, which is why the more power you have the more dangerous you become.

Add to that people like Cuomo thumbing his nose up at the law for all to see, and you realize that entirety of the DNC is above the law, even when their own members insist Cuomo should step down.

To be a democrat is to be untouchable.

Where do you think Cuomo should have sent seniors who came from Assisted Living facilities and nursing homes? I'd like an answer.. These elderly people no longer had homes or apartments.

The military hospital ship that Trump sent to New idiot......cuomo didn't use it because he didn't want to give any credit to moron.
The military hospital ship refused Covid patients, you idiot.

Hey...dumb shit........they were supposed to put non-covid patients in the ship to make room for covid patients in the hospitals...but because cuomo the killer wanted to score political points......and molest women, he refused to use Trump's idiot.

NY Gov. Cuomo says hospital ship USNS Comfort is not being ...
Apr 03, 2020 · NEW York Governor Cuomo said the USNS Comfort isn't being used for coronavirus patients because "too hard to disinfect." The Navy ship, deployed to …

Trump allows coronavirus patients on Navy ship ... - CNBC
Apr 06, 2020 · President Donald Trump agreed to allow the U.S. Navy’s 1,000-bed hospital ship Comfort to be used to treat patients with the coronavirus. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wanted the Comfort in …
First of all the only Fascists were the Italian, all other regimes were fascists. Kooks like you can't comprehend the difference between Fascists' and fascists', or Democrats and democrats. So ignorant, and so smug.
First of all, you sniveling parasite, THERE IS NO difference between Fascists' and fascists', or Democrats and democrats, if there is I'd like to see any of you insufferably ignorant drones adequately explain it without ONCE invoking the race card because race is a construct of the left in any case and is not relevant. The policies of mussolini and his thugs are not at all far flung from the current DNC agenda.

So go eat a bag of dicks you vacuous piece of fermented shit.
Then there was the military hospital set up at the Javits convention dumb ass.....again, cuomo didn't use it because Trump set it up.....
Trump had nothing to do with dumb ass....that was all Cuomo and deBlasio.

Moron...the military converted the center into a dumb ass......Military and Federal agencies are not state agencies you dumb ass...

More than 15 city, state and federal agencies — ranging from military engineers to Javits Center carpenters — built the initial 1,000-bed hospital from scratch inside of a week.

that President Trump had granted, permission for the convention hall to assume a new mission. The makeshift medical station that was supposed to be covid-free is now covid-only.
The Javits Center is owned by New York state, but the 4,000-bed medical center inside it is a federal operation. was democrat party brown shirts in blm and antifa who burned and looted American cities for 7 months and murdered 30 Americans....... was White supremacists infiltrating BLM and Antifa peaceful marches to stir up trouble. This has already been proven again and again.

No, it hasn't. But it is nice to see you doing your best to protect the actual fascists.
You retarded cocksucker:

A Trump security chief acknowledges role of white supremacist extremists in U.S. urban violence
Fascists are those who demand absolute conformity and set out to hurt those who do not march in lock with them.

Fascists tend to try and get around the Constitution and the rule of law.

They have very different ideas about loyalty to dear leader rather than American principles.
Those in power tend to view laws as for the little man in general, which is why the more power you have the more dangerous you become.

Add to that people like Cuomo thumbing his nose up at the law for all to see, and you realize that entirety of the DNC is above the law, even when their own members insist Cuomo should step down.

To be a democrat is to be untouchable.

Where do you think Cuomo should have sent seniors who came from Assisted Living facilities and nursing homes? I'd like an answer.. These elderly people no longer had homes or apartments.

The military hospital ship that Trump sent to New idiot......cuomo didn't use it because he didn't want to give any credit to moron.
The military hospital ship refused Covid patients, you idiot.

Hey...dumb shit........they were supposed to put non-covid patients in the ship to make room for covid patients in the hospitals...but because cuomo the killer wanted to score political points......and molest women, he refused to use Trump's idiot.

NY Gov. Cuomo says hospital ship USNS Comfort is not being ...
Apr 03, 2020 · NEW York Governor Cuomo said the USNS Comfort isn't being used for coronavirus patients because "too hard to disinfect." The Navy ship, deployed to …

Trump allows coronavirus patients on Navy ship ... - CNBC
Apr 06, 2020 · President Donald Trump agreed to allow the U.S. Navy’s 1,000-bed hospital ship Comfort to be used to treat patients with the coronavirus. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wanted the Comfort in …

Yes.....dipshit.....that is why he should have sent non-covid patients there to free up hospital beds...which was the whole point in the first place..

