Terrible news for Moscow´s horde ! Sandu (new Molodova president) advocated the complete withdrawal of "russian" occupation troops


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Terrible news for Moscow´s horde !
Sandu (new Molodova president) advocated the complete withdrawal of "russian" occupation troops ...

as i predicted , a new front against Moscow´s horde ! With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher
pledgetimes.com › World

6 hours ago — Maia Sandu, elected president of Moldova, said that the “soft ... “Lenta.ru”) should include the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from the ...

Sandu advocated the complete withdrawal of Russian troops ...
pledgetimes.com › World

6 hours ago — Maia Sandu, elected president of Moldova, said that the “soft ... “Lenta.ru”) should include the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from the ...
1. The President-elect is not "anti-Russian". As she many times told, she wants to be good to all citizens, not only to Romanians. In some ways she is even more pro-Russian than Dodon.
2. Yes, she could start a war against Russian and Ukrainian peacekeepers in Transnistria, and try to supress Russian-speaking Russians and Ukrainians, Turkish-speaking Gagauzes, Bulgarians and Greeks, but it clearly will be the last action of this tiny state.
" war against Russian and Ukrainian peacekeepers " LOL, you will never be on the same side with Ukraine, bamboo cygan in snow
" war against Russian and Ukrainian peacekeepers " LOL, you will never be on the same side with Ukraine, bamboo cygan in snow
They were on the same side in 1992, and they are on the same side now. Moldavian nationalists don't see any difference between Russians and Ukrainians.

what you did to Ukraine after 1992 ?
And what Russia did to Ukraine before 1992?
You, Brits, don't understand complexity of fratricidal relationships between Eastern Slavic tribes.

Anyway, it is the way of the Borderlands. "Ally with Poles to fight Moscowites and Tatars. Ally with Moscowites to fight Poles and Turks. Ally with Turks to fight Moscowites and Poles. Ally with Moscowites and Poles to fight Romanians and Bulgarians. It's the only way to survive".
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on March 27, 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "Territorial integrity of Ukraine". The non-binding resolution, which was supported by 100 United Nations member states, affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.

The resolution was introduced by Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.[1] The adoption of the resolution was preceded by the unsuccessful attempts of the United Nations Security Council, which convened seven sessions to address the Crimean crisis, only to face a Russian veto[2] of draft resolution S/2014/189,[3] sponsored by 42 countries."

don't you know how Ukraine hate you guys ? do you expect that Azov guys will fight side by side with you putinoid one day ? LOL )))

Ha! The Ukrainian nationalists also hate Poles, Jews, Romanians, Tatars, Bulgarians and so on... And yes, how exactly they "hate" Russians? It is important to be numerical. For example, at the recent Mayor elections in Odessa, "pro-Russian" candidate Nicolay Skorik with an unofficial motto "Russian Mayor - Russian world" got (at least) 42% of votes.
And anyway, near third part of "Transnistria's Militia" are ethnic Ukrainians, many of them are citizens of Ukraine. Ukraine won't just leave them.
troll , stay on topic, whats about your occupation of Moldova ? do you barbarians understand that you will be kicked off Moldova soon ? just yes or no ?
troll , stay on topic, whats about your occupation of Moldova ? do you barbarians understand that you will be kicked off Moldova soon ? just yes or no ?
We, Americans, don't occupy Moldova at all. And yes, with Biden as the president we can lose Romania, too.
you are cigan, or troll from savushkino 55. do you agree that Moscow is occupying 1/3 of Moldova ?
you are cigan, or troll from savushkino 55. do you agree that Moscow is occupying 1/3 of Moldova ?
No. There were ethnic conflicts between ethnic Moldavians (supported by Romania) from one side, and Russian, Ukrainians and Gagausians from another one. Self-proclaimed Transnistrian Republic is supported by both Russia and Ukraine (and, slightly, by Turkey and Poland, too).
once again we all hate you , we all are against you, do you know that your occupants - thugs in Moldova are in isolation from both sides ?

Russian Soldiers Occupy This European Country, and ...
www.newsweek.com › ... › United Nations › Transnistria

Jun 23, 2018 — They started an armed struggle for independence from Moldova that lasted ... would be under siege if they were to integrate fully with Moldova.

Moldova's president criticizes UN resolution on Russian ... - Tass
tass.com › world

Jul 14, 2018 — The resolution on withdrawal of the Russian military mission from ... the Russian peacekeepers have actually found themselves in a siege after ...
once again we all hate you , we all are against you, do you know that your occupants - thugs in Moldova are in isolation from both sides ?

Russian Soldiers Occupy This European Country, and ...
www.newsweek.com › ... › United Nations › Transnistria

Jun 23, 2018 — They started an armed struggle for independence from Moldova that lasted ... would be under siege if they were to integrate fully with Moldova.

Moldova's president criticizes UN resolution on Russian ... - Tass
tass.com › world

Jul 14, 2018 — The resolution on withdrawal of the Russian military mission from ... the Russian peacekeepers have actually found themselves in a siege after ...
Who are "you"? British nationalists? It's you right to hate the USA, but it change nothing in our "special relationships "...
And yes, most of Moldavians and/or Ukrainians love Mother Russia or, at least, Russian money.

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