Ten Questions I would like Answered Before This Campaign is Over

1. To Open Borders advocates, how do you have a country or a nation without having some borders, even if its just nautical borders? What modern nation has no borders?

Who are the 'Open Border Advocates'?

I am really curious. The United States doesn't have open borders.

Who is advocating we eliminate the our borders with Mexico and Canada?

1. We have borders. How many countries are walled in?
2. Maintain status quo.
3. BLM doesn't necessarily mean that only black lives matter
4. I deplore violence. Offenders and ringleaders should be prosecuted.
5. Not a fan of either person, but it is unreasonable to expect a public servant to have the same kind of accomplishments as a billionaire businessman.
6. How do you figure that flag burners are all democrats? Did you take a poll or something? Republicans like to burn other things - like books and crosses.
7. How well did the great wall of China work out? How does putting up a fence around your yard compare to putting up some big fucking wall around your country's entire southern border?
8. Never. It is better to have these issues to drag out every election cycle to rile up the social con base.
9. You really ought to ask just how much of the party is actually traditional conservative. The last repug president and last 2 presidential candidates were neocons and the current nominee is not a traditional conservative either.
10. Again, not a fan and won't vote for her. In her defense, she has never been convicted of anything despite repugs putting her entire life under a microscope for over 20 years. For many people it will once again come down to choosing the lesser of two evils, supporting the platform they believe in the most, or simply voting against the candidate they most despise.
1. Most countries have barriers on their borders, but most dont have anything worth taking big risks to get into like we do. Even so, most of the Chinese and Russian borders have big walls/barriers of various kinds. Mexico has a wall on its Southern border. But I'm not kidding myself; you really could not care less.
2. Slavery is the status quo, dude.
3. Yes, Black Lives Matter being promoted and All Lives Matter being suppressed and attacked certainly does exclude other lives from mattering to them. Their overt racism is becoming more public all the time.
4. Yeah, right, so when do you want Hillary and Wasserman indicted? lol, bullshit.
5. So, dont go around crowing about having more accomplishments.
6. Because it only happens at Dimbocrat demonstrations dude. Prove otherwise show me some Republicans that have publicly burned the flag as a protest. It is always Democrats..
7. The Great Wall of China worked out Great, and is a big partr of the reason why the Magyars went west.
8. Agreed. Damn, almost had a heart attack!
9. Agreed, but how do the neocons manage to control the GOP and why should any Social conservative ever believe that they can retake and hold control of the GOP if they dont understand how they keep losing that control?
10. Hillary never being convicted of anything means she is either innocent or her political connections keep her from being given the same process as everyone else. I doubt the first scenario enormously and the latter is a traditional part of the Democratic Party's Tammany Hall electoral system.
7. The Great Wall of China worked out Great, and is a big partr of the reason why the Magyars went west.

This is complete bullshit..... The Magyars originated in the vicinity of the Urals, already thousands of miles west of China.....the Wall runs East/West, and was built to protect from invasions from the NORTH......and if you believe it worked, talk to a "Ming"..
The Wall went up after the major invasions: fucking morons.
" The Magyars "?

Where do these idiots come up with this shit?
3. To Democrats, how is promoting only 'Black Lives Matter' instead of 'All Lives Matter' bringing us together as a country? How does it bring you Democrats together as a party?

After 9/11 were you upset when people were saying that the lives of the firefighters and police who responded to 9/11 mattered?

This is not a zero sum equation.

Just as we can recognize that police are important- that doesn't mean we think that only police are important. Just as when we honor American troops- that doesn't mean we don't honor anyone who is not an American soldier.

So how do you think ignoring the concerns of 'Black Lives Matters" will better united the United States?
5. To Democrats, Donald Trump has built buildings across the globe, has written himself (without a ghost writer) top selling books, and has been a successful TV star for 14 years; what are Hillary Clinton's similar accomplishments (other than warming a chair in some Federali office building, and suppressing Bernie Sanders supporters)?

Yes- Donald has been a tremendous TV star- and may have written some books himself- and has put his names on many building projects.

What do any of those things have to do with running the United States.

Hillary doesn't have 'similar' accomplishments- because she has not focused solely on making money for herself and popularizing herself.

What has she done? Well the DNC convention did a great job of outlining what she has accomplished for Americans.

So has some guy on facebook
• As a U.S. Senator, Clinton was a champion for our service members and veterans. Hillary Clinton was the first New Yorker to serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee and made veterans a main focus. She introduced the Heroes at Home Act in 2006 and 2007 to help family members care for those with Traumatic Brain Injury. She also worked to increase the military survivor benefit from $12,000 to $100,000, and cosponsored the Support for Injured Servicemembers Act to extend benefits provided under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Hillary also worked across the aisle to keep the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station open during a time when the Pentagon was shuttering bases, which saved 800 jobs in upstate New York.