But again...cuomo the killer, cuomo the molester refused to do this to keep Trump from getting credit.... was democrat party brown shirts in blm and antifa who burned and looted American cities for 7 months and murdered 30 Americans....... was White supremacists infiltrating BLM and Antifa peaceful marches to stir up trouble. This has already been proven again and again.

No, it hasn't. But it is nice to see you doing your best to protect the actual fascists.
You retarded cocksucker:

A Trump security chief acknowledges role of white supremacist extremists in U.S. urban violence

Moron....the same assholes who lied to Federal Courts to get illegal FISA idiot.
something stupid
Another opportunity to condemn the would-be totalitarians on your side squandered in the pursuit of sniffing your own farts.

Not at all surprising.
giphy (1).gif
Some progress has been made by Americans. The right has come to understand that the left aren't communists anymore, and that there is a difference between fascism and communism. Maybe some hve even come to understand that the two are each others sworn enemies on political ideology.

And so fascism creeping into America is now being accepted as fact.

Which side is the fascists? Neither really, to any significance, and becoming of less significance. An explanation is required:

Trump brought the working people of America together on Jan. 6th. that represented taking action against government. And there were even some proofs of that in the fact that both sides of government were threatened.

It makes no difference that Trump misguided and misdirected the rioters' effort for his own personal gain. The intended insurrection against America's democracy did happen, even though in a rather comical manner that indicated little commitment to revolution.

It was an awakening for America's working class people!

Will some D leader or R leader be able to rally the working class Americans behind a cause to benefit ordinary people. Americans are close to desperation that will drive them to even more violent attempts against government.

America has fallen to 15th. on quality of life.
It's become a collection of slums in which Americans attempt to survive.

Fascism has to be the result when the power is lacking to take down the control of the very wealthy.
Some progress has been made by Americans. The right has come to understand that the left aren't communists anymore, and that there is a difference between fascism and communism. Maybe some hve even come to understand that the two are each others sworn enemies on political ideology.

And so fascism creeping into America is now being accepted as fact.

Which side is the fascists? Neither really, to any significance, and becoming of less significance. An explanation is required:

Trump brought the working people of America together on Jan. 6th. that represented taking action against government. And there were even some proofs of that in the fact that both sides of government were threatened.

It makes no difference that Trump misguided and misdirected the rioters' effort for his own personal gain. The intended insurrection against America's democracy did happen, even though in a rather comical manner that indicated little commitment to revolution.

It was an awakening for America's working class people!

Will some D leader or R leader be able to rally the working class Americans behind a cause to benefit ordinary people. Americans are close to desperation that will drive them to even more violent attempts against government.

America has fallen to 15th. on quality of life.
It's become a collection of slums in which Americans attempt to survive.

Fascism has to be the result when the power is lacking to take down the control of the very wealthy.

You don't know anything...

Fascism and communism are two types of socialism.

The democrat party brown shirts of antifa and blm burned and looted cities for 30 months and they murdered 30 Americans....obama and his people used the agencies of the government, the IRS, FBI, DOJ, and State Dept. to spy on and harrass journalists, Trump workers and Trump supporters...

You don't know what you are talking about.
Some progress has been made by Americans. The right has come to understand that the left aren't communists anymore, and that there is a difference between fascism and communism. Maybe some hve even come to understand that the two are each others sworn enemies on political ideology.

And so fascism creeping into America is now being accepted as fact.

Which side is the fascists? Neither really, to any significance, and becoming of less significance. An explanation is required:

Trump brought the working people of America together on Jan. 6th. that represented taking action against government. And there were even some proofs of that in the fact that both sides of government were threatened.

It makes no difference that Trump misguided and misdirected the rioters' effort for his own personal gain. The intended insurrection against America's democracy did happen, even though in a rather comical manner that indicated little commitment to revolution.

It was an awakening for America's working class people!

Will some D leader or R leader be able to rally the working class Americans behind a cause to benefit ordinary people. Americans are close to desperation that will drive them to even more violent attempts against government.

America has fallen to 15th. on quality of life.
It's become a collection of slums in which Americans attempt to survive.

