Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been.
Cohen spoke to Congress yesterday about Russia in a closed hearing, and will speaking to them tomorrow about Russia in a closed hearing.

Nice try, parrot.
When did he talk about Russia?
Yesterday. And he will talk more about Russia tomorrow.
What did he actually say about Russia yesterday, moron?
What part of "closed hearing" do you not understand, retard?
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

I know it's jaw dropping, you have to get your lips around it somehow. If you didn't the job would be difficult.

On a serious note:

How can we expect someone who stabbed his client in the back to be reliable and trustworthy while giving testimony to Congress? Either he lied about Trump when he was his "fixer" and is telling the truth to Congress now... or he was telling the truth about Trump when he was the "fixer" and is lying to Congress.

Please, tell me how you can implicitly trust a man like that? And how can we trust you when you post links to hopelessly biased news sources like HuffPo?

I am expecting nothing but silence or gibberish from you. And a funny rating. By all means, gratify yourself with the knowledge you had nothing intelligent to counter my argument with.
The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been. The most despicable part of this is the timing. With the American President in Vietnam trying to walk the world back from the brink of a nuclear war. If this was happening with President Obama, they would be clamoring for a Noble Prize. The Democrats hate Trump more than they love the USA. At least very sad, at most treasonous.
They hate Trump because they love the USA.
Of course they love the USA, that’s why they refuse to secure our borders and vote for infantacide! Democrats are fuckstains
Oh, drop the infanticide horseshit, will ya? You could at least learn how to spell it, if you're going to be flinging it around all over the place like you know what you're talking about. But you probably got that spelling from whatever ignorant piece of garbage propaganda you read that confirms your asinine notions about late term abortion. Go soak your head.
Nope! You sleazevballs voted to refuse medical treatment to infants who survive botched abortions. That is fucking infantacide. Shitstain!
Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.
The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been. The most despicable part of this is the timing. With the American President in Vietnam trying to walk the world back from the brink of a nuclear war. If this was happening with President Obama, they would be clamoring for a Noble Prize. The Democrats hate Trump more than they love the USA. At least very sad, at most treasonous.
They hate Trump because they love the USA.
Of course they love the USA, that’s why they refuse to secure our borders and vote for infantacide! Democrats are fuckstains
Oh, drop the infanticide horseshit, will ya? You could at least learn how to spell it, if you're going to be flinging it around all over the place like you know what you're talking about. But you probably got that spelling from whatever ignorant piece of garbage propaganda you read that confirms your asinine notions about late term abortion. Go soak your head.
Nope! You sleazevballs voted to refuse medical treatment to infants who survive botched abortions. That is fucking infantacide. Shitstain!
Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.
For convenience!
Cohen has provided signed checks from Trump. Are those fake, retards?
Poor Republican Green. "Is there a book deal coming?" "Who paid your expenses to come here today?"

What desperate questions. :lol:

Shot down by Cohen in flames.
Cohen would lie about anything and has shown to do so in front of Congress.
What is fact and what is fiction? We'll never know.
Cohen lied on behalf of Trump, idiot.

Trump is the biggest coward ever. He gets his lawyer to lie for him, and then calls him a liar in public.
So he has no issue about lying, probably a revenge lie now,.....idiot.
You are such a dolt. :auiqs.jpg:
The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been. The most despicable part of this is the timing. With the American President in Vietnam trying to walk the world back from the brink of a nuclear war. If this was happening with President Obama, they would be clamoring for a Noble Prize. The Democrats hate Trump more than they love the USA. At least very sad, at most treasonous.
They hate Trump because they love the USA.
These people have so much love, they celebrate the killing of a new born baby. That's what democrats have become.
Don't start that bullshit with me. I celebrate mercy and I hope you never have to be in the position of making one of those decisions.
The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been. The most despicable part of this is the timing. With the American President in Vietnam trying to walk the world back from the brink of a nuclear war. If this was happening with President Obama, they would be clamoring for a Noble Prize. The Democrats hate Trump more than they love the USA. At least very sad, at most treasonous.
They hate Trump because they love the USA.
These people have so much love, they celebrate the killing of a new born baby. That's what democrats have become.
Don't start that bullshit with me. I celebrate mercy and I hope you never have to be in the position of making one of those decisions.
You celebrate infantacide.
Why was Cohen disbarred?
He was disbarred for lying on behalf of his client Cowardly Lyin' Donald.
So you believe him now? Why?
Mob bosses are sent to prison all the time based on the testimony of lower criminals.

In fact, Trump's TV lawyer has done that very thing.
If he knew anything incriminating, Mueller would have already indicted Trump for it, dumbass.
Cohen has provided evidence to the committee that Trump filed a false financial disclosure in 2017.
The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been. The most despicable part of this is the timing. With the American President in Vietnam trying to walk the world back from the brink of a nuclear war. If this was happening with President Obama, they would be clamoring for a Noble Prize. The Democrats hate Trump more than they love the USA. At least very sad, at most treasonous.
They hate Trump because they love the USA.
These people have so much love, they celebrate the killing of a new born baby. That's what democrats have become.
Don't start that bullshit with me. I celebrate mercy and I hope you never have to be in the position of making one of those decisions.
You celebrate infantacide.
Okay, it's my fault responding to your asshole post, but let's get back on topic and argue this in one of the many charming threads on the subject.
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....
My God. I can’t believe these things Michael Cohen is telling us. Trump is such a criminal.
And Trump will be your president till 2024.

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