Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

Yea he hit a moose a few years ago, totaled my car :( Then it healed all wrong so they had to re-break it, all kinds of bad... He was out of work for nearly a year to recover from the re-break, but he's doing well now, we just don't want him pushing it going back to mechanic'ing so he's stuck at the desk heh
That sounds awful. He's very lucky to have you taking care of him
You'd rather not know what impression your words give, what message you are sending to others?
No, she doesnt care to know how people like yo are twisting her words in your own mind.

No one can be held responsible for what every inebriated fool thinks about what they say.
Thank you, JB. It's not my problem if someone has comprehension problems and then decides to tell me what I think. Lol. So many posters seem to resort to these tactics. It is truly LAME and not worth responding to :)

I didn't tell you what you were thinking. I told you what it sounded to me like you were thinking. Do you not understand the difference?

If you aren't interested in what message the person you are talking to is receiving I guess you aren't actually interested in a conversation. :dunno:
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?
Prayers for your husband...

As far as being worried about if someone is offended by my trying to be nice to them by wishing them a Merry Christmas, I don't give it a second thought.

I don't get offended when someone wishes me a Happy Hanukkah. I would not be offended if someone wished me a 'Happy Festivus'. If you are offended by someone saying Merry Christmas you have bigger problems than me wishing you a Merry Christmas.

I agree. It is very hard for me to understand all the offense. The only person that I can recall ever "offending" me is my husband when he was in a bad mood/being an asshole, we vented it out at each other and everything was fine... Frankly the only reason his "offense" bothered me at all is because I respect him. For the average joe on the street I could care less what they think... 90% of the country is stupid, of course I could care less what they opinionate at me. I /try/ to be polite, but I'm not apologizing for saying Merry Christmas, not gonna happen lol

Yea he hit a moose a few years ago, totaled my car :( Then it healed all wrong so they had to re-break it, all kinds of bad... He was out of work for nearly a year to recover from the re-break, but he's doing well now, we just don't want him pushing it going back to mechanic'ing so he's stuck at the desk heh
That sounds awful. He's very lucky to have you taking care of him

uhm... so by "taking care of him" you actually mean not making him do honey do lists right? I did mention that he totaled /MY/ car didn't I? :p
You'd rather not know what impression your words give, what message you are sending to others?
No, she doesnt care to know how people like yo are twisting her words in your own mind.

No one can be held responsible for what every inebriated fool thinks about what they say.
Thank you, JB. It's not my problem if someone has comprehension problems and then decides to tell me what I think. Lol. So many posters seem to resort to these tactics. It is truly LAME and not worth responding to :)

I didn't tell you what you were thinking. I told you what it sounded to me like you were thinking. Do you not understand the difference?

If you aren't interested in what message the person you are talking to is receiving I guess you aren't actually interested in a conversation. :dunno:
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?

Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
Prayers for your husband...

As far as being worried about if someone is offended by my trying to be nice to them by wishing them a Merry Christmas, I don't give it a second thought.

I don't get offended when someone wishes me a Happy Hanukkah. I would not be offended if someone wished me a 'Happy Festivus'. If you are offended by someone saying Merry Christmas you have bigger problems than me wishing you a Merry Christmas.

I agree. It is very hard for me to understand all the offense. The only person that I can recall ever "offending" me is my husband when he was in a bad mood/being an asshole, we vented it out at each other and everything was fine... Frankly the only reason his "offense" bothered me at all is because I respect him. For the average joe on the street I could care less what they think... 90% of the country is stupid, of course I could care less what they opinionate at me. I /try/ to be polite, but I'm not apologizing for saying Merry Christmas, not gonna happen lol

Yea he hit a moose a few years ago, totaled my car :( Then it healed all wrong so they had to re-break it, all kinds of bad... He was out of work for nearly a year to recover from the re-break, but he's doing well now, we just don't want him pushing it going back to mechanic'ing so he's stuck at the desk heh
That sounds awful. He's very lucky to have you taking care of him

uhm... so by "taking care of him" you actually mean not making him do honey do lists right? I did mention that he totaled /MY/ car didn't I? :p
Lol :)
You'd rather not know what impression your words give, what message you are sending to others?
No, she doesnt care to know how people like yo are twisting her words in your own mind.

