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Temporary Marriage in Islam( Nikah mut‘ah)

You've never read Leviticus, I gather..

the opening post in this thread was about islam, and yet so far there are what 5-6 posts with comparative info about xnity & USA. THIS IS WHY we don't "need" to read leviticus, because apparently everybody already knows about the evils of xnity & living in the USA.

what people don't know about is islamic ideology & history. to see the total lack of this info go over to a forum where mostly muslims & ex-muslims post (like faithfreedom.org) and read thru some of the threads & replies there. very little info about xnity & USA, why ? because they are debating ISLAM & MUSLIMS issues, not xnity & USA stuff.

for some reasons this seems to happen alot, every time an islamic post appears, it is filled with anti-xnity & anti-USA stuff. fine, post that crap, we get it, we've seen it over & over & over & over & over again. why not stick to the topic of islam & their hideous ideology & problems ?
If you support Islam know what you might be supporting. This is still practiced by Shiites. It's disgusting.

Nikah mut‘ah

This is acceptable in Islamic law but I don't agree with it.
I know a woman that engaged in such a sham marriage and she's not in much of a position now it's over.
Left with a kid and zero chance of another marriage. Bad news at best.

However, Muslims aren't the only ones at it.
The US has loads of women working horizontally for money.
They, if your government is to be believed, "marry" the guy for 30 minutes (or less if he gets too excited).
$50 gets you laid by a slapper.

Now, whilst I dislike temporary marriage. I dislike the US version of a 50 bucks "buck" a lot more.

Will the OP be condemning the US of A because 1% of its women have !@#$%^&* men for money?

This is NOT acceptable in Islamic law. ONLY in SHIA LAW. Khomeini is a well known supporter for it.

The translaton of the video in OP isn't accurate. The imam talking condeemned khomeni actions but this didn't appear in the translaton.
I neither support nor despise Islam.

I don't really care about other peoples religions.

You should. Islam is not a religion it's a cult. A 1400 year old cult with many followers who are now setting up shop in just about every region of the USA. People say leave them alone because this is America where all are free to worship as they please. Americans think Islam worships the same god as the Christians and the Jews. This is not the case. They think that Islam has the same rules as Christianity and Judaism but it does not. It allows

wife beating
cutting off of appendages as punishment
hanging gays
Killing of non believers
Killing of apostates (people who leave Islam)

The list goes on...

I'm just trying to educate Americans On what they are supporting when the say Leave Islam alone they have a right to be here. If you support them you support the above and don't be surprised when their way of life follows them to the USA.

Islam most certainly does worship God, also known as "God of Abraham."

You are misinformed. Have you ever discussed your views with a cleric? You should.

Christianity and Judaism

I don't recall Moses or Jesus allowing the rape of ones wife and children, Islam does.

While the OT did allow stoning, in no place did Jesus condone it. When the woman caught in adultrey was brought before him what did he do stone her? Nope

John 8:10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

That is pretty much what he did whenever he met a sinner,told them to go and sin no more. He didn't hand them over to be killed. Jesus NEVER killed anyone. He ate with prostitutes and sinners because none of us is without sin worthy of punishment and he's have to kill us all. The whole reason of Christs coming was to get rid of the law because the law couldn't be kept. He is the sacrifice for sin and he alone covers our sin. While the law of Moses was harsh and the OT full of interesting stuff, I don't recall it ever advocating pedophila,raping ones wife, cutting off hands as punishment was usually death or monetary or an eye for an eye. Killing non jews was usually done in military manuvers as Jews pretty much were told not to associate with non believers. New Testament says clearly that if people choose not to beleive

Matthew 10:14

King James Version (KJV)

14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

God does not say Kill them. God says the punisment is up to him

15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

Basically while some things match the overall character of God in the Koran does not match the God of the bible and torah. You can see this easily when you read the three books.

The biggest and most glaring difference is the violation of worshiping a graven image which the 10 commandments clearly says not to do. The black stone in Mecca worshiped by Islam. Also bearing false witness aka lying is also not permitted in JudeoChristianity but ALLOWED in Islam in direct violation is the 10 commandments.

Who and what is Islam? Islam is a bunch of different beliefs systems Mohammad used to make his followers happy. It's a made up cult in the disgusie of JudeoChristianity to give it legitimacy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkZFUEDkwdc&feature=endscreen&NR=1]The Truth behind the Black Stone, Muhammad's Quran & Kaaba -- the House of Jinn-Devils - YouTube[/ame]
If you support Islam know what you might be supporting. This is still practiced by Shiites. It's disgusting.

