Tension Between Secularists and Biblical Christians Heating Up


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Read the comments on this article to see what I am refering to.

Rand Paul: There's a 'sickness' in the country - POLITICO.com

The polarization between peple of Bible-based ethics and those whose values are entirely independent of any sort of traditonal Christianity is growing. If this continues I think this will lead to wide-spread violence and even political division. This country may end up dividing in order to keep the peace and letting the two groups go their seperate ways.
Read the comments on this article to see what I am refering to.

Rand Paul: There's a 'sickness' in the country - POLITICO.com

The polarization between peple of Bible-based ethics and those whose values are entirely independent of any sort of traditonal Christianity is growing. If this continues I think this will lead to wide-spread violence and even political division. This country may end up dividing in order to keep the peace and letting the two groups go their seperate ways.

The best thing to happen is for the country to divide. It's inevitable. At some point the secularists are going to have to start screaming and start acting. They are already envious of muslims killing Christians in Egypt, the Sudan, Nigeria and dreaming of the next French style revolution. sooner or later they will have to act or marginalize themselves.
Read the comments on this article to see what I am refering to.

Rand Paul: There's a 'sickness' in the country - POLITICO.com

The polarization between peple of Bible-based ethics and those whose values are entirely independent of any sort of traditonal Christianity is growing. If this continues I think this will lead to wide-spread violence and even political division. This country may end up dividing in order to keep the peace and letting the two groups go their seperate ways.

The best thing to happen is for the country to divide. It's inevitable. At some point the secularists are going to have to start screaming and start acting. They are already envious of muslims killing Christians in Egypt, the Sudan, Nigeria and dreaming of the next French style revolution. sooner or later they will have to act or marginalize themselves.

I pray you are wrong. I take my oaths to defend the Constitution and the Republic very seriously. A divide in our nation would violate those oaths, and I cannot think of myself as an oath breaker.
American Christians are NOT traditional Christians.

Let him die.

Applauding executions.

Feed the poor and they'll breed.

Corporations are people.

None of those things are advocated by any Christians I know.

Again, you come s-trolling into a thread only to create heat and no light.
American Christians are NOT traditional Christians.

Let him die.

Applauding executions.

Feed the poor and they'll breed.

Corporations are people.

None of those things are advocated by any Christians I know.

Again, you come s-trolling into a thread only to create heat and no light.

Really? You saying Romney's not a Christian?

You saying the people who were cheering at the R debates were not Christians?

Not sure that's a judgment you wanna be making, bro.
Read the comments on this article to see what I am refering to.

Rand Paul: There's a 'sickness' in the country - POLITICO.com

The polarization between peple of Bible-based ethics and those whose values are entirely independent of any sort of traditonal Christianity is growing. If this continues I think this will lead to wide-spread violence and even political division. This country may end up dividing in order to keep the peace and letting the two groups go their seperate ways.

The best thing to happen is for the country to divide. It's inevitable. At some point the secularists are going to have to start screaming and start acting. They are already envious of muslims killing Christians in Egypt, the Sudan, Nigeria and dreaming of the next French style revolution. sooner or later they will have to act or marginalize themselves.

If you want to discuss the growing divide between Christians and secularists, how about starting with some truth in your posts??

" They are already envious of muslims killing Christians in Egypt, the Sudan, Nigeria.." WTF? Do you actually believe that??
Read the comments on this article to see what I am refering to.

Rand Paul: There's a 'sickness' in the country - POLITICO.com

The polarization between peple of Bible-based ethics and those whose values are entirely independent of any sort of traditonal Christianity is growing. If this continues I think this will lead to wide-spread violence and even political division. This country may end up dividing in order to keep the peace and letting the two groups go their seperate ways.

The best thing to happen is for the country to divide. It's inevitable. At some point the secularists are going to have to start screaming and start acting. They are already envious of muslims killing Christians in Egypt, the Sudan, Nigeria and dreaming of the next French style revolution. sooner or later they will have to act or marginalize themselves.
The US is probably the most nationalist nation on earth. We're pretty well divided on the issues now but certainly not enough to the destroy the union. Besides, Corpocracy would never allow it. It's bad for business.
American Christians are NOT traditional Christians.

Let him die.

Applauding executions.

Feed the poor and they'll breed.