Fascism has to be the result when the power is lacking to take down the control of the very wealthy.
Trump lost half of his wealth in office. Personal gain equates to money. So stop the crap and admit he loves this country. His policies showed it.
Some progress has been made by Americans. The right has come to understand that the left aren't communists anymore, and that there is a difference between fascism and communism. Maybe some hve even come to understand that the two are each others sworn enemies on political ideology.

And so fascism creeping into America is now being accepted as fact.

Which side is the fascists? Neither really, to any significance, and becoming of less significance. An explanation is required:

Trump brought the working people of America together on Jan. 6th. that represented taking action against government. And there were even some proofs of that in the fact that both sides of government were threatened.

It makes no difference that Trump misguided and misdirected the rioters' effort for his own personal gain. The intended insurrection against America's democracy did happen, even though in a rather comical manner that indicated little commitment to revolution.

It was an awakening for America's working class people!

Will some D leader or R leader be able to rally the working class Americans behind a cause to benefit ordinary people. Americans are close to desperation that will drive them to even more violent attempts against government.

America has fallen to 15th. on quality of life.
It's become a collection of slums in which Americans attempt to survive.

Fascism has to be the result when the power is lacking to take down the control of the very wealthy.

You don't know anything...

Fascism and communism are two types of socialism.

The democrat party brown shirts of antifa and blm burned and looted cities for 30 months and they murdered 30 Americans....obama and his people used the agencies of the government, the IRS, FBI, DOJ, and State Dept. to spy on and harrass journalists, Trump workers and Trump supporters...

You don't know what you are talking about.
Listen, just because the Nazi regime called themselves socialists and had socialist policies, like a national health care system, etc., and passed gun restrictions and passed legislation to protect animals and the environment and swore that they were going to destroy Capitalism repeatedly in no way makes them a socialist.

Cuz fascists are on the right.


I just crack myself up sometimes.
Some progress has been made by Americans. The right has come to understand that the left aren't communists anymore, and that there is a difference between fascism and communism. Maybe some hve even come to understand that the two are each others sworn enemies on political ideology.

And so fascism creeping into America is now being accepted as fact.

Which side is the fascists? Neither really, to any significance, and becoming of less significance. An explanation is required:

Trump brought the working people of America together on Jan. 6th. that represented taking action against government. And there were even some proofs of that in the fact that both sides of government were threatened.

It makes no difference that Trump misguided and misdirected the rioters' effort for his own personal gain. The intended insurrection against America's democracy did happen, even though in a rather comical manner that indicated little commitment to revolution.

It was an awakening for America's working class people!

Will some D leader or R leader be able to rally the working class Americans behind a cause to benefit ordinary people. Americans are close to desperation that will drive them to even more violent attempts against government.

America has fallen to 15th. on quality of life.
It's become a collection of slums in which Americans attempt to survive.

Fascism has to be the result when the power is lacking to take down the control of the very wealthy.

You don't know anything...

Fascism and communism are two types of socialism.

The democrat party brown shirts of antifa and blm burned and looted cities for 30 months and they murdered 30 Americans....obama and his people used the agencies of the government, the IRS, FBI, DOJ, and State Dept. to spy on and harrass journalists, Trump workers and Trump supporters...

You don't know what you are talking about.
Listen, just because the Nazi regime called themselves socialists and had socialist policies, like a national health care system, etc., and passed gun restrictions and passed legislation to protect animals and the environment and swore that they were going to destroy Capitalism repeatedly in no way makes them a socialist.

Cuz fascists are on the right.


I just crack myself up sometimes.

Fascism is left wing....

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.

Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)

Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
Crusader Frank
Marvin Martian
Progressive Hunter

There's a bunch more...
Great list.

Another perfect identifier is anyone who is against ANTIFA.
Crusader Frank
Marvin Martian
Progressive Hunter

There's a bunch more...
Great list.

Another perfect identifier is anyone who is against ANTIFA.
There is something inherently wrong with people that needs a list of people to hate or dehumanize. Or I would think so.
Fascism is left wing....

For people who are politically astute enough to understand:

Fascism is a departure from a country's left/right political struggle within a democracy, arising out of the people's desperation.

Few leftists or rightists are capable of understanding that because nearly all the people are completely committed to their own political bias.

The leader of the fascist movement that attempts to take power can and will claim to be neither a leftist or a rightist, he will become the people's populist.

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