Tennessee to make it more difficult to protest by making obstructing highway a felony gives immunity to drivers who mistakenly kill folks in the way


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Almost sounds like that thing we used to have.... back in the day... oh yeah, common sense!!
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Protesting by violating the rights of others to move freely about their business should never be a right.

You win zero arguments by saying I can interfere with your rights because I want to exercise mine.
I see nothing wrong with this whatsoever.

First, no one is being denied the right to protest. I read the entire article twice, and it says nothing of the sort.

Please stop lying about that.

Secondly, blocking a highway is already illegal in Tennessee, so it's not as if protestors will now be breaking the law if they do it. They're already breaking the law if they do it. This simply makes it a felony instead of a misdemeanor, which is what it is now.

What it does, and this is a very good thing, is it gives immunity to drivers who step on the gas when thugs start beating and climbing on their cars. If some piece of shit thug happens to be run over and killed, the driver cannot (and should not) be held liable for that...
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Fuckin' tRumplings have lost all touch with reality. Legalizing murder for protesting? In another thread they're telling me the saudi prince's murder of a journalist is just capital punishment, and they're still cheering on that murdering little shit rittenhouse.

They're all insane.
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

So your parents never taught you that if you play in traffic, you might get run over????
First, no one is being denied the right to protest. I read the entire article twice, and it says nothing of the sort.

Actually, the very first sentence of the article says, “A newly proposed bill in Tennessee would make it even more difficult to protest in the state…”

But that's just the same deceptive, intellectually-dishonest spin that the OP is trying to put on this.
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Protesting maybe a sacred right but don't block traffic
Your parents even taught you to never play in the streets.
Excellent move in Tennessee by the state Legislators
Fuckin' tRumplings have lost all touch with reality. Legalizing murder for protesting? In another thread they're telling me the saudi prince's murder of a journalist is just capital punishment, and they're still cheering on that murdering little shit rittenhouse.

No surprise, of course, that a piece of left wrong-wing filth such as yourself would try to spin human beings defending themselves from subhuman pieces of shit such as yourself and those with whom you side, as “murder”.

Be known by the company that you choose to keep.
Fuckin' tRumplings have lost all touch with reality. Legalizing murder for protesting? In another thread they're telling me the saudi prince's murder of a journalist is just capital punishment, and they're still cheering on that murdering little shit rittenhouse.

No surprise, of course, that a piece of left wrong-wing filth such as yourself would try to spin human beings defending themselves from subhuman pieces of shit such as yourself and those with whom you side, as “murder”.

Be known by the company that you choose to keep.
Defending? In what way does running down protestors equate to defending yourself?
Defending? In what way does running down protestors equate to defending yourself?

Ask Reginald Denny.

In any case, it's not “protesters” that anyone is talking about running over,. It's subhuman criminal pieces of shit who block roads and interfere with the right of human beings to go about their business in peace and safety.
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Such is the authoritarian right’s contempt for the First Amendment and conservatives’ contempt for the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances – compel conformity, punish dissent.

Republicans seek more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
Defending? In what way does running down protestors equate to defending yourself?

Ask Reginald Denny.

In any case, it's not “protesters”[ that anyone is talking about running over,. It's subhuman pieces of shit who block roads and interfere with the right of human beings to go about their business in peace and safety.
Those were not protestors.
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Fuckin' tRumplings have lost all touch with reality. Legalizing murder for protesting? In another thread they're telling me the saudi prince's murder of a journalist is just capital punishment, and they're still cheering on that murdering little shit rittenhouse.

They're all insane.
Looks like we have another retard!!!!

First, you're defending idiots' "right to play in traffic" (NOT a smart thing to do, since you just might get your ass run over)....

In addition, if you're a pedophile (like Rosenbaum) it's not very smart to chase an armed teen....

(Just call the shooting natural selection, per Darwin)...

Likewise if you have any other record for violent felonies...

The Men Shot in Kenosha Were Convicted Criminals Who Were Shot While Acting Like Criminals – RedState
Such is the authoritarian right’s contempt for the First Amendment and conservatives’ contempt for the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances – compel conformity, punish dissent.

Republicans seek more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Nothing in the First Amendment even hints at any “right” to block roadways and to threaten the safety and freedom of innocent third parties who are just trying to use these roadways to go about their own business in peace.

The First Amendment protects and affirms the right to peaceable assembly and protest. When you cross the line of violating the rights of others, holding them hostage, and threatening their safety, you are no longer acting peaceably. That behavior just makes one a criminal and a terrorist.
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Fuckin' tRumplings have lost all touch with reality. Legalizing murder for protesting? In another thread they're telling me the saudi prince's murder of a journalist is just capital punishment, and they're still cheering on that murdering little shit rittenhouse.

They're all insane.
Looks like we have another retard!!!!

First, you're defending idiots' "right to play in traffic" (NOT a smart thing to do, since you just might get your ass run over)....

In addition, if you're a pedophile (like Rosenbaum) it's not very smart to chase an armed teen....

(Just call the shooting natural selection, per Darwin)...

Likewise if you have any other record for violent felonies...

The Men Shot in Kenosha Were Convicted Criminals Who Were Shot While Acting Like Criminals – RedState
Oh, the irony.
Those were not protestors.

Neither are the subhuman pieces of shit whose side you openly take against that of actual human beings.

Anyone who finds his ability to travel being blocked by subhuman pieces of shit who purport to be “protesting” has every reason and right to assume that these subhuman pieces of shit are comparable to, and have the same intentions, as those who attacked Reginald Denney, and to react accordingly.
Those were not protestors.

Neither are the subhuman pieces of shit whose side you openly take against that of actual human beings.

Anyone who finds his ability to travel being blocked by subhuman pieces of shit who purport to be “protesting” has every reason and right to assume that these subhuman pieces of shit are comparable to, and have the same intentions, as those who attacked Reginald Denney, and to react accordingly.
As usual you tRumplings are champing at the bit to murder someone.

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