Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

It is my understanding that Mueller threatened Cohens wife with a long prison sentence if he didn't sing. She co-signed a bank note that had false financial information in it. I understand she also faced up to 30 years in prison.

Anybody here really believe that Cohen wouldn't tell them exactly what they wanted to hear?


And of course ewe have a credible link for this.

Here's why Lynne Patton is at today's hearing, and it could be devastating for Michael Cohen

It has nothing to do with the shut ewe spewed!
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

We don't need Trump to tell us he's a racist, he's obsessed with race. His entire "Birther Campaign" was founded in racism and delegitmizing Obama's Presidency. His obsession with undoing everything that Barrack Obama did as President, is direct evidence of his obsession with race. He's not trying to build a wall on the Canadian border to keep the white people from "invading".

No, the left is obsessed with race. They are the party of slavery and segregation. They've been trying to whitewash their sordid history for decades .
You are a clueless imbecile. Bankruptcies are not common as dirt in business.
The majority of business is driven by ethics and morality over law.
To go bankrupt and stiff business partners is the worst thing you can do.
There are a minority of business people, the absolute slime buckets, who use bankruptcy as a financial tool. It is like using abortion for birth control.

Bankruptcy isn't unethical, nor is it immoral. If an enterprise can't pay its bills, bankruptcy provides for an orderly transition. Those who get stiffed, they knew in advance of the possibility if a project doesn't work out.

BTW, only a small minority of the time did Trump's projects fail and bankruptcy had to be declared. The only alternative to declaring bankruptcy of course, is only to pick the safest and surest projects to work on in the first place.
Bankruptcy was part of the Trump business model

Either actual bankruptcy or the threat of bankruptcy to get creditors to accept less

If not that, Trump would just refuse payment and tell them to take him to court

Aw bullshit.

If a customer (say, President Trump) has a disagreement with a vendor as to the quality of the service or goods, what is possibly wrong with seeing them in court over the matter? That's what lawyers do.

BTW, how many legal cases did the Walmart Corporation have in disputes with vendors when Mrs. Clinton was one of the Big Bosses there? Let me tell you , quite a few. Including cases alleging racism and everything else.
It happens with all business. Sometimes you do not get acceptable service

Trump made a habit of stiffing his small business vendors and claiming “bad service”
Accept half or sue me. Want to meet my lawyers?

And with knowing all that... they still accept to work with/for him.

It makes you wonder...
Can you imagine being a small business and getting a huge contract on a new TRUMP project?

You got it made

Until you try to get reimbursed for your hard work
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

We don't need Trump to tell us he's a racist, he's obsessed with race. His entire "Birther Campaign" was founded in racism and delegitmizing Obama's Presidency. His obsession with undoing everything that Barrack Obama did as President, is direct evidence of his obsession with race. He's not trying to build a wall on the Canadian border to keep the white people from "invading".

No, the left is obsessed with race. They are the party of slavery and segregation. They've been trying to whitewash their sordid history for decades .
It is the RepubliKlan Party fighting to protect the legacy of the Confrderacy
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

We don't need Trump to tell us he's a racist, he's obsessed with race. His entire "Birther Campaign" was founded in racism and delegitmizing Obama's Presidency. His obsession with undoing everything that Barrack Obama did as President, is direct evidence of his obsession with race. He's not trying to build a wall on the Canadian border to keep the white people from "invading".

No, the left is obsessed with race. They are the party of slavery and segregation. They've been trying to whitewash their sordid history for decades .
The predominant demographic of the the 1800's Democrats, many of whom were racists, is the same demographic of 2019 Republican party led by Trump; older, male, undereducated whites.
It is not a party that tends to be racists, it is the demographic of older, male, undereducated whites that tend to be racist.
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

We don't need Trump to tell us he's a racist, he's obsessed with race. His entire "Birther Campaign" was founded in racism and delegitmizing Obama's Presidency. His obsession with undoing everything that Barrack Obama did as President, is direct evidence of his obsession with race. He's not trying to build a wall on the Canadian border to keep the white people from "invading".

No, the left is obsessed with race. They are the party of slavery and segregation. They've been trying to whitewash their sordid history for decades .
The predominant demographic of the the 1800's Democrats, many of whom were racists, is the same demographic of 2019 Republican party led by Trump; older, male, undereducated whites.
It is not a party that tends to be racists, it is the demographic of older, male, undereducated whites that tend to be racist.
Today’s RepubliKlan Party has the same beliefs as the Know Nothing’s
During The Barry Sotoro years liberals jaws dropped...and let Barry insert. :ack-1:
Trump does have that exact same defense because there is no identical, single repayment check of the same amount.
False, because it is still an illegal campaign contribution, and there is audio of the president coordinating it and directing Cohen to use cash.
The predominant demographic of the the 1800's Democrats, many of whom were racists, is the same demographic of 2019 Republican party led by Trump; older, male, undereducated whites.
It is not a party that tends to be racists, it is the demographic of older, male, undereducated whites that tend to be racist.

Serious question: You actually believe they don't know exactly what and who they are? They are joyously dog-whistling and worse, without knowing what they are doing? They've been explained dozens, if not hundreds, of times the Southern Strategy, and how the parties switched sides around the time of the civil rights legislation of the 1960s, and they still don't know how the the overtly racist South went from solidly Democratic to overwhelmingly Republican?

They have no clue why in reality some 90% of Blacks vote reliably Democratic, and they still don't have a clue as to the brazen racism of the "Dem Plantation" they invented to explain that inconvenient fact away?

I mean, really, wouldn't that imply they are brain-dead, or something?
Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

We don't need Trump to tell us he's a racist, he's obsessed with race. His entire "Birther Campaign" was founded in racism and delegitmizing Obama's Presidency. His obsession with undoing everything that Barrack Obama did as President, is direct evidence of his obsession with race. He's not trying to build a wall on the Canadian border to keep the white people from "invading".