• Hillary Clinton, as a U.S. Senator, worked with Republicans to expand health care for National Guard members and reservists. According to McClatchy, then-Senator Clinton worked with Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to “provide full military health benefits to reservists and National Guard members.” A statement from Graham’s senate office said, “Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) today announced that the Department of Defense Authorization bill conference report finalized today includes an amendment that will improve TRICARE benefits for National Guard members and Reservists, allowing all members of the Selected Reserve and their families to enroll in TRICARE with an across the board cost-sharing of 28 percent. Today’s victory builds on the Senators’ longstanding commitment to ensuring that members of our National Guard and Reserve and their families have access to the health care benefits they need and deserve.”

• Hillary stepped up for New York in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, fighting hard to secure funds for medical assessment, referrals and outreach for 9/11 rescue and recovery workers, and volunteers.

Hillary Clinton worked in the Senate to strengthen the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, introducing multiple bills allowing states to expand the program that she helped create as First Lady. The program, created in 1997, increased health coverage for children in low income and working families. Hillary also co-wrote a law compelling drug companies to conduct safety tests for products prescribed for children, and wrote a component of the No Child Left Behind Act authorizing funding for recruiting and retaining better teachers.

And on a personal level she worked to help people- like 9/11 suvivors

Former N.J. woman who survived 9/11 speaks at DNC 2016

Hillary Clinton stood with me through that fight.

In the darkest of days and the hardest of times, the people who show up mean everything.

Hillary showed up.

She walked into my hospital room and took my bandaged hand in her own. Our connection wasn't between a senator and her constituent. Our connection was person to person.

She visited, called, and checked in for years, because she cared.

When I needed her, she was there. When our first responders needed her, she was there.

Now our country needs her.

I trusted her when my life was on the line, and she came through. Not for the cameras, not because anyone was watching, but because that's who she is. Kind. Caring. Loyal.

This is the Hillary Clinton I want you to know. She was there for me. That's why I'm with Her."

She was preceded by former New York Police Department Detective Joe Sweeney, who touted Clinton's work in creating the 911 Health and Compensation Act, a program that funded healthcare for first responders and others who suffered long-lasting health problems because of the poison emitted from the pile.

Former NYPD Detective Joe Sweeney touted Hillary Clinton for creating 911 Health and Compensation Act.
Clinton fought for years while senator to get the program created in spite of tough opposition, playing a key role in its creation. It finally passed shortly after she left office.

So you are right- Clinton doesn't have Trump's 'accomplishments'- she has her own accomplishments- for the benefit of Americans- not for her own financial benefit


1. We do not have open borders.

:eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh: :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:

Have you ever tried to cross our borders?
I've never ventured into the deserts to cross, but I'm sure that I'd find illegals along the way. It's why the proposed wall.

I've hiked in the desert and crossed the border that was a simple wire fence at that point. When we returned from our five mile hike, we were advised by border patrol to stay away from the fence
yeah, you crossed over right? Did you have to show ID or proof of citizenship? Nope, open border.
And a wall that has been built has not made the border illegal proof. That is cost benefit analysis. It's not effective.
And seatbelts don't always save lives. Your thinking process is stunted to say the least.
6. To anyone, if Democrats love the USA so much, why is it only Democrats who are found burning the US flag and never Republicans?

Odd question. On so many levels.

Why is it only Republicans who keep making offensive racial remarks against President Obama- and never Democrats?

Which is just as odd of a question.
Have you ever tried to cross our borders?
I've never ventured into the deserts to cross, but I'm sure that I'd find illegals along the way. It's why the proposed wall.

I've hiked in the desert and crossed the border that was a simple wire fence at that point. When we returned from our five mile hike, we were advised by border patrol to stay away from the fence
yeah, you crossed over right? Did you have to show ID or proof of citizenship? Nope, open border.
And a wall that has been built has not made the border illegal proof. That is cost benefit analysis. It's not effective.
And seatbelts don't always save lives. Your thinking process is stunted to say the least.
Building more seat belts in the care is not going to make it safer. Building more walls is not going to make safer. Stronger gun laws is not going to make guns safer. My thinking is fine but yours lyin..
Have you ever tried to cross our borders?
I've never ventured into the deserts to cross, but I'm sure that I'd find illegals along the way. It's why the proposed wall.

I've hiked in the desert and crossed the border that was a simple wire fence at that point. When we returned from our five mile hike, we were advised by border patrol to stay away from the fence
yeah, you crossed over right? Did you have to show ID or proof of citizenship? Nope, open border.
And a wall that has been built has not made the border illegal proof. That is cost benefit analysis. It's not effective.
And seatbelts don't always save lives. Your thinking process is stunted to say the least.

