Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused the Democrats of using President Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen as a “patsy” to get at Mr. Trump. “We just had a five-minute debate where Mr. Cohen disputes what the Southern District of New York found, what the judge found, that he was actually guilty of committing bank fraud,” Jordan said. “If this statement back here doesn’t say it all, ‘Cohen’s consciousness of wrongdoing is fleeting, his remorse is minimal, his instinct to blame others is strong.’ There’s only one thing wrong with that statement. His remorse is nonexistent. He just debated a member of Congress saying I really didn’t do anything wrong with the false bank things that I’m guilty of and going to prison for.”

“Mr. Jordan, that’s not what I said, and you know that’s not what I said,” Cohen responded. “I said that I pled guilty and I take responsibility for my actions.”

“They just want to use you,” the Ohio Republican said to Cohen during a highly-anticipated House Oversight Committee hearing. “You are the patsy today. They want to find someone somewhere to say something so they can remove the president.”

Cohen, once Trump’s loyal attorney and fixer, has turned on his former boss and cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. He begins a three-yearn sentence in May after he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2017 and committing campaign finance violations while he was working for Trump. “This is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness,” he said. “This is a first because no one else would do it.”

Jim Jordan totally screwed up in his attempt to be Trump's new fixer against Trump's former fixer.
Jordan, in his closing statement went off on Cohen saying that he was a horrible lawyer because he did not advise Trump that making the hush payment could have legal consequences. He did show Cohen to be unfit council for Trump.
BUT HE ADMITTED TRUMP MADE THE ILLEGAL PAYMENTS. He was so intent in showing Cohen's weaknesses he did not realize he was confirming Trump made illegal payments. Jordan is an incompetent fixer.
Jordan not only tore down Cohen he helped implicate Trump in making illegal activities.

Cohen is an all too typical corporate lawyer. I appreciate his seemingly genuine wish for some redemption but sadly this is how the entire corporate world works. The trouble here is that we finally have someone trying to run the country like a business. Idiots have been saying they want that for years but big business is full of scams and flim-flams.

Most businesses are not run like Trump ran his business. Trump lacked morals and ethics and his businesses represent this.His businesses were closer to a crime family than the average US business

What a load of horseshit. You just flat out make stuff up. You don't know a fucking thing about how Trump runs his business other than what your party masters tell you to believe about it.

Actually, we do know how Trump runs his businessess, from the court filings he's been forced to make in over 3,000 lawsuits, and 7 corporate bankruptcies, 2 fraud trials, fines by the IRS, and court filings on the Trump Foundation. They record a litany of questionable and illegal practices, for which has been fined, shut down, and frequently paid multi-million dollars settlements without admitting guilt. They reveal a man with few, if any scruples, who would throw members of his own family under the bus, if it suited his purposes.

Says someone who trusts career politicians
Your useless deflection is ignored. Trump has now been directed implicated in Congress as a criminal co-conspirator, who knew about and directed the Wiki-Leaks dumps, who knew about and participated in the ongoing Trump Tower Moscow negotiations, which was clearly going to be built after he lost the election.

Furthermore, there was also direct testimony of RICO violations by the entire Trump Crime Family. No one in New York is in any way surprised by this. They've watched Trump the small time hood for years.

This has NOTHING to do with any media, and EVERYTHING to do with yesterday's testimony. The Republican representatives seemed angry that their emperor was being exposed as fully naked and kept attacking Cohen. No Republican asked a SINGLE question. They just harrangued, insulted and attacked Cohen\'s credibility.

Loved the Southern Congressman, who dragged a black employee over to the Hearing, to make the claim that Trump is not a racist. What a totally racist and demeaning thing to do.

What direct testimony? Cohen says? Not even admissible in a court of law. In fact, that whole hearing was nothing but a Kangaroo Court. Nothing will come of it. About the only thing Congress can do with this hearing is charge Cohen with lying to Congress again and failing to register as a Foreign Agent for Korea Aerospace and Kazakhstan.

Stupid Russian. Cohen has already plead guilty and has been sentenced to prison. What Cohen was testifying about yesterday was the crimes of Donald Trump; the lies of Donald Trump; and the impeachable offences of Donald Trump.

Trump won't be impeached in a court of law. He'll be impeached in CONGRESS. Cohen provided Democrats with a road map of the crimes and where the evidence is located to begin writing the Articles of Impeachment which now must follow.

I'm sure the House of Reps will vote for impeachment of President Trump as retaliation for the impeachment of Clinton 20 years ago.