Nikah mut‘ah

This is acceptable in Islamic law but I don't agree with it.
I know a woman that engaged in such a sham marriage and she's not in much of a position now it's over.
Left with a kid and zero chance of another marriage. Bad news at best.

However, Muslims aren't the only ones at it.
The US has loads of women working horizontally for money.
They, if your government is to be believed, "marry" the guy for 30 minutes (or less if he gets too excited).
$50 gets you laid by a slapper.

Now, whilst I dislike temporary marriage. I dislike the US version of a 50 bucks "buck" a lot more.

Will the OP be condemning the US of A because 1% of its women have !@#$%^&* men for money?

This is NOT acceptable in Islamic law. ONLY in SHIA LAW. Khomeini is a well known supporter for it.

The translaton of the video in OP isn't accurate. The imam talking condeemned khomeni actions but this didn't appear in the translaton.

Temporary marriage is, in all fairness, happening in the Islamic world.
It also happens everywhere else under various names, including prostitution.

I can't comment on most Islamic countries but I know it happens in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Rare, I'm led to understand, but still around.
laughinreaper -

Firstly, on what basis do you claim it is not a religion?

Secondly, many of the things you accuse Islam of is also true of Catholicism. Is Catholicism a religion, or a cult?

I don't think anyone would dispute that Charles Manson and his family of followers were considered a cult. Now look at the life of Mohammad, read his persoal history and teachings. Then compare it to Charles Manson's life and teachings. Then ask yourself Is eiither from God or our they a cult. If having sex with a 9 year old and rubbing your dick against a child ot get off isn't abnormal,what would you call it?

Cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The word cult in current popular usage usually refers to a new religious movement or other group whose beliefs or practices are considered abnormal or bizarre.[1]

Permission to rape your wife, permission to commit peodphila, cutting off hands,permission to lie etc are part of Catholic doctrine? I've read the entire bible and don't recall coming across that. Must be something specialy written inl by the Pope? Please enlighten me on where it is.
While the concept is not right, it seems far better than using someone else for personal pleasure and then running away from the consequences. Not much though.

For adult females it's little more than religious santioned prostitution, while I don't approve of it, every society has prostitution so that this exsists in Islamic countries I'm not surprised.

It's what happens with children that I find most vile. Using Muta to pleasure yourself with a small child is a hideous practice. If they don't think it's wrong and Allah's law(sharia law) is higher than mans law, this practice most likely does not stop when they hit the US border. They probably just hide it within thier own community. reguardless of where it's taking place it's clearly wrong. When a so called religion that claims to have the same God I do says our God allows sex with children? No, sorry, not the same God. Islam seems to be little more than a sex club for perverted men. It's time America knew this.

Did you know that the Micronesians have communal families, and communal wives?
laughinreaper -

Firstly, on what basis do you claim it is not a religion?

Secondly, many of the things you accuse Islam of is also true of Catholicism. Is Catholicism a religion, or a cult?

I don't think anyone would dispute that Charles Manson and his family of followers were considered a cult. Now look at the life of Mohammad, read his persoal history and teachings. Then compare it to Charles Manson's life and teachings. Then ask yourself Is eiither from God or our they a cult. If having sex with a 9 year old and rubbing your dick against a child ot get off isn't abnormal,what would you call it?

Cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The word cult in current popular usage usually refers to a new religious movement or other group whose beliefs or practices are considered abnormal or bizarre.[1]

Permission to rape your wife, permission to commit peodphila, cutting off hands,permission to lie etc are part of Catholic doctrine? I've read the entire bible and don't recall coming across that. Must be something specialy written inl by the Pope? Please enlighten me on where it is.

I believe you are trying to judge mohammid in todays morals and ethics. You are forgetting how survival was for people that the average life span was 32 years.
Even the Hebrews married young girls, the Chinese, and even Americans, oh my!
While the concept is not right, it seems far better than using someone else for personal pleasure and then running away from the consequences. Not much though.

It's a very obscure in little (if ever) used rule, similar to the Catholic Church's selling of indulgences.

First let me say I had to look this up because I am neither Catholic and never heard of Indulgences. I don't know of a biblical basis for indulgences therefore I have to conclude they are a man made practice and not a established in any biblical teaching, or at least not one I can remember.

