Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

War Mongers? I misread it the 1st time...I thought she said War MONKEYS. I thought ISIS had learned to train monkeys to affect their attacks for them, like the military uses dolphins, etc... :p

You got something against apes?

I'm an ape and I am feeling pretty much like this is a hostile environment right now...yep, pretty darned hostile.

Haven't you got a safe space to go to?
Last edited:
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome
From your link:

The school had also come under fire for ending a school-wide recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. On Monday, authorities said that after hearing concerns from the school community, it will be recited over the public address system every morning.
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome
From your link:

The school had also come under fire for ending a school-wide recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. On Monday, authorities said that after hearing concerns from the school community, it will be recited over the public address system every morning.

Someone else in the thread said that the pledge had been changed from a school-wide PA announcement to being done in individual classrooms. I don't remember if there was a link about it. :dunno:
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome
From your link:

The school had also come under fire for ending a school-wide recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. On Monday, authorities said that after hearing concerns from the school community, it will be recited over the public address system every morning.

Someone else in the thread said that the pledge had been changed from a school-wide PA announcement to being done in individual classrooms. I don't remember if there was a link about it. :dunno:
I hi haven't heard that. However, there seems to be a pattern whereby, in this case it's a school, issue local dictats about what words people can use, then when a stink is made, invariably there are claims that it was all a 'misunderstanding'. No doubt sometimes that might be true, but there does seem to be an ongoing effort by the pc brigade to do away with 'christian' references, and it does annoy a lot of people because it is so damn petty, imho.
You think ISIS represent all of Islam, I'm sorry for you. Maybe you need to meet some Muslims some time.

It doesn't matter if they represent "all of Islam". They and their fellow Islamist organizations are the current global face of Islam, and their support is growing rapidly within Islam.

They're the face of Islam because the media presents only this. Go to a Muslim country and they're NOT the face of Islam. Your ignorance doesn't dictate what Islam is or is not.

I see. And how do media present Barack Obama? The fact is media screams that the terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

They are the face of Islam because they say they are, and the growth of their popularity among Muslims indicates agreement.

Whatever, you're clearly going to believe whatever the hell you want to believe and ignore the reality of the situation.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Religion is part of the American tradition. If you don't like the history of the country, too bad.

That said, Christmas may also be celebrated in a secular manner, as may they all.
Which religion? Many do not celebrate Xmas...and those who do, may celebrate it differently...even on different days.
I don't see 10% as "many". Sorry......
Oh....so you have to be of a certain percentage before they stop forcing you to celebrate someone else's holiday? What percentage cut off would that be?
Who's forcing anyone to celebrate Christmas? If I say merry Christmas to someone I have a 9/10 chance they're going to say it back. I'll take those odds
I loved the nativity play, the Christmas carols, the Christmas card making, the Christmas tree, and so on. My parents are atheists and I'm agnostic, but I still loved the stories about Jesus and the nativity and all the rest, and I still do. I don't think I want it all taken out of Christmas just because some people don't believe in it. There is little to take offence at in these traditions and they harm no-one, so I'd prefer them to stay, and those that don't like them need not attend.

So you're not offended by it so it's okay?

What if you had Muslim holidays and went through all of that, would you be offended? Maybe not. But how many right wingers do you think WOULD BE offended by it?

This is the point. If people would not accept one thing, why should minorities be forced to accept the majority?

Again, does religion have a place in schools? Education is about learning REAL THINGS.
I personally would not like to see Islamic holidays celebrated in regular schools. I'm not sure how this all works in the US, but in Europe there are muslim schools for families who want to stick with their beliefs and not be involved with anything other than Islamic rites and traditions. I would not want my children being exposed to the ceremonies of a religion that honours a man who waged war, married a nine year old, practiced deceit and murdered people. I might not be religious myself, but I do emphatically believe Jesus and his message is a much better example to expose children to. I don't really understand how anyone, other than a Muslim, could have a problem with that. I fully appreciate that you are going to despise this post. Sorry.

What I get from this post, in summary : "I only want those religious celebrations I like to be allowed in schools". :dunno:
So you'd like your children to be exposed to a religion where its founder was a warrior who pillaged, enslaved, married a child and murdered people. Well I'm afraid I don't want that at all, and I make no apology for it.
I'm not so keen on my child being forced to celebrate a religion that had an Inquisition.
There it is again....who's forcing religion and how?
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome
Not false. Actually, your source says that it's true but has been rectified
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome
Not false. Actually, your source says that it's true but has been rectified

no. the article says the o/p story was untrue and a "misunderstanding".

but please, let's have more crying and hand-wringing by white christian males.
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome
Not false. Actually, your source says that it's true but has been rectified

no. the article says the o/p story was untrue and a "misunderstanding".

but please, let's have more crying and hand-wringing by white christian males.
So now race and gender is part of it all? Liberalism truly is a sickness
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome
Not false. Actually, your source says that it's true but has been rectified

no. the article says the o/p story was untrue and a "misunderstanding".

but please, let's have more crying and hand-wringing by white christian males.

That's all you have? Play the usual race, gender, and religious cards. Pathetic.
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

(X)You can thank multiculturalism and political correctness for that bull chit removal crap of our traditions and culture. It's all about not offending other religions and cultures. To hell with ours, we must celebrate theirs. The President can light up the Jewish Menorrah on the White house lawn but no Christmas Tree light up allowed on the premises. This is what happens when white people don't and won't fight for their racial survival. They get chit on.
My goodness.....a white supremist AND a liar all in one. Who would have thunk it.

(X)So just why or how am I suppose to be a white supremo? Curious.
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome
Not false. Actually, your source says that it's true but has been rectified

no. the article says the o/p story was untrue and a "misunderstanding".

but please, let's have more crying and hand-wringing by white christian males.

That's all you have? Play the usual race, gender, and religious cards. Pathetic.

(X)So true.When they have lost an argument or cannot debate,well like you said, they come out with the race, gender and religious card. I think they call those losers cultural Marxists lieberals.
Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome
Not false. Actually, your source says that it's true but has been rectified

no. the article says the o/p story was untrue and a "misunderstanding".

but please, let's have more crying and hand-wringing by white christian males.

That's all you have? Play the usual race, gender, and religious cards. Pathetic.

(X)So true.When they have lost an argument or cannot debate,well like you said, they come out with the race, gender and religious card. I think they call those losers cultural Marxists lieberals.

liberals are not "Marxists", you ignorant twit.

maybe if you stopped saying stupid offensive garbage, we wouldn't call you what you are.

which is bigoted misogynist scum. there is nothing to "debate" when the o/p is a typical rightwingnut whining lie.
the o/p is a typical rightwingnut whining lie.
Dayum. I didn't know it was a supposed lie. And from what I've been readin, it isn't. Maybe you need to take a chill pill and quit being such a fucking hypocrite in the name calling while whining about the name calling.
And who the fuck is this WE shit? Speak for yourself, asshole.

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