Tensions with Trump & Mattis deepen as Moderate Dog tries to stock Pentagon with Hillary supporters

i would like Trump more if its True

That says much about you. Trump does not rate to wash Mattis' jock strap, the last thing he should be doing is calling him name.
it is sad that Gruesome Golfing Gator doesnt appreciate President Trump's greatness after Trump made america great again

America was already great, what kind of a American hating statist are you?
i love America, that's why i speak out when i feel that it isn't as great as it should be. Trump loves America. I love America. me and Trump love America.

and we have a lot more in common beyond that

What do you have on common with him?

are you both fat?

do you both cheat on your spouses?

Were you both born with a silver spoon in your mouth?

do you both use 2nd grade nicknames for people?
Can you give a list of the names of the Hillary supporters that you are claiming Mattis has put into the Pentagon?

Richard Holbrooke
Philippe Reines
Huma Abedin
Anthony Weiner

a dead guy, a guy in jail, a lesbian, and a nutcase. i should work for the NYT!

So, in other words you just made up the whole title of the thread!

Hey, thanks for the fun!

Carry on!
Trump privately calls Mattis ‘Moderate Dog’: report

The sad part is that nobody would be surprised if this turned out to be true

Right, Obama is a homo. Hillary turned traitor and colluded with Russia. Bernie laughs at his supporters naivety. I can make shit up all day like the NY Times does then say, "nobody would be surprised IF this turned out to be true".
Moderate Dog prefers to focus on military matters and doesnt like to go to the White House much, but he did go to convince Trump to not pull out of a free trade deal with South Korea
"we have to change what we are doing. it cant be a war of attrition. it has to be a war of annihilation" - President Trump
Mattis will be there for as long as he wants to be there.
he's been fired before

"i'm not going to change what i think to placate Obama" - Mad Dog, before being fired by Obama

Well I think he and Trump get along quite well.

They don't always agree but Mattis is worth keeping on the cabinet.

I don't think he will be going anywhere and will stay just as long as he wants to stay.
"Secretaries of Defense dont get to choose what presidents they work for" - Moderate Dog dig at Obama and Trump as the audience laughs
Kushner: the media loves Mad Dog!

Bannon:...because he's a fucking liberal!
One eye popping thing the Woodward book mentions is the cost of the Afghanistan War; over one trillion dollars. U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Pakistan have cost US taxpayers $5.6 trillion since 2001. And you wonder why your roads and bridges and schools are so shitty.

And in Woodward’s book, Trump wants to get out of there and his staff (that Woodward praises) talks him out of it
there's an energy, there's a spark, there's an essence, there's a life that comes through in a matter of seconds.

Trump and Moderate Dog just dont have that chemistry

Moderate Dog doesnt get Trump's negotiating style, his machismo, his boldness, his brashness...
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