Thoughts on Thanksgiving and Christmas

No dummy....calling someone"not American" for having different views makes you a moron. And it makes you unAmerican. I won't say "not American", because I am not a moron.

Then you have no understanding of what it truly means to be an American. Or at least what it meant back when this country was still worth something.
No dummy....calling someone"not American" for having different views makes you a moron. And it makes you unAmerican. I won't say "not American", because I am not a moron.

Then you have no understanding of what it truly means to be an American. Or at least what it meant back when this country was still worth something.
No, it is you who clearly has no understanding . It is very American to tolerate idiots like you, because in America we have freedom of thought and expression. You, on the other hand, would prefer a dictator hip and thought police. You are embarrassing yourself and should probably just shut up for a while.
No, it is you who clearly has no understanding . It is very American to tolerate idiots like you, because in America we have freedom of thought and expression. You, on the other hand, would prefer a dictator hip and thought police. You are embarrassing yourself and should probably just shut up for a while.

My family helped found this country - including hanging a Tory in Essex Connecticut in the 1790s because he refused to give up His allegiance to Britain.

Unfortunately the people living here in this country have proven themselves unworthy of Freedom, Liberty, or the other blessings my Forefsthers bought with their blood.

You’re Right that I’m an Authoritarian. I don’t deny it. You and your ilk have shown me that humanity can’t live properly under any other system.
No, it is you who clearly has no understanding . It is very American to tolerate idiots like you, because in America we have freedom of thought and expression. You, on the other hand, would prefer a dictator hip and thought police. You are embarrassing yourself and should probably just shut up for a while.

My family helped found this country - including hanging a Tory in Essex Connecticut in the 1790s because he refused to give up His allegiance to Britain.

Unfortunately the people living here in this country have proven themselves unworthy of Freedom, Liberty, or the other blessings my Forefsthers bought with their blood.

You’re Right that I’m an Authoritarian. I don’t deny it. You and your ilk have shown me that humanity can’t live properly under any other system.
Who gives a shit what your ancestors did? Nobody.

My ancestors fought against the authoritative tyranny you embrace in order to create this country. That and a quarter buys me a gumball.
My ancestors fought against the authoritative tyranny you embrace in order to create this country. That and a quarter buys me a gumball.

So did mine. Unfortunately over the last 160 years the citizenry of this nation has proven itself unwilling or unable to embrace and live within the morals and values necessary t make such a Society operate properly; thus making a return to Authoritarian Society necessary.
My ancestors fought against the authoritative tyranny you embrace in order to create this country. That and a quarter buys me a gumball.

So did mine. Unfortunately over the last 160 years the citizenry of this nation has proven itself unwilling or unable to embrace and live within the morals and values necessary t make such a Society operate properly; thus making a return to Authoritarian Society necessary.
and thank goodness you live in a country where you're allowed to post that on the internet without somebody locking you up.

I and other free thinkers say, "you're welcome".
and thank goodness you live in a country where you're allowed to post that on the internet without somebody locking you up.

I and other free thinkers say, "you're welcome".

I would prefer not to live in such a nation. I’d prefer one where “free thinkers” like you are dragged out into the street, publicly tortured and then executed for your lack of morals and values.
and thank goodness you live in a country where you're allowed to post that on the internet without somebody locking you up.

I and other free thinkers say, "you're welcome".

I would prefer not to live in such a nation. I’d prefer one where “free thinkers” like you are dragged out into the street, publicly tortured and then executed for your lack of morals and values.
Good for you. You are free to like and believe any moronic, stupid idea that fizzles into your colon. Knock yourself out
Good for you. You are free to like and believe any moronic, stupid idea that fizzles into your colon. Knock yourself out

Just be careful. Free thinkers like yourself have a tendency to wander into places where your opinions aren’t wanted and disappear - never yo be found. That would be a tragedy.
Good for you. You are free to like and believe any moronic, stupid idea that fizzles into your colon. Knock yourself out

Just be careful. Free thinkers like yourself have a tendency to wander into places where your opinions aren’t wanted and disappear - never yo be found. That would be a tragedy.
Yeah, it's a risk I take. I can live with that. Freedom comes at a price. Mindless obedience and abject ignorance are very safe, indeed. Enjoy your comfort.
Yeah, it's a risk I take. I can live with that. Freedom comes at a price. Mindless obedience and abject ignorance are very safe, indeed. Enjoy your comfort.

Again, be careful, several political and social issue proponents have seen my response to people wandering down our (private) street and onto my property. I understand we are now on both political pary’s “No go” lists.

When the only two concepts you believe in are Right and Wrong, which were cast in stone thousands of years ago it makes life much easier.
Again, be careful, several political and social issue proponents have seen my response to people wandering down our (private) street and onto my property.
Yes, I'm all the cane shaking and the rapid acceleration of porch swinging terrified them to the core.

Yes, I'm all the cane shaking and the rapid acceleration of porch swinging terrified them to the core.

Nah. Though the 12ga shotgun and the Dane axe (separately) have worked very well in discouraging visitors over time. See Massachusetts finally got onboard with Castle Doctrine about a decade and a half ago.
Now Trump is angry because he likes to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. The politics of Trump costed Germany last year about 60 billion Dollars and it will cost Germany next year much more money. For example costs steal for German cars, which are produced in the USA, much more money because of the "sanctions" of Trump. Same time the exports of german cars made in the USA to China (German companies are the greatest car exporter of the USA) are much more expensive now. US-Americans think in such cases they are smart. We call such forms of smartness "Milchmädchenrechnung”

The majority of Americans want the wall as well. ...

I heard this US-American Anti-Monroe-doctrine the first time from a man with the name "Donald Trump" in one of his very ugly campaigns to try to become president of the United States. I guess an idiotic US-american adversiting company made it - or a clever secret service from a foreign nation. A wall made from the leading nation of the western world, which broke down "the wall" in decades of senseful and succesful politics, is propagandistically the end of the western world as we know it. Putin was by the way full of commendation for the correct way of Donald Trump to let the US-soldiers leave Syria and Afghanistan. Do you need them in Mexico?

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Now Trump is angry because he likes to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. The politics of Trump costed Germany last year about 60 billion Dollars and it will cost Germany next year much more money. For example costs steal for German cars, which are produced in the USA, much more money because of the "sanctions" of Trump. Same time the exports of german cars made in the USA to China (German companies are the greatest car exporter of the USA) are much more expensive now. US-Americans think in such cases they are smart. We call such forms of smartness "Milchmädchenrechnung”

The majority of Americans want the wall as well. It’s our Socialist Establishment politicians in both parties that refuse to fund it. Some of us want a similar wall along the US-Canada border.

In terms of the tariffs...

"Tariffs " is a very weak expression for threatening and blackmailing everyone who likes to do business with the USA and not to support the totally counterproductive political sanctions of "big brother" USA.

I’m against them. Mostly because I would prefer an Isolationist economic policy that would mean no foreign companies doing business in the US and no American companies doing business outside the US.

To do "business" with the USA is one of the worst mistakes someone is able to do - except not to do business with the USA. In first case you send cannon boats in second case you send cannon boats too. What a luck that the USA prefers to live politically without responsibility for the climate change in its own 19th century. Oh by the way. "19th century". Amazon pays even more worse than companies of the 19th century in Germany. And Amazon destroys hundreds of thousands of jobs here in Europe.

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