10. To America, why would you vote for a known criminal, liar, theif, bribe taker and rapist enabler like Hillary Clinton to run this country when she cant even keep low levels of classified documents secure on her own server?

Because America is not full of nutjobs like you.

Hillary Clinton is not a 'known criminal'- she hasn't been charged with any crimes.
She is a liar- all politicians are- but not as big of a liar as Donald Trump- or any of the GOP candidates. Why would you vote for the man who lies far more often than Hillary Clinton
She is not a 'bribe taker' any more than Trump is a 'bribe giver'.
She has not been accused of rape by her wife or anyone else- Trump has.
Hillary Clinton stood by her husband- Donald Trump gave up on his first two wives.

When it comes to moral character- Hillary Clinton has far more of it than Donald Trump.

I am pissed off about the email issue- but i balance this with Trump never having to deal with any national security issues every in his entire life.

Why would you vote for man that admires Vladimir Putin, says he might not honor our treaties with our allies, and is proposing a 45% tax on imported consumer items from China? You know- a 45% tax. on most of what is in a typical Target or Walmart?

A man who has declared bankruptcies 6 times, for his own personal benefit- and who has screwed over contractors and businessmen and students and the illegal alien workers he employed? A man who hires foreign workers to work in his American resorts?
I've never ventured into the deserts to cross, but I'm sure that I'd find illegals along the way. It's why the proposed wall.

I've hiked in the desert and crossed the border that was a simple wire fence at that point. When we returned from our five mile hike, we were advised by border patrol to stay away from the fence
yeah, you crossed over right? Did you have to show ID or proof of citizenship? Nope, open border.
And a wall that has been built has not made the border illegal proof. That is cost benefit analysis. It's not effective.
And seatbelts don't always save lives. Your thinking process is stunted to say the least.
Building more seat belts in the care is not going to make it safer. Building more walls is not going to make safer. Stronger gun laws is not going to make guns safer. My thinking is fine but yours lyin..
Actually, walls and seatbelts do make people safer. Walls actually work, not only in keeping out criminal aliens, but also the drugs that pour into our country. We should have thought of this years ago!

10. To America, why would you vote for a known criminal, liar, theif, bribe taker and rapist enabler like Hillary Clinton to run this country when she cant even keep low levels of classified documents secure on her own server?

Because America is not full of nutjobs like you.

Hillary Clinton is not a 'known criminal'- she hasn't been charged with any crimes.
She is a liar- all politicians are- but not as big of a liar as Donald Trump- or any of the GOP candidates. Why would you vote for the man who lies far more often than Hillary Clinton
She is not a 'bribe taker' any more than Trump is a 'bribe giver'.
She has not been accused of rape by her wife or anyone else- Trump has.
Hillary Clinton stood by her husband- Donald Trump gave up on his first two wives.

When it comes to moral character- Hillary Clinton has far more of it than Donald Trump.

I am pissed off about the email issue- but i balance this with Trump never having to deal with any national security issues every in his entire life.

Why would you vote for man that admires Vladimir Putin, says he might not honor our treaties with our allies, and is proposing a 45% tax on imported consumer items from China? You know- a 45% tax. on most of what is in a typical Target or Walmart?

A man who has declared bankruptcies 6 times, for his own personal benefit- and who has screwed over contractors and businessmen and students and the illegal alien workers he employed? A man who hires foreign workers to work in his American resorts?
So by your standard, the officers involved in the Freddie Gray case are also not criminals because the charges against them were dropped, right? No crime is ever committed unless a DA prosecutes it, right? Do you know how astronomically stupid you sound?
I've hiked in the desert and crossed the border that was a simple wire fence at that point. When we returned from our five mile hike, we were advised by border patrol to stay away from the fence
yeah, you crossed over right? Did you have to show ID or proof of citizenship? Nope, open border.
And a wall that has been built has not made the border illegal proof. That is cost benefit analysis. It's not effective.
And seatbelts don't always save lives. Your thinking process is stunted to say the least.
Building more seat belts in the care is not going to make it safer. Building more walls is not going to make safer. Stronger gun laws is not going to make guns safer. My thinking is fine but yours lyin..
Actually, walls and seatbelts do make people safer. Walls actually work, not only in keeping out criminal aliens, but also the drugs that pour into our country. We should have thought of this years ago!
More wall and more seat belts and more gun laws do make people safer. You fell into it.

But . . . the wall won't be extended significantly at all.

