Terms 'Christmas' and 'Thanksgiving' banned at school

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims, together with a tribe of indians, for giving thanks to god that they had just wiped out another tribe of Indians, men, women and children. I can see how native Americans would be less than enthusiastic about that.

Christmas is no longer a religious holiday. It is now just a commercialized, ridiculous holiday celebrating consumerism. Halloween started out as a christian event, but it is now so far removed, noone would know it.

Personally, I don't give a rat's ass if anyone celebrates either of them, or not. I don't.
The Spanish had a feast of Thanksgiving with the natives in St. Augustine, FL almost a hundred years before Plymouth Rock :eusa_shhh:

...and, yet, they failed to mention it to any English speaking people's for at least a couple of hundred years, which would suggest that our Thanksgiving holiday did not have any roots in the Spanish holiday.
Not as a Spanish holiday but a literal giving of thanks
“When the first Spanish settlers landed in what is now St. Augustine on September 8, 1565, to build a settlement, their first act was to hold a religious service to thank God for the safe arrival of the Spanish fleet,”
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Religion is part of the American tradition. If you don't like the history of the country, too bad.

That said, Christmas may also be celebrated in a secular manner, as may they all.
Which religion? Many do not celebrate Xmas...and those who do, may celebrate it differently...even on different days.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Religion is part of the American tradition. If you don't like the history of the country, too bad.

That said, Christmas may also be celebrated in a secular manner, as may they all.
Which religion? Many do not celebrate Xmas...and those who do, may celebrate it differently...even on different days.
I don't see 10% as "many". Sorry......
PS 169 Pledge of Allegiance and Holiday Ban Controversy

On 14 December 2015 a New York City DoE representative confirmed to Snopes.com that Kim "in no way disallowed celebration of Thanksgiving," and indicated that the Pledge of Allegiance would again be recited over the loudspeaker with morning announcements (versus individually in classrooms.) The DoE further confirmed that its directive allowed "secular representation of the holiday season, and allows the use of Santa as a holiday symbol with secular dimensions," clarifying some confusion over whether he was considered a religious symbol
Yep....twist the truth to fit a RW "They are persecuting us" meme.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Religion is part of the American tradition. If you don't like the history of the country, too bad.

That said, Christmas may also be celebrated in a secular manner, as may they all.
Which religion? Many do not celebrate Xmas...and those who do, may celebrate it differently...even on different days.
I don't see 10% as "many". Sorry......
Oh....so you have to be of a certain percentage before they stop forcing you to celebrate someone else's holiday? What percentage cut off would that be?
You think ISIS represent all of Islam, I'm sorry for you. Maybe you need to meet some Muslims some time.

It doesn't matter if they represent "all of Islam". They and their fellow Islamist organizations are the current global face of Islam, and their support is growing rapidly within Islam.

They're the face of Islam because the media presents only this. Go to a Muslim country and they're NOT the face of Islam. Your ignorance doesn't dictate what Islam is or is not.

I see. And how do media present Barack Obama? The fact is media screams that the terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

They are the face of Islam because they say they are, and the growth of their popularity among Muslims indicates agreement.
The pity of it is we should be celebrating all traditions. That's how we have learned about our neighbors traditions and they have learned about ours.

I remember one great teacher I had who loved to throw a potluck where every child would bring a dish from their parents or grandparents homeland that they immigrated from. I remember falling in love with Caribbean w/jerk and curries. These days some asshole progressive would be calling for her to be fired.

It's getting out and out stupid.
These days, the asshole progressives won't even permit children to bring homemade goodies of any stripe into school. Only approved, pre-packaged treats are allowed. I cannot imagine what kind of hell would be raised if an international potluck of homemade dishes were to be provided.
The reason for that is lawsuits over food poisoning, allergies, etc. But that doesn't fit your rant, does it?
As long as the federally recognized names of the holidays are "Christmas" and "Thanksgiving", a branch of the government (in this case government schools) should not refuse to call it that, nor seek to penalize employees who do so. Should school employees refuse to call Obama the President?
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Religion is part of the American tradition. If you don't like the history of the country, too bad.

That said, Christmas may also be celebrated in a secular manner, as may they all.
Which religion?

