Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

But my point is that Cohen is going to prison for things which have nothing to do with Trump.
Except for one of the felonies being specifically described as coordinated with and directed by donald trump.

So, other than being 100%wrong...spot on!

If you are talking about the alleged campaign finance offense, Cohen was the lawyer in that situation. It would have to be proven that Mr. Cohen told Mr. Trump that the payment was made, and Cohen actually told Trump that the method that it was made was illegal as structured and Trump said "sure, we want to do it illegally".

Cohen has no credibility, and there are no documents to verify that
What felonies while he was in office?
Paying back the loan in August, 2017. That would be a felony, if true. While in office. You have heard/read that, right?
I heard Pelosi has decided not to impeach. That means nothing new was found. I listened to some of his testimony at youtube. Every bit of it was rehashed and old news, and that he hoped Trump would get in trouble over the derisory claims he made today.

She "decided". LOL

She can't impeach anyone. That's Congress job.
Pelosi is not in Congress? She is not the speaker of the house, who can bring it up for a vote?

Have I said that? Nope.

Now, can she impeach Trump on her own?

Yes, she can. The Democrats in the House are in the majority, and if she calls for them to vote for impeachment, they will do her bidding.
What felonies while he was in office?
Paying back the loan in August, 2017. That would be a felony, if true. While in office. You have heard/read that, right?
I heard Pelosi has decided not to impeach. That means nothing new was found. I listened to some of his testimony at youtube. Every bit of it was rehashed and old news, and that he hoped Trump would get in trouble over the derisory claims he made today.

She "decided". LOL

She can't impeach anyone. That's Congress job.
Pelosi is not in Congress? She is not the speaker of the house, who can bring it up for a vote?

Have I said that? Nope.

Now, can she impeach Trump on her own?
Have I said that? Nope.
But my point is that Cohen is going to prison for things which have nothing to do with Trump.
Except for one of the felonies being specifically described as coordinated with and directed by donald trump.

So, other than being 100%wrong...spot on!

If you are talking about the alleged campaign finance offense, Cohen was the lawyer in that situation. It would have to be proven that Mr. Cohen told Mr. Trump that the payment was made, and Cohen actually told Trump that the method that it was made was illegal as structured and Trump said "sure, we want to do it illegally".

Cohen has no credibility, and there are no documents to verify that

Testimony under oath is evidence.

It's why perjury is considered a very serious crime and typically why people who are found guilty of committing perjury are no longer considered credible witnesses.

This whole hearing was absurd.
Paying back the loan in August, 2017. That would be a felony, if true. While in office. You have heard/read that, right?
I heard Pelosi has decided not to impeach. That means nothing new was found. I listened to some of his testimony at youtube. Every bit of it was rehashed and old news, and that he hoped Trump would get in trouble over the derisory claims he made today.

She "decided". LOL

She can't impeach anyone. That's Congress job.
Pelosi is not in Congress? She is not the speaker of the house, who can bring it up for a vote?

Have I said that? Nope.

Now, can she impeach Trump on her own?
Have I said that? Nope.

That was my point, but you "felt" you have to shitpost anyways.
But my point is that Cohen is going to prison for things which have nothing to do with Trump.
Except for one of the felonies being specifically described as coordinated with and directed by donald trump.

So, other than being 100%wrong...spot on!
which one is that?

Are you talking about the rule 35 thing again? it isn't illegal.
Do you always comment on topics you clearly know less than nothing about?
If you are talking about the alleged campaign finance offense
No,please pay attention. I am talming of the felonyof which Cohen was convicted. In court, the feds state it was in coordination with and directed by trump.

So one would have to be a moron to say that has nothing to do with Trump. One would also have to be a moron not to understand that, if trump were not president, he would already be indicted.
Trump did reached to blacks on campaign trail and told number of times that blacks voted for Democrats for decades and nothing changed to better for them.
And they laughed at his dumb, racist ass and voted for Hilary at an 89% clip.

That proves how smart they are, does it?

You conveniently omitted the part of my post that explains that.
You didn't explain anything.

8 %.

Sure. Isn't that why you deleted it from quote?

Yeah, 8% seems about right.
Cohen kept saying they should talk to Allen Weisselberg.

The chief financial officer of trump enterprise who is also, get this, been given immunity.

That means he’ll tell everything he knows.

A $60,000 picture bought by Trump foundation.
A picture of Trump.
but, but, but he intentionally drove up the price of his own picture. So fking what, I'd do the very same thing. It is who he is and we all knew that when we voted for him. nothing new and is irrelevant in collusion crazy.
It’s not just that he wanted his portrait to sell for the most money

He had his charity foundation pay for the portrait and then give it to him

A clear violation for a charity
The more Dem's attack president Trump the more determined we are to re-elect him.
The we you refer to are the brainless, minion, lackey Trump supporters.
To win Trump needs some people with brains. Unless the Democrats screw up big time Trump should be defeated if he is not in jail.
Once Trump is gone the brainless, minion, lackeys will scurry back to their rat holes to live out the rest of their lives

LOL Trump won 30 states fool. Come here :itsok:
Many of his 2016 voters are questioning him for many reasons.
The brainless minions, like you, who would support him if he shot someone on 5th avenue is declining.
Brainless minions do not understand.
Trump is the pied piper that led those rats out of their holes to expose who they are.
Cohen provided some interesting insight into Trumps finances

Seems when he was being investigated for America’s richest man by Forbes he inflated his assets
When it came to paying taxes, he deflated their value.