You want to get hold of the situation. Use drones and sensors and mechanized patrols of the Army and the AR and USNG. Simple tweaking with the laws. Put our troops down there in four month rotations. That would shut down almost all illegal entries.
2. To Libertarians, what is the lowest wage we should pay legally? 50% of poverty level? 30%? 10%? We should bring back Slavery?

Libertarians believe that the free market should decide and that people rewarded best and the economy hurt least without artificial restrictions. They're not wrong.
And Hillary is still responsible for four amercian deaths, Benghazi. If she can't protect just four americans, how can she take care of 350 million? LOL:2up:

Every President we have had has been responsible for the deaths of Americans. Fact. Ronald Reagan was responsible for the deaths of over 200 Americans in Beirut. Yet neither Reagan or Clinton ever wanted those Americans to die.

Sure- as far as we know Donald Trump has not been in a position of responsibility to put persons in harms way yet.

Hillary Clinton has been working to better the lives of Americans for 30 years.
Trump has been working to enrich Donald Trump on the backs of Americans for 30 years.
yeah, you crossed over right? Did you have to show ID or proof of citizenship? Nope, open border.
And a wall that has been built has not made the border illegal proof. That is cost benefit analysis. It's not effective.
And seatbelts don't always save lives. Your thinking process is stunted to say the least.
Building more seat belts in the care is not going to make it safer. Building more walls is not going to make safer. Stronger gun laws is not going to make guns safer. My thinking is fine but yours lyin..
Actually, walls and seatbelts do make people safer. Walls actually work, not only in keeping out criminal aliens, but also the drugs that pour into our country. We should have thought of this years ago!
More wall and more seat belts and more gun laws do make people safer. You fell into it.

But . . . the wall won't be extended significantly at all.

You want to get hold of the situation. Use drones and sensors and mechanized patrols of the Army and the AR and USNG. Simple tweaking with the laws. Put our troops down there in four month rotations. That would shut down almost all illegal entries.
Why do we have to choose one or the other? Machine gun towers every 500 meters with authorization to shoot any pygmies they see would go well with the latest technology available for detecting tunnels and imploding them, burying the little beaners alive.
meaning you were open to cross.
the only crossing Rightwinger has ever done was crossing gender. That is why he is changing his name to 'Brucella Jenner'.
You are being a loon if you think we have Open Borders.
well we don't at the moment, the argument has been if the hildebeast is in. It would be the next flavor of the month move. it will be a campaign point. And will come up in debate, I can't wait.

So you are pointing out that "Open Borders' is just another Right Wing Nut Job lie- and doesn't exist- and no one is proposing open borders.

And a wall that has been built has not made the border illegal proof. That is cost benefit analysis. It's not effective.
And seatbelts don't always save lives. Your thinking process is stunted to say the least.
Building more seat belts in the care is not going to make it safer. Building more walls is not going to make safer. Stronger gun laws is not going to make guns safer. My thinking is fine but yours lyin..
Actually, walls and seatbelts do make people safer. Walls actually work, not only in keeping out criminal aliens, but also the drugs that pour into our country. We should have thought of this years ago!
More wall and more seat belts and more gun laws do make people safer. You fell into it.

But . . . the wall won't be extended significantly at all.

You want to get hold of the situation. Use drones and sensors and mechanized patrols of the Army and the AR and USNG. Simple tweaking with the laws. Put our troops down there in four month rotations. That would shut down almost all illegal entries.
Why do we have to choose one or the other? Machine gun towers every 500 meters with authorization to shoot any pygmies they see would go well with the latest technology available for detecting tunnels and imploding them, burying the little beaners alive.
Why? We have the troops, so let's train them on the ground. Cheaper in the long run.
And seatbelts don't always save lives. Your thinking process is stunted to say the least.
Building more seat belts in the care is not going to make it safer. Building more walls is not going to make safer. Stronger gun laws is not going to make guns safer. My thinking is fine but yours lyin..
Actually, walls and seatbelts do make people safer. Walls actually work, not only in keeping out criminal aliens, but also the drugs that pour into our country. We should have thought of this years ago!
More wall and more seat belts and more gun laws do make people safer. You fell into it.

But . . . the wall won't be extended significantly at all.

You want to get hold of the situation. Use drones and sensors and mechanized patrols of the Army and the AR and USNG. Simple tweaking with the laws. Put our troops down there in four month rotations. That would shut down almost all illegal entries.
Why do we have to choose one or the other? Machine gun towers every 500 meters with authorization to shoot any pygmies they see would go well with the latest technology available for detecting tunnels and imploding them, burying the little beaners alive.
Why? We have the troops, so let's train them on the ground. Cheaper in the long run.
Both/and, not either/or. We can do all that.

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