Tennessee governor signs law to outlaw certain types of rioting, vandalism, and violence

Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Their belief that burning, smashing windows and looting is fun? Or gets them free stuff and eases the pain they feeling like FAILURES in life?


What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

The thing will rebellion is for you to considered to not be traitors is you have to win, or at least lose in such a way that the winners let you off the hook.

What we are seeing here isn't rebellion, its a temper tantrum.

The authoritarians have never been able to win these arguments. Funny you say that though being on the side of those who fought and lost but yet you think we should still honor those people with statues.

Sorry, but not wanting property destroyed isn't authoritarian.

Then listen to the complaints of the people. Don't call them SOB's and walk out on them like this administration did.

They fought, they lost, the two issues aren't related except via the violence of the current crop of temper tantrum throwing sissies.

And they are winning.
The complaints of the people for more free shit have been heard and dismissed. Arm everyone and let the people fight it out. Start dropping hand grenades from helicopters.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Their belief that burning, smashing windows and looting is fun? Or gets them free stuff and eases the pain they feeling like FAILURES in life?


What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

The thing will rebellion is for you to considered to not be traitors is you have to win, or at least lose in such a way that the winners let you off the hook.

What we are seeing here isn't rebellion, its a temper tantrum.

The authoritarians have never been able to win these arguments. Funny you say that though being on the side of those who fought and lost but yet you think we should still honor those people with statues.

Sorry, but not wanting property destroyed isn't authoritarian.

Then listen to the complaints of the people. Don't call them SOB's and walk out on them like this administration did.

They fought, they lost, the two issues aren't related except via the violence of the current crop of temper tantrum throwing sissies.

And they are winning.
The complaints of the people for more free shit have been heard and dismissed. Arm everyone and let the people fight it out. Start dropping hand grenades from helicopters.

Heard and dismissed? Didn't Trump say he was going to sign an EO to give people free stuff?
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
but there is not a problem of police brutality
...no starting to --to it ---99% of the time the police do nothing wrong
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
....the criminals usually initiate the problem--that's why the police are usually in the right
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Their belief that burning, smashing windows and looting is fun? Or gets them free stuff and eases the pain they feeling like FAILURES in life?


What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

Nobody is talking here about denying the rights of anybody to peacefully protest the programs, polices, or actions of any gov't official such as a police officer on up to the President himself. But dude, that right does not include rioting, destruction of property, and violence against the police or anyone else. Or do you want to say that it does? It seems as though the Democratic Party thinks so, do you?

Trump called those who were peacefully protesting SOB's and called for them to be fired.

When that happens the founders understood that violence would be needed.

No, the founders understood that violence may be necessary if we fell into the hands of a tyrannical government. Trump saying football players should be fired for kneeling is not tyranny.

The founders turned violent when the king refused to address the grievances of the people.

They did? How so?
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
.....even Floyd's death was not murder--maybe manslaughter --the cop was trying to subdue a jackass criminal
1. not police brutality
2. race not involved
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.

Their beliefs are communism and marxism. They can go to hell.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
but there is not a problem of police brutality
...no starting to --to it ---99% of the time the police do nothing wrong

That's questionable but even if so it doesn't excuse the times they do and they were excused in the past. They still are in many cases and the protests will continue until that ends.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Their belief that burning, smashing windows and looting is fun? Or gets them free stuff and eases the pain they feeling like FAILURES in life?


What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

Nobody is talking here about denying the rights of anybody to peacefully protest the programs, polices, or actions of any gov't official such as a police officer on up to the President himself. But dude, that right does not include rioting, destruction of property, and violence against the police or anyone else. Or do you want to say that it does? It seems as though the Democratic Party thinks so, do you?

Trump called those who were peacefully protesting SOB's and called for them to be fired.

When that happens the founders understood that violence would be needed.

No, the founders understood that violence may be necessary if we fell into the hands of a tyrannical government. Trump saying football players should be fired for kneeling is not tyranny.

The founders turned violent when the king refused to address the grievances of the people.

They did? How so?

Seriously, this is not elementary school.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
.....even Floyd's death was not murder--maybe manslaughter --the cop was trying to subdue a jackass criminal
1. not police brutality
2. race not involved

Exactly, now Im reading the cop didn't even have any pressure on the dudes neck.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
.....even Floyd's death was not murder--maybe manslaughter --the cop was trying to subdue a jackass criminal
1. not police brutality
2. race not involved

If he is found guilty of manslaughter it will be a step forward. Not long ago he wouldn't have been charged with anything.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.

