Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

Intolerant, Republican committee members' questions completely bypassing testimony regarding President Trump and his counselors, were of greater shame to their own political party.

The direction of their questions exposed their own and their party's ethically inferior position to the perjured and disbarred lawyer they were interrogating.

Respectfully, Supposn

Michael Cohen's testimony:

Republican committee members' questions completely bypassing testimony regarding President Trump and his counselors, were of greater shame to their own political party.

The direction of their questions exposed their own and their party's ethically inferior position to the perjured and disbarred lawyer they were interrogating.

Respectfully, Supposn

No, it's not a mistake, those are quotes from two of your posts. It wasn't enough that you posted it once this morning, so you had to repeat the same thing four hours later. See you again around... 4PM?
Cohen is a Tax Cheat, didn't want to pay his fair share. Ordinarily that would not be really bad time for an inmate. Cheating the tax man isn't really that offensive to the other cons. But this snitching, its bad news for Cohen. Look what happened to Mueller's buddy Whitey Bulger?
And if president trump thinks he has to do it to save his kids from jail, he will be the next one singing for the feds.
i would like to hear the tape of Trump speaking of how black people are too stupid

I doubt he said that, but if he did, do lefties think he was lying? :D
especially since the blacks keep voting for people who kept them as slaves and hung them as kkk members. Now fk that is stupid.
god, i wish cohen had inadvertantly said that blacks were too stupid to vote for hitlerly

Trump did reached to blacks on campaign trail and told number of times that blacks voted for Democrats for decades and nothing changed to better for them. He asked number of times: "If you vote for me, what do you have to lose?"

As I said above, I don't think Trump said "blacks are to stupid to vote for him", but I could see him saying something like "If you're smart, you'll vote for me". The fact they didn't vote for him speaks for itself, despite of blacks and everyone else doing much better since Trump became president.
It is my understanding that Mueller threatened Cohens wife with a long prison sentence if he didn't sing. She co-signed a bank note that had false financial information in it. I understand she also faced up to 30 years in prison.

Anybody here really believe that Cohen wouldn't tell them exactly what they wanted to hear?


And of course ewe have a credible link for this.

Here's why Lynne Patton is at today's hearing, and it could be devastating for Michael Cohen
Cohen is a Tax Cheat, didn't want to pay his fair share. Ordinarily that would not be really bad time for an inmate. Cheating the tax man isn't really that offensive to the other cons. But this snitching, its bad news for Cohen. Look what happened to Mueller's buddy Whitey Bulger?
And if president trump thinks he has to do it to save his kids from jail, he will be the next one singing for the feds.

Here in America, we don't incarcerate people just because we don't like the policies of their parents.

At least we didn't until now.

The thing is, that if the libs were to pull this kind of thing, what do you think happens when another liberal gets into office?

Liberalism wants to destroy Western Civilization and the concept we have of civil discourse.
Paying back the loan in August, 2017. That would be a felony, if true. While in office. You have heard/read that, right?
I heard Pelosi has decided not to impeach. That means nothing new was found. I listened to some of his testimony at youtube. Every bit of it was rehashed and old news, and that he hoped Trump would get in trouble over the derisory claims he made today.

She "decided". LOL

She can't impeach anyone. That's Congress job.
what he did is confirm the dossier as fake.

Cohen testimony wasn't necessary to confirm that.

Dossier was fishy from the moment we find out about it. Not just the content, but the way how it became public, who ordered it, where it came from, and how was used against sitting president.

Everything point that dossier was political hit job with sole purpose of covering up for crimes of the previous administration, and the one that they counted of taking over. Of course, there is nothing that Mueller and his dogs could find on Trump, despite of checking every file, every byte, every document.

The indictments on others are just side show to prolong the game enough to complete the real purpose of the investigation... cleaning up the mess they created so nobody will find anything on Hillary and Barry despite checking of every file, every byte, every document.

When Mueller finalizes his report and we see there was nothing, we could all be happy that it's finally done, but happiest of all would be those who planed it all, knowing there is nothing left to point on them. Then you'll see some new presidential candidates finally pops up.
come on, the dims thought they were hitting a grand salami with Cohen, and all he did was confirm the dossier as fake, and no collusion. can't make this up at all. can you say backfire?

I don't think it backfired. Cohen "testimony" served its purpose and did what Democrats intentions were; smear the president and steal the attention from the US/NORK summit. Since dossier was already proven fake, nobody cared if Cohen testimony additionally confirms that.
Cohen is a Tax Cheat, didn't want to pay his fair share


Will you be as incensed when we see evidence that Trump is as well?

I highly doubt it

President Trump is intensively audited every year. He was in the Obama IRS's crosshairs for years, because Obama hated the fact that Trump was interested in his birth certificate.