What makes you think this is Obscure? I gaurentee every pedo/perv Shiite knows this "obscure" rule and is taking full advantage of it. Think for a moment. If this law exsisted in the USA what would happen? Every pedophile would come out of the wood work and temporarily marry little girls to legally get their rocks off. Then when she hit an age that the pedo found less appealing, he's contracts the time to end. In the first clip I posted a high ranking cleric used it with the fathers blessing to preform sex on a child in this next clip it shows an adult. It is part three of 5. This practice is hardly obscure.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ByeAyDNF7U]Mut'ah The Truth Behind Iran's Illegal Prostitution Rings Part 3 5 - YouTube[/ame]
t. It allows

wife beating
cutting off of appendages as punishment
hanging gays
Killing of non believers
Killing of apostates (people who leave Islam)

The list goes on...


you do realise that in 75% of Islamic countries these acts are all illegal, right?

Why don't you mention that?

Illegal does not always mean unused I.E. Kinda like pot being illegal in CA. If Allah by way of Mohammad said it was OK, who is man to say it's not? But please give me the list of countries you said don't allow the above. They should congratulated on attempting to modernizie Islam.
There is only 1 Shiite country in the world and that is Iran.

Shia's comprise about 10% of the worlds muslims and are considered a cult buy the 90% Sunni muslims.

So using Shiite cult practices to demean Islam is disingenuous and misleading. :cool:
There is only 1 Shiite country in the world and that is Iran.

Shia's comprise about 10% of the worlds muslims and are considered a cult buy the 90% Sunni muslims.

So using Shiite cult practices to demean Islam is disingenuous and misleading. :cool:

Iraq is now totally dominated by Iran and the Shia.
Iran through the thug mullahs is spreading their terror throughout the middle east.
People break the law here, we punish them here.

Typically it is my expierence that American Islams are not any crazier than the rest of us.

You hate Islam, yeah yeah I get it. I also don't care.

Here they have a leash. If they didn't you would have a boat load of crazy. But don't take my word for it. Lets take a look at our european brothers.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jAC2ymmviQ]"Sharia zones" & open borders: drawing the line - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGUGcACFf-A&feature=related]Shariah Law enforced in East London - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN_ibpfM8lc]The islamization of Belgium.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E7jStc38Q8]THIS IS FRANCE: ISLAMIZATION RIOTS, RAPE, MURDER WARNING THIS VIDEO CAN SHOCK Marine Le Pen 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfYAhQ4I4Uk]Violent muslim riots in Rosengård, Malmö, Sweden, December 2008 - YouTube[/ame]
There is only 1 Shiite country in the world and that is Iran.

Shia's comprise about 10% of the worlds muslims and are considered a cult buy the 90% Sunni muslims.

So using Shiite cult practices to demean Islam is disingenuous and misleading. :cool:

Iraq is now totally dominated by Iran and the Shia.
Iran through the thug mullahs is spreading their terror throughout the middle east.
The fact still stands that Iran is the only Shiite ruled country with a Shia government.
. It's time America knew this.

When people say things like that, you can be fairly sure they don't know themselves and are just passing on gossip.

Given this thread is littered with errors of fact, this seems to be another one of those threads.

OP - how much time have you spent researching in Islamic countries personally?

Are you suggesting that I absolutely need to formally study in a university before I can profess the truth? If there are error's correct them since you are so sure they are errors. Better yet the only proof I need is this. I invite you to read the Koran and hadiths for youself. Please It's free for the Koran and here's the link.

The Koran

You can get some of the hadiths I think on line but if you want them all I'm pretty sure Barnes and Noble will order it for you and it will cost you a pretty penny. Look into what the Imam's are saying today in places like Iran,Pakistan,Saudi Arabia,Egypt. It's all out there.

I don't expect you to take my word for it. I expect you to investigate it yourself and form your own opinion. How many years I've studied is irrelevant because I could study for 100 years but if you disagree with my opinion It makes no difference TO YOU.
While the concept is not right, it seems far better than using someone else for personal pleasure and then running away from the consequences. Not much though.

For adult females it's little more than religious santioned prostitution, while I don't approve of it, every society has prostitution so that this exsists in Islamic countries I'm not surprised.

It's what happens with children that I find most vile. Using Muta to pleasure yourself with a small child is a hideous practice. If they don't think it's wrong and Allah's law(sharia law) is higher than mans law, this practice most likely does not stop when they hit the US border. They probably just hide it within thier own community. reguardless of where it's taking place it's clearly wrong. When a so called religion that claims to have the same God I do says our God allows sex with children? No, sorry, not the same God. Islam seems to be little more than a sex club for perverted men. It's time America knew this.

Prostitution eh? Marrying someone, even for a short period of time, doesnt seem to be prostitution to me. Nor does legitimizing the children and taking responsibility for them.