No one can be held responsible for what every inebriated fool thinks about what they say.
Thank you, JB. It's not my problem if someone has comprehension problems and then decides to tell me what I think. Lol. So many posters seem to resort to these tactics. It is truly LAME and not worth responding to :)

I didn't tell you what you were thinking. I told you what it sounded to me like you were thinking. Do you not understand the difference?

If you aren't interested in what message the person you are talking to is receiving I guess you aren't actually interested in a conversation. :dunno:
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?

Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
I really couldn't (yes that's right Americans :) ) care less about your misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of my posts.
And you are still whining.
Maybe you should replace telling people what you think they think with asking sensible questions. I can spot the baiters a mile off and I can't be bothered with that game and don't endulge. I hope that is clear enough for you cos it's all you're getting on this tedious nonsense. Merry Christmas, btw :)
No, she doesnt care to know how people like yo are twisting her words in your own mind.

No one can be held responsible for what every inebriated fool thinks about what they say.
Thank you, JB. It's not my problem if someone has comprehension problems and then decides to tell me what I think. Lol. So many posters seem to resort to these tactics. It is truly LAME and not worth responding to :)

I didn't tell you what you were thinking. I told you what it sounded to me like you were thinking. Do you not understand the difference?

If you aren't interested in what message the person you are talking to is receiving I guess you aren't actually interested in a conversation. :dunno:
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?

Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
I really couldn't (yes that's right Americans :) ) care less about your misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of my posts.
And you are still whining.
Maybe you should replace telling people what you think they think with asking sensible questions. I can spot the baiters a mile off and I can't be bothered with that game and don't endulge. I hope that is clear enough for you cos it's all you're getting on this tedious nonsense. Merry Christmas, btw :)

Trying to tell people what they are thinking is a leftist tactic.
Thank you, JB. It's not my problem if someone has comprehension problems and then decides to tell me what I think. Lol. So many posters seem to resort to these tactics. It is truly LAME and not worth responding to :)

I didn't tell you what you were thinking. I told you what it sounded to me like you were thinking. Do you not understand the difference?

If you aren't interested in what message the person you are talking to is receiving I guess you aren't actually interested in a conversation. :dunno:
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?

Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
I really couldn't (yes that's right Americans :) ) care less about your misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of my posts.
And you are still whining.
Maybe you should replace telling people what you think they think with asking sensible questions. I can spot the baiters a mile off and I can't be bothered with that game and don't endulge. I hope that is clear enough for you cos it's all you're getting on this tedious nonsense. Merry Christmas, btw :)

Trying to tell people what they are thinking is a leftist tactic.

Your tactic appears to be ignoring what I say. To repeat, for at least the third time, I never tried to tell Tilly what she is thinking. Instead, I pointed out what it seemed to me she was thinking based on her posts.

Also, as I am not and have never been a leftist, your statement seems inappropriate to the conversation. I get the impression you don't much care about that, though, and would label just about anyone you disagree with as a leftist. Care to make a statement about how I'm now telling you what you think? :lmao:
I didn't tell you what you were thinking. I told you what it sounded to me like you were thinking. Do you not understand the difference?

If you aren't interested in what message the person you are talking to is receiving I guess you aren't actually interested in a conversation. :dunno:
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?

Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
I really couldn't (yes that's right Americans :) ) care less about your misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of my posts.
And you are still whining.
Maybe you should replace telling people what you think they think with asking sensible questions. I can spot the baiters a mile off and I can't be bothered with that game and don't endulge. I hope that is clear enough for you cos it's all you're getting on this tedious nonsense. Merry Christmas, btw :)

Trying to tell people what they are thinking is a leftist tactic.

Your tactic appears to be ignoring what I say. To repeat, for at least the third time, I never tried to tell Tilly what she is thinking. Instead, I pointed out what it seemed to me she was thinking based on her posts.

Also, as I am not and have never been a leftist, your statement seems inappropriate to the conversation. I get the impression you don't much care about that, though, and would label just about anyone you disagree with as a leftist. Care to make a statement about how I'm now telling you what you think? :lmao:

I don't give two shits what you say, you're a bore
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?

Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
I really couldn't (yes that's right Americans :) ) care less about your misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of my posts.
And you are still whining.
Maybe you should replace telling people what you think they think with asking sensible questions. I can spot the baiters a mile off and I can't be bothered with that game and don't endulge. I hope that is clear enough for you cos it's all you're getting on this tedious nonsense. Merry Christmas, btw :)

Trying to tell people what they are thinking is a leftist tactic.

