Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

Why was Cohen disbarred?
He was disbarred for lying on behalf of his client Cowardly Lyin' Donald.
So you believe him now? Why?
Mob bosses are sent to prison all the time based on the testimony of lower criminals.

In fact, Trump's TV lawyer has done that very thing.
If he knew anything incriminating, Mueller would have already indicted Trump for it, dumbass.
Not necessarily, idiot.
There are Zero stipulations about death to infants after birth being limited to birth defects or any other malady! Don’t try to sell the mercy shit! It’s infantacide!
Cohen would make a good lawyer, or used car salesman.
Yep, and that's why Crooked Donald hired him as his fixer, and paid him for the past 10 years... :beer:
Kinda like Eric Holder with Obama, huh? :beer:
Did Eric Holder get personally paid by Obama for the past 10 years to fix his crimes or dirty deed, cheating business??? I didn't know that...?
So money is the only difference between the two? Yes, crimes were fixed....often, too. Now you know
Trump's attempt all during the campaign to get a Trump Tower approved in Russia certainly goes a long way toward explaining his obsequiousness toward Putin, and his demands to soften language in the Republican platform toward Russia.

So much for "America First".

The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....
This is tabloid stuff.

You mean like the one that deep sized the stories trump wanted killed?

Cohen's testimony will kill trump with Independents in 2020....but the GOP WILL STILL NOMINATE HIM!
After the Kavanaugh fiasco, democrats already lost the independents. This will also convince them that liberals cannot be trusted.
The Fake News and their bots are reaching hard today. Meanwhile Trump is doing work on ensuring peace with North Korea. Keeping the country safe from going into a mindless war. But yeah, its now the Cohen obsession going on.
Cohen has provided signed checks from Trump. Are those fake, retards?
Paying your lawyer isn't against the law, retard.
Paying your lawyer back for a hush money bribe, and filing a false disclosure, is illegal, retard.
Paying black mail isn't illegal, moron. It's illegal to charge it, not to pay it. What was the "false financial disclosure?"
How about you stop running your mouth out of ignorance and listen to the testimony, idiot?
Cohen would make a good lawyer, or used car salesman.
Yep, and that's why Crooked Donald hired him as his fixer, and paid him for the past 10 years... :beer:
Kinda like Eric Holder with Obama, huh? :beer:
Did Eric Holder get personally paid by Obama for the past 10 years to fix his crimes or dirty deed, cheating business??? I didn't know that...?
As has been pointed out, the dirty dems are taking sworn testimony from a man convicted of and going to prison for lying to Congress! Dumbasses fuckstains!
Yep, an alleged "repentant man"... or vengeful man for Trump leaving him by the wayside, after his 10 years of complete loyalty....?

Either way, Michael Cohen KNOWS if he lies about anything before congress, it will ADD to his prison time. The SDNY is watching also. A lie is an additional perjury charge....

Cohen knows he must tell the truth, and needs back up of the truth.... Congress knows this as well.

If he lies today about anything he will be punished by the LAW to nth degree.. and will be looking for a new wife in prison, he will be there so long. :eek:

His incentive to tell the truth, is GREAT.
So last time that he lied in front of Congress Cohen didn't know just how serious it was?
Got it.
Cohen has provided signed checks from Trump. Are those fake, retards?
Paying your lawyer isn't against the law, retard.
Paying your lawyer back for a hush money bribe, and filing a false disclosure, is illegal, retard.
Paying black mail isn't illegal, moron. It's illegal to charge it, not to pay it. What was the "false financial disclosure?"
How about you stop running your mouth out of ignorance and listen to the testimony, idiot?
In other words, you don't fucking know.
Cohen has provided signed checks from Trump. Are those fake, retards?
Paying your lawyer isn't against the law, retard.
Paying your lawyer back for a hush money bribe, and filing a false disclosure, is illegal, retard.
Wait, I thought Trump was in trouble for paying Cohen back out of campaign funds, or telling him to write the check from campaign funds. Now it's suddenly illegal to pay Stormy to keep quiet? I thought this was done on a regular basis in HR departments and in Congress?
Liberals are so stupid. Mueller radid Cohen's office. If Trump broke the law we would know already. This is all hearsay.
Cohen has provided signed checks from Trump. Are those fake, retards?
So? Lotsa people have signed checks from Trump, especially those who weree working for them.
Listen to the testimony, you willfully blind dumb fuck.
I watched it. He's got some checks, so what? Now will you take a shower? Don't do it for me, do it for yourself and anyone who suffers being around you.
The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been. The most despicable part of this is the timing. With the American President in Vietnam trying to walk the world back from the brink of a nuclear war. If this was happening with President Obama, they would be clamoring for a Noble Prize. The Democrats hate Trump more than they love the USA. At least very sad, at most treasonous.
They hate Trump because they love the USA.
These people have so much love, they celebrate the killing of a new born baby. That's what democrats have become.
Don't start that bullshit with me. I celebrate mercy and I hope you never have to be in the position of making one of those decisions.
I would never decide to kill my child after they were born. You would, go screw yourself.
Cohen has provided signed checks from Trump. Are those fake, retards?
Paying your lawyer isn't against the law, retard.
Paying your lawyer back for a hush money bribe, and filing a false disclosure, is illegal, retard.
Wait, I thought Trump was in trouble for paying Cohen back out of campaign funds, or telling him to write the check from campaign funds. Now it's suddenly illegal to pay Stormy to keep quiet? I thought this was done on a regular basis in HR departments and in Congress?
If it's illegal for Trump to do, then every member of Congress should be up on charges. That's what these snowflake numskulls don't understand.

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