Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....


Nuff said.


Those words are being reported by numerous news outlets

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They were also reporting that someone lynched Smollett. Lol. Mainstream is just worthless lib propaganda .
They reported what the police had on their report. An accusation. And when the police determined that to be a lie they reported that

Not once did the lib propaganda use the word alleged. Not once. So no thats just not true .
Lanny Davis lawyer to Clinton’s made deals with the democrats and Cummings! Wow!
That’s like saying I’ve raped but I’m not a rapist.
Are you saying a rapist never has consensual sex? I'm guessing you're wrong. I don't trust Cohen much, either, but probably at least half of what he's telling Congress is true. It's nothing but a circus for the amusement of the American people. It isn't actually going to solve anything, unfortunately.
Cohen admits the democrats helped him prepare today! Ranking member Cummings! Wow
Chairman details ‘hush fund’ Congress uses to shield harassment complaints
Democrat’s secret deal exposes second ‘hush fund’ on Capitol Hill

Cohen has provided signed checks from Trump. Are those fake, retards?
Paying your lawyer isn't against the law, retard.
Paying your lawyer back for a hush money bribe, and filing a false disclosure, is illegal, retard.
Paying black mail isn't illegal, moron. It's illegal to charge it, not to pay it. What was the "false financial disclosure?"
How about you stop running your mouth out of ignorance and listen to the testimony, idiot?
You fucking Dimocrats are going to regret doing this on this day. What fucking slime you bastards are.
You fucking Dimocrats are going to regret doing this on this day
Sounds like a voodoo curse to me. What we really regret is that a few more of us didn't get out there and vote against the asswipe currently calling himself President.
Yep. See post 152.
Cohen has provided signed checks from Trump. Are those fake, retards?
Paying your lawyer isn't against the law, retard.
Paying your lawyer back for a hush money bribe, and filing a false disclosure, is illegal, retard.
Wait, I thought Trump was in trouble for paying Cohen back out of campaign funds, or telling him to write the check from campaign funds. Now it's suddenly illegal to pay Stormy to keep quiet? I thought this was done on a regular basis in HR departments and in Congress?
The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been. The most despicable part of this is the timing. With the American President in Vietnam trying to walk the world back from the brink of a nuclear war. If this was happening with President Obama, they would be clamoring for a Noble Prize. The Democrats hate Trump more than they love the USA. At least very sad, at most treasonous.
They hate Trump because they love the USA.
Of course they love the USA, that’s why they refuse to secure our borders and vote for infantacide! Democrats are fuckstains
Oh, drop the infanticide horseshit, will ya? You could at least learn how to spell it, if you're going to be flinging it around all over the place like you know what you're talking about. But you probably got that spelling from whatever ignorant piece of garbage propaganda you read that confirms your asinine notions about late term abortion. Go soak your head.
Nope! You sleazevballs voted to refuse medical treatment to infants who survive botched abortions. That is fucking infantacide. Shitstain!
Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.

If a doctor attempts and fails to abort a fully viable "fetus", and it is still breathing when it comes out, we in the sane, real world, call that BIRTH. Not a botched abortion, BIRTH.

And when you are against saving the child's life in that circumstance, you are rightfully viewed as someone who does not cherish life or understand its value. Killing a living newborn after a failed abortion is not choice, it's EUGENICS.

Learn the actual value of life before you start lecturing anyone. Then come talk to me. Or don't.

It's people like you who make me fear for the future of the human species.
Cohen admits to promoting a vile man! Dumbass shitstain! Covering the democrats shitstain with more shitstain!
That’s like saying I’ve raped but I’m not a rapist.
Are you saying a rapist never has consensual sex? I'm guessing you're wrong. I don't trust Cohen much, either, but probably at least half of what he's telling Congress is true. It's nothing but a circus for the amusement of the American people. It isn't actually going to solve anything, unfortunately.


Are you saying that sucking dick doesn't make you cocksucker?

Careful now, don't let your brains go to your head!

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