Your tactic appears to be ignoring what I say. To repeat, for at least the third time, I never tried to tell Tilly what she is thinking. Instead, I pointed out what it seemed to me she was thinking based on her posts.

Also, as I am not and have never been a leftist, your statement seems inappropriate to the conversation. I get the impression you don't much care about that, though, and would label just about anyone you disagree with as a leftist. Care to make a statement about how I'm now telling you what you think? :lmao:

I don't give two shits what you say, you're a bore
Lol :beer:
I didn't tell you what you were thinking. I told you what it sounded to me like you were thinking. Do you not understand the difference?

If you aren't interested in what message the person you are talking to is receiving I guess you aren't actually interested in a conversation. :dunno:
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?

Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
I really couldn't (yes that's right Americans :) ) care less about your misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of my posts.
And you are still whining.
Maybe you should replace telling people what you think they think with asking sensible questions. I can spot the baiters a mile off and I can't be bothered with that game and don't endulge. I hope that is clear enough for you cos it's all you're getting on this tedious nonsense. Merry Christmas, btw :)

Trying to tell people what they are thinking is a leftist tactic.

Your tactic appears to be ignoring what I say. To repeat, for at least the third time, I never tried to tell Tilly what she is thinking. Instead, I pointed out what it seemed to me she was thinking based on her posts.

Also, as I am not and have never been a leftist, your statement seems inappropriate to the conversation. I get the impression you don't much care about that, though, and would label just about anyone you disagree with as a leftist. Care to make a statement about how I'm now telling you what you think? :lmao:
You've now made countless posts about everything other than the actual subject matter of the thread. Why don't you try to address the actual subject at hand for a change?
No, she doesnt care to know how people like yo are twisting her words in your own mind.

No one can be held responsible for what every inebriated fool thinks about what they say.
Thank you, JB. It's not my problem if someone has comprehension problems and then decides to tell me what I think. Lol. So many posters seem to resort to these tactics. It is truly LAME and not worth responding to :)

I didn't tell you what you were thinking. I told you what it sounded to me like you were thinking. Do you not understand the difference?

If you aren't interested in what message the person you are talking to is receiving I guess you aren't actually interested in a conversation. :dunno:
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?

Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
I really couldn't (yes that's right Americans :) ) care less about your misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of my posts.
And you are still whining.
Maybe you should replace telling people what you think they think with asking sensible questions. I can spot the baiters a mile off and I can't be bothered with that game and don't endulge. I hope that is clear enough for you cos it's all you're getting on this tedious nonsense. Merry Christmas, btw :)

You need a question to answer? Sure. When you said this :
You need to understand that Mohammed was a warmonger and that all Muslims are compelled to emulate him.

Did you mean that all Muslims are warmongers?

Here is another question. What makes you think you can speak for what Muslims must believe?

Here is another. Whether or not they are 'real' Muslims, does that have any practical effect on any teaching about Islam that might happen in schools?

How about another. Do you think only a certain segment of Christians are really Christians?

Am I still whining? :lmao:
Yawn, I write as clearly as I can. You are at liberty to make whatever you wish of what I write. Your continual whining about your interpretation of what I write is tedious to say the least. I am indeed becoming increasingly disinterested in your what you think I think. Is that clear enough?

Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
I really couldn't (yes that's right Americans :) ) care less about your misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of my posts.
And you are still whining.
Maybe you should replace telling people what you think they think with asking sensible questions. I can spot the baiters a mile off and I can't be bothered with that game and don't endulge. I hope that is clear enough for you cos it's all you're getting on this tedious nonsense. Merry Christmas, btw :)

Trying to tell people what they are thinking is a leftist tactic.

Your tactic appears to be ignoring what I say. To repeat, for at least the third time, I never tried to tell Tilly what she is thinking. Instead, I pointed out what it seemed to me she was thinking based on her posts.

Also, as I am not and have never been a leftist, your statement seems inappropriate to the conversation. I get the impression you don't much care about that, though, and would label just about anyone you disagree with as a leftist. Care to make a statement about how I'm now telling you what you think? :lmao:
You've now made countless posts about everything other than the actual subject matter of the thread. Why don't you try to address the actual subject at hand for a change?