However, its all rather pointless, as the Democrats don't have 2/3 majority in the Senate to actually toss him from office.
Right now, they are waiting for Muellers findings.
They will not be as petty as Republicans impeaching over a consensual blow job
That's what you lying turds said about Cohen testifying before the House Intelligence Committee.

And day now. And day now. And day now. And day now. And day now.And day now. And day now. And day now. And day now. And day now. And day now. And day now. And day now. And day now. And day now.
actually they were chanting, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,

at the end they went ahhhhhh shit
Your useless deflection is ignored. Trump has now been directed implicated in Congress as a criminal co-conspirator, who knew about and directed the Wiki-Leaks dumps, who knew about and participated in the ongoing Trump Tower Moscow negotiations, which was clearly going to be built after he lost the election.

Furthermore, there was also direct testimony of RICO violations by the entire Trump Crime Family. No one in New York is in any way surprised by this. They've watched Trump the small time hood for years.

This has NOTHING to do with any media, and EVERYTHING to do with yesterday's testimony. The Republican representatives seemed angry that their emperor was being exposed as fully naked and kept attacking Cohen. No Republican asked a SINGLE question. They just harrangued, insulted and attacked Cohen\'s credibility.

Loved the Southern Congressman, who dragged a black employee over to the Hearing, to make the claim that Trump is not a racist. What a totally racist and demeaning thing to do.

What direct testimony? Cohen says? Not even admissible in a court of law. In fact, that whole hearing was nothing but a Kangaroo Court. Nothing will come of it. About the only thing Congress can do with this hearing is charge Cohen with lying to Congress again and failing to register as a Foreign Agent for Korea Aerospace and Kazakhstan.

Stupid Russian. Cohen has already plead guilty and has been sentenced to prison. What Cohen was testifying about yesterday was the crimes of Donald Trump; the lies of Donald Trump; and the impeachable offences of Donald Trump.

Trump won't be impeached in a court of law. He'll be impeached in CONGRESS. Cohen provided Democrats with a road map of the crimes and where the evidence is located to begin writing the Articles of Impeachment which now must follow.

I'm sure the House of Reps will vote for impeachment of President Trump as retaliation for the impeachment of Clinton 20 years ago.

However, its all rather pointless, as the Democrats don't have 2/3 majority in the Senate to actually toss him from office.
It's not at all pointless. While I realize that there is little chance of a Senet conviction, it will be quite a spectacle that will further weaken him, thwart his agenda, drag more dirt into the open and see him go into 2020 as the wounded animal that his, after which he will be humiliated at the polls and we will be rid of him and his fuck buddy Pence.

The Senate will have no choice to convict him on the evidence, just as the jury had no choice but to convict Paul Manafort on the evidence. As we saw with the debate on the border wall, The Republican Senators are done with the idiocy and criminality of the Donald Trump presidency. They saw what happened in the House in the last election, and they won't have the combined benefits of gerrymandering, voter suppression, and a favourable election map going into 2020. Republicans have to stand up to this dangerous and unhinged President or their party is finished, and they know it.

Democrats won the House because of Devon Nunes, and the other Republicans who have been apologists for Trump and his horrendous policies. Someone on this board was touting a recent news story that Trump has convinced China to import American grown rice. How great is that? Trump sold rice to the Chinese. Except the soy bean farmers in the MidWest, the guys who stood behind Donald Trump and his stupid tariff war with China are watching their crops rot in the field, and Trump's sale of rice to the Chinese won't save their farms from foreclosure or bankruptcy.
Says a politically correct Canadian… You obviously do not understand American issues
Cohen provided some interesting insight into Trumps finances

Seems when he was being investigated for America’s richest man by Forbes he inflated his assets
When it came to paying taxes, he deflated their value.

Let’s have the IRS look into it
Trump exaggerates everything he says and does. It's always great, tremendous, really big. Nothing that he has every done in his entire life is insignificant, small, or mundane. When he meets with Kim, it will be a tremendous meeting. I wonder where Trump learned all this bull shit.

He exaggerates, true.

If we take away the exaggeration, and tone it down to "good, ok, fair", he's still done more than anyone expected despite of all the roadblocks Democrats and media set up against him.
Cohen provided some interesting insight into Trumps finances

Seems when he was being investigated for America’s richest man by Forbes he inflated his assets
When it came to paying taxes, he deflated their value.

Let’s have the IRS look into it
Trump exaggerates everything he says and does. It's always great, tremendous, really big. Nothing that he has every done in his entire life is insignificant, small, or mundane. When he meets with Kim, it will be a tremendous meeting. I wonder where Trump learned all this bull shit.

