Tens of Thousands of Canadians Rise Up to Reject the 'Great Reset' – Media Blackout

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Always good to see people speak up for themselves.



Tens of thousands of Canadians have risen up to reject the "Great Reset" by demanding their freedom and an end to government-imposed restrictions.

Angry citizens flooded the streets of Montreal, Canada, over the weekend to protest the coming implementation of new restrictions due to rollout on September 1.

The changes will force Canadians to carry mandatory papers that will control individual access to ordinary activities, such as events, bars, restaurants, and gyms.

Continued - Tens of Thousands of Canadians Rise Up to Reject the 'Great Reset' – Media Blackout
And for every person that actually showed up, there are 10 or 20 that wholeheartedly agree with them....... but the media always tries to tell us the majority wants this sort of shit.

Lying hacks..... (smh)

And for every person that actually showed up, there are 10 or 20 that wholeheartedly agree with them....... but the media always tries to tell us the majority wants this sort of shit.

Lying hacks..... (smh)
If I don't have a migraine, or sleeping of a med intervention when the protests come to my town, I'm on the streets.

I haven't protested anything since the first Iraq War.

Critics call for public debate, but Legault opposes it​

"Civil liberties groups have raised concerns over data security and opposition parties have called for a public debate on the deployment of vaccination passports.

The Premier of Quebec, François Legault, however, refuses to hold a debate in the Legislative Assembly on vaccine passports in part because he has expressed concern that Quebecers are exposed to conspiracy theories.

More than a hundred people demonstrated Thursday in front of La Cage, a sports bar and restaurant in Quebec City – the first company to test the vaccine passport system as part of the province’s pilot project.

“People are allowed to express their concerns and to demonstrate,” said Marjorie Larouche, spokesperson for the Quebec health ministry, adding that the protests are disturbing to watch.

Dubé said on Friday that more people have signed up to receive their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine since Legault announced plans to create a vaccination passport last week.

Dubé said in a tweeter that an ever-increasing number of people received their first doses for a total of 26,000 between Tuesday and Thursday.

As of Friday, the vast majority of new infections among Canadians were among the unvaccinated, even though they constitute a smaller and smaller segment of the population. Of the 11 COVID-19 patients who were in intensive care in Montreal and Laval on Friday, none were fully vaccinated.. . . "
If I don't have a migraine, or sleeping of a med intervention when the protests come to my town, I'm on the streets.

I haven't protested anything since the first Iraq War.

Not sure holding up signs and singing kumbaya is worth a hill of beans to the tyrants of the modern world. Seems to me that doesn't make them second guess their fuckery for a single second. They're probably laughing.

The Founders slit throats. Historically speaking. How's that for informed?
Seems like the Canadians on this board don’t have an opinion about their defiant citizens who push for more freedoms
And for every person that actually showed up, there are 10 or 20 that wholeheartedly agree with them....... but the media always tries to tell us the majority wants this sort of shit.

Lying hacks..... (smh)
Or possibly everyone else understands the reasons for it.
Not sure holding up signs and singing kumbaya is worth a hill of beans to the tyrants of the modern world. Seems to me that doesn't make them second guess their fuckery for a single second. They're probably laughing.

The Founders slit throats. Historically speaking. How's that for informed?
It would make me feel better.. . .

Added to that, the larger those crowds are, might send a signal to businesses that might think twice to comply with these mandates. What are governments going to do to businesses that refuse to comply and cater to these crowds that still want to engage in civil society w/o such measures? They can't fine them all. Local sheriffs might not want to enforce all of this nonsense if they SEE THIS.

I believe the business community needs to see feet on the ground, and bodies in the street, that there is DEMAND, for goods and services that do not want to comply with these rules.

What if the free market sees a demand for market activity with out such onerous measures?

THAT is critical market INFORMATION.
Relevant reading...

The Most Educated Are the Least Likely to Get Vaccinated Against Covid, According to U.S. Study...

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh have studied well over five million survey responses and label those who “probably” or “definitely” would not get a Covid vaccine as 'vaccine hesitant'.

More surprising is the breakdown in vaccine hesitancy by level of education. It finds that the association between hesitancy and education level follows a U-shaped curve with the highest hesitancy among those least and most educated. People with a master’s degree had the least hesitancy, and the highest hesitancy was among those holding a PhD.

What’s more, the paper found that in the first five months of 2021, the largest decrease in hesitancy was among the least educated – those with a high school education or less. Meanwhile, hesitancy held constant in the most educated group; by May, those with PhDs were the most hesitant group.

Not only are the most educated people most sceptical of taking the Covid vaccine, they are also the least likely the change their minds about it.

The study found that the most commonly stated reason for not getting vaccinated was concern about the potential side effects, with a lack of trust in government trailing closely behind.

Study - https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.20.21260795v1.full.pdf
Always good to see people speak up for themselves.



Tens of thousands of Canadians have risen up to reject the "Great Reset" by demanding their freedom and an end to government-imposed restrictions.

Angry citizens flooded the streets of Montreal, Canada, over the weekend to protest the coming implementation of new restrictions due to rollout on September 1.

The changes will force Canadians to carry mandatory papers that will control individual access to ordinary activities, such as events, bars, restaurants, and gyms.

Continued - Tens of Thousands of Canadians Rise Up to Reject the 'Great Reset' – Media Blackout
these protests are going on all over the world in large groups of major cities iin countries. Ontario in fact got them to pass against mask mandates and vaccines.:yes_text12: so this shows we CAN win.

have you heard of www.awakecanada.org. i strongly urge you to join and email all your friends.


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