Ten Red States That Mooch Off The Federal Government

So reacquiring some of your own money is mooching? Where does the fed get its money in the first place? Duh.

THIS is mooching, Rosh:

"WalletHub finds that for every dollar in federal taxes Mississippi pays, it receives $3.07 from the federal government."

But, then, I really did not have to post that, did I? I am sure that you can read and comprehend the link by yourself.
NY, Cal., Illinois etc only get 79 cents back on every federal dollar they pay.

Just another example of how FOS Pubs are...If it were the other way around, Pub moaning would never end. Dems quietly help grandstanding lying hypocrite Pubs, brainwashed ne'erdowell rednecks, racists and white trash welfare cases...
OK, so we've proven that red states are more clever than blue states. Of course ingenuity MUST be punished in Obamerica, so get hoppin' sonny and fix this the way your Messiah can't. Not even with His phone and His pen.
So reacquiring some of your own money is mooching? Where does the fed get its money in the first place? Duh.

THIS is mooching, Rosh:

"WalletHub finds that for every dollar in federal taxes Mississippi pays, it receives $3.07 from the federal government."

But, then, I really did not have to post that, did I? I am sure that you can read and comprehend the link by yourself.
That's redistribution of wealth which should make you lefties happy. Doesn't change any concerns of the tea party. You made this about disparaging the tea party.
What's more, you can be sure that most of that so-called 'fed money' (euphemism for hot property) is going to the dem voters in most of those states. The Alaska and Montana money likely goes to federal park land. But don't expect a dishonest left wing propaganda rag like salon to be so honest. Speaks to you. Where's your KKK Times for balance?
OK, so we've proven that red states are more clever than blue states. Of course ingenuity MUST be punished in Obamerica, so get hoppin' sonny and fix this the way your Messiah can't. Not even with His phone and His pen.
So white RWers on welfare are clever? I thought so. Seems the going theory in red neck country...
NY, Cal., Illinois etc only get 79 cents back on every federal dollar they pay.

Just another example of how FOS Pubs are...If it were the other way around, Pub moaning would never end. Dems quietly help grandstanding lying hypocrite Pubs, brainwashed ne'erdowell rednecks, racists and white trash welfare cases...
how long has this been going on Frankie?....should i get my bat and we go kick some ass?....
When there's free money to be had take all you can get. It'll be worth little enough when the Obamacows come home to roost and people figure out the value of His funny money!
Why can't Repub-voting, states pay their own way? :dunno:
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10 red states that mooch off the federal government - Salon.com

Read it, and learn, Tea Partiers:

1. Mississippi
2. Alaska
3. Alabama
4. Louisiana
5. Indiana
6. Montana
7. South Carolina
8. West Virginia
9. Tennessee
10. Kentucky

Thinking about succession? Good riddance! Please take Palin and Jindal with you.
AN idiot barks.
This has been so debunked you should hang yourself for posting it. All of those states are home to major military installations or retirees. Of course they get federal money.
And it's "secession", not "succession", Nimrod.
10 red states that mooch off the federal government - Salon.com

Read it, and learn, Tea Partiers:

1. Mississippi
2. Alaska
3. Alabama
4. Louisiana
5. Indiana
6. Montana
7. South Carolina
8. West Virginia
9. Tennessee
10. Kentucky

Thinking about succession? Good riddance! Please take Palin and Jindal with you.


ALL states are forced to take subsidies. Do you wish to get rid of that or not?? If not, what is your complaint? If so, who is supporting the correction?

And are you aware that at the core the Tea Party's main principle is to advocate a more responsible federal government and to revert rights back to the states (the people)? Your posts insinuates that you have not a clue about anything factual. Please clarify so we can discuss.
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Sigh how many times do I have to come in and kick ass over this bullshit?

Over and over and over again. No one figured in federal programs like federal prisons. No one figured in federal programs like military bases.

It's all bullshit. Just like everything the left does. It's a lie and bullshit.
Why can't Repub-voting, states pay their own way? :dunno:

Box of Rocks,

Are you familiar with Illinois and Michigan? Bankrupt liberal states?? California? Care to compare the economic stability of states run by libs to those run by conservatives? Let's do it, you'll be embarrassed.....

Contribute to the conversation or caste yourself as a bag of door knobs.
they post this over and over and over and over as if NO BLUE states suck off us TAXPAYERS

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