But my point is that Cohen is going to prison for things which have nothing to do with Trump. It would have been smarter for him not to go out of his way to get a reputation as a Snitch or a Rat.
Intolerant, Republican committee members' questions completely bypassing testimony regarding President Trump and his counselors, were of greater shame to their own political party.

The direction of their questions exposed their own and their party's ethically inferior position to the perjured and disbarred lawyer they were interrogating.

Respectfully, Supposn
I especially loved the question from the republicans that asked, did trump tell you not file 4 million dollars to the IRS? and Cohen answered....No!!! Nadda on trump, nothing. dude you can hold your lion's tale and repeat, it has to be true, it has to be true, it has to be true, it has to be true, it has to be true, it has to be true, it has to be true,
I heard Pelosi has decided not to impeach. That means nothing new was found. I listened to some of his testimony at youtube. Every bit of it was rehashed and old news, and that he hoped Trump would get in trouble over the derisory claims he made today.

She "decided". LOL

She can't impeach anyone. That's Congress job.
what he did is confirm the dossier as fake.

Cohen testimony wasn't necessary to confirm that.

Dossier was fishy from the moment we find out about it. Not just the content, but the way how it became public, who ordered it, where it came from, and how was used against sitting president.

Everything point that dossier was political hit job with sole purpose of covering up for crimes of the previous administration, and the one that they counted of taking over. Of course, there is nothing that Mueller and his dogs could find on Trump, despite of checking every file, every byte, every document.

The indictments on others are just side show to prolong the game enough to complete the real purpose of the investigation... cleaning up the mess they created so nobody will find anything on Hillary and Barry despite checking of every file, every byte, every document.

When Mueller finalizes his report and we see there was nothing, we could all be happy that it's finally done, but happiest of all would be those who planed it all, knowing there is nothing left to point on them. Then you'll see some new presidential candidates finally pops up.
come on, the dims thought they were hitting a grand salami with Cohen, and all he did was confirm the dossier as fake, and no collusion. can't make this up at all. can you say backfire?

I don't think it backfired. Cohen "testimony" served its purpose and did what Democrats intentions were; smear the president and steal the attention from the US/NORK summit. Since dossier was already proven fake, nobody cared if Cohen testimony additionally confirms that.
they got nothing new, everybody knew who trump was/is. all he did was confirm the lying left.
Trump did reached to blacks on campaign trail and told number of times that blacks voted for Democrats for decades and nothing changed to better for them.
And they laughed at his dumb, racist ass and voted for Hilary at an 89% clip.

President Trump got TWICE as many votes from African Americans as McCain, and 50%more than was received by Mitt Romney.
Cohen is a Tax Cheat, didn't want to pay his fair share. Ordinarily that would not be really bad time for an inmate. Cheating the tax man isn't really that offensive to the other cons. But this snitching, its bad news for Cohen. Look what happened to Mueller's buddy Whitey Bulger?
And if president trump thinks he has to do it to save his kids from jail, he will be the next one singing for the feds.

So much butthurt in you.
Trump did reached to blacks on campaign trail and told number of times that blacks voted for Democrats for decades and nothing changed to better for them.
And they laughed at his dumb, racist ass and voted for Hilary at an 89% clip.

President Trump got TWICE as many votes from African Americans as McCain, and 50%more than was received by Mitt Romney.
And got to 8%

Better keep the champagne on ice.
What felonies while he was in office?
Paying back the loan in August, 2017. That would be a felony, if true. While in office. You have heard/read that, right?
I heard Pelosi has decided not to impeach. That means nothing new was found. I listened to some of his testimony at youtube. Every bit of it was rehashed and old news, and that he hoped Trump would get in trouble over the derisory claims he made today.

She "decided". LOL

She can't impeach anyone. That's Congress job.
Pelosi is not in Congress? She is not the speaker of the house, who can bring it up for a vote?
Cohen is a Tax Cheat, didn't want to pay his fair share. Ordinarily that would not be really bad time for an inmate. Cheating the tax man isn't really that offensive to the other cons. But this snitching, its bad news for Cohen. Look what happened to Mueller's buddy Whitey Bulger?
And if president trump thinks he has to do it to save his kids from jail, he will be the next one singing for the feds.
keep holding your tail and repeat, I hope he will, I hope he will, I hope he will, I hope he will, I hope he will, I hope he will,
What felonies while he was in office?
Paying back the loan in August, 2017. That would be a felony, if true. While in office. You have heard/read that, right?
I heard Pelosi has decided not to impeach. That means nothing new was found. I listened to some of his testimony at youtube. Every bit of it was rehashed and old news, and that he hoped Trump would get in trouble over the derisory claims he made today.

She "decided". LOL

She can't impeach anyone. That's Congress job.
Pelosi is not in Congress? She is not the speaker of the house, who can bring it up for a vote?

Have I said that? Nope.

Now, can she impeach Trump on her own?

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