Corporations are people.

None of those things are advocated by any Christians I know.

Again, you come s-trolling into a thread only to create heat and no light.

Really? You saying Romney's not a Christian?

You saying the people who were cheering at the R debates were not Christians?

Not sure that's a judgment you wanna be making, bro.

Well, Mormonism is polythesistic, so its not Christian in the strictest theological sense, but I think Romney is a Christian in intent.

What do any of those things asserted by RDean have to do with Romney or the audience that applaudedexecutions?

Some deserve to die and the world much better off.

And that IS a Christian view of justice no matter what the libs think these days.
None of those things are advocated by any Christians I know.

Again, you come s-trolling into a thread only to create heat and no light.

Really? You saying Romney's not a Christian?

You saying the people who were cheering at the R debates were not Christians?

Not sure that's a judgment you wanna be making, bro.

Well, Mormonism is polythesistic, so its not Christian in the strictest theological sense, but I think Romney is a Christian in intent.

What do any of those things asserted by RDean have to do with Romney or the audience that applaudedexecutions?

Some deserve to die and the world much better off.

And that IS a Christian view of justice no matter what the libs think these days.

Some deserve to die.

For not having health insurance.

Do you hear yourself.
Really? You saying Romney's not a Christian?

You saying the people who were cheering at the R debates were not Christians?

Not sure that's a judgment you wanna be making, bro.

Well, Mormonism is polythesistic, so its not Christian in the strictest theological sense, but I think Romney is a Christian in intent.

What do any of those things asserted by RDean have to do with Romney or the audience that applaudedexecutions?

Some deserve to die and the world much better off.

And that IS a Christian view of justice no matter what the libs think these days.

Some deserve to die.

For not having health insurance.

Do you hear yourself.

Did I say that some deserve to die because they dont have health insurance?

Geeze, Louise do you hear yourself?
Well, Mormonism is polythesistic, so its not Christian in the strictest theological sense, but I think Romney is a Christian in intent.

What do any of those things asserted by RDean have to do with Romney or the audience that applaudedexecutions?

Some deserve to die and the world much better off.

And that IS a Christian view of justice no matter what the libs think these days.

Some deserve to die.

For not having health insurance.

Do you hear yourself.

Did I say that some deserve to die because they dont have health insurance?

Geeze, Louise do you hear yourself?

That's why THEY said it, you went ahead and parroted it. So tell me; who are the some that YOU think 'deserve to die.'
Some deserve to die.

For not having health insurance.

Do you hear yourself.

Did I say that some deserve to die because they dont have health insurance?

Geeze, Louise do you hear yourself?

That's why THEY said it, you went ahead and parroted it. So tell me; who are the some that YOU think 'deserve to die.'

People that wrongly take the life of another person and people who commit Treason.

I suspect that most Christians agree with me.
I pray you are wrong. I take my oaths to defend the Constitution and the Republic very seriously. A divide in our nation would violate those oaths, and I cannot think of myself as an oath breaker.
How would you be breaking your oath?

The Constitution is set up so that states can break away. :cool:

I do not believe that the Constitution has within its scope a formula to unbind the states that make it up. We kinda fought a war on that topic, you might have heard of it.

Did I say that some deserve to die because they dont have health insurance?

Geeze, Louise do you hear yourself?

That's why THEY said it, you went ahead and parroted it. So tell me; who are the some that YOU think 'deserve to die.'

People that wrongly take the life of another person and people who commit Treason.

I suspect that most Christians agree with me.

Thank you. Part of the problem with 'what happened there' is that when nobody protests the "let him die" statement, it looks like there are a bunch of lunatics running the asylum.
I do not believe that the Constitution has within its scope a formula to unbind the states that make it up. We kinda fought a war on that topic, you might have heard of it.
I am of the opinion that original intent of the Constitution allowed states to break away.

But you are correct.

The War of Northern Aggression settled this dispute. :cool:
That's why THEY said it, you went ahead and parroted it. So tell me; who are the some that YOU think 'deserve to die.'

People that wrongly take the life of another person and people who commit Treason.

I suspect that most Christians agree with me.

Thank you. Part of the problem with 'what happened there' is that when nobody protests the "let him die" statement, it looks like there are a bunch of lunatics running the asylum.

I have to see the context; got a link?

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