The United States' Judeo-Christian heritage is obvious to even a cursory reading of history, and overwhelmingly predominates. No other religions had significant influence in the founding.
No, I see it more as Not forcing people to participate in things they'd prefer to opt out of if they want to. But you seem to be saying whatever is tried to be accommodating, we can't win and must therefore just give up our traditions and religious holiday practices. Not really fair. Not really gonna happen, I suspect.

I see education as something that should be done by smart people.

I know kids learn better when they're comfortable. Not when they're being bullied. Not when they're made to be singled out.
They aren't being bullied and they are opting out if they want to. Can't change the whole system because some kids or people have different beliefs, and it would be grossly unfair to make them participate. That's the solution, rather than changing everything for the many to completely accommodate the few.

So, let's have Muslim stuff, Jewish stuff, Buddhist stuff etc, then anyone who wants to opt out can opt out.

Can't change the system? Why not just take religion out of schools, it doesn't belong in schools. School is for EDUCATION, not for fairy stories.
Well, you have a point there. Could get a bit time consuming, although I'm sure there are schools in Europe which do just that. I do find it sad to think of losing Christmas and Easter at school even though I'm not religious myself. They were lovely times of the year to be in school.
Anyone remember May Day? Flowers in our hair, long flowing skirts, decorating the MayPole out in the recess area. Fun! But....they decided it was too Pagan, so banned it.
Nope...too tied in with the Labor Movement.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?

Religion is part of the American tradition. If you don't like the history of the country, too bad.

That said, Christmas may also be celebrated in a secular manner, as may they all.
Which religion?

The United States' Judeo-Christian heritage is obvious to even a cursory reading of history, and overwhelmingly predominates. No other religions had significant influence in the founding.
So? There's the 1st Amendment....or have your forgotten?
So, let's have Muslim stuff, Jewish stuff, Buddhist stuff etc, then anyone who wants to opt out can opt out.

Can't change the system? Why not just take religion out of schools, it doesn't belong in schools. School is for EDUCATION, not for fairy stories.

We're talking traditions as well. I think the more we embrace everyone's traditions the more hope we have for a better understanding of each other. Yes our countries are melting pots but one has to learn about each ingredient to properly cook our "dish" of multi cultural families uniting under one roof.

And schools should be the "kitchen". To be tolerant is to be well informed and understanding where other people come from. Traditions should be recognized and celebrated.

So you're in favor of the schools celebrating Ramadan?
Sure, why not? But if Christians, pagans, hindus, etc cannot celebrate, neither can muslims. Give and receive, receive and give. Tolerance goes two ways. However, with that said...I think schools need to keep their noses out of religion, period. ANY religion. But don't ban the words because it IS just words.
No merry xmas in school? No problem. But banning sticky stars and FOOD celebrations? Come on. *eye roll*

Nobody in the history of the world has been banned from saying Merry Christmas. Some businesses prefer their employees use more inclusive phrases,like happy holidays, but they also make them say things like "did you find everything you needed". They are free to say anything they want on their own time.
Lol, way to miss the point, stupid ass.

The struggle is against the cultural changes that corporate owned Media is implementing without the consent of the people WHO are still MAJORITY CHRISTIAN.

Dude, your senility is pretty bad, hate to see what your like when you hit 58.
So you support Tyranny of the Majority. Odd....the Founders didn't.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?
You go to work on Christmas Day without being paid holiday pay?
I did in the Military.
Should school employees refuse to call Obama the President?

I myself would encourage that. I am not a school employee, but I never afford him the title.
You're a foreigner then

Nope. Eighth generation American, born in the birthplace of Uncle Sam. As I have often said, I consider Obama a foreign interloper, wherever he was born, and the Democratic party to be a shill for foreign interests.
Every child in an American school has the right NOT to celebrate traditional American holidays.

However, every American school receiving taxpayer funding should celebrate traditional American holidays, no question. If someone is offended, they can go to chaperoned study in the cafeteria.

Why not just keep religion at home?
You go to work on Christmas Day without being paid holiday pay?
I did in the Military.
Wow, you got paid by the hour in the military? I missed out.
the people who think that the majority should be able to pound on the minority.

When the minority lords over the majority, the majority has every right to pound them until they stop.

Am I Muslim? Do you expect me to give you personal information?

A non-Muslim would have simply denied it. Thank you for your cooperation.

You are not Spock.

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