Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

if those families were white on the southern border....do you think trump would be separating them? No way

Charlottesville proved he is a flaming racist....
Trump wants more Norwegian immigrants not immigrants from "shit hole countries"
Cohen kept saying they should talk to Allen Weisselberg.

The chief financial officer of trump enterprise who is also, get this, been given immunity.

That means he’ll tell everything he knows.

A $60,000 picture bought by Trump foundation.
A picture of Trump.
but, but, but he intentionally drove up the price of his own picture. So fking what, I'd do the very same thing. It is who he is and we all knew that when we voted for him. nothing new and is irrelevant in collusion crazy.
It’s not just that he wanted his portrait to sell for the most money

He had his charity foundation pay for the portrait and then give it to him

A clear violation for a charity
Did you forget your link?
But my point is that Cohen is going to prison for things which have nothing to do with Trump.
Except for one of the felonies being specifically described as coordinated with and directed by donald trump.

So, other than being 100%wrong...spot on!

If you are talking about the alleged campaign finance offense, Cohen was the lawyer in that situation. It would have to be proven that Mr. Cohen told Mr. Trump that the payment was made, and Cohen actually told Trump that the method that it was made was illegal as structured and Trump said "sure, we want to do it illegally".

Cohen has no credibility, and there are no documents to verify that

Testimony under oath is evidence.

It's why perjury is considered a very serious crime and typically why people who are found guilty of committing perjury are no longer considered credible witnesses.

This whole hearing was absurd.

Except that lying to protect yourself while under oath is NOT illegal.
Your lying under oath is protected by the 5th amendment, if it was done to protect yourself.
It is only lying about others when you are not in jeopardy that can be prosecuted.
So I really can't see anything that Cohen could even have been convicted of?
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

Cohen didn't say it was just his opinion, he stated that "Trump is a racist" as if it was a fact.

He can certainly bring up a defense if he wants, but IMHO, it should be decided by 12 angry men.
That is what an opinion is
He believes Trump is a racist. He has drawn that conclusion after 11 years of behind the scenes contact with Trump

How do you know that's what Cohen's opinion is? The man is a convicted liar for goodness sakes. He might just be saying this to please Mueller and the Democrats? Or perhaps to get back at the President for not offering him a big WH job?

Let's look at Cohen's phone records, speak to his friends and acquaintances, find out whether or not he was lying and this isn't his opinion at all.
Trump is a convicted liar
Donald Trump's history of lying under oath
But my point is that Cohen is going to prison for things which have nothing to do with Trump.
Except for one of the felonies being specifically described as coordinated with and directed by donald trump.

So, other than being 100%wrong...spot on!

If you are talking about the alleged campaign finance offense, Cohen was the lawyer in that situation. It would have to be proven that Mr. Cohen told Mr. Trump that the payment was made, and Cohen actually told Trump that the method that it was made was illegal as structured and Trump said "sure, we want to do it illegally".

Cohen has no credibility, and there are no documents to verify that

Testimony under oath is evidence.

It's why perjury is considered a very serious crime and typically why people who are found guilty of committing perjury are no longer considered credible witnesses.

This whole hearing was absurd.

Except that lying to protect yourself while under oath is NOT illegal.
Your lying under oath is protected by the 5th amendment, if it was done to protect yourself.
It is only lying about others when you are not in jeopardy that can be prosecuted.
So I really can't see anything that Cohen could even have been convicted of?
You need to plead the 5th. You cannot lie and then assert the 5th.
What law school did you go to? You are an idiot.
Cohen provided some interesting insight into Trumps finances

Seems when he was being investigated for America’s richest man by Forbes he inflated his assets
When it came to paying taxes, he deflated their value.

Let’s have the IRS look into it
Trump exaggerates everything he says and does. It's always great, tremendous, really big. Nothing that he has every done in his entire life is insignificant, small, or mundane. When he meets with Kim, it will be a tremendous meeting. I wonder where Trump learned all this bull shit.

He exaggerates, true.

If we take away the exaggeration, and tone it down to "good, ok, fair", he's still done more than anyone expected despite of all the roadblocks Democrats and media set up against him.
Other than slash taxes and destroy treaties
What has he done?

List the binding treaties he "destroyed".
Jim Jordan totally screwed up in his attempt to be Trump's new fixer against Trump's former fixer.
Jordan, in his closing statement went off on Cohen saying that he was a horrible lawyer because he did not advise Trump that making the hush payment could have legal consequences. He did show Cohen to be unfit council for Trump.
BUT HE ADMITTED TRUMP MADE THE ILLEGAL PAYMENTS. He was so intent in showing Cohen's weaknesses he did not realize he was confirming Trump made illegal payments. Jordan is an incompetent fixer.
Jordan not only tore down Cohen he helped implicate Trump in making illegal activities.
Cohen is an all too typical corporate lawyer. I appreciate his seemingly genuine wish for some redemption but sadly this is how the entire corporate world works. The trouble here is that we finally have someone trying to run the country like a business. Idiots have been saying they want that for years but big business is full of scams and flim-flams.
Most businesses are not run like Trump ran his business. Trump lacked morals and ethics and his businesses represent this.His businesses were closer to a crime family than the average US business
What a load of horseshit. You just flat out make stuff up. You don't know a fucking thing about how Trump runs his business other than what your party masters tell you to believe about it.