No, the left is obsessed with race. They are the party of slavery and segregation. They've been trying to whitewash their sordid history for decades .
The predominant demographic of the the 1800's Democrats, many of whom were racists, is the same demographic of 2019 Republican party led by Trump; older, male, undereducated whites.
It is not a party that tends to be racists, it is the demographic of older, male, undereducated whites that tend to be racist.
Today’s RepubliKlan Party has the same beliefs as the Know Nothing’s
There’s the race card (again) and BTW the Know Nothings and Klan are anti- Catholic. I am Catholic. So I don’t support them. You, on the other hand support baby murder, less national security for our country and letting common criminals and terrorists into our country.

Funny, 10 totally meaningless statements, if they are even true. They carry no legal weight and at best are just one man's opinion to placate a prosecutor hoping to get leniency for himself. Worse, considering the source, questionable value in any regard. Best the funniest thing of all is that had Cohen waxed GLOWING PRAISE for Trump, the REALLY BIG QUESTION IS:


And we all know what the answer to THAT question is! :auiqs.jpg:

Put another way: another meaning nothingburger of a Trump-bashing thread that utterly fails again at its perceived mandate.
Like anything else. Accusations require corroborating evidence

Cohen has provided some evidence and pointed the right direction for further investigation

Let’s see where it goes

This has to be the dirtiest Administration in US History....Nixon and Clinton don't come close.....

Based on what? Being convicted of crimes that happened a dozen years before they were ever IN Trumps administration? Not a SINGLE person has pled guilty to a SINGLE crime that had to do with Trump or Russian collusion.
None of these people were in Trump's administration. Their crimes were either committed long ago, or they were committed after they left that administration, or they were never in the administration.
The predominant demographic of the the 1800's Democrats, many of whom were racists, is the same demographic of 2019 Republican party led by Trump; older, male, undereducated whites.
It is not a party that tends to be racists, it is the demographic of older, male, undereducated whites that tend to be racist.

Serious question: You actually believe they don't know exactly what and who they are? They are joyously dog-whistling and worse, without knowing what they are doing? They've been explained dozens, if not hundreds, of times the Southern Strategy, and how the parties switched sides around the time of the civil rights legislation of the 1960s, and they still don't know how the the overtly racist South went from solidly Democratic to overwhelmingly Republican?

They have no clue why in reality some 90% of Blacks vote reliably Democratic, and they still don't have a clue as to the brazen racism of the "Dem Plantation" they invented to explain that inconvenient fact away?

I mean, really, wouldn't that imply they are brain-dead, or something?
Brain dead is a good description. All old white men do not fall into this description but too many do.
I am an old white man.
None of these people were in Trump's administration.
So what? Manafort was tasked with investigating Russian interference in the election and any contacts or coordination between members of the Trump campaign with Russians.

How do you not yet understand this?

Funny, 10 totally meaningless statements, if they are even true. They carry no legal weight and at best are just one man's opinion to placate a prosecutor hoping to get leniency for himself. Worse, considering the source, questionable value in any regard. Best the funniest thing of all is that had Cohen waxed GLOWING PRAISE for Trump, the REALLY BIG QUESTION IS:


And we all know what the answer to THAT question is! :auiqs.jpg:

Put another way: another meaning nothingburger of a Trump-bashing thread that utterly fails again at its perceived mandate.
Like anything else. Accusations require corroborating evidence

Cohen has provided some evidence and pointed the right direction for further investigation

Let’s see where it goes

This has to be the dirtiest Administration in US History....Nixon and Clinton don't come close.....

Based on what? Being convicted of crimes that happened a dozen years before they were ever IN Trumps administration? Not a SINGLE person has pled guilty to a SINGLE crime that had to do with Trump or Russian collusion.
None of these people were in Trump's administration. Their crimes were either committed long ago, or they were committed after they left that administration, or they were never in the administration.
It does not matter when the crimes were committed, they are still slime buckets.
But some crimes were committed during the campaign or during Trump's Presidency including Flynn.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

We don't need Trump to tell us he's a racist, he's obsessed with race. His entire "Birther Campaign" was founded in racism and delegitmizing Obama's Presidency. His obsession with undoing everything that Barrack Obama did as President, is direct evidence of his obsession with race. He's not trying to build a wall on the Canadian border to keep the white people from "invading".

No, the left is obsessed with race. They are the party of slavery and segregation. They've been trying to whitewash their sordid history for decades .
The predominant demographic of the the 1800's Democrats, many of whom were racists, is the same demographic of 2019 Republican party led by Trump; older, male, undereducated whites.
It is not a party that tends to be racists, it is the demographic of older, male, undereducated whites that tend to be racist.
Today’s RepubliKlan Party has the same beliefs as the Know Nothing’s
There’s the race card (again) and BTW the Know Nothings and Klan are anti- Catholic. I am Catholic. So I don’t support them. You, on the other hand support baby murder, less national security for our country and letting common criminals and terrorists into our country.

The fact that SOME racist groups are anti-Catholic is neither here nor there. Hitler was anti-Catholic as well. That doesn't mean that Catholics can't possible be racists or anti-semitic, because they've been subjected to prejudice too.
Not sure if this was posted, but it looks like the liberals poster child might be looking at MORE perjury charges.

GOP reps refer ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen to DOJ for alleged perjury during hearing

He said he didn't want a job in the Trump administration yet said this on CNN:

2016 Cuomo Interview Suggests Cohen Lied During Congressional Testimony

And I had people laugh at me for saying he lied during the hearing. Now it looks like I was exactly right.
Not too surprising. Liars like Trump and Cohen lie so much, they get to a point where they don't even know they are lying anymore.

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