He exaggerates, true.

If we take away the exaggeration, and tone it down to "good, ok, fair", he's still done more than anyone expected despite of all the roadblocks Democrats and media set up against him.
I knew he exaggerated before he ran for president. who didn't know that? Anyone claims they didn't know that lie.

BTW, the big give away to that is he put his name on buildings and planes. he's full of himself. duh!!!!! But, he's great at business and getting things done and a man of his word. He knows how and what to do. That's what I voted for.
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Today was a circus, and at the end of the day, the best they had on Trump was that
his character lacks. Everybody knew that when he called Ted, "Lying Ted", and Marco, "Little Marco".
The dems got nothing on Trump, but it was a smear campaign under the Big Top during NOKO talks.
Fascinating. And what was the alternative? How could they have "gotten something" on Trump, from an interview? Please clarify.
So it WAS just a smear campaign, huh?
It must have been a slow day on the Hill to have the circus in town.
Cohen was a key advisor to the President. He described the inner details about working for Trump
Nothing yesterday that is impeachable
But possible tax crimes

Nope, he was neither "key" nor the "advisor" to the he President. He was Trump's personal lawyer.

To be President's advisor, you have to be employed by the WH.

"possible tax crimes". Now that's funny.
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I found Republican tactics yesterday confusing

No interest in possible crimes of the President. Just provide cover and scream that Cohen is a liar who can’t be trusted

But what lies did Cohen tell to Congress?
The exact same lies Trump was telling at the time. There was no contacts with the Russians, the business deal was dead.

How can republicans be outraged at Cohen while ignoring that Trump was telling the same lies?

There you are with "possible crimes".

Either there are crimes, or they're not.

With proof, it wouldn't be possible, it would be definite. Without it, there is no crime.

Saying "possible" is just insinuation to keep things going.
Cohen is a Tax Cheat, didn't want to pay his fair share. Ordinarily that would not be really bad time for an inmate. Cheating the tax man isn't really that offensive to the other cons. But this snitching, its bad news for Cohen. Look what happened to Mueller's buddy Whitey Bulger?
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

Cohen didn't say it was just his opinion, he stated that "Trump is a racist" as if it was a fact.

He can certainly bring up a defense if he wants, but IMHO, it should be decided by 12 angry men.

It IS a fact. The whole "Birther Campaign" is proof positive of his racism. As is his agenda to destroy Obama's legacy. His suggestion that police beat up the "thugs". His dismissal of concerns about the shootings of unarmed blacks by police. And his "good people on both sides" and praise of white supremacists.
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

Cohen didn't say it was just his opinion, he stated that "Trump is a racist" as if it was a fact.

He can certainly bring up a defense if he wants, but IMHO, it should be decided by 12 angry men.

It IS a fact. The whole "Birther Campaign" is proof positive of his racism. As is his agenda to destroy Obama's legacy. His suggestion that police beat up the "thugs". His dismissal of concerns about the shootings of unarmed blacks by police. And his "good people on both sides" and praise of white supremacists.

The Thugs at Trump's campaign rallies were indeed Thugs. Recruited and paid for by Hillary Clinton operative like Bob Creamer who sent them into the rallies to cause fights. The police should have been beating them up.
The Dems know that they aren't going to impeach Trump. The Mueller investigation is over because Barr is now AG. This is suppose to be a dud for Dems. This new investigation by the House is just to keep Trump under fire until 2020 election. I'm looking for the Dems to start getting big hits when they start getting indicted for the crimes comitted under Obama/HRC up to present. There are many of these perps still in govt and still attacking Trump. This is out of control and getting worse every day.
What direct testimony? Cohen says? Not even admissible in a court of law. In fact, that whole hearing was nothing but a Kangaroo Court. Nothing will come of it. About the only thing Congress can do with this hearing is charge Cohen with lying to Congress again and failing to register as a Foreign Agent for Korea Aerospace and Kazakhstan.

Stupid Russian. Cohen has already plead guilty and has been sentenced to prison. What Cohen was testifying about yesterday was the crimes of Donald Trump; the lies of Donald Trump; and the impeachable offences of Donald Trump.

Trump won't be impeached in a court of law. He'll be impeached in CONGRESS. Cohen provided Democrats with a road map of the crimes and where the evidence is located to begin writing the Articles of Impeachment which now must follow.