Let’s have the IRS look into it
Trump exaggerates everything he says and does. It's always great, tremendous, really big. Nothing that he has every done in his entire life is insignificant, small, or mundane. When he meets with Kim, it will be a tremendous meeting. I wonder where Trump learned all this bull shit.

He exaggerates, true.

If we take away the exaggeration, and tone it down to "good, ok, fair", he's still done more than anyone expected despite of all the roadblocks Democrats and media set up against him.
Other than slash taxes and destroy treaties
What has he done?
The John Edwards case already went down this road and showed it goes nowhere.
No. Edwards got by on the defense that his friends can give him gifts and operated on their own, when they paid women, and that he never worked with them to payoff the women or knew he was using campaign funds. Trump does not have this defense available to him.

Yes Trump does have that exact same defense because there is no identical, single repayment check of the same amount.
And second is that you are wrong about the result of the trial.
There was no such defense that Edwards did not know and that others did it.
That makes no sense because it was only Edwards that knew about the blackmail.
No, the jury deadlocked due to jury nullification, over the fact the government can not possibly prosecute the payment of blackmail.
That is obvious because any other reason for a deadlock would simply have caused a retrial.
There was no retrial.
How Edwards prosecution stumbled
And by the way, it is also perfectly legal to use campaign funds to pay off blackmail.

Nuff said.


Those words are being reported by numerous news outlets

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They were also reporting that someone lynched Smollett. Lol. Mainstream is just worthless lib propaganda .

Your useless deflection is ignored. Trump has now been directed implicated in Congress as a criminal co-conspirator, who knew about and directed the Wiki-Leaks dumps, who knew about and participated in the ongoing Trump Tower Moscow negotiations, which was clearly going to be built after he lost the election.

Furthermore, there was also direct testimony of RICO violations by the entire Trump Crime Family. No one in New York is in any way surprised by this. They've watched Trump the small time hood for years.

This has NOTHING to do with any media, and EVERYTHING to do with yesterday's testimony. The Republican representatives seemed angry that their emperor was being exposed as fully naked and kept attacking Cohen. No Republican asked a SINGLE question. They just harrangued, insulted and attacked Cohen\'s credibility.

Loved the Southern Congressman, who dragged a black employee over to the Hearing, to make the claim that Trump is not a racist. What a totally racist and demeaning thing to do.
First of all Michael Cohen has zero credibility, he has no life and his family will abandon that ship like rats.
And nothing new was revealed in that hearing...
And only fools look at everything through race.... you fucking retard
The Republican congress exposed themselves as the new Michael Cohen's, the new fixers. They did not defend Trump against the accusations they only tore down Cohen whose claims can and will be corroborated by others.
The John Edwards case already went down this road and showed it goes nowhere.
No. Edwards got by on the defense that his friends can give him gifts and operated on their own, when they paid women, and that he never worked with them to payoff the women or knew he was using campaign funds. Trump does not have this defense available to him.

Yes Trump does have that exact same defense because there is no identical, single repayment check of the same amount.
And second is that you are wrong about the result of the trial.
There was no such defense that Edwards did not know and that others did it.
That makes no sense because it was only Edwards that knew about the blackmail.
No, the jury deadlocked due to jury nullification, over the fact the government can not possibly prosecute the payment of blackmail.
That is obvious because any other reason for a deadlock would simply have caused a retrial.
There was no retrial.
How Edwards prosecution stumbled
And by the way, it is also perfectly legal to use campaign funds to pay off blackmail.
And by the way, it is also perfectly legal to use campaign funds to pay off blackmail.
Not if you do not declare the funds as a campaign donation.
Cohen is a Tax Cheat, didn't want to pay his fair share. Ordinarily that would not be really bad time for an inmate. Cheating the tax man isn't really that offensive to the other cons. But this snitching, its bad news for Cohen. Look what happened to Mueller's buddy Whitey Bulger?
It is becoming clear that Trump is also a tax cheat
If you are talking about the alleged campaign finance offense
No,please pay attention. I am talming of the felonyof which Cohen was convicted. In court, the feds state it was in coordination with and directed by trump.

So one would have to be a moron to say that has nothing to do with Trump. One would also have to be a moron not to understand that, if trump were not president, he would already be indicted.

No, making blackmail payments can NEVER be illegal.
That would cause the government to be aiding and abetting blackmail.
Laws can't be arbitrary.
They can ONLY be in defense of the inherent rights of someone.
For example, campaign finance laws are justified due to the ability of wealthy contributers to buy up all the media, if they are allowed to work in secret.
But paying blackmail does NOT monopolize or harm media coverage of the election in any way, shape, or form, so is outside the jurisdiction of government.
Trump did reached to blacks on campaign trail and told number of times that blacks voted for Democrats for decades and nothing changed to better for them.
And they laughed at his dumb, racist ass and voted for Hilary at an 89% clip.

President Trump got TWICE as many votes from African Americans as McCain, and 50%more than was received by Mitt Romney.
McCain and Romney ran against a black man
Cohen kept saying they should talk to Allen Weisselberg.

The chief financial officer of trump enterprise who is also, get this, been given immunity.

That means he’ll tell everything he knows.

A $60,000 picture bought by Trump foundation.
A picture of Trump.
but, but, but he intentionally drove up the price of his own picture. So fking what, I'd do the very same thing. It is who he is and we all knew that when we voted for him. nothing new and is irrelevant in collusion crazy.
It’s not just that he wanted his portrait to sell for the most money

He had his charity foundation pay for the portrait and then give it to him

A clear violation for a charity

Sleazy, but not a violation, because then Trump put it up for public viewing in one of his hotels.

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