To be fair, most marriages temporary contractual arrangments.

It's prostitution because she gets paid. What adults do isn't why I found this so abhorrent. I'm an American so I'm not exaxtly shocked by this arraingment. Actually it if anything shows the seamier side of the Islam that makes itself seem so holy. What I found absolutely disturbing was this opens the gateway to pedophiles. In the first clip the man telling the story is clearly upset that a high ranking holyman spent the night fondled a child using muta as a defense. Even more disturbing is the father happily complied.

Every society has Pedophiles. It doesn't matter what religion, or set of rules a pedophile is subject to,sex with children is going to be his main objective. He prefers children and has the same sex drive towards them as anybody else has to men/women and nothing can change this. So here is Islam as a whole that allows you to marry a girl as early as age 9. Now you have the Shiite version that allows you to temporarily marry a child for the purpose of "thighing". Sorry I have a real problem with this. I have three daughters and find this absolutely sick.
Last edited:
I neither support nor despise Islam.

I don't really care about other peoples religions.

You should. Islam is not a religion it's a cult. A 1400 year old cult with many followers who are now setting up shop in just about every region of the USA. People say leave them alone because this is America where all are free to worship as they please. Americans think Islam worships the same god as the Christians and the Jews. This is not the case. They think that Islam has the same rules as Christianity and Judaism but it does not. It allows

wife beating
cutting off of appendages as punishment
hanging gays
Killing of non believers
Killing of apostates (people who leave Islam)

The list goes on...

I'm just trying to educate Americans On what they are supporting when the say Leave Islam alone they have a right to be here. If you support them you support the above and don't be surprised when their way of life follows them to the USA.

Start be educating yourself.
Some Muslims do some of those things - none do all or any and most do none.

Rape - A rape every 40 seconds in the USS of A - Is the US a Muslim country?

Peodphila - Oh dear. Try looking at the Catholic church or the great American scout movement.

wife beating - Statistics - The US must be a Muslim country.

lets get down to the brass tacks shall we?


Rape in and Islamic country according to Sharia has to be verified by male witnessess.
If she can't prove it with such male witnesses than she may be guilty of having sex outside of marriage Adultery/fornication and punisment applied

"Then the law of "Punishment for Sex Outside Marriage" i.e. stoning to death for married adulterers and flogging and exile for unmarried adulterers are applied to the rape-victims"
How Sharia Law Punishes Raped Women

for this reason Rape is under reported in Ilsamic countries. At least we don't kill our victims in the United States. I'd also like to point our here that your argument is pointing to a government and not to a so called religion. So which is it? Is Islam a government or a religion?

PEDOPHILA: While every society has Pedo's not every relgion promotes it. Yes Catholic priests have committed peodphilia and it is recognized as WRONG. Jesus certaily didn't santion such behavior. However Islam's founder was a Pedophile himself and it is still promoted today and considered perfectly acceptable.

Aisha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Age at marriage

See also: Criticism of Muhammad#Aisha and Child marriage

Aisha stayed in her parents' home for several years until she joined Muhammad and the marriage was consummated when she was nine.[6][8][9][11][12][13] However, al-Tabari records that she was ten.[8] The sources do not offer much more information about Aisha's childhood years, but mention that after the wedding, she continued to play with her toys, and that Muhammad entered into the spirit of these games.[14]


In Christianity where does Jesus santion wife beating? As far as America goes if you beat your wife your ass gets arrested. However Islam santions wife Beating.

Of course according to the cleric the woman is honored to be beaten.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWGA8i6scYY]Wife Beating in Islam - Only a rod will help! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChnpaMK1oLQ]Islam - Wife Beating Etiquette - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7cYbCgRJgs]Re: Wife Beating in Islam - The Rules - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp3Eam5FX58]Wife Beating in Islam - The Rules - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouztv-tRPKM&feature=relmfu]Wife Beating in Islam - "The woman is totally isolated" - YouTube[/ame]

I could post more...
LaughinReaper -

My point as that you have very little knowledge of the topic you are attempting to 'educate' people on.

And that lack of knowledge shows in very post.

This thread includes wild errors of fact, sweeping generalisations and out-and-out lies.

Why do you imagine that is helping your cause?

btw, Asking again - which Islamic countries have you personall conducted research in?
Those videos are translated and posted by MEMRI who are they?
Selective Memri
"Memri's intent is to find the worst possible quotes from the Muslim world and disseminate them as widely as possible."

The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.

Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence.
Selective Memri | World news | guardian.co.uk

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