Actually I've made a number of posts directly addressing the point of the thread. This particular side conversation began when I responded to something you said about not having children exposed to Islam if I remember correctly.

If the school actually banned use of the terms Christmas and Thanksgiving that's ridiculous. If the school was simply changing from using Merry Christmas to Winter Festival or whatever bland term they preferred, I have no problem with that.
War Mongers? I misread it the 1st time...I thought she said War MONKEYS. I thought ISIS had learned to train monkeys to affect their attacks for them, like the military uses dolphins, etc... :p
Hah, continual whining? I made a statement about what it sounded to me like you think about Muslims. You responded with 'don't tell me what I'm thinking'. In trying to correct you that I am not telling you what you are thinking, but rather telling you the impression you are giving about what you are thinking, I am whining? Would you prefer that I simply continue under a misrepresentation of your thoughts, with a conversation degenerating further and further into ridiculousness as we argue about things that aren't actually true? Should I just shut up if I disagree or think you are sending a particular message and want it clarified?

Again, if you don't care to elaborate or clarify anything, if you don't care about what the person you are talking to thinks of your statements, you don't seem to actually want a conversation.
I really couldn't (yes that's right Americans :) ) care less about your misinterpretation/ misunderstanding of my posts.
And you are still whining.
Maybe you should replace telling people what you think they think with asking sensible questions. I can spot the baiters a mile off and I can't be bothered with that game and don't endulge. I hope that is clear enough for you cos it's all you're getting on this tedious nonsense. Merry Christmas, btw :)

Trying to tell people what they are thinking is a leftist tactic.

Your tactic appears to be ignoring what I say. To repeat, for at least the third time, I never tried to tell Tilly what she is thinking. Instead, I pointed out what it seemed to me she was thinking based on her posts.

Also, as I am not and have never been a leftist, your statement seems inappropriate to the conversation. I get the impression you don't much care about that, though, and would label just about anyone you disagree with as a leftist. Care to make a statement about how I'm now telling you what you think? :lmao:
You've now made countless posts about everything other than the actual subject matter of the thread. Why don't you try to address the actual subject at hand for a change?

Actually I've made a number of posts directly addressing the point of the thread. This particular side conversation began when I responded to something you said about not having children exposed to Islam if I remember correctly.

If the school actually banned use of the terms Christmas and Thanksgiving that's ridiculous. If the school was simply changing from using Merry Christmas to Winter Festival or whatever bland term they preferred, I have no problem with that.

I don't recall the comment but no I don't want ours exposed to Islam, there is no reason for that to happen. When they get older and if they want to learn about it that is fine but until then keep it away from them. I used to consider it a religion but now I view it more as a cult or ideology
If I had meant all Muslims are warmongers I'd have written that. I'm beginning to see your problem now, you have poor comprehension skills, and yes, you are attempting to suggest I mean something other than what I write. A very hackneyed and dishonest approach to debate. Shame on you.
If you don't understand that Muslims are supposed to emulate their prophet then you must be living under a rock and have an aversion to reading, and listening too. Christains too are supposed to emulate Jesus. Why any of this is news to you, is beyond me.
I say again, I don't want Islam being taught in mainstream schools, because they would either whitewash it out of necessity, or teach it factually and honestly, which is even worse. Why do you think madrasah's turn out so many terrorist butchers and talibani?
I think it's common knowledge that there are people who are basically nominally Christian. So what?
Last edited:
War Mongers? I misread it the 1st time...I thought she said War MONKEYS. I thought ISIS had learned to train monkeys to affect their attacks for them, like the military uses dolphins, etc... :p

You got something against apes?

I'm an ape and I am feeling pretty much like this is a hostile environment right now...yep, pretty darned hostile.

Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

A Brooklyn principal is generating controversy for her removal of certain traditions at her school.

The New York Post reports that Eujin Kim of PS 169 has put an end to recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance as well as references to Santa Claus, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.

In fact, the latter terms are being broadly referred to as "winter celebrations" and the "harvest festival," respectively.

These new policies were reportedly communicated to staff in a memo that referred to students' diverse families and that "not all children celebrate the same holidays."

PTA officials were also notified of the changes, and the president has said they include a ban on stars which can have a religious association.

Oy. What's next? A ban on breathing?

er.... .your "story" is false....

Backlash Over School Santa 'Ban' a Misunderstanding: Officials

you're welcome

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