I'm sure the House of Reps will vote for impeachment of President Trump as retaliation for the impeachment of Clinton 20 years ago.

However, its all rather pointless, as the Democrats don't have 2/3 majority in the Senate to actually toss him from office.
It's not at all pointless. While I realize that there is little chance of a Senet conviction, it will be quite a spectacle that will further weaken him, thwart his agenda, drag more dirt into the open and see him go into 2020 as the wounded animal that his, after which he will be humiliated at the polls and we will be rid of him and his fuck buddy Pence.

The Senate will have no choice to convict him on the evidence, just as the jury had no choice but to convict Paul Manafort on the evidence. As we saw with the debate on the border wall, The Republican Senators are done with the idiocy and criminality of the Donald Trump presidency. They saw what happened in the House in the last election, and they won't have the combined benefits of gerrymandering, voter suppression, and a favourable election map going into 2020. Republicans have to stand up to this dangerous and unhinged President or their party is finished, and they know it.

Democrats won the House because of Devon Nunes, and the other Republicans who have been apologists for Trump and his horrendous policies. Someone on this board was touting a recent news story that Trump has convinced China to import American grown rice. How great is that? Trump sold rice to the Chinese. Except the soy bean farmers in the MidWest, the guys who stood behind Donald Trump and his stupid tariff war with China are watching their crops rot in the field, and Trump's sale of rice to the Chinese won't save their farms from foreclosure or bankruptcy.
Says a politically correct Canadian… You obviously do not understand American issues

On the side note, that Castro's bastard kid Justin Trudeau is in lot of trouble of his own. It's gonna be fun to see the outcome.
What felonies while he was in office?
Paying back the loan in August, 2017. That would be a felony, if true. While in office. You have heard/read that, right?
I heard Pelosi has decided not to impeach. That means nothing new was found. I listened to some of his testimony at youtube. Every bit of it was rehashed and old news, and that he hoped Trump would get in trouble over the derisory claims he made today.

She "decided". LOL

She can't impeach anyone. That's Congress job.
what he did is confirm the dossier as fake.

Cohen testimony wasn't necessary to confirm that.

Dossier was fishy from the moment we find out about it. Not just the content, but the way how it became public, who ordered it, where it came from, and how was used against sitting president.

Everything point that dossier was political hit job with sole purpose of covering up for crimes of the previous administration, and the one that they counted of taking over. Of course, there is nothing that Mueller and his dogs could find on Trump, despite of checking every file, every byte, every document.

The indictments on others are just side show to prolong the game enough to complete the real purpose of the investigation... cleaning up the mess they created so nobody will find anything on Hillary and Barry despite checking of every file, every byte, every document.

When Mueller finalizes his report and we see there was nothing, we could all be happy that it's finally done, but happiest of all would be those who planed it all, knowing there is nothing left to point on them. Then you'll see some new presidential candidates finally pops up.
Intolerant, Republican committee members' questions completely bypassing testimony regarding President Trump and his counselors, were of greater shame to their own political party.

The direction of their questions exposed their own and their party's ethically inferior position to the perjured and disbarred lawyer they were interrogating.

Respectfully, Supposn
What felonies while he was in office?
Paying back the loan in August, 2017. That would be a felony, if true. While in office. You have heard/read that, right?
I heard Pelosi has decided not to impeach. That means nothing new was found. I listened to some of his testimony at youtube. Every bit of it was rehashed and old news, and that he hoped Trump would get in trouble over the derisory claims he made today.

She "decided". LOL

She can't impeach anyone. That's Congress job.
what he did is confirm the dossier as fake.

Cohen testimony wasn't necessary to confirm that.

Dossier was fishy from the moment we find out about it. Not just the content, but the way how it became public, who ordered it, where it came from, and how was used against sitting president.

Everything point that dossier was political hit job with sole purpose of covering up for crimes of the previous administration, and the one that they counted of taking over. Of course, there is nothing that Mueller and his dogs could find on Trump, despite of checking every file, every byte, every document.

The indictments on others are just side show to prolong the game enough to complete the real purpose of the investigation... cleaning up the mess they created so nobody will find anything on Hillary and Barry despite checking of every file, every byte, every document.

When Mueller finalizes his report and we see there was nothing, we could all be happy that it's finally done, but happiest of all would be those who planed it all, knowing there is nothing left to point on them. Then you'll see some new presidential candidates finally pops up.
come on, the dims thought they were hitting a grand salami with Cohen, and all he did was confirm the dossier as fake, and no collusion. can't make this up at all. can you say backfire?

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