Their beliefs are communism and marxism. They can go to hell.

You are the one arguing for a police state.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
Their belief that burning, smashing windows and looting is fun? Or gets them free stuff and eases the pain they feeling like FAILURES in life?


What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

Nobody is talking here about denying the rights of anybody to peacefully protest the programs, polices, or actions of any gov't official such as a police officer on up to the President himself. But dude, that right does not include rioting, destruction of property, and violence against the police or anyone else. Or do you want to say that it does? It seems as though the Democratic Party thinks so, do you?

Trump called those who were peacefully protesting SOB's and called for them to be fired.

When that happens the founders understood that violence would be needed.

No, the founders understood that violence may be necessary if we fell into the hands of a tyrannical government. Trump saying football players should be fired for kneeling is not tyranny.

The founders turned violent when the king refused to address the grievances of the people.

They did? How so?

Seriously, this is not elementary school.

Where did the founders turn violent ie jefferson, washington, adams, madison etc? We know the revolutionary war was violent.........but thats war. Where was the violence leading up to the war?
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.

Their beliefs are communism and marxism. They can go to hell.

You are the one arguing for a police state.

Not at all. Im for law and order and against communism and marxism. You're for communism?
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.

Their beliefs are communism and marxism. They can go to hell.

You are the one arguing for a police state.

Not at all. Im for law and order and against communism and marxism. You're for communism?

I'm for what this country is supposed to stand for but really never has. A fair and just justice system.
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
.....even Floyd's death was not murder--maybe manslaughter --the cop was trying to subdue a jackass criminal
1. not police brutality
2. race not involved

If he is found guilty of manslaughter it will be a step forward. Not long ago he wouldn't have been charged with anything.
-----haaaaa --you fkd up again!!!!!!! not long ago ---five YEARS!!!!--2015 Slager WAS charged and convicted
..and--it all proves my point:
Slager = 2015
Floyd = 2020
there is not a problem of police brutality---that's only 2 in 5 years
10 MILLION arrests per year--MILLIONS more police contacts--MILLIONS more traffic stops--and not many unjustified police shootings--not much brutality
..it WILL happen--like parents '''killing'' their kids in hot cars/etc
..it's all in my thread
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
.....even Floyd's death was not murder--maybe manslaughter --the cop was trying to subdue a jackass criminal
1. not police brutality
2. race not involved

Exactly, now Im reading the cop didn't even have any pressure on the dudes neck.
1. he didn't mean to kill him
2. it wasn't racial
3. he was trying to keep a jackass that had resisted subdued
plain and simple
Sounds to me the actions of a bunch of cowards. If this is a good thing why the need to do it without letting people know?

The rioters, looters, murderers, pillagers are cowards and completely worthless.

They aren't the ones hiding behind closed doors. They are willing to stand up for their beliefs.........unlike these politicians.
you people LOVE criminals for some reason
etc etc etc --every one a jackass thug criminal

Police officers are not prosecutors and executioners.
you make yourself look very stupid
HERE is the definition of execute--which you obviously don't know

Exactly. That's what has happened in many cases.
----babbling crap you are--that's why you people will continue to have problems----no, that's not what happened in many cases

I'm not having problems. Not everything is about me.
--that cop went to jail--the system DOES work--bad cops DO go to jail = BLM/you/etc are full of shit

They are starting to. Slager is still on the force if not for someone nearby with a cell phone.

Cauvin is still on the force if not for someone with a cell phone.

Before long we will get it to where the police do not own the body camera footage.
.....even Floyd's death was not murder--maybe manslaughter --the cop was trying to subdue a jackass criminal
1. not police brutality
2. race not involved

If he is found guilty of manslaughter it will be a step forward. Not long ago he wouldn't have been charged with anything.
-----haaaaa --you fkd up again!!!!!!! not long ago ---five YEARS!!!!--2015 Slager WAS charged and convicted
..and--it all proves my point:
Slager = 2015
Floyd = 2020
there is not a problem of police brutality---that's only 2 in 5 years
10 MILLION arrests per year--MILLIONS more police contacts--MILLIONS more traffic stops--and not many unjustified police shootings--not much brutality
..it WILL happen--like parents '''killing'' their kids in hot cars/etc
..it's all in my thread

There are many every week.

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