Actually, we do know how Trump runs his businessess, from the court filings he's been forced to make in over 3,000 lawsuits, and 7 corporate bankruptcies, 2 fraud trials, fines by the IRS, and court filings on the Trump Foundation. They record a litany of questionable and illegal practices, for which has been fined, shut down, and frequently paid multi-million dollars settlements without admitting guilt. They reveal a man with few, if any scruples, who would throw members of his own family under the bus, if it suited his purposes.
Most of the lawsuits were filed by the Trump organization, shit for brains. Lawsuits are quite common in the construction industry. All you're proving is your total ignorance of his business.

What two "fraud trials?" He has never been indicted for fraud. That's DNC spin.

What "IRS fines?"

Corporate bankruptcies are also as common as dirt.
You are a clueless imbecile. Bankruptcies are not common as dirt in business.
The majority of business is driven by ethics and morality over law.
To go bankrupt and stiff business partners is the worst thing you can do.
There are a minority of business people, the absolute slime buckets, who use bankruptcy as a financial tool. It is like using abortion for birth control.
Except that lying to protect yourself while under oath is NOT illegal.
Your lying under oath is protected by the 5th amendment, if it was done to protect yourself.
It is only lying about others when you are not in jeopardy that can be prosecuted.
So I really can't see anything that Cohen could even have been convicted of?

You should have taken "fifth" before you posted this stupidity.

5th Amendment

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Where exactly does it say that is legal to lie under oath?
But my point is that Cohen is going to prison for things which have nothing to do with Trump.
Except for one of the felonies being specifically described as coordinated with and directed by donald trump.

So, other than being 100%wrong...spot on!

If you are talking about the alleged campaign finance offense, Cohen was the lawyer in that situation. It would have to be proven that Mr. Cohen told Mr. Trump that the payment was made, and Cohen actually told Trump that the method that it was made was illegal as structured and Trump said "sure, we want to do it illegally".

Cohen has no credibility, and there are no documents to verify that

Testimony under oath is evidence.

It's why perjury is considered a very serious crime and typically why people who are found guilty of committing perjury are no longer considered credible witnesses.

This whole hearing was absurd.

Except that lying to protect yourself while under oath is NOT illegal.
Your lying under oath is protected by the 5th amendment, if it was done to protect yourself.
It is only lying about others when you are not in jeopardy that can be prosecuted.
So I really can't see anything that Cohen could even have been convicted of?
You need to plead the 5th. You cannot lie and then assert the 5th.
What law school did you go to? You are an idiot.

Pleading the 5th is admitting guilt.
You can not be required to plead the 5th in order to lie and claim you are innocent of a charge.
That has got to be the silliest thing I have ever heard.
According to you, all the police have to do is just ask every person if they ever committed a crime, and they have to either admit any crime they committed or plead the 5th, in which case the police would then know exactly who to start investigating.
That is so ignorant of the law as to be hilarious.
i would like to hear the tape of Trump speaking of how black people are too stupid

I doubt he said that, but if he did, do lefties think he was lying? :D
especially since the blacks keep voting for people who kept them as slaves and hung them as kkk members. Now fk that is stupid.
god, i wish cohen had inadvertantly said that blacks were too stupid to vote for hitlerly
I found it ironic that it was implied any demographic was too stupid to vote for Trump.
The most common characteristic of all Trump voters was "STUPID". Trump knew his target voter was stupid and he pandered to stupidity. Look at his supporters on this site.
Except that lying to protect yourself while under oath is NOT illegal.
Your lying under oath is protected by the 5th amendment, if it was done to protect yourself.
It is only lying about others when you are not in jeopardy that can be prosecuted.
So I really can't see anything that Cohen could even have been convicted of?

You should have taken "fifth" before you posted this stupidity.

5th Amendment

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Where exactly does it say that is legal to lie under oath?

Obviously if you can not lie under oath about what crimes you committed, then you would have to be compelled to bear witness against your self, and admit the crime.
Police would no longer have to figure out who the criminals were.
All they would have to do is just ask everyone if they ever committed a crime.
And if lying to police could be prosecuted, then everyone would have to admit the crimes or plead the 5th, which then is still admitting to crimes, is not specifying them exactly.
And no, the 5th amendment says you do not have to plead the 5th in order to be protected by the 5th.
Because you would be testifying against yourself if you had to explicitly plead the 5th.
Except for one of the felonies being specifically described as coordinated with and directed by donald trump.

