Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

DWS vs. Cohen

Cohen would make a good lawyer, or used car salesman.
Yep, and that's why Crooked Donald hired him as his fixer, and paid him for the past 10 years... :beer:
Kinda like Eric Holder with Obama, huh? :beer:
Did Eric Holder get personally paid by Obama for the past 10 years to fix his crimes or dirty deed, cheating business??? I didn't know that...?
As has been pointed out, the dirty dems are taking sworn testimony from a man convicted of and going to prison for lying to Congress! Dumbasses fuckstains!
It is no surprise you do not see the irony of Cohen being excoriated for lying to Congress to protect Trump by Congress-critters who are screeching to protect the liar Trump.
That's your biased opinion of course.
That and $7 will get you a cup of Joe at Starbucks.
Mud, say it isn't so! You mean it isn't true that the announced de-nuke hasn't happened after Singapore, and that the fact they still exist with no word of removal but that it is now acceptable because no testing is being done? How come we keep moving the goals in Kim's favor while sucking up to our new 'friend we love'?
They hate Trump because they love the USA.
Of course they love the USA, that’s why they refuse to secure our borders and vote for infantacide! Democrats are fuckstains
Oh, drop the infanticide horseshit, will ya? You could at least learn how to spell it, if you're going to be flinging it around all over the place like you know what you're talking about. But you probably got that spelling from whatever ignorant piece of garbage propaganda you read that confirms your asinine notions about late term abortion. Go soak your head.
Nope! You sleazevballs voted to refuse medical treatment to infants who survive botched abortions. That is fucking infantacide. Shitstain!
Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.

If a doctor attempts and fails to abort a fully viable "fetus", and it is still breathing when it comes out, we in the sane, real world, call that BIRTH. Not a botched abortion, BIRTH.

And when you are against saving the child's life in that circumstance, you are rightfully viewed as someone who does not cherish life or understand its value. Killing a living newborn after a failed abortion is not choice, it's EUGENICS.

Learn the actual value of life before you start lecturing anyone. Then come talk to me. Or don't.

It's people like you who make me fear for the future of the human species.
You missed where I requested this topic go in an appropriate thread, didn't you?
That's your biased opinion of course.
That and $7 will get you a cup of Joe at Starbucks.
Mud, say it isn't so! You mean it isn't true that the announced de-nuke hasn't happened after Singapore, and that the fact they still exist with no word of removal but that it is now acceptable because no testing is being done? How come we keep moving the goals in Kim's favor while sucking up to our new 'friend we love'?
I think the media is feeding you a line of BS building up expectations while misrepresenting the status of the negotiations.
Cohen would lie about anything and has shown to do so in front of Congress.
What is fact and what is fiction? We'll never know.
Cohen lied on behalf of Trump, idiot.

Trump is the biggest coward ever. He gets his lawyer to lie for him, and then calls him a liar in public.
So he has no issue about lying, probably a revenge lie now,.....idiot.
You are such a dolt. :auiqs.jpg:
Cohen has repeatedly stated that Herr Trumpenfurher has never told him to lie, yet the Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Squad still can't deal with it. :auiqs.jpg:

Nuff said.


I even checked one of the Left wing fact checking sites as they covered the testimony. One of the sites said all of ly'in Cohen's comments are 100% legit and means that Trump should be impeached for treason, but could not help himself at the end by posting. Mhahahahaha!!!
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Huh? That's it??? Meh!!!

Trust me he will find some other lame shit to post.

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