Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

Dear Liberals,

Get a clue on website design. With this letter you will find a book entitled Web Sites for Dummies.. The next time, don't let chimps do the source coding.



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What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

She's for choice.

You know, as in more than one choice.

How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

She's for choice.

You know, as in more than one choice.

How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

Corporations are the only folks that aren't going to suffer.

Like always, if the government screws them, guess what......they pass on the ass-reaming to us. If they didn't they'd be out of business.

Obamanation leaders know this only too well. That is the whole purpose of Democrat legislation. To force businesses to pass on their shit to the consumer.
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

She's for choice.

You know, as in more than one choice.

How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

How come you continue to deny reality by defending Obamacare? How is it a 'choice' when you're summarily kicked off of your insurance, an insurance plan you took great care in selecting, and are then forced at gunpoint to buy the government plan? Where is the choice?

Are you insane?
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She's for choice.

You know, as in more than one choice.

How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

Corporations are the only folks that aren't going to suffer.

Like always, if the government screws them, guess what......they pass on the ass-reaming to us. If they didn't they'd be out of business.

Obamanation leaders know this only too well. That is the whole purpose of Democrat legislation. To force businesses to pass on their shit to the consumer.

Really? You don't qualify for any subsidies?
Just a quick question: How are insurance companies profiting when only 6 people signed up for Obamacare in the first day?
She's for choice.

You know, as in more than one choice.

How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

How come you continue to deny reality by defending Obamacare? How is it a 'choice' when you're summarily kicked off of your insurance, an insurance plan you took great care in selecting, and are then forced at gunpoint to buy the government plan? Where is the choice?

Are you insane?

The only policies that are being terminated are 'crap' policies. How long did it take you to decide on a 'crap' policy? And why would you pay for a 'crap' policy?

Also, what's the name of your government plan? Aetna? UHC? Humana? etc. What is it?
How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

How come you continue to deny reality by defending Obamacare? How is it a 'choice' when you're summarily kicked off of your insurance, an insurance plan you took great care in selecting, and are then forced at gunpoint to buy the government plan? Where is the choice?

Are you insane?

The only policies that are being terminated are 'crap' policies. How long did it take you to decide on a 'crap' policy? And why would you pay for a 'crap' policy?

Also, what's the name of your government plan? Aetna? UHC? Humana? etc. What is it?

Crap policies? Who are you to say they are 'crap' policies? How are they 'crap' policies to begin with? Naturally, I wouldn't pick a crap policy. Even if I did, I would like to be able to select a crap policy without my government breathing down my neck.

In all seriousness, people picked these plans because they suited their needs the best. Not because they were 'crap' policies. How does a Cadillac plan all of a sudden become "substandard" under Obamacare? Yours is a shitty excuse for cancelling the insurance of over 2,100,000 people.

I don't have any insurance right now. Reason being the market has been thrown into such a state of chaos no thanks to Obamacare, I'd dare not try to purchase a policy of any kind. I wouldn't run the risk of having my plan cancelled no sooner than I got it.
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How come you continue to deny reality by defending Obamacare? How is it a 'choice' when you're summarily kicked off of your insurance, an insurance plan you took great care in selecting, and are then forced at gunpoint to buy the government plan? Where is the choice?

Are you insane?

The only policies that are being terminated are 'crap' policies. How long did it take you to decide on a 'crap' policy? And why would you pay for a 'crap' policy?

Also, what's the name of your government plan? Aetna? UHC? Humana? etc. What is it?

Crap policies? Who are you to say they are 'crap' policies? How are they 'crap' policies to begin with? Naturally, I wouldn't pick a crap policy. Even if I did, I would like to be able to select a crap policy without my government breathing down my neck.

In all seriousness, people picked these plans because they suited their needs the best. Not because they were 'crap' policies. How does a Cadillac plan all of a sudden become "substandard" under Obamacare? Yours is a shitty excuse for cancelling the insurance of over 2,100,000 people.

I don't have any insurance right now. Reason being the market has been thrown into such a state of chaos, I'd dare not

What people like you don't understand and don't want to understand is that there are provisions in the ACA that require the insurance companies to sell policies that aren't crap,

or pay the price for doing so:

Beyond Rebates: How Much Are Consumers Saving from the ACA?s Medical Loss Ratio Provision? | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

I'm pretty sure corporations are the President's first priority seeing how his legislation gave a multi-billion dollar windfall to Big Insurance by placing every American under their thumbs.

Or perhaps the ocean is pink in your dimension. :eusa_whistle:
The only policies that are being terminated are 'crap' policies. How long did it take you to decide on a 'crap' policy? And why would you pay for a 'crap' policy?

Also, what's the name of your government plan? Aetna? UHC? Humana? etc. What is it?

Crap policies? Who are you to say they are 'crap' policies? How are they 'crap' policies to begin with? Naturally, I wouldn't pick a crap policy. Even if I did, I would like to be able to select a crap policy without my government breathing down my neck.

In all seriousness, people picked these plans because they suited their needs the best. Not because they were 'crap' policies. How does a Cadillac plan all of a sudden become "substandard" under Obamacare? Yours is a shitty excuse for cancelling the insurance of over 2,100,000 people.

I don't have any insurance right now. Reason being the market has been thrown into such a state of chaos, I'd dare not

What people like you don't understand and don't want to understand is that there are provisions in the ACA that require the insurance companies to sell policies that aren't crap,

or pay the price for doing so:

Beyond Rebates: How Much Are Consumers Saving from the ACA?s Medical Loss Ratio Provision? | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Sorry, not falling for your bunk tonight. The entire law itself is crap. It doesn't matter what provisions say what. If only 6 people managed to sign up for the damned thing, what good will these provisions do? At the 24 hour rate of enrollment we saw on Oct 1, it would take 3,196 years for 7 million people to sign up for Obamacare.

Stop defending it. This is the end of the line for the ACA. Those 2.1 million people aren't saving money by being kicked off their plans and forced into more expensive ones. You can take that nonsense elsewhere.
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What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

So tell me....
Would you call an insurance company to sell you insurance on your home while it is burning?

The problem with naive people like you is you have NO idea the concept of "risk assessment".. of how insurance works.
The problem with people like you is pure and simple economic ignorance because obviously you would call the insurance company to cover your burning house!
I don't know how to make it simpler.
The average insurance company paid out over 80% of every dollar BEFORE ACA!

Honestly I think most people have looked at this health issue using the big end of the binoculars i.e. YOU are NOT SEEING THE #1 major cost driver!

Do you know that $850 billion a year is wasted in health care costs ... i.e. insurance companies pay this out! This makes premiums rise!
Do you know 90% of the doctors can tell you where this $850 billion can be reduced?

But again.. you like millions of people are finding out Obama lied and MSM has covered for him!

Why don't you get mad at the $850 billion a year that is wasted and is simply paid out and that makes premiums more then necessary.

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