So, other than being 100%wrong...spot on!

If you are talking about the alleged campaign finance offense, Cohen was the lawyer in that situation. It would have to be proven that Mr. Cohen told Mr. Trump that the payment was made, and Cohen actually told Trump that the method that it was made was illegal as structured and Trump said "sure, we want to do it illegally".

Cohen has no credibility, and there are no documents to verify that

Testimony under oath is evidence.

It's why perjury is considered a very serious crime and typically why people who are found guilty of committing perjury are no longer considered credible witnesses.

This whole hearing was absurd.

Except that lying to protect yourself while under oath is NOT illegal.
Your lying under oath is protected by the 5th amendment, if it was done to protect yourself.
It is only lying about others when you are not in jeopardy that can be prosecuted.
So I really can't see anything that Cohen could even have been convicted of?
You need to plead the 5th. You cannot lie and then assert the 5th.
What law school did you go to? You are an idiot.

Pleading the 5th is admitting guilt.
You can not be required to plead the 5th in order to lie and claim you are innocent of a charge.
That has got to be the silliest thing I have ever heard.
According to you, all the police have to do is just ask every person if they ever committed a crime, and they have to either admit any crime they committed or plead the 5th, in which case the police would then know exactly who to start investigating.
That is so ignorant of the law as to be hilarious.


You're innocent until proven guilty. Pleading 5th is right that you have not to incriminate yourself, than is on prosecution to prove your guilt. But is you open mouth, you are obligated to tell the truth.

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

Cohen didn't say it was just his opinion, he stated that "Trump is a racist" as if it was a fact.

He can certainly bring up a defense if he wants, but IMHO, it should be decided by 12 angry men.
That is what an opinion is
He believes Trump is a racist. He has drawn that conclusion after 11 years of behind the scenes contact with Trump

How do you know that's what Cohen's opinion is? The man is a convicted liar for goodness sakes. He might just be saying this to please Mueller and the Democrats? Or perhaps to get back at the President for not offering him a big WH job?

Let's look at Cohen's phone records, speak to his friends and acquaintances, find out whether or not he was lying and this isn't his opinion at all.
Trump is a convicted liar
Donald Trump's history of lying under oath

I must admit...he is the most talented liar I have ever seen. He can twist words into pretzels that no one can decipher....

Maybe that is why Mueller asked for written answers to his questions....
Except for one of the felonies being specifically described as coordinated with and directed by donald trump.

So, other than being 100%wrong...spot on!

If you are talking about the alleged campaign finance offense, Cohen was the lawyer in that situation. It would have to be proven that Mr. Cohen told Mr. Trump that the payment was made, and Cohen actually told Trump that the method that it was made was illegal as structured and Trump said "sure, we want to do it illegally".

Cohen has no credibility, and there are no documents to verify that

Testimony under oath is evidence.

It's why perjury is considered a very serious crime and typically why people who are found guilty of committing perjury are no longer considered credible witnesses.

This whole hearing was absurd.

Except that lying to protect yourself while under oath is NOT illegal.
Your lying under oath is protected by the 5th amendment, if it was done to protect yourself.
It is only lying about others when you are not in jeopardy that can be prosecuted.
So I really can't see anything that Cohen could even have been convicted of?
You need to plead the 5th. You cannot lie and then assert the 5th.
What law school did you go to? You are an idiot.

Pleading the 5th is admitting guilt.
You can not be required to plead the 5th in order to lie and claim you are innocent of a charge.
That has got to be the silliest thing I have ever heard.
According to you, all the police have to do is just ask every person if they ever committed a crime, and they have to either admit any crime they committed or plead the 5th, in which case the police would then know exactly who to start investigating.
That is so ignorant of the law as to be hilarious.
You are a fricking idiot. You are comparing a court room testimony under oath to an arrest. If arrested you are read your Miranda rights. Under the Miranda rights, you have the right to remain silent.
You redefine stupid.
Plus pleading the 5th does not mean you are guilty. It cannot be used against you as a proof of guilt.
Trump did reached to blacks on campaign trail and told number of times that blacks voted for Democrats for decades and nothing changed to better for them.
And they laughed at his dumb, racist ass and voted for Hilary at an 89% clip.

President Trump got TWICE as many votes from African Americans as McCain, and 50%more than was received by Mitt Romney.
All of the Black Klansman voted for Trump
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....
Maybe Trump should have just given 150 billion to Kim in the middle of the night. :eusa_whistle:

The United States government hasn't seized any money from the government of North Korea, nor has NK taken the United States to the World Court and received judgement for the money they seized from NK, which is what happened with Iran. Obama gave the Iranians own money back to them.
The world court doesn't have jurisdiction in the United States. Congress or the courts should have decided who the money belongs to, not Obama. There were plenty of Americans who had claims against that money, and Obama robbed them all.
They have claims against Iran period, not claims against an arms deal that we broke with Iran.....

But trump lovers don't mind not honoring contracts and paying...that is Trump's business plan
I have no idea what this arms deal you refer to is. A claim against Iran is a claim against the $150 billion.

Why would anyone give a shit about honoring a contract with Iran? They declared war on us and held our embassy staff hostage. We owed them nothing.
You forgot how we subverted their dem elected gov for oil and installed the shah?
They haven't forgotten
Maybe Trump should have just given 150 billion to Kim in the middle of the night. :eusa_whistle:

The United States government hasn't seized any money from the government of North Korea, nor has NK taken the United States to the World Court and received judgement for the money they seized from NK, which is what happened with Iran. Obama gave the Iranians own money back to them.
The world court doesn't have jurisdiction in the United States. Congress or the courts should have decided who the money belongs to, not Obama. There were plenty of Americans who had claims against that money, and Obama robbed them all.
They have claims against Iran period, not claims against an arms deal that we broke with Iran.....

But trump lovers don't mind not honoring contracts and paying...that is Trump's business plan
I have no idea what this arms deal you refer to is. A claim against Iran is a claim against the $150 billion.

Why would anyone give a shit about honoring a contract with Iran? They declared war on us and held our embassy staff hostage. We owed them nothing.
You forgot how we subverted their dem elected gov for oil and installed the shah?
They haven't forgotten
What's the war count?
Us >200
Iran one?
i would like to hear the tape of Trump speaking of how black people are too stupid

I doubt he said that, but if he did, do lefties think he was lying? :D
especially since the blacks keep voting for people who kept them as slaves and hung them as kkk members. Now fk that is stupid.
god, i wish cohen had inadvertantly said that blacks were too stupid to vote for hitlerly
I found it ironic that it was implied any demographic was too stupid to vote for Trump.
The most common characteristic of all Trump voters was "STUPID". Trump knew his target voter was stupid and he pandered to stupidity. Look at his supporters on this site.
we have our guy in the White House. I guess you're more stupid than all of us eh?
Cohen is an all too typical corporate lawyer. I appreciate his seemingly genuine wish for some redemption but sadly this is how the entire corporate world works. The trouble here is that we finally have someone trying to run the country like a business. Idiots have been saying they want that for years but big business is full of scams and flim-flams.
Most businesses are not run like Trump ran his business. Trump lacked morals and ethics and his businesses represent this.His businesses were closer to a crime family than the average US business
What a load of horseshit. You just flat out make stuff up. You don't know a fucking thing about how Trump runs his business other than what your party masters tell you to believe about it.

Actually, we do know how Trump runs his businessess, from the court filings he's been forced to make in over 3,000 lawsuits, and 7 corporate bankruptcies, 2 fraud trials, fines by the IRS, and court filings on the Trump Foundation. They record a litany of questionable and illegal practices, for which has been fined, shut down, and frequently paid multi-million dollars settlements without admitting guilt. They reveal a man with few, if any scruples, who would throw members of his own family under the bus, if it suited his purposes.
Most of the lawsuits were filed by the Trump organization, shit for brains. Lawsuits are quite common in the construction industry. All you're proving is your total ignorance of his business.

What two "fraud trials?" He has never been indicted for fraud. That's DNC spin.

What "IRS fines?"
Corporate bankruptcies are also as common as dirt.
You are a clueless imbecile. Bankruptcies are not common as dirt in business.
The majority of business is driven by ethics and morality over law.
To go bankrupt and stiff business partners is the worst thing you can do.
There are a minority of business people, the absolute slime buckets, who use bankruptcy as a financial tool. It is like using abortion for birth control.

Bankruptcy isn't unethical, nor is it immoral. If an enterprise can't pay its bills, bankruptcy provides for an orderly transition. Those who get stiffed, they knew in advance of the possibility if a project doesn't work out.

BTW, only a small minority of the time did Trump's projects fail and bankruptcy had to be declared. The only alternative to declaring bankruptcy of course, is only to pick the safest and surest projects to work on in the first place.
Cohen kept saying they should talk to Allen Weisselberg.

The chief financial officer of trump enterprise who is also, get this, been given immunity.

That means he’ll tell everything he knows.

A $60,000 picture bought by Trump foundation.
A picture of Trump.
but, but, but he intentionally drove up the price of his own picture. So fking what, I'd do the very same thing. It is who he is and we all knew that when we voted for him. nothing new and is irrelevant in collusion crazy.
It’s not just that he wanted his portrait to sell for the most money

He had his charity foundation pay for the portrait and then give it to him

A clear violation for a charity
Did you forget your link?
Even at that, it is a violation from his fake